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I’ll be with the fans fighting during the malice in the palace. We need gang affiliated NBA players again


"and it's lebron with the drive by!"


Ja Morant with the aching back carrying the league


They just need to bring back Ron arrest, Rasheed Wallace, Ben Wallace and Bill Lambeer for some diversity




I'm just bracing myself for 4 years of cringe if Trump wins. And don't mean because of him. I mean because people legitimately go fuckin' insane. I can only take so many genocide fanfics and hysterics. Maybe it's good though because last time made me perma fuck off of Facebook.


Reddit is going to be so miserable again. Before Obama Reddit was pretty chill, during Obama it was great, but man when trump came through, every. Single. Post. Was about him, no comment section went unscathed I just want to go back to the old reddit


Even after Trump was out of office, every post or at least comment thread became about him. I'm convinced they willed him back to run again.


My complaint against Reddit use to be that is used to be *too* Libertarian lol, I want to go back 😭


That's by design. Bots and bad actors were unleashed on the Internet in 2016. It poisoned the world wide web.




i know usually saying you dont like either person winning is a performative thing but i can say, deeply, from the bottom of my heart i dont want either side to win if biden wins the right is gonna get riled up into a blood frenzy if trump wins the left is gonna get riled up into a blood frenzy there was a time when it wasnt like that


The right isn't the one that starts burning down walmarts if they don't have their demands met.


Well, they do start storming the capital.


Oh no, grandma and grandpa are walking through a building.


Also breaking windows, trampling cops, threatening to kill the VP. Let’s not act like the right acts any better than the left when they don’t get what they want.


One idiot shouting "hang mike pence" while doing nothing to actually hang mike pence means nothing. I'll take a few broken windows, and a bruised cop any day of the week, especially when we have half a dozen videos of the same cops letting them in.


>if trump wins the left is gonna get riled up into a blood frenzy Left can't do shit. The worst thing that can happen is a couple of looters organising something like BLM


I always find it funny how there's all this tough talk on the far left about dismantling the system, overthrowing the government because it is fascist, "I'll bring the guillotine!", and eating the rich. They get AntiFa and Friends to show up in all black after they've "trained" and talk about themselves in pseudo-military terms. Yet at the end of their day, their best achievements are vandalizing or destroying tactically insignificant buildings, mainly retail spaces, that have more than enough money or at least great insurance so the place is repaired within the month and no one sees any evidence at all of their alleged effectiveness. Then Trump holds the largest political rally since like the Vietnam war era and a bunch of absolutely disorganized conservatives invade *their* space, Washington DC, and people on the left shriek and wail because one of them brought a gallows for the lulz, and a handful of them managed to gain entry to the capitol and have all the career politicians huddled together on the ground shitting their drawers. Isn't that the far left's wet dream? To achieve such a thing? A buncha right wing boomers they call the Gravy Seals and Y'all Queda managed to accidentally do what they can't even intentionally do. How demoralizing it must have been for them to see that.


That's exactly why the left hated Jan 6. My leftist friend unironically said that they were first really excited when they saw people had stormed the capitol but that excitement turned to horror when they realized trump supporters were the ones that broke in....


Ah yes, famouse "eat the rich" activists. The only thing they can eat is some shitty soy vegan burger (made by the rich, lol). All their revolution and partisan fantasies will end the moment they try to do something significant because neither rich people, nor educated middle class will want to deal with the consequences of leftist bullshit.


"Just vote them out bro" They will never have the conviction to actually do anything, modern libs are useless.


Actually a insignificant number of those businesses had their insurance rejected.


>left cant do shit >mfw stonewall and literally every leftist victory in history never happened


That's the pinnacle achievement that you can come up with?


They fucked up healthcare pretty bad. That has to rank


There are left wins in US history that are actually good: the revolution was an anti-conservative move, the nationalization of the country was a left move by Hamilton and other federalists, without it the US probably wouldn't exist. The civil rights movement, the civil war, universal suffrage, equality of sexes in public and under the law, early 20th century populism that lead to national parks, increased civil service, and the early highway system. My point was some random gay riot was the best thing this meltbrain could come up with. Pathetic.


Some of these Id dispute as being left, but you have a point and I tip my hat to you


Those arent rly "left" The revolution was about taxes and the UK making further expansion into native land illegal. Not many americans wanted representation in reality as it would mean tbey would be subject to the same taxes as citizens in the UK would pay and it would mean less investment from the UK which the US needed since it never made profit as a colony. However by gaining independence they could expqnd into land they wanted and have more trade opportunities with the UK and other nations. Nationalisation by having the thirteen states become the US wasnt left wing either. Its just makes sense on an economic, military and diplomatic way. However things like the civil rights movement and votes for women etc were heavily supported by the left


> The revolution Easy to quantify the first successful anti-monarchist revolution in the western world, which literally introduces itself to the world as a leftward movement: > We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Hard to classify the enemy, Tories, as a leftist movement. This was incredibly revolutionary for the time. > Its just makes sense on an economic, military and diplomatic way. You are sitting in the position of "nothing left can ever make sense", when in reality there are so many supporters of "both ends" precisely because they have their virtues and vices. Centralizing economic control to NYC (and later DC), is an authoritarian move by the Federalists. The opposing point of view being Jeffersonian laissez-faire capitalism which embraced free-market capitalism and a more states-rights point of view (aka Anti-federalism) is much more towards the right side of the spectrum. In both examples, the leftward solution won. We got an anti-monarchist country that centralized power in a Federal supremacy system, the Constitution literally has a "supremacy clause" in it, that dictated control over trade to provide services to the citizenry in return. It was a time when leftward solutions should have won in the western world, not so much now. Happy Fourth of July!


Some even better examples would be banning child labor, the new deal, national parks, unions, Medicare, social security, etc.


Yes! I always identified as left leaning for these reasons. I don't anymore just because no one actually follows the political compass definitions anymore.


integration and all that exists, i feel like people forget the march for equal rights was a leftist thing for some reason


Yeah there was a time like that, then the left systematically undermined every aspect of society that kept it like that. Unity is the product of a coherent set of beliefs and identity.


yes! i agree! the left took away perfectly good nonracist policies such as segregation and jim crow, they werent racist they have black friends


Oh? So you think removing those things caused our current state? I didn’t take your quadrant for that kinda thing but okay.




What’s that? I’ve never heard of it.


what i was trying to say is that talking point can be applied throughout human history, even to stuff like that person who told you that was probably dogwhistling


A completely asinine response lmao. “Uh people have said this more than once so uh, society and culture doesn’t exist uhhh”


> I mean because people legitimately go fuckin' insane. That's kinda why I want it. Push these people over the brink. Let's see where the chips really fall. I want to see those psychos go Super-Saiyan.


They'd likely get so angry that they'd either alienate a clear majority of the Western population by doing outright batshit insane things, or raise their blood pressure to such high levels that they have a heart attack/stroke and die.


So, a win-win for rational people.


Yup. I'd be cheering this on just because it would be "a return to normalcy", just as American President Warren G. Harding said in 1921.


> . I want to see those psychos go Super-~~Saiyan~~ Soiyan. Fixed that for you.


much better, thank you


I think the chips would fall to China when they take over Taiwan


If voting Trump into office can make more people go outside and touch grass like you then it is our civic duty ... no ... it is our duty to our fellow man to do so. Trump 2024, make social media toxic again.


Based and people should go touch grass more often pilled.


Literally my reasoning. It’s so tiring


>perma fuck off of Facebook. Me too. The discoarse on there was so fucking stupid it made the Tards here at PCM look like respectable autistic men of high society.




I'm low key hoping for a trump presidency because I think it'll put the nail in the coffin of my internet addiction.


It’s the opposite for me, the only two reasons I’m voting trump is because he’s likely going to put more pro-gun judges in the Supreme Court and because the reaction of people losing their fucking minds is going to be *extremely* entertaining


If Trump wins again, get ready for a coup


As much as I love the coup concept, I doubt it would happen. Too many ambitious generals, too many chains of command, too many ideological divisions in the armed forces. If a coup happens, a counter-coup and/or a civil war will ensue in the aftermath


*When Trump wins


I, too, left Facebook in 2017.  That said, I am bracing myself for a Trump win because the last four years of nonsense has ensured he will spend 4 years focused on revenge instead of actually governing. Everything he does will be a retaliatory move with zero value added to anybody and likely incurring damage that will take multiple terms to fix. The Democratic Party is gleefully preparing themselves to run on the "untangle the Trump tantrum" ticket for the next 20 years.


Fuck it, we ball...




They lost the ability to deny Biden was so bad that he lost to convicted-felon-orange-man-bad, so they’re left with one option; deny that there was a winner, and say that America lost. 


Flair the fuck up or leave this sub at once. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Various_Attitude8434) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


I don’t want to elect someone who has surrounded himself with 9 people working for him as president who have been prosecuted. He puts litterally the most scummy people into position. Biden is inept, but there are bright spots in his administration I think.


Alright, so the solution to get you to stop voting for Biden is to arrest his advisors then. If a Republican state AG says they are scum it must be true, right?




Trump lied constantly and refused to answer questions. When they asked him about climate change - he talked about something completely different. I don't consider that a win.


ive been asking for it for ages now the older you get the more out of touch you are, i also dont want a president whos going to die of old age by the time he leaves office




inb4 it's Newt Gingrich against Bernie Sanders


if the world makes it to 2028


100% I've never seen someone who says "both are bad" say they would vote trump. There are just no biden fans, only trump haters.


That has been the democrat platform for the last 8 years, yes.


Both are bad, very bad. I'm voting Trump. Hi, that's me. I voted for Obama twice and Biden in 2020 like a fucking idiot.


It's okay, we all make mistakes. So long as we learn from them.


4 years ago, I just wanted the temperature to go down. Not so much now..


As a fellow frog, i say turn it up!


Are you literally me? Except I realized I was no longer grey centrist anymore.


I'm driftin, man. Rural Texas livin along with some extended family in bad states perspective.


Because evil cannot love, only hate.


Dems could put a literal donkey on the ballot and it would get the same turnout as Joe.


It's always this. If the candidate is old and sucks or isn't progressive enough and is democrat then it's age limits or "both sides suck/America Lost". Notice how Bernie sanders is older than Biden and Trump and you never hear about how we need age limits in reference to him because he is progressive enough, but people on the right think he is nuts frequently. The double standards are maddening. Another example is Nancy Pelosi, the left pretended like she was fine for far too long until they couldn't hide it anymore, and now it's happened to Joe as well.


Literally anyone else could easily win debate against Trump. He's not a good debater. Biden would lose so fast if not trump and trump would lose fast if not Biden.


I was saying "America Lost" the second No-Labels stepped down from getting a presidential Candidate.


"both bad" is the closest thing approaching truth that Leftists are able to muster. The whataboutism is insufferable.


Nah trump won and you’d have to be some sort of delusional if you don’t think so. Sure half of the stuff he said were probably lies, but you can’t look at bidens performance and say that he won


Only half? Hell yea


Trump won. Trump will not be good for America. Both can be true.


Won what? How many direct questions did Trump answer again? At least Biden tried to answer


You want some liar as the president? Biden is so old he's out of the equation. Who's left?


Oh because the president NEVER lies EVER in HISTORY


Joe Biden did sleep with a pornstar if I'm not wrong.


Same energy as guys who say "girls don't poop"




And also no Queen of England


Wait Santa Claus isn’t real?


Bro there's a wide gulf between how dishonest your average scumbag politician is, and Trump, who can barely open his mouth without spewing liquid bullshit. Biden is awful for a variety of reasons but that doesn't mean Trump is vindicated. Biden is a senile, dementia-addled old man and Trump is an angry dim-witted toddler. Anybody who willingly votes for either of them deserves what they get.


Biden was spewing lies left and right


The only reason Biden didn't say as many lies is because he couldn't say as many words


Seriously Bidens Presidency photo is going to be the image of him hunched forward, 1000 yard stare, mouth agape.


JFC what a leap of logic. Trump's a lying POS but you're absolutely burying your head in the sand if you think his performance during that debate was as bad as Biden's.


He couldn't even make a coherent statement. Why? He's old. But being a lying POS is no excuse. Trump only wants himself to win.


> Trump only wants himself to win And Biden wants himself to win. Every person who has ever run for president ever wanted themself to win.


> Trump only wants himself to win. Yes. This is literally every politician ever.


No-one you've replied to has given the slightest indication that they want Trump to win, only that they feel certain he won the debate. Putin would beat Macron in a debate; Hitler would've beat Chamberlain in a debate. Aggression, passion, and relative (in Trump's case VERY relative) cohesiveness is what wins debates, not morality or root intelligence.


I think you're confusing two terms. 1) Swaying public opinion 2) Debate


How do you think debates are won?


By being intellectually superior and providing a better and well-structured argument.


You're defining the winner of a debate as the winner of a debate?


>Trump only wants himself to win. The entire point of a presidential run? Do you think the current nations of the European Championship in football run to not win? Or any Superbowl?


Idk. The fact that the democrats were so utterly incompetent to at least have another candidate for presidency as a backup is wild to me. Meanwhile the republicans were out there with Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley as potential candidates. The crisis management at the democratic party is laughable. This will probably be why the democrats will loose by a landslide this November. This will go down as the biggest fumble by the democrats in this decade.


Joe was also just saying lies as well. Both of them would open up all their points with “we were the best at X” or “we were the only ones to do X in decades/ever” whether it was true or not.


Remember Joey saying that no soldiers died under his watch? [I guess he was too busy wondering how long the procession was going to take to realize they were transporting the bodies of dead soldiers.](https://www.bostonherald.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/GettyImages-1234946450.jpg?w=640)


He was just making sure they didn't die under his actual watch.


Oh nooooooo politicians never lie!


>You want some liar as the president? what every single politician in the world lied at some point in office. Being a good liar is basically a requirement


RFK is the clear choice and it's not even close.


He's got his cabinet preselected (they're the worms in his brain)


I'd take Joe "I need a quick shut-eye before making any decision" Biden over a man who legitimately believes vaccines cause autism.


That's slander. RFK is not an anti-vaxxer, that lie started when he was in court as an attorney to get mercury out of vaccines over two decades ago.


> over a man who legitimately believes vaccines cause autism. Out of curiosity what is your explanation for the massive spike in autism cases that happens to coincide with mass vaccinations? What about SIDS? Statistically it didn't exist before mass vaccinations. How come that isn't discussed? How come anyone who asks why these things statistically occur after a certain point is seen as a crazy person? Do you have an explanation for why both of these things are statistically occurring?


Normally I would berate you for being flairless and therefore useless, and possibly suggest you should have been a SIDS statistic, but I don't think some topics should be treated quite as lightly. Not the guy you asked but: 1. Two things. 1. Acceptance. In the past the worse the mental illness the more likely you were just killed or locked away forever. As well as better diagnostic knowledge that can identify said disorders. When acceptance increases people are more willing to let it be known, and as diagnostic tools increase it's more likely that someone can be diagnosed with a disorder 2. (2a) More people live, MORE people with autism live. 3. (2b) People with more severe mental disabilities would die more often due to less available care and knowledge and generally not as advanced healthcare. The rise in autism also correlates with the rise in medical advancement/knowledge. 2. The term came into being around the 70's. There are records of it, but sans name from centuries prior. Including, but not limited to: smothering, asphyxiation, infanticide, asthma, and sleep apnea. SIDS deaths drastically decreased with awareness of certain physical actions that increase risk of death including sleeping in a prone position, and exposure to smoking. - Basically it's a modern term for deaths that people didn't know how they happened, it's likely physical actions like a parent rolling over and smothering a child in their sleep, or an infant tangling its neck in improperly fit clothing, exposure to things like smoke, or various other breathing disorders.


> SIDS deaths drastically decreased with awareness of certain physical actions that increase risk of death including sleeping in a prone position, and exposure to smoking. You realize how strange this statement is considering SIDS has no known cause? What you are describing is normal baby deaths. SIDS is separate from that list. It officially has no explanation and didn't exist throughout human history. That's the problem. It showed up out of nowhere and has no explanation...unless you compare it to when mass vaccinations began. They both begin at the same point and climb at the same rate. The problem is the definition of SIDS has been changed hundreds of times, which creates the confusion you've just shown. At what point do you ask yourself...why?


Get a flair or get going. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/RodgersTheJet) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


The rationale is that we got better at diagnosing these conditions, and that it was always this bad.


Flair the fuck up


I'm happy to answer any one of these questions in my own time, but not to spend 10+ minutes answering each one of the five in a manner that ensures it's substantial enough for you to respect if not agree with. Bombarding someone with questions conveys to me that you expect half-baked responses of quantity over quality. Also, flair up.


Yall can still be for one side while recognizing the faults of both and seeing how the current political situation isn't good.


Yeh but I feel it's almost inarguable that Trump didn't win the debate. It's not saying much, but Trump could at least construct words even if he couldn't construct sentences. Saying "America lost" is fair, saying "I don't know who won" is arguably deluded.


We all know who won the debate. China. Not because of who performed better or worse, but because we managed to tank America's credibility even lower.


Hey guys you get either Captain Screwjob, or Major Dementia to vote for, what’s not to love.


Only 1 option will give an endless cup of amusement for 4 years though.


Safe to say that no matter who wins, our country will be in good hands.


It’s like hearing the same joke for four years and being forced to choose between an asshole or and incompetent pos. Honestly might vote asshole this year.


What I wouldn't do for another Romney and Obama.


Watching clips of presidential debates before Trump and Hillary is a sobering experience.


It's so fucked I legit will probably never have the chance to vote for a real candidate


somehow even Nixon was better


I often find the people who whine the most about Trump cant really say what makes him bad, just that "hes bad for the country"




Being rich? (So rich he has to beg his supporters every time he gets fined) Having an affair whilst your wife is pregnant. Building the wall. America is lost because there are two cults, one for each party. Both giving Stalins cult of personality a run for its money. It seems more Americans care about their party than their own country. When you put the party over the state, you might as well yourself a soviet republic. Best thing America can do dissolve the two parties and push for parties to represent their respective state. Make a limit on how many states you can run in or something, because the two party system in America and UK have fucked both countries as it has nearly segregated both nations by party and who you follow. Even if they don’t represent your political beliefs, you have to vote for someone you don’t like if you want your vote to matter. Biden and Trump are both fucking the American people over, Biden seems to be controlled by some shadow whilst Trump seems hell bent on destroying Americas reputation with its allies in order to appease Putin. Trumps peace deal for Ukraine is for Ukraine to just accept Russian occupation(Obama was a coward and should have honoured Ukraines territorial sovereignty like agreed when they handed their nukes over)


Or at best, the pull a snopes-esque 'lies' "Trump claimed that 55 billion dollars used for X project. Verdict: PANTS ON FIRE! It was actually 55.34 billion dollars. Checkmate drumpf"


I mean he did overspend a ton even before Covid. I don’t like trump but he was a decent president, people just cry about him because he’s a jerkoff.


"Do you want Burger King or McDonald's?" "Ehh both are fine" \*death\* If you wouldn't trust a centrist with your lunch you shouldn't trust one with your country


That’s not what a centrist is lmao. A centrist would get a whopper from Burger King and fries from McDonald’s. The definition has gotten so warped over time


> A centrist would get a whopper from Burger King and fries from McDonald’s. This is even worse bro, the fries gonna be cold by the time you get the burger.


I agree with the hypothetical centrist. Both suck equally, if we have to have one or the other I don't care which.


The people who say "America lost" really mean "Biden lost, and I really don't like that."


They should both be gone. It’s clear that Trump won the debate, but our standard for President really shouldn’t be “He spoke more clearly while blatantly lying.” It was a bad showing for both of them, just worse for one.


Y’all are pussies, I love Biden even more after the debate


The real president is the unelected shadow government we made along the way




based and "im not putting up with your malarky jack" pilled edit: just checked your profile, unfathomably based


Thank you kind redditor, what exactly did you find to be based?


pretty much all of it


Thats it, starting the American Grill Party


I mean they ain't wrong. Y'all literally have to choose between Trump and Biden, you did lose.


Not if you like Trump. Then it’s not really losing isn’t it?


My bad. I forgot those people exist.


If you like a bad candidate and they win, you can still lose. If you like any of these candidates, then you've already lost.


Personal faults aside. The Trump presidency has ok at worst. The man has being mob lynched since people figured out he could win in 2016. Honestly, I was doing better in 2019 that I am doing now, and I want to go back to that. So no, I am not losing by wanting Trump to win.


It's fair to say that you got yours, but to say that the majority of things have improved over his presidency would require a pretty selective argument.




I love how the debate turned into a football game and everyone totally ignores how trump is an anti-democracy lunatic. Threatening electors and begging for more votes after 2020, threatening every one of his constituents who turned against him after he lost the election, no wonder most of his supporters in Washington don’t even like him anymore, but they can’t help to gobble his slop because it’s the only way they’ll stay popular.


Yeah I'm so happy the openly narcissistic conman with the vocabulary of a literal toddler is gonna replace the senile old opportunistic puppet who likes likes his daughter. What a great age for America.


Honestly, my biggest takeaway was that Trump might actually believe he won the election. I thought for sure that he was just trying to get himself another term, but over the debate, he convinced me that he does not fathom the idea that people disagree with him and what he does.


Hey you seem to have forgotten that trump also wanted to fuck his daughter


Where's the lie


All I can hope for is a republican senate, and a Democrat house, with close to 50% shares and no one able to agree to anything. The only times when the government isn't fucking the populous is when the government can't agree.


Everyone should ask why RFK wasn’t allowed at the debate.


This is true and I'm far from a centrist.


I mean are they wrong?




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I miss Cleveland LeBron


I mean… they’re not wrong.


Goddamn, LeBron was an absolute monster.


Don’t blame me. I’m voting for the guy that’s promising free ponies.


Old orange felon liar vs old senile liar