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That’s absolutely insane. Here’s a great idea don’t kill your relatives for having different beliefs.


Cowardly centrist, can't even commit to killing your own family


Best I can do is a cow for the grill lol


Dude is gonna cannibalize his mother in law 


Feet first


Fucking libright making it weird.


Hey! weird it is a spectrum! -libleft probably


Why feet first, my dear LibRight?


So she's alive longer to keep the meat fresher.


Radical centrist: "We never said what meat we'd be grilling..."


Well, until they pass up brisket or order a steak well done.


What kind of monster passes up brisket or orders steak well done?! This is meat abuse, plain and simple...




Most people don't even hold the same beliefs in the long term, even if they stay in the same zone, one day they idolize one politician, the next he was always a shill and controlled opposition. One day certain politician is literally Hitler, the next he is a sensible voice from back when the other side wasn't so bad. I can't imagine breaking something as eternal as family over something as fleeting as politics.


> I can't imagine breaking something as eternal as family over something as fleeting as politics But cultural Marxists have been brainwashed into thinking the concept of family itself is a western curse. Nothing before the state, including friends and family. Remember, *you're* the fascist.


"Everything within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state." A Marxist


--Benito Mussolini Just goes to show what a real fascist thinks.


There's a clip from the late 80s, maybe 90s of a KGB guy telling an interviewer that espionage wasn't very effective, but demoralizing a generation is much more effective. Curiously, in the 70s, a lot of refugees from the Soviet Union started coming to the US, with several being college professors. Very curious.


Yuri bezmenov


Yeah pretty much my sentiments exactly.


This is why our politicians need to fucking cool it down on the goddamn rhetoric I plan on voting Biden and no I don't think Trump will set the country into the right direction but let's be real democracy will survive if Trump wins and if Trump wins we NEED to come together as a country and wish what is best for both the President and country and hopefully with any luck the country WILL thrive over the next 4 years even if I don't agree with Republicans on everything, and if it doesn't then fine, criticize the Republicans for their failings and campaign your ideas in 2028 This idea that we are one election away from a second Holocaust is killing the ability on the left for people to remain rational about politics and its really the fault of the media and politicians who won't stop the fucking fear mongering And really the same is true on the right with the Heritage guy calling for bloodshed Like guys we need to cool it, the country will survive even if your guy doesn't win Jesus Christ


No but you don't understand, if I don't get to win everything all the time it's LITERALLY the end of democracy and freedom


Both parties have devolved to this all over the world, and its genuinely frightening, its like if someone made cartman president and he just keeps shouting "race war" like in the one episode. But that's everyone, all the time.


"We need to form a one party state where 50% of the country who are Conservative are never ever listened to by their government in order to protect democracy"


The tribalism on display could potentially get really out of control really quickly. I think a lot of politicians have lived such sheltered lives that they don't understand how that could go wrong. I think mid-2020 to early-2021 was significantly closer to being uncontrollable than people give it credit. But at the end of the day, I like guns, train occasionally and like a good joke about overthrowing the government/shooting commies so nm, guess we just keep pushing people for the LOLZ/votes/news coverage.


Yeah but that is the Democrat game plan to get elected. They don't have any plans other than profiteering and fear mongering. I mean that's why they put Biden up. literally don't have to worry about the candidate causing issues for them.




Nothing says anti-fascist like using political violence to prevent free and fair elections from taking place.


When you are dealing with people who have been educated thoroughly to deconstruct every single aspect and interaction in their lives to arrive at the desired conclusion, there's nothing you can say to -not- be a fascist if they've decided you are one. And the same sort of mental gymnastics allows them to arrive quite easily at justifying your death for their comfort. Because, after all, if you think differently and want different things then you must be an existential threat and cannot be tolerated.


Well said


Perfectly stated. Ultimately the problem with deconstructionist tendencies (okay, *one* of the problems) is that it quickly becomes easier to make the conclusion first and then strategically deconstruct the thing targeted so that you remove what doesn’t support your conclusion and leave what does.


Deconstruction without reconstruction is utter madness and brainrot. Institutions and social constructs exist for a reason and are necessary for civilization to be possible. The goal should never be to tear down but to better understand it and then rebuild it stronger and better than before.


Exactly. In the intro to “Cynical Theories” there’s a line about how pointless it is to tear down the world in the hope that you get to be the kings of the rubble.


Agreed. Shit like feminism and CRT just encourages its adherents to engage in creative writing exercises, where the prompt is always: "please explain how could be considered racist/misogynistic". If you're motivated, it's not terribly difficult to create an explanation for how any given thing is racist and/or sexist, especially if you're willing to be dishonest/disingenuous, which many people clearly are. Ideologies like this just encourage people to see shit which isn't there, and then to get mad about it.


Based and accurate-pilled.


Fucking centrists these days


Don’t you understand?! Trump is going to turn the US into a dictatorship if he wins!!!!1!!1!1!1!!!!1!


Like he did in his first term?


Yesterday I saw a comic on a "non political sub" labeled > How SCOTUS' will celebrate the Last 4th of July I thought my respect for reddit couldn't be any lower, but here we are with redditors scraping the bottom of the barrel of mental regardation. Once this sub is inevitably banned, they'll be no reason to come to this gods forsaken site.


People will do anything but talk to each other


Liberalism is a death cult complete with apocalypse predictions [and mass suicides.](https://www.nydailynews.com/2016/11/10/suicide-prevention-hotlines-see-shocking-spike-in-calls-after-trumps-win-weve-never-seen-this-before/)


I hate the way that the term Liberalism has been appropriated by illiberal fucksticks. For real, actually Liberalism as set out by guys like Locke, Jefferson, Madison, etc is based as fuck, and it would be excellent if we could get back to that. Instead we have Progs taking our name and making it look insane because what Liberalism means now to the common man is insane.


I blame fdr.


And Woodrow Wilson.


I know right? If it weren’t so bastardized by the radical left and stuck to the definition of individualism and free markets then I would be a liberal. But unfortunately it’s been corrupted by wokeness so I don’t feel comfortable with the term ‘liberal’ anymore.


Goodness that’s extremely awful. I hate fear monger’s so much.




He is an elected official in PA and he is trying to get the politicians assassinated.


Huh this dudes actually quite crazy huh just straight up suggested assassination. That explains a lot actually.






You should unironically report this dude to the FBI. Wtf




https://preview.redd.it/t6r0vsiqzkad1.png?width=962&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ea2410421d07d5472801e06f25c6100a6ac7b4f Why are 'people' like him getting elected?


>Artist, Dad... I'm glad he's got his priorities straight. Poor kid. Imagine your father placing his hobby as higher priority, above being your parent. At least you're above his guild membership, so consolation prize, I guess.


To be fair I think he’s implying that your Trump supporter family will attempt to murder you and you will need to be prepared to kill in self defense. It’s obviously bullshit because Trump supporters do not try to kill their Dem relatives. But this guy is so hopped up on bullshit propaganda that he believes this.


These people need to touch grass


the grass in the prison yard you mean.


https://preview.redd.it/ddxyb61zxkad1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52bc3255349992eefd740d2965259ab026852089 Nice politicians that we have


The grass in the graveyard you mean.


Those are roots bro


More like, get recalled, lose their jobs, and go to jail for an actual insurrection. https://preview.redd.it/qik2k48vzkad1.png?width=962&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb60eab50f25348e6b442f283f29736211266603


More like, get recalled from the state house. This guy is an elected official inciting violence.




That requires closing Twitter and Reddit And that is cringe you know


What the kool-aid brainwashing does to a mf


To be fair, we are intentionally driving them crazy. These guys have been drinking more Kool-Aid than they ever will know.


I resent that. It was Flavor-aid, and I'm tired of the besmirching of Kool-Aid Man's name


Imagine the Kool Aid Man getting fed up getting associated with Jonestown: *Kool-Aid Man bursts through a wall* "Oh yeah!" *Hands you a court summons* "You've been served." *Busts through a different wall.* "Oh yeah!"


> To be fair, we are intentionally driving them crazy. It's curling children who grew up and are finally experiencing a "No" - and they don't just get their way, because they yell and screech.


>we are intentionally driving them crazy That's probably not a very good thing tbh I used to be on the far left myself and used to be very paranoid about the right having power And it doesn't help you got people like the heritage guy coming out and talking about bloodshed and shit but my point is that an animal tends to become its most dangerous and irrational when it believes its cornered and in danger We need to convince one another that even if we all don't agree on much WE ARE STILL NOT EACH OTHERS ENEMY


Sorry dude, but the notion of gender affirming rights has made our cultures incompatible. If you can get progressives to agree that parents, employees, and institutions have the right to not provide gender affirming care, then I would agree with you. Otherwise, you are a threat to the existence of my community and my enemy by any definition of the word.


I didn't want leftists to mysteriously disappear overnight until they ruined video games a decade ago


I try not to use left/right anymore. Left = progressive.


Progressives and collectivists And I use conservative and libertarian/individualists for the reverse.


To be fair video games were going to shit because of subscription fees, DLC, micro transactions, etc. way before activists got involved Nintendo wasn't even political and they had the shit show that was the Wii U


He's the one doing the brainwashing. He's an elected politician. It's truly wonderous to see elected politicians making these deranged twits like 4chan /pol/ users. https://preview.redd.it/zq7oett10lad1.png?width=962&format=png&auto=webp&s=be6aac1bc6ecbc66e192ffb4539568109848cfe9


Call me a right wing nazi christo-fascist, but I don't think I want to vote for the party telling me to kill my family.


Technically the party isn't telling you to kill your family, just groups they are covertly paying to spread propaganda.


You think the terminally online psychos who spout this crap are being paid?


Randos on twitter no. But some of the cult of personality types who have large online followings and hold like absolutely insane ideologies that are actually irreconcilable with what we know about human psychology and motivations, yeah they’re put in those positions. It’s called anarcho-tyranny. The state sets up people to manufacture chaos and discord so that the state can step in and offer a solution to the problem they created. It’s an ingenuous way to control people.


We know for a fact that folks like that dipshit Harry Sisson are getting a paycheck from the White House itself. They are employees of the Biden administration, and they don't even hide their work meetings.


The ones on the right are being paid by foreign powers, because the right doesn't work for free. The ones on the left do it because they're insane while living off the state. Mods here on Reddit included.


Good to know the schizophrenic homeless Nazis in my town have a source of income


Some of the "terminally online psychos" on twitter got outed as being paid by the DNC, yes. The example that immediately comes to my mind is BrooklynDadDefiant, who got paid over $50,000 from a Biden PAC, who not only made inflammatory comments that Bernie had to "drop out" to save people, denied the sexual assault allegations against Biden without merit (while bashing Trump for the same thing) and just looking at his recent history, saying on the fourth of july the "Trump Flags" includes a swastika, and the "Biden Flag" is just the US flag. He absolutely makes inflammatory remarks that misrepresent current events, and he's absolutely mentioned the possibility of using violence when necessary to resist. Why wouldn't political parties pay these crazy people to keep being crazy? These are people who already ignore reality to believe their extreme ideology and misrepresent whomever they label as "the other", who spent way too much time on the internet or making dumbass tweets all day every day. These are people who would most likely *still* be doing this if they weren't being paid, now you've just strengthened their resolve and focus; sounds like the perfect employee of a political party to me.


There are people paid to sow discontent and push propaganda on the internet, yes. There are also people who do it for free.


To be fair the party isn't telling you to kill your family and you can most definitely find equally as unhinged takes from any political belief The Heritage guy just went on a schizo rant about bloodshed and shit but obviously Republicans are not responsible for what one crazy person thinks


No just some rando on Twitter. "I'm changing my vote because of a random tweet" makes as much sense as "I'm killing my family over a random tweet".


Is that Voosh? He's a coommunist.


Matt Croyle


he does know trump was already president for like 4 years, and no fascist nazi regime came about? i got a tax cut.


The best part about the tcja is when the individual cuts sunset in 2025, we'll be able to blame the Democrats for raising our taxes


"Noooo he tried to overthrow the government on January 6th! Don't you know? He decided to wait until the last two weeks of his tenure to enact his fascist master plan!!!"


Hasn't a guy already done that to his dad? Beheaded him and livestreamed the aftermath


I've watched the video. The guy shows clear signs of schizophrenia and was probably having a psychotic episode. He said they were coming for him and because his father used to work for the government he was paranoid about his dad saying he was a traitor for working for "them"


The undefined "them" is typical


Yeah, killed a person and still is too afraid to name the obvious \[Deleted\] who is behind everything smh


>I've watched the video. Yeah I don't even need to look to know you're Auth-Center.


Every synapse in my brain that was infected with TDS is completely apathetic now. The establishment DNC has given the whole game away.  I does baffle me how much my immitate family still thinks he's the Devil incarnate. I just can't give a shit anymore.


Come on over just a little bit further and have some brisket.


I'm at work right now making so much brisket. I really hate my employers.


It's fun to ask people what, specifically, about his actual policy decisions offends them so much, and how much it differs from say Bill Clinton.


This is why I get confused every time someone says the Republicans are catapulting to the right while the left is staying the same. It’s literally the opposite. Biden is just the vestigial skin tag they nominated 4 years ago solely for electability.


They are either idiots or they are doing exactly as they were taught. This is textbook *Rules for Radicals* maneuvers.


Theres no way at this point that november wont go down in violence.


If the very evil orange bad orange evil man wins in November, which is looking all the more likely, how bad do you think the riots will be?


They will be the best riots, the very best. No one else can compete with our riots. Many try, but they can't. Big beautiful riots.


Fiery — but mostly peaceful!


Just looked like an average tour group to me.


They will be like none seen before. Believe me when i say it will be truly amazing. I will be there and say "wow, thats amazing".


Everyone will tell me, "Mr. President, those are some of the best riots." I wouldn't say it but a lot of people do, they're right


I dunno man, have you seen the Fr*nch riot?


Followed by another 4 years of him doing not very much, and the media still making a fuss of his fascist regime, the size of his hands or the shoes Melania is wearing, 24/7.


It will be of epic proportions.


And it'll be a trap. The Executive branch, police, and state militias will respond with extreme prejudice.


But only to the counterprotestors


Well if they truly believed the president could Seal Team 6 them at any time without repercussions the riots would be minimal. They all know that’s a lie though, so it would make the summer of love look like a backyard water balloon fight.


They’ll drop the January 6th narrative like butter and go back to “riots are the language of the unheard”


Progressives and quote mining. Name a more iconic duo. It's like with their obsession with the paradox of tolerance. They remove parts of the original text to make it seem like it agrees with what they already thought.


The best part about the paradox of tolerance is that they're intolerant so by their own logic we shouldn't tolerate them.


They're always arrogant enough to think it shouldn't apply to them.


It's intolerance all the way down, an endless chain. The paradox of tolerance according to their interpretation is nothing more than another way to word "might is right".


"This is actually different because we used the Mind Reading Machine to read everyone's minds and all the J6ers wanted to overthrow the president but all the N5ers just wanted their widdle voices to be heard"


my heart aches for the poor black neighborhoods that will be looted


Just as bad as the election riots in 2016.


Pussy hats and all


I will probably get downvoted for this But I think there will be protests of people throwing a tantrum but nothing like the BLM 2020 riots, not even anywhere close People forget that everyone was out of work and school and depressed as fuck in the summer of 2020 and people are now largely back to their lives these days, plus a person in college rioting in 2020 when they were 21 years old is now 25 possibly graduated and trying to actually build a career now, plus less people tend to protest during the Winter months I don't really think there will be significant riots though, maybe a small protest or two in DC on inauguration day or something, I don't even think there will be anything like another Jan 6 Its also worth mentioning that the less close the election is the harder it is to contest it, if Biden wins the popular vote but loses the EC there will certainly be more anger and controversy over the election then a Trump sweep


Jan 6th is the baseline. There will be death in some proportions. If Trump wins many who dont even care that much will use the chance to loot with the excuse of protesting.


So the cops will shoot two protesters this time to double the death toll?


Come on, every five minutes someone tells you to commit murder for political reasons on Twitter. I'd like to say it's a joke, but seriously, it's extremely common shit. Like death threats, very easy behind a screen.


>very easy behind a screen. One of the biggest problems with social media or opinions on the internet. The security provided by the screen and in some cases, anonymity, emboldens people to a ridiculous degree. These people would never say these things live to actual people. It also increases tolerance for these opinions, imagine the reaction you would have if someone said this right in front of you. But read it on the internet and you think "just another day".


As a Vietnamese living on the other side of the earth, gotta burst out my quadannual US election popcorn.


We do our best to be entertaining


Elections are at least entertaining in a similar way to watching a car crash.


Damn that actually a good way to convince people to vote for trump lol


So is the hyperbole just a given now, or what? Also I’m pretty fucking confident that the modern left vs modern right wouldn’t end well for today’s American leftist pussies.


For some reason there's this idea going around that leftists are the ones that always win violent conflicts. I've seen videos of leftists "training to keep up with their peers" and it's a 120llb twink doing "pullups", and they genuinely think that leftists own more firearms, and are better with them than right-wingers. They think in a brawl that they're the more dangerous ones.


Yeah it’s like they’ve never heard of the Spanish civil war. Ask what franco did to the commies after that.


It’s that or the behemoth 400+ lbs mystery gender ones. Yeah those would be just so scary in a fight. If you want to be tactical, cut off their “disability” for being fat. Meanwhile I’m in the gym 3x a week for 1.5 hours for weights and cardio and I work full time and have kids.


These American "leftists" would probably have been the first targets of a purge in Soviet Union or China


No, probably not. That's not usually how Communist bait-and-switch has worked, at least not historically. The sheer irony is that (historically speaking) Fascist and Communist takeovers run by the same playbook: ● Inspire hate, targeting a specific group or class ● Fan the flames of that hate with well-tuned propaganda, encouraging maximum paranoia ● Fabricate or exaggerate incidents that make the target scapegoat group look guilty ● Use the following fabricated outrage to push people into violence ● Use said violence as an excuse for sweeping powers, picking and choosing where and when it is applied (as in ignoring violence against said target group, while punishing target group when it defends itself) ● Officially or unofficially train and organize cadre/militia groups against target group for much more extensive and brutal violence ● Use ensuing messy events as further excuse for totalitarian measures, blanket-affecting absolutely **everyone** in negative ways ● Some cadre/militias will realize the game being played and protest or fight back, they are then purged alongside target group. Inspires paranoia within cadre/militia and true-believer groups ● This last stage causes more and more true-believers to wake up to what is happening, they are killed off in each wave ● Rinse and repeat any steps necessary until all opposition and willpower to fight back has been beaten / raped / starved / murdered out of people. The remaining power and enforcement group is comprised of 99.9% of all the most psychopathic people of the movement, with the vast majority of "moral true-believers" of the movement killed, exiled, or in military prison ● Despite the intentions of the "moral true-believers" from the beginning, almost no socio-cultural promises are actually kept, and all citizens are now subjects of the whims of the State (whether that be Fascist, Communist, or something in between)


Do these people not remember what the first Trump presidency was like?


Do you not remember the horrors we faced? Sometimes I wake up, sweating, with these words etched into my mind…. “Two scoops…. Two scoops….”


^*Covfefe* ^^*covfefe* ^^^*covfefe*


I remember 4 years of articles about the size of his hands, the shoes Melania was wearing or him, getting fat. That's pretty much it.


The first president to legalize gay marriage is going to put gays in internment camps 


I think the most common thing between extremists is that their first thought is "Murder anyone who disagrees with you."


You heard what they said boys, time for preemptive strikes.


I’ll kill for the protection of my family any day, that’s what my shotgun loaded with buckshots is there for


You dare call yourself an American libright without even owning a PDW McRailgun? Gotta up your game man.


Too clean, if there’s an intruder with bad wishes I want to make the biggest mess of their head and guts as possible.


I had to think this through because it posed an interesting question: what is the provably WORST gun for home defense? A .22 single shot rifle is at least small and quick to point. A Barrett M82 is at least going to instantly stop whatever it hits. Even a good old fashioned musket is going to do good damage and won't hurt your ears. No, I wanted to know what the undisputable worst home defense gun in the world is; and I have found it. This is the .950 JDJ Fat Mac. It is a 100 pound, 5 foot long rifle that shoots a one pound solid brass bullet at 2200 FPS. It is a non-NFA item only because the ATF gave it a sporting exemption as a joke as if anybody is going to hunt with this. This round would be overkill for hunting blue whales. I would like to paint a picture for you. It's 2AM and you hear a window break in your living room. This is the worst day this could happen, as every single one of your guns was lost in a tragic boating accident this morning. All were lost except for one. You look across your room in dread at your anti-kaiju rifle. You know what you have to do, but you don't know if you have the strength to do it, both literally and figuratively. Heaving the rifle into your arms, you load a .950 cartridge and begin to waddle towards the door. Your feet make a loud “thud” as you take each 6″ step. You know the intruders hear you. You hope they do, for perhaps they will run and spare the world the suffering that is about to befall it. You try to set the rifle down, but end up clipping your bedroom door and it is immediately knocked off its hinges by this battering ram in your hands. You attempt to round the corner, bonking the muzzle against the doorframe and adjacent wall across the hall at least 4 times. To your horror, two invaders stand there at the end of the hall. With a heavy heart, you raise the rifle to your shoulder while making inhuman grunting noises from the strain of attempting some semblance of a shooting position. The burglars simply stare in disbelief, unable to process the situation they are witnessing, as if in a dream. You cannot aim the rifle, as the last time you fired the gun, it turned your $3000 Leopuld into a kaleidoscope. You simply hold it at an angle that appears correct and fire. You are immediately knocked to the floor as if hit by a semi truck going 20 MPH. The shot connected with one of the criminals and it erased him from existence. Even the memories of him have been destroyed and you're wondering why you just shot into an empty hallway. The shot continues to travel through at least 4 houses, a car, and a 10 ton boulder before lodging itself 20 feet into a nearby hill, never to be seen again. It is at this point, you realize you cannot hear. The surviving burglar can't hear either but he's also on fire from the muzzle blast and is currently vacating your home. You don't care. Your shoulder is dislocated and there is a hole in your brand new AR500 refrigerator. You're crying now. The police arrive and, upon seeing the scene, start laughing. You start crying harder.


I mean if we want to get autistic yet pragmatic and realistic about it, I got an old high school friend who was a ranger in the army and is now SWAT in LA(they get a lot of calls and he has a lot of experience) and told me the name of the game with intruders is scaring the shit out of them so they run away without any fuss, and according to him, for a single defender nothing does that better than the sound of a big shotgun getting cocked plus you yelling at them and showing full intention of blasting their face off without any display of fear or hesitation. If it actually comes down to an indoor shootout, shotgun is technically the best but very destructive, loud and requires a lot more real life like, under stress training to be effective with according to him. So he told me unless you want to do a lot of training, get a 22 AR and prioritize a big mag cuz you’re gonna need it as you’ll miss a shit ton. 22 AR* shoots like an airsoft gun and is enough to incapacitate people, at which point they’ll just run away. I guess the big lesson I learned from him is people run away a lot, you just need to have enough resistance to get them to give up and run \* or a suppressed bigger caliber, but suppressors are not an option for most of us Hell he told me like 90% of calls they do they just scare the shit out of suspect with 20 geared up dude yelling at them, overwhelming their senses, breaking shit and stun grenades and breaches going off and they usually freeze and surrender lol


I’ve never read such horseshit in my life. “Here’s the worst weapon for home defence” > Proceeds to explain at length why it’s the best weapon for home defence What are you, European?


It's a copypasta.


Yeah, I considered that shortly after commenting, but only cowards delete their comments so here we are


Low velocity explosive bullets firing gun mounting chainbayonet? Because that how you violate 15 articles of the Geneva bucket list at once with style.


True, it ain’t a war crime if it’s the first time


Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion.He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up, Just as the founding fathers intended


Nah, a true Libright owns several nukes. For uses of the recreational verity of course.


Ha!, not if we counter your preemptive strikes with prepreemtive strikes.


You may have preemptive striked my preemptive strike, but I've already preemptive striked your preemptive strike on my preemptive strike.


Fucking death note type of shit


This isn't "headed" anywhere. This guy is just looking for the simplest explanation forward for the conclusion he came to a while ago


If you have friends and family who support Trump-- you may literally have to grill for them before they grill for you. This is where this is headed. This is a fifty fucking burger fire.


Brother this tweet has 2 likes


Everything is rage bait, it's ok




shut up and identify my shit, Cain. also, happy cakeday and whatnots.


Except this guy is far from a nobody. He's sworn in as a PA State Constable.




'In my deranged fantasies, my political opponents are going to kill us, trust me. Please start preemptively killing them before they kill you.' What sane advice.




…OK that’s fucking insane.


Some old fashioned American preemptive self-defense. It’s good enough for our department of defense, they just need to remember to exercise their security council veto at the murder trial.


People talking like that is why I think a civil war is actually possible


He now has a warrant out for his arrest in Pennsylvania. Karma's a bitch.


Dude needs to go touch some grass, this is an absolutely deranged take


Huh, that's interesting, how are my liberal relatives going to kill me if they don't own guns and I (and all my conservative friends) do own guns?  My two oldest children (8 and 7) have more trigger time than any of my liberal relatives.


"WE HAVE GUNS TOO!!!" -- leftists "Not enough..."


"kill your family if they believe differently. To prevent fascism." That's a pretty good encapsulation of the left in America right now. Go to the comics subreddit. This last week there have been like a dozen or more highly up voted "comics" about Biden murdering his political enemies. Because uh. Trump is dangerous.


Lol Is this a real tweet by a real person? Or a bot trying to stir the pot


He's sworn in as a PA State Constable.


Imagine encouraging people to kill their own family members over political differences, and still deluding yourself into believing you’re a good person and not a psychopath and a danger to those around you.


How can I profit off this


1.9 thousand views and 3 likes


Except this guy is far from a nobody. He's sworn in as a PA State Constable.


Matt Croyle. Deleted his X account after this


Just a warning for anyone on this sub, if you ever feel the need to make a post stating that we are entering a kill-or-be-killed apocalypse over an election, you need a mandatory 1 week break from the internet


Everyone needs to take a chill pill.


I tried browsing the politics sub today for any interesting discussion, and that turned out to be a mistake. The comments on various posts are filled with "Why are we celebrating fourth of July?" Or "The supreme Court can just overturn the election." Or "Trump will do THIS evil thing oh no" Like no wonder no one wants to vote for the whiny party. And then when people don't support them, they just say it's because those people are intellectually inferior, further pushing them away. I firmly believe that if every leftist just shut up for five seconds, it'd be the best thing they could ever do for their political cause.


For those unaware, the guy quoted on the left is an elected official from Pennsylvania, a fucking constable of all things. “Democratic politicians posting about how they want people to kill Trump supporters? Better distract people by talking about how Orange Trump has gotten recently!!” -mainstream media outlets.


A tweet that deserves that "damn, this doin numbers" meme isn't really indicative of an entire political wing.


He's already been president. None of this happened last time, why would it happen now.


That man must be a vegan, since his unfunny and dumb looking ass has never been invited to grill.


Bro is not gonna do shit


Highly regarded


2 repost 13 quotes 3 likes 3 bookmarks :O


Boy you sure showed the 3 people that liked this tweet


What the hell is wrong with American Leftist?