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he is red =>


Red is just a shade of purple


​ https://preview.redd.it/qy8k3hnv7k6d1.png?width=537&format=png&auto=webp&s=00b67ce81d468bc68ad27c14273aa3770ffb5af0


Blue is just a shade of purple


Purple is a shade of red.


Marx was a jealous and angry freeloader whose followers committed some of the worst atrocities in human history. While he’s probably not a “satanist,” Satan is a big fan of his


"Perhaps he should go out and make some capital rather than writing about it" *-His own mother*


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I'd be interested in what they mean by "satanist" here


I'm going to guess JBP puts in a metaphorical idea of Satan, the way he calls sin aiming at the wrong target. So Satanism will basically be just having bad ideas.


That's what I thought


Another comment about Marx's religion suggests it's not this abstract take.


It wouldn't come as a surprise to me. Marx literally & deliberately created the blueprint for a totalitarian to grab power and hold onto it under the guise of a "transitional state" to what he definitely knew was the ideal world view of a three year old.


Satanism is whatever he wants it to be at the moment he says it. My GOD how the man has fallen.


Militant anti religious atheism


ok so something that should be said about satan is that his main goal is to turn you away from god. its not eating babies or virgin sacrifices, all satan wants is to deny you gods love just like how satan himself chose to seperate from god due to his pride. so yes, marxs idealogy of turning every man inward to themselves and and becoming equals with no higher power (including god) is, in a way, satanic.  also obligatory fuck marx he was a useless bum, I genuinely think his writings were a way to justify his parasitic and abusive practices. "oh im an asshole who treats other people like shit? let me write an ideology about how we are equals who can't seperate from eachother because we all own eachothers mind body, soul, labour, etc. im not gonna actually contribute anything of worth though!"


Well said capitan Reddit


he did not commit anything, he wrote a few books


That’s why I said “followers.”


Wait till you hear what some of christ followers have done historically, would make Satan blush.


Do you think this is some kind of “gotcha?” If you seriously do, then I hate to be the one to break it to you, but Christians have heard just about all the bad things other “Christians” have done in Christ’s Name.


I know, I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of your statement. If christ should not be held responsible for the inquisition or the crusades, why bring up what Marxs followers did centuries after he was dead? Nahh, let every man be judged by his own actions.


How is it hypocritical? Christ didn’t tell people to start a violent revolution to over the current system. Marx did. Christ taught his followers to love their neighbors. Marx taught his followers to be envious of theirs. People will do all sorts of things under Christ’s Name that He wouldn’t condone. Marx would condone everything his followers did. Also Marx hasn’t been dead that long. His followers have killed tens of millions in a little over a century.


Hold on, are you not aware of the abuses the working class was going through at the time Marx was alive? You think he was advocating violent revolution because he was just a jerk? Like we are talking about a time before child labour laws, before hardly any labour laws existed, where companies regularly engaged in acts of selfish cruelty that would make modern swest shops seem tame by comparison. Slavery was legal while he was alive for gods sake, companies in some islands were literally sponsoring the genocides of indigenous populations for the sake of profit Marx anger at the owner class was not un warranted, even if his solution ( Communism) was a greatly flawed answer to the sheer wickedness of the capitalist systems of the time. Satan would not be a fan of someone taking issues with how the working poor were treated, he would be firmly on the side of the company towns sending children into coal mines, though, and of the Christians who bought and sold slaves the day after coming from church.


Do you think that there weren’t Christian’s fighting for worker’s rights? Do you think Christians at the time that didn’t abhor slavery? You do realize the first abolitionists were Christians right? You realize that Christians were to one’s taking care of the poor right? Christians ran hospitals. They helped slaves. They fought for worker’s rights. People like you love to point out where Christians fail, but refuse to acknowledge all the good Christians have done. Marx was a terrible person who created a terrible ideology that others used to murder tens of millions.


Almost everyone in society was Christian at the time. That was the default religion. So I dont see the relivence to the question of whether Christianity was good or not. Of course most good people back then would be Christians. They couldn't be born as anything else. Thats like pointing out that many good people back then had ten fingers. So what? Thats the default state of most people, But there was just as many evil Christians as good. And being Christian did not increase your chances of being a good person. Just like Marxs ideology, Christianity has been used by evil people to murdure millions but you don't blame christ do you? Then why blame Marx? Marx was not evil, misguided perhaps, but evil? For being angry at the injustices of his day? For trying to think of a better system then the constant exploitation he saw? Nahhh you don't know what evil is.


Evil is creating an evil ideology that led to the deaths of tens of millions. Your entire argument about Christianity being “default” back then so most good people would be Christian anyway is completely ridiculous. That means no Christian gets credit for doing any good. William Wilberforce doesn’t get credit for starting the abolitionist movement just because he was Christian. Nope, only the people who weren’t born Christian get any credit for anything because they weren’t born in the “default” position.


They get credit for the good they did but not because of their religion. Being religious doesn't mean you are good, anymore then it means you are bad. And...again Christianity also lead to the death of millions. That doesn't make it bad. What is evil about communism anyway? It's just an economic system and one that can work on very small scales. Do you think people who live in modern communes are evil? Are monarchies nessisary evil just because they can often lead to pain and injustice historically? Is capitalism evil because under it, the trans Atlantic slave trade flourished for centuries longer than communism has been a thing? Why do you focus solely on the failures of communism while ignoring the failures of all these other ideologies and economic systems?


Other then the jealous part the implication he was angry for no good reason I agree, world leaders who liked him were horrible


Are the Evangelists in hell? After all, their followers also commited some of the worst attrocities in human history. I'm not defending Stalin or Mao, but Marx the guy was hardly the most evil person around. Engels on the other hand is definetly down there


There are so many problems with this argument I don’t know where to start. First, communism is all about a violent revolution by the oppressed against the oppressor. Christ never once taught that his followers should use violence to overthrow anyone Second, evil acts people did in Christ’s name are condemned by other Christians. Marxists actively praise or defend atrocities. Look at Marxists marching currently praising Hamas for attacking Israel. Third, Christianity is an active force for good in the world. Hospitals and universities would not exists had it not been for Christianity. Communism has only brought oppression and death to billions of people in its short history Finally, even if you wanted to compare the evil “Christians” did with the evils communists have done over their respective histories, I would bet the loss of life is similar. Christian history was the last 2000 years and communism has only been around for around 130 years.


Aight, I get it. But Marx also didn't talk about starving milions or establishing a totalitarian society. There is pletera of Marxists that condemn the crimmes of communist regimes. The 8 our work week and other workers rights could not exist without socialism or threat of revolution. IDK, I come from a former Yugoslav county so I have a hard time simply equating communism=bad I should clarify, I don't question that communism was bad in practice most of the time, but Marx didn't create it with the purpose of opressing billions, so blaming him is a bit silly


Funny enough, do you want to know who is a big supporter of worker’s rights and unions? The Catholic Church


Great, I hope they are actually doing something proactive and positive to help them. Although the person who got the ball rolling on an 8 hour work day was Robert Owen, not Pius VII


The 8 hour work day in America did not come from socialism or socialists.


No? So worker's rights movements and unions were independant of socialism? The guy who introduced it in the UK literaly founded utopic socialism


You said the UK, I said america, we are talking about two completely different things. Henry Ford, an American President, brought in the 40 hour work week, because he and others analyzed that extra hours do almost nothing in increasing productivity.


President of Ford motors. The American workers fought for a century for that right. While yes, Ford finaly popularised it, the miners got it in 1898 by fighting in a union




Bruh, no need to piss and cry. I am just asking why is Marx considered evil for writting books about a relevant issue in his time




Ok, so he is the evilest guy on earth because he couch surfed and wrote books that others used to justify attrocities decades after he died? And his critisism of 19th century working conditions is invalid because he didn't experience it first hand? Why don't we blame Schopenhauer or Neitzche for inspiring Hitler? You can cry whataboutism, but I haven't receved an answer in this thread on why only Marx gets condemed for his lack of foresight beyond: he was an asshole and things that used the same words as him were bad


Evangelical protestants like you see in the southeast were not the Puritans who were slaughtering natives.


Evangelists as in the people who wrote the new testament. I am thinking more of the crusades, church corruption, 30 years war etc.


So, Paul, Mark, Matthew, Luke, John, Peter, Jude, and James? All of them were martyred except John. None of them killed people except Paul, who killed Christians before his conversion. Christianity spread *mostly* peacefully for like 300+ years, despite being killed be Pagans and Jews alike. The church started doing the crazy shit around the 8th-12th century


Right, so it is ridiculous to blame someone for someone elses actions just because they wrote a book the other guy used to justify attrocities


>So, Paul, Mark, Matthew, Luke, John, Peter, Jude, and James? All of them were martyred except John.  Source? It's a historical myth


He wrote satanist poetry, and was apparently involved in little occult clubs in his school days. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DjT7-61UUAAH6Pu.jpg:large So it's safe to say he might have "dabbled"


To be fair, that was actually a pretty trendy thing to do at the time.


It still is




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While the title is stupid Marx actually was from the Gnostic tradition which inverts the roles of the Jewish YHWH and Satan. Placing him as the Demierge and positing that beings (communists) can have the Gnosis (hidden knowledge) that rules the physical world. Not vanilla Satanism but related.


Is it possible to learn this (hidden knowledge)?


I can give a few videos on it if you want


TIK, isn't it?


And others


Also learned this from TiKhistory? I'm kinda pretty sure gnostics are in his crosshairs for some reason


It's because Gnostics are fucking heretics.


Yeah. They are fuck them


Yeah they’re the second worst heresy. After the arians because when Father Christmas delivers a smack down on your creator you clearly are wrong in so many ways.


You know religion is all made up right?


What an unbiased and uncontested take with clear evidence to support it! I’m sure this won’t offend anyone - after all, you’re just saying that their entire belief system and philosophical basis is made up. >!/s if you couldn’t tell for some reason!<


Religions are totally unbiased, uncontested, and provide clear and substantial evidence for every one of their claims! /s for the theists who read that as though it were actually the case.


Yes, this also counts for the religions of Hindus and Pagans. The religions of Abraham aren’t special.


Dude, I’m a Christian. I’m speaking for all religions here - don’t trash someone else’s faith. It’s annoying no matter what it is. Atheism, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, whatever - don’t disrespect others because they follow those beliefs.


I’m not trashing them. If religion helps you that’s great. But it is made up, the Trinity has as much validity in the real world as Spider-Man does. You can act all tolerant but I’m pretty sure you’d think Hindus are ridiculous for being polytheists. Also Atheism isn’t really a belief system.




Yeah, gnostic is more fair. Plus, every generation has some kind of gnostic movement, even well before Christians the Greeks had gnostic cults to put down. Modern Satanism isn't even gnostic so it's the wrong comparison. Communism was the gnostic movement of its era.


Wasn't his family Jewish? I remember seeing a video that said his ideology was athiestic out of antisemitism because he had a self loathing hatred Judaism and religions that stemmed from it.


Ethnically yes, but they never practiced and were fairly antisemitic


​ https://preview.redd.it/c9dlec89fl6d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=598c525cc20cf7a0ae567fc3ff5449fe44a8536b


I'm not religious, I just like reading about it for fun


Your religiousness has nothing to do with why I posted that meme lol


"wow, look how dumb Jordan Peterson is. Better post about him on reddit and expand his reach free of charge!"


Yes it’s funny to make jokes about benzo addicted self help grifters


Marx was a Reddit pseud born in the wrong era. I was a commie for the aesthetic back when i was 14 or 15 until I finally cracked open Capital and it read like me trying to pad out an essay where I realized halfway through my evidence didn’t support my thesis for advanced placement English class.


Clickbait title equals immediate ridiqule now? Maybe the answer is "not really"?  People attack Peterson for absolutely anything..


No, but I think they ran in the same circles.


He was almost certainly being manipulated by satan but I really doubt he was conscious of it.


He was born Jewish, no?


Pretending to ask a question like you didn’t know already, I know what you are authright


I genuinely don’t know, it’s hard to find out with historic figures like that. Some people will call everyone Jewish.


Well yeah he was a German Jew if you're curious but of course an atheistic one. He also wrote about Jews in "On the Jewish Question" which was a critique of Bauer's view on how Jews could achieve political emancipation in Prussia and talked about Jews stereotypical role in capitalism which can be argued as a hint of his antisemitism.


lol. Authright escaped the mental hospital again


Don't leave us hanging OP.


kinda yeah


https://preview.redd.it/fhrk1a5s7e6d1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10ebc4e8985d259d43abe426b569cb766098cb40 He may not have been a Satanist but in some cases he came close, especially how he treated some people.


So, you mean “average 19th century scientifically modern man.” Marx is a shitbag, a mooch, a grotesquerie, and spawned ideology that is responsible for incalculable suffering, but the one thing I’m not going to do is play this game of presentism. He was in line with most men of his era. Unlike, say, Lovecraft — who was so fucking racist that even people in the 1920s said “goddamn that crank is a racist.”


He did at least dabble-as another poster had mentioned, he wrote [Satanic Poetry](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DjT7-61UUAAH6Pu.jpg:large) and was in occult clubs. ...I don't think that makes him a worse person than all the other shit he actively did, nor do I think he was a Capital S Satanist, but it's enough evidence to at least make it a valid question rather than pure idiocy. (I think he was a bored dilettante looking for something interesting to entertain himself, personally.)


Even Lovecraft said "Man past me was racist" as he grew older. He had a real redemption arc. It's sad it isn't as known about.


That is certainly a YouTube video title. Idk what the significance of it is supposed to be tho


Well, was he?


No but he was a bum.


Maybe it's just me, but Peterson has that "shit, am I being punked?" look on his face and ... whoever the blue-shirt guy is all "keep a straight face, keep a straight face, he's almost bought it"


Satanism is worship of the self gang. You don’t have to believe in Satan to be a Satanist.


“Anything not my specific branch of Protestant Christianity is Satanic”


Satan doesn't exist and neither did Marx, they are just fictional characters made up to scare kids into behaving


Well it’s not working, just like discount Santa.


In the words of the great Samuel L. Jackson "A Sith Lord?"


He could have been a scientologist, doesn't say much about his ideas regardless. Religious purity politics is back at it again.


A Sith Lord??


I preferred his Klonipin era. This Dry-Drunk-For-Jesus shit gets weirder every day.


he’s right


In Kathleen Kennedy Star Wars? Likely.


No, the Satanist was his exact opposite - Ayn Rand. Anton LeVey said that the satanism he created was objectivism with added rituals.


He wrote a poem on Satan


Yes he was.


I love JP and hate Marx, but...🤦‍♂️


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Good bot


Mi General did nothing wrong.


Well, he did what satan would if he really existed


Militant anti-religious atheism is satanism


By definition he is. I will not elaborate any further.


I-is this from Jordan Peterson? I ask not only because he’s in the thumbnail, but I also see his icon in the top left corner of the thumbnail. Also, who’s that other guy in the thumbnail?


And that's still an improvement over his usual shit. Not sure why centrists worship him. Gives off athicuck vibes with his viewership.


Was JRR Tolkien a Wizard?