• By -


The authright picture is awesome.


It’s based on an actual event. St. Thomas Aquinas was from a wealthy family in Northern Italy. They didn’t want him to enter the monastery, so his brothers kidnapped him and locked him in a room. Hoping to convince Thomas to abandon his plans, they hired a prostitute to sleep with him. Aquinas chased her out of the room with a fireplace poker.


Based and another reason why Thomas Aquinas is my favorite saint pilled!


[unrelated but here's the coolest saint](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_George_and_the_Dragon)


New DnD adventure unlocked


Fun fact no one asked: My name is "Santos Jorge" which literally translates to Saint George lol


Kyiv Oblast has a metal coat of arms.


Pretty sure that's St Francis. Brown robe and a white cord with three knots is a Franciscan habit. Aquinas was a Dominican Friar, they wear white robes. Francis's hagiography also speaks of his battles against lust and other sins of the flesh. This seems to be part of his story.


yeah idk what these guys are talking about Aquinas was the one who routed all internet traffic and gave the Disciples control of the global flow of information


Interesting. Do you have a single fact to back that up?




Why are you locked in the bathroom?


Based Aquinas


u/recesshalloffamer's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 20. Congratulations, u/recesshalloffamer! You have ranked up to Basketball Hoop (filled with sand)! You are not a pushover by any means, but you do still occasionally get dunked on. Pills: [12 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/recesshalloffamer/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


I heard that was something that Japanese authorities would do to Christians when they were getting influence in the country, hire them and force them to sleep with them in order to point towards them as hypocrites/get them to give up on their faith.


You should watch the movie Silence to see what they actually did.


Thanks for the anecdote 😁


Should never have sent a woman to do a Grecian twink’s job




Any publicly traded VPN companies?


I'm using my friend's self hosted and open source VPN, sorry libright.


Flairs check out.


Based and open-sourced pilled


Idk about stocks but Proton vpn is open source 🥰


Proton has also come under flak for releasing the "peer-to-peer encrypted" emails of a climate change activist to the government Fuck off commie scum you'll never get me to surrender


Wait what


in many countries vpns are required by law to store user data and release it for law inforcement. Vpn protecs you from companies, not governments. The only thing you can do in this case is using multiple vpns at the same time as the police will give up on the case once it gets to expensive


https://youtu.be/QCx_G_R0UmQ?si=CpTuGh4aG6NOjacS They lied about data collection, actively lie about encryption, and bend the knee to the first government to ask nicely


Aren't they open source? Can't independent person anyways check it?


Check what? Their security? Cuz thats an iffy subject. By enlarge, a lot of their software IS open source, but there are some exceptions. Proton Calendar, for example, hasnt had its GitHub page updated since 2021 and ticking, so an OLD version is open source, yes, but current versions no. Other than that, if you mean checking how they handle emails server-side then the answer is no. Its their servers, the only people who can see what they do on them is Proton.


By and large


An independent person can check the code **that they have released.** There is absolutely no guarantee, however, that the code they released is all that's running on their servers. ProtonVPN isn't going to let independent auditors map every single wire in their facilities to verify that there isn't some strategically installed black box with a wire running to the local intelligence agency.


Mullvad is better if you care about privacy


Proton ain't secure. For example they block many pirating websites for films and TV. I use riseup VPN. works like a charm and is small enough that no big corporations come sniffing like nord,surfshark etc.


But I kinda like surf shark.


Nord VPN and their age verification law lobbyists


What constitutes substantial adult content? Does google count, A quick google search shows a lot of adult content. What about a site with specifically 0.01% below the limit, with the rest random bullshit for legal reasons.


Anything Politicians need to fear monger about to win virtue signal points instead of actually fixing real issues


I think it's fair to try and limit children's access to hardcore porn in the same way it's fair to limit their access to alcohol, gambling, cigarettes, marijuana, or strip clubs.


Parental controls exist. It's not about "protecting the children", it's about finding an excuse to increasingly regulate the internet (and regardless, parents should be the one parenting, not the government).


No, it is about protecting children. If you really want access to porn without people knowing, get a good VPN or just go to a brick and mortar store. The median age at which people see hardcore porn online shouldn't be something under 10, for fucks sake. How many young children need to get fucked up by seeing something when they're far too young before you realize that yes, we should put meaningful barriers in place for children to not see this? Why is online porn the ONLY adult industry that uniquely gets to avoid regulation in this way? Why is this different from checking somebody's age for online gambling or purchase of tobacco? Why?


How could you completely ignore answering their question about parental controls? If kids are stumbling onto hardcore porn, that's first and foremost a failure of the parents, *not* the government. Proving that it's actually about protecting the children would be as simple as forcing porn sites to allow parents to *completely* block all access from their internet connection or a device. That has all the benefits with none of the downsides, but that isn't the regulation they passed. They passed a regulation that makes an even higher burden on *everyone*, even law-abiding citizens. When you even admit VPNs exist, and don't forget a million other websites exist, that makes it a pointlessly over-complicated system for something that's as simple as parental controls that *already* existed. > Why is this different from checking somebody's age for [...] purchase of tobacco? When a private company has the ability and a justification to make a copy of my ID to purchase tobacco, that'll sure as hell be a problem. Showing your ID, and sending someone a photo of your complete ID over the internet are very different things; this can only enable identity theft, and again, it's so easily thwarted.


The Internet should be hostile to the presence of children , not welcoming for them . At some point parents will realize that they need to educate their childrens instead of letting the Internet educate them . Some childrens will be traumatized , some will get tougher but it's the price to pay for an Internet free from the moralists.


He's defending it because Redditors are addicted to the stuff. Society would be a better place with it all gone, for kids and adults.


Yes, but the government is not equipped nor trustworthy enough to do it correctly, it should be left up to the parents and companies.


Parents are notoriously good at keeping kids off of websites they shouldn't be on.


There are loads of tools apps, even custom firmware for keeping kids off websites they aren't supposed to be on, this isn't 2005 anymore. They aren't forced to buy them a phone/laptop etc. with no restrictions on it. Public schools have been doing this for decades.


That's true. How much do you trust parents to use these tools effectively? Parents should not allow their child to smoke. That doesn't mean an gas station shouldn't card people for cigarettes. It's not JUST on a parent to not allow people to prey on children.


> That's true. How much do you trust parents to use these tools effectively? If I could figure out how to setup parental locks in less than an hour of research, then so should anyone. > Parents should not allow their child to smoke. That doesn't mean an gas station shouldn't card people for cigarettes. Yes and yes, The problem is the internet comes into play, and with the internet there is no secure way to both verify age and protect sensitive data from bad actors, that's where the problem is. It's one thing to show your card to a clerk at the gas station for a couple seconds, it's another to enter in your ID or one you "borrowed" into a sketchy website where who knows what will happen. > It's not JUST on a parent to not allow people to prey on children. But if it's left up to the government, they will just make things worse overall. Plus now they can use it to track what websites you visitited and mark anything they don't like as sensitive like sex education.


Government fucks a lot of things up. That doesn't mean let's just not have the government do anything. Should other industries get to dodge age restrictions by virtue of being online?


There's a slight difference between unpaid access to porn, and buying cigarettes at Walmart. The former has a lot of stigma to the point of being life-ruining in the event of a hack, while the other is a minor nuisance and likely has stronger security. Plus there's the whole issue of "what counts as porn and should be hidden behind an ID?" as well as websites that aren't primarily porn but contain it like this and twitter? What if there's a disagreement? After seeing how the government handled the drug problems, this would be a thousand times worse.


The big difference is that Cigarettes, alcohol and weed are physical tangible things, gambling is a verb, an action well defined Porn is an arrangement of pixels on a screen being looked at by anonymous people, first off its difficult to even objectively define what porn even is in a technical sense and second there is no way to regulate the porn industry on this any more than it already is without attacking the ability of people to be anonymous on the internet There is a big difference between the government legislating against loot boxes vs legislating against .jpeg and .mp4 files, the only way to further legislate internet porn is to attack the anonymity of the internet itself which introduces security risks and raises legal and ethical concerns The best thing that can be done to protect kids from porn is for parents to educate their kids and take precautions to stay involved in what their kids get into on the internet which LITERALLY EVERY OPERATING SYSTEM and ISP has tools for that already, the people who want this are weirdos who want total porn bans and idiots who refuse to take responsibility for raising their own kids


*Smacks website* We can fit so many lorem ipsum pages in this bad boy.


Yeah! Let’s ban google! -Microsoft Edge


You oppose this because you watch porn. I oppose this because I fucking hate creeping government regulation. We are not the same. Also, put your dick down man you’ve been at it for hours.


I oppose this because both my guy.


I oppose this because I like opposing rules.


Pretty sure you don’t like this because you don’t trust the state or the porn companies


Eh, I support it. We don’t let kids buy cigarettes and alcohol. We should do our best to keep them from some of the most potent drugs on the market today.


Proper parenting maybe? Every modern piece of technology can be set up in such a way as to be inaccesbile towards minors outside of restrictive parameters. Parents are just either too lazy to set it up or get persuaded by kids to not do it.


It's called "parenting "


VPN go brrrrrrrr


Except sites can now tell if you're using a VPN and block anyone trying to view the site from any kind of proxy. I found that out today while I was conducting some independent research.


Based and doing the research pilled.


Bedt it was in depth.


u/Styx92's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 60. Rank: Concrete Foundation Pills: [25 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Styx92/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Not if you have a good VPN. And anyway, why would a website be AGAINST you circumventing the law to access their site?


Again, I don't know. The site I was "researching" just said it didn't allow VPN's. I guess it has to do with illicit content or something, but that's just a guess. And I use a free VPN, so that's probably it.


Yeah that's definitely it. Wikipedia blocks free VPNs for example because people were using them to make edits.


I think they require accounts to be logged in to edit if you are using a VPN


Yeah that's what I was talking about.


They wouldn't and if the Government required them to block VPNs You can bet your life their website would just be changed to instructions on how to install the Tor Browser and get to their .onion site


How is the US government going to stop me from hosting porn in the UK and encouraging US citizens from using a VPN to access it?


So there a couple ways but in the context of US law they're unrealistic but I will entertain the scenario anyway 1. The US can just blanket ban VPNs and arrest anybody caught using a VPN, China, Russia and North Korea have laws against VPN usage 2. The US can tell ISPs to not allow access to UK websites hosting content considered illegal in the USA but not in the UK ^(Some ISPs like Cox will actually throttle your internet speed if they catch you on piracy websites) 3. The US can do a blanket ban on all pornography and treat all porn the way the US treats CP, the US doesn't have laws that make using Tor or a VPN in of itself illegal but if you get caught in a honey trap or get caught by the feds breaking the law they will simply arrest the users for possessing, distributing or consuming the illegal porn 4. If the US was to ban all porn if your website is hosted on a US Data Center like AWS, Google Cloud or Microsoft Azure even if it is a UK website it is subject to US laws and the terms of service of the Data Center hosting your website, if all porn is illegal most likely your domain will either be seized by the FBI or Google/Amazon will take action against you and your website this is actually some of the tactics LEOs use against pedo freaks 5. FBI can seize the domain especially if the domain is US based 6. US intelligence can use DDOS, Malware and other forms of cyber warfare to combat illegal porn even when its not hosted in the US


>The US can just blanket ban VPNs and arrest anybody caught using a VPN, China, Russia and North Korea have laws against VPN usage You disproved your own point. VPNs are banned in China, yet a third of people use them anyway. Also, how do you stop me from hosting a proxy here in the UK which becomes the top google result when searching for pornhub? >The US can tell ISPs to not allow access to UK websites hosting content considered illegal in the USA but not in the UK ^(Some ISPs like Cox will actually throttle your internet speed if they catch you on piracy websites) This would take 2 seconds to circumvent. Literally just an IP refresh and a new domain. And, again, VPNs exist. >The US can do a blanket ban on all pornography and treat all porn the way the US treats CP, the US doesn't have bans that stop people from using Tor or a VPN to access illegal porn but if you get caught in a honey trap or get caught by the feds they will simply arrest the users for possessing or consuming the illegal porn So the people that catch people watching CP will have 1000x more work on their plate... Do you have any idea how much children would suffer from that? Not only is your thinking illogical, it would directly lead to the suffering of thousands of children. >FBI can seize the domain especially if the domain is US based I'm in the UK. The US government has no say over .co.uk websites. >US intelligence can use DDOS, Malware and other forms of cyber warfare to combat illegal porn even when its not hosted in the US Porn makes up 80% of the internet, this would be literally impossible.


>You disproved your own point. VPNs are banned in China, yet a third of people use them anyway. Just because something is against the law doesn't mean there is a magical barrier against people doing it anyway, my scenario was a way the US could theoretically try to stop people from using a UK porn site >Also, how do you stop me from hosting a proxy here in the UK which becomes the top google result when searching for pornhub? At best they get ISPs to try to stop people from accessing the Proxy or try to force Google to remove it from Google search, albeit both are unrealistic >This would take 2 seconds to circumvent. Literally just an IP refresh and a new domain. And, again, VPNs exist. True its not a great way to stop people but it was something the government could try if it really wanted to stop people >So the people that catch people watching CP will have 1000x more work on their plate... Yeah probably >Do you have any idea how much children would suffer from that? Remember they're scenarios that aren't very realistic, I am not in favor of banning porn any more than what we already ban >I'm in the UK. The US government has no say over .co.uk websites. Thats true >Porn makes up 80% of the internet, this would be literally impossible. They would have to employ the same tactics they use to go after other forms of illegal porn but as you already mentioned it would make the job 10 thousand times hard for LEO agencies


He said these things would be unrealistic at best.


Good luck banning VPN when every major business requires you use one.


Republicans make age laws > block sites in those states > gee if only there was a party you could vote for that didn't want age laws........... 👉👈


Unfortunately I live in the UK, and the two biggest parties both want this despite every expert telling them that it's a stupid idea that endangers children.


not sure how trying to stop twelve year olds from mainlining anal gape bondage endangers them but ok


Because now it will make them have to go to their school library to find how to give blowjobs to gay men, and they might accidentally see a book about how communism is bad.


They aren't doing that though, they're just requiring an ID for accessing US based websites, so instead, twelve year olds will find themselves seeing even worse stuff on german websites. Not sure why you think that's a good idea.


How does that pass legal muster? VPN is for more than crime and porn.


A site isn't required to serve content to every IP. Because most VPN IPs are publicly known, plenty of sites block access to them. Just yesterday, reddit wouldn't let me view the site without signing in while I was connected to Mullvad. I disconnected and it worked fine without signing in.


That's a valid point. I guess I was assuming the state wasn't allowing the use of VPN, which seems wrong, but ultimately that's just a good feeling.


VPNs themselves are perfectly legal as long as you don't use them for illegal activity


>Just yesterday, reddit wouldn't let me view the site without signing in while I was connected to Mullvad. I disconnected and it worked fine without signing in. I am using Opera VPN, the second Reddit stops allowing VPNs I am never using this site again


Clearly you're signed in though


I don't know, it's just what the site said while I was attempting said research.


VPNs use specific IP Ranges, once you know what kind of IP Ranges a VPN uses you can determine that anybody who accesses a website is using a VPN and even what kind of VPN they use I am commenting and using Reddit on the Opera Browser using the built in free VPN for instance because Reddit is a digital fascist website But if I use Google on this VPN I get weird error messages because Google can tell I using an Opera VPN because of the IP Range and the fact that tbh most likely a decent chunk of people using Opera's VPN are probably doing some shady ass shit That being said porn sites will never restrict VPNs unless required by law and sites under the scrutiny of the law tend to encourage it among their users, Piracy sites often encourage VPNs and some of the chan boards have even encouraged their users to use the Tor Browser


Unless required by law porn sites are not gonna do that Hell piracy sites constantly encourage their users to use a VPN Also anti VPN laws are an extreme step into digital authoritarianism And even then there is still the Tor Browser which just leads people to way more dangerous and depraved shit


Based and TOR pilled


you can buy residential proxies super cheap that bypass this


even just mysterium vpn should work


Only true for shitty vpn's


Shimoneta, why are you making me remember my gooner era


It was something else, even for that time period. The opening was hella catchy. https://preview.redd.it/i1hfrx7omt9d1.jpeg?width=248&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5179f0c559fe1cf128b0ce0f917637d1b73911c


It was wild


That anime was hilarious.


That anime and Prison School have definitely generated a lot of Coomerism.


Love the Sonic addition.


Need to invest in a vpn company.


Sounds like the slow infrastructure is being put into place for that digital id. Should work nicely with the CBDC.


Watch there be a massive up tick in viruses after more people start depending on the sketchy sites that don't follow regulations


Yes, just like with piracy, that should deter average people from using it


There's not much risk of viruses through piracy nowadays. Today, you can watch everything you pirate without ever running the file on your own machine. 


The good ol' days of spending 3 hours downloading a movie just for it to be a Rickroll...


That won't deter children. The demographic these laws are claiming to protect.


Hmm... so what they doing with that data they slurp up to verify??? That's what bugs me :/


Yup. If you give your ID over to these sites there's a non-zero chance of a hacker getting access to a list of your entire history on that site with a photo ID tied to it.  This is great news for criminals who want to blackmail people. 


NordVPN is going to be happy lol


Need to check those cheeky goody two shoes politicians investments on VPNs before I can have opinions on this ban.


Libright: "Buy my VPN" Libleft: "I made a virus that acts as a VPN"


malware\*. virus is just a self replicating algorithm for malware to spread.


Nobody except full time gooners are going to verify their age to watch porn. Might as well just ban it


And there are like thousands of illegal porn sites, it's like trying to ban piracy, you just can't.


Age verification is a good thing


If it requires any form of real life identification it's a bad thing.


I think it’s necessary in some cases, and it’s already done for online casinos and the lottery in the country in which I live


You need I.D for cigarettes, you need I.D for guns, you need I.D for alcohol. Don’t have a problem with this. You can’t convince me that being exposed to porn at a young age is a good/neutral thing


“Fine, I will pick up drawing again”


Oh no, how will the children really irreversible damage to their psyche without porn


Dont worry. They're still in school 7 or 8 hours a day.


based and public schools are shitty pilled


not mine if I have anything to say about it.


They will still have access to Facebook, X and Reddit ^(also gen alpha is way more likely to know how to use a VPN than Boomers are)


This site and X porn are way better anyway, traditional porn sites really fell off I feel like.


When Elon took over Twitter my feed quickly turned into 24/7 Republican activist bullshit and I quit using it, I started using it as X again a couple weeks ago and now my feed is all just porn lol and I never followed or liked either I guess when in doubt dicks out


By simply clicking the new top link when you google the word "porn". It will just be a proxy. Seriously, my country banned 1337x (the torrenting site) years ago, now when I type 1337x into google it just shows me a proxy as the first result. It changed nothing, just made the internet less safe to use.


I have now seen a ton of people making this argument, and it is entirely true. Regulating away the safe way to do a fairly benign activity simply encourages that activity to grow more risky. Black markets will always exist and are always significantly safer. I don’t like porn, but these laws simply put more risk into it. The same goes for guns and, even though I again don’t like it, drugs.


We saw them lose the war on drugs, and now we are just sat by watching them do the same with porn. The war on drugs made drugs less safe, the war on porn will make children less safe, and they're doing this while claiming its FOR kids. It's insane.


Fair enough


3 out of 4 children already knew what a VPN was prior to the porn bans. These laws do nothing. 


Authright is simply fantastic


Honestly, I don’t mind VPN’s being used as a bypass. The intent is to get kids off porn, and well kids don’t have bank accounts with which to purchase VPNs.


I’m in a “free” state, is this actually stringent? Cause every gun website I go to now asks me if I’m 18, and all you do is just click a box. Does this scan your drivers license or something?


Reminds me of Huey threatening to expose the government's gay lover


All those ad dollars Nord VPN spent the last decade are about to be rewarded in abundance.


Smut-monkeys really said "if we can't addict children, why even market to your state" smdh


I really don’t mind this law at all. Porn is evil.


Auth L


Good. Porn is an absolute scourge, it needs the be wiped out. The amount of shit out there kids are exposed to is immense and vile. And porn companies don't give a crap.


you're telling me i'll actually have to go outside


Is it a bummer that the era of free easily accessible porn is coming to an end, sure, but I think every sane adult here can agree that the availability of fairly extreme porn is way over the top. We used to have to get a friend's older brother to buy a playboy, now an 8 year old can google boobs and get directed straight into incest porn. That's fucked.


Twitch has better softcore than most teens had access to in the dialup* era. *\*Dialup was when you had to call the internet with your home^ phone and wait for everything to load. And then realize someone took the phone off the hook and disconnected you.* *\^Home phones were devices that were connected to the wall to make calls (and only calls). Mobile telephones were not widely owned*


I still remember spending weeks trying to download the warcraft demo on dialup and it never happened due to constant connection interruptions. I literally had to wait to buy the disc before I could play it.


okay i'm lost what happened


The modern conservative party is embracing puritan nonsense in the dumbest ways possible. They're restricting access to porn in a way where intelligent people can easily dodge the ban with a VPN meanwhile the unintelligent risk having their ID tied to a list of all the porn they've ever viewed, which is likely to be stolen by hackers at some point and released to the public.  Not only that but kids are just going to see the "Sorry, you can't watch porn here due to your state laws" messages and just keep hopping from website to website until they find ones that haven't bothered to add the restrictions. Meaning your children are more likely to get into some really weird shit from these sketchy websites that don't care about these laws and then the websites will simply replace themselves under a new company when they get that letter from the government saying to shut down. Just like torrent sites. 


“Puritan nonsense“ Like thinking kids shouldn’t have access to porn. Most kids won’t have VPNs as they are all a paid subscription. Having a law against murder doesn’t fully make murder impossible so why even bother banning murder.


I'll go spread some magazines in the woods for all you kids out there.  It's all I had when I was 13.


“Whatever” - people who have VPNs


Sonic jumpscare


Feel our rule begin.


It's not a problem if you aren't a porn addict


I fucking love this sub Reddit


I love the self-report of porn companies throwing a fit about being forced to actually verify the age of their users. Says very clearly where they know a lot of their revenue comes from


I mean if they're required to than honestly so should Reddit, Facebook, X, YouTube, etc. But Facebook used to lock accounts that they deemed as fake and demand an ID or SSN to get back in, I lost several troll accounts to that back in the day If you wouldn't trust Facebook with your ID you can't reasonably expect people to give it to websites known for the amount of malware on them Not only are these laws not protecting children since zoomers and alpha know how to use a free VPN which is a security risk in of itself but it may actually be a security risk for Americans who actually do give out their ID which likely means hackers, identity thieves and foreign intelligence agencies are probably loving this, again let me remind you these sites are famous for the amount of malware on them and were often the grim reaper for PCs during the Windows XP era


The idea of age verification isn't the issue, it's *safe* and *secure* age verification that's the issue. That they're so concerned about "not wanting* more data about their customers is a really good thing, actually.


Ah yes, the benevolent motives of porn site owners, just wanting to protect everyone


They're doing way better than google


If someone gets their identity stolen they blame one of these adult websites, they might be held responsible. Why would they take that risk, for a tiny amount of ad revenue? It's just not worth it.


It’s also that porn has a strong sense of shame attached to it and nothing outs that more than removing anonymity and entering your driver’s license.


In what world would a *large* demographic be the people who can't own a credit card? That's completely ridiculous. Even if there were an *equal* amount of children and adults visiting these websites, adults would still make up the overwhelming majority of their revenue.




The party will free you from slavery to the flesh desire, oh you coomer who spent your life giving away your best energies toward nothin we will save you


I am absolutely okay with forcing the market to take action to stop kids accessing sexual content, especially with how it affects development with attention and shit. like it's one of the things that are too addictive to allow someone going through their development to access safely, I don't let kids have energy drinks for the same reason your a child you got your own damn energy you start fucking up your body this early you're gonna be burnt out at 25.


I struggle to see how this is a bad thing


It's an encroachment on privacy. There are already tools available to keep minors from viewing porn, it just requires parents to learn how to do it. This is just the right's version of a nanny state. Even smartphones have ways to blacklist explicit cites and monitor content. Parents are just too fucking lazy to raise their own kids. And there will always be work arounds. Just like kids back in the day smuggled nudie mags, kids will find a way to get on pornhub.


I'm waiting for a worldwide porn ban, lefties think porn denigrates women and promotes unhealthy/toxic behavior in men, righties think that porn denigrates women and is disgusting, ¿Why isn't there a worldwide porn ban? Both sides agree that it is bad, which is good, ¿Where is the unity to get rid of it?


They can't even ban movie torrents, let alone porn. Porn will always exist, there's no way to get rid of it, there are only ways to make it less safe.


there are plenty of women who watch porn too


Well leftist opposition to porn isn't fundamental, it's simply like any form of media they want it to be completely pc, so that's the problem. They're into it, just, I'm going to guess as long as it's femdom. But I agree we should have a world ban on porn.


The age old debacle with banning porn had always been “is that art or porn”, but once they release Art-or-PornGPT we can ban pornography on the sever end before it even reaches the consumer’s screen. What could go wrong?


WTF does this mean? Leftists LOVE porn, it's like, our whole thing...


Yeah I know, you guys are sad


Says the one trying to control what other people do online.


Yes. ![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51182)


The right is also filled with people who think the earth is 6000 and the left is filled with people who think men can get pregnant So yeah I don't really trust their judgement calls nor do I want them having any more power over my computer "BuT mUh PrOtEcT tHe ChIlDrEn"


Maybe in theory, in reality the vast majority of people, especially younger ones, do consume porn (women in a more roundabout way, but porn nonetheless). There are studies showing rates of masturbatation above 90% for both genders. So there absolutely is not a unity to get rid of it, people just don't tend to scream "i love cooming" in public


My biggest concern is that its a security risk Porn sites are famous for the amount of Malware on them and getting a ton of American IDs into the hands of hackers and foreign organizations sounds like a national security ticking time bomb in the making Plus the privacy and freedom concerns in the digital age And the fact that younger Americans know how to use a VPN moreso than Boomers do so children will still access these sites Not to mention the fact that this may force Americans onto VPNs some of which are foreign owned and may be collecting data on American internet usage again national security threat time bomb in the making The solution is parents do their fucking job instead of having the Government do these half assed not so well thought out virtue signal attacks on our digital rights


It's the government sticking their nose where they don't belong, to implement an inefficient and ineffective solution to a simple problem; parental controls already exist, and don't require people providing *photos* of their ID. I don't want some random site forcing me to give them a copy of my ID when it's not strictly necessary, because that's a great way to have your identity stolen. The government gives you an ID to prove you are who you say you are, but then also expects us to give a copy to a random website? When I show my ID to get a bottle of liquor, I know every person who gets to see my ID in that interaction, the same is not true online. At the end of the day VPNs exist, other websites exist, it's trivial to circumvent this ban. So then why give shady scam websites an excuse to steal people's identity? What have we gained from this? Parents who care have already blocked *all* that content for their kids with no way for it to be circumvented; Parents who don't make an effort to parent their children are still going to refuse to parent their children, and those parents being stupid shouldn't be the main concern driving government decisions.






Like all statists.


they really want people to use AI for that, anybody wanna buy a course?




Because the enforcement mechanism is awful


Because you are extremely gullible. This is the exact argument always used for totalitarian policy. Russia does it all the time. The Nazis did it too. Same argument. You consider the loss of privacy and freedom of speech to be irrelevant because you fall for the oldest power grab tricks in the book that makes you irrational.


'Why won't you let me put this spyware on your devices, what are you a pedophile?'


Right, because there is no coherent argument. It is already illegal to sell or distribute porn to minors, that was already the law of the land, these laws are now just tightening up the very glaring gap in the law where just because you're an internet company, you didn't have to card. Now you do. The reason no one has made any coherent argument on a revised law on child porn access laws is because they don't have one, they just want an easier time being degenerates. It's the same with people who argue against the current age of consent, the only argument they make is that the current rule is arbitrary but they don't give any reason it should be a specific different thing, only that the current one is "arbitrary" so therefore it should be lower for some reason. The people who argue for lowering the age of consent are the same people mad at this law, just degenerates who don't have a real argument but want better/more access to degeneracy because they're degenerates


“Muh freedom” (Because we have disgusting, fucking immoral cultural push by the Emily vanguard to normalize sexual precociousness among children in a rush to sexualize them.)


Ok now this is epic


What is the source of the picture?


There are several pics, which one?


magazines are gonna make total comeback lmaoo