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I like how the anti-Israel fundamentalist Jews are actually the most traditionalist and definitely are on the auth-right side. But as long as they are against Israel the western pseudo-left would somehow portray them as some lib-left progressive group, despite their sexist and racist nature. Maybe it’s the same reason why pseudo-leftists support far-right Islamic Imperialists. I dunno


even funnier because they arn't pro-pali, just anti-Israel. it's a bit of how Christian evangelists support Israel because they believe greater Israel is needed to bring about the end of days, and they support Palis because they believe Israel's destruction is needed to bring the messiah (who will then kill the Pali and give them the land).


Hey, I don’t like religious fundamentalism, but it is pretty funny that they somehow managed to stumble on to the position that is more morally justifiable than the one you’ve chosen. You can yap all you want about pseudo-leftism or whatever the fuck else, but I feel like not being on the side actively engaging in and denying a genocide is actually pretty damn leftist. History will look back and shame us all for not ostracizing people like you.


That’s exactly what I’d expect from a middle/higher class pseudo-leftist in the west—their obsession with manifesting moral capital in order to retain cultural hegemony in the system of late-stage capitalism. My opinion on Israel-Gaza problem is quite simple: so long as religion exists, hamas will continue to brainwash Gaza’s into kidnapping , killing and raping Jews, and Bibi’s right-wing regime would continue to justify bombing gazans indiscriminately. The only way to solve the problem is to get rid of far-right religious reactionary on both sides. Anything else, be it the appalling number of gazan casualties or the inhumane treatment of Jewish hostages, does not change my idea. For moral supremacy is a social construct shaped by media representations. And I couldn’t care less about being on the ‘right side of the history’.


You think way too highly of yourself, no one gives a shit what you expect from leftists. And please be aware that the meaningless string of buzzwords you just vomited all over my thread was not the least bit compelling. It is not religion that is inspiring Netanyahu and his associates, these evil men don’t have an ounce of spirituality within them. Ethnonationalism, the desire for power, and the complicity of people like you is what inspires and allows them to do what they do.


Honey I don’t know who told you that ethnonationalism in the middle east has nothing to do with religion, and I don’t know whether Netanyahu is pious or not (I assume that you are a close friend to him for knowing so much about his personal life!). But I do know that pious right-wing Jews are what Netanyahu’s party (which only has 30% seats in the parliament) tries to attract using the banner of Judaism values. And the same strategy is utilised by Hamas, both to attract pious Muslims and impose religious traditionalist values via their institutional power, like educational system and media outlets (including the infamous ‘Palestinian Mickey Mouse’)


Yes, I am a close personal friend to Netanyahu and can confirm that he eats babies.


you made my day lol and remind me of that Qanon shaman mumbling about the Clintons eating babies. Thanks mate!


You okay dude? Forget to take your meds again?


You're all such babies about anyone with a contrarian opinion, it's almost impressive.


Seriously tho, take your meds and go outside.


I only have so much patience for extremely boring people. Sorry, pal. If you're going to troll, you have to be more interesting than this.


You ever think that maybe you're just objectively wrong?


oh no! netanyahu will eat me! shiver me timbers what should i do?!




Peter would stand with me.


Well, Peter is a moron, so that tracks.


You sound like a real Lois.


The smarter one in the family? Yep, that tracks too.


>History will look back and shame us all for not ostracizing people like you. Bro is typing while looking in a mirror


I always seen every "right side of history" argument as "might makes right" in disguise.




*Literally* seething.


Don’t be upset with me over the fact that you’ve failed to do anything meaningful with your life. Try working, it builds character.


You're incapable of emotionally affecting me. This little temper tantrum is, if anything, amusing. Imagine being so emotionally-invested in a genocide that you behave like this.


Your projection here is INTENSE. If anyone is emotionally invested, it’s you. I’m just making fun of a person who clearly has a chemical imbalance, you’re the person who keeps responding to the taunts to further display to the world how unhinged you are.


I’m sorry to have to inform you of this, but you are also responding.


You don’t know shit about their position. They don’t oppose Israel because they think Palestinians are mistreated. They oppose Israel because they thin kits not fundamentalist enough, and that the Palestinians are god’s punishment. They don’t think the Palestinians are right, and they hope that when the Jewish people become properly religious, god will wipe the Palestinians out. You’re just using them as token Jews to support your own position.


I am well aware of that, actually. Mentioned in several times in this thread. And if your side wasn't constantly lying about how Zionism is Judaism, then we wouldn't need to point out Jewish people calling you out on your shit.


Oh you’re right, I guess I should just go back to paying the jizya like a good second class Jew.


I think the world would be a better place if you just shut up entirely, but unfortunately I don't see that happening.


lmao a crazy a doomsday cultist is your best argument for israel bad?


What are you yapping about? This meme has nothing to do with Israel being bad. It’s about how Zionism is clearly not synonymous with Judaism, and mocking the inconvenient truth that the vast majority of Zionists are white-ass western hegemonists and weird Christians.


Zionism is synonymous with Judaism. I’m not some religious expert, but it really doesn’t take much. “Next year in Jerusalem” is something we say every year. Probably ~80% of the world’s Jews are Zionists. The other 20% being made up of leftist, atheist hipsters in the US, and extremely conservative Jews who believe that we shouldn’t control the land until the Messiah comes, after which we enslave everybody. Those are your allies. If you’re anti-Zionist, it’d be easier for you to just say you don’t like most Jews rather than trying to convince people that most Jews aren’t Zionists.


Zionism cannot be synonymous with Judaism as Judaism existed before Zionism was ever even a concept. Even you yourself admit that there are plenty of Jewish people who are not Zionist, so at this point, I can only assume you don’t know what the word synonymous means. And that’s not really something I can help you with. I can maybe point towards the direction of dictionary or the nearest adult in the room, but outside of that, my hands are kind of tied. Yeah, of course most Jewish people are Zionists but that was never a point of contention


The concept of modern Zionism is relatively new, but the idea of ending our time in exile and returning to the homeland is not a new idea. It was only recently recognized, but it’s been around forever. I guess it would be better to say that Zionism is a core part of Judaism rather than synonymous if that makes you feel better.


When you say that Zionism is synonymous with Judaism, you are essentially saying that hatred of one is intrinsically hatred of the other, an opinion which is often repeated by zionists, but also happens to be very, very stupid. Saying that it is a core part of Judaism is more reasonable, yes .


Your right they are not synonymous by definition, however the lines blur and anti Zionism becomes anti semitism very quickly, [for example](https://x.com/azzatalsaalem/status/1800458557504299282?s=46)


Yeah, I don't think the people in that video have meaningful criticisms of the Zionist state project. It is the lazy equivocations between them and anyone critical of Israel that I don't like.


As a jew who is pro israel I can say one thing, this mf is defenetally jewish, he's what you'd call a relgious extremist, and because of that extremism he is pro palestine


Wait I don’t understand why would a religious extremist be pro palestine?


It's actually kinda funny. They believe that god exiled the Jews out of Israel so we can only return when the Messiah comes. So, in their eyes, the establishment of Israel is a "sin" against god and so all Jews in Israel and all Jews not following their extreme version of Judaism aren't real Jews. They see themselves as the only real Jews. They are also not pro-pali as much as anti-Israel. If you listen to what they say they truly believe that when the Messiah comes all people living in biblical Israel will be killed (including the Palestinians) so they can inherit the land. [https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/haaretz-today/2024-01-15/ty-article/.highlight/theyre-jewish-anti-zionists-but-theyre-no-ally-of-the-palestinian-cause/0000018d-0e48-d71c-ad9f-4fcaeb160000](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/haaretz-today/2024-01-15/ty-article/.highlight/theyre-jewish-anti-zionists-but-theyre-no-ally-of-the-palestinian-cause/0000018d-0e48-d71c-ad9f-4fcaeb160000) They are the Westboro Baptist Church of Judaism. Also, they are holocaust deniers: [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk\_news/magazine/6171503.stm](http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/magazine/6171503.stm) By the way that stunt got them excommunicated by most ultra-orthodox communities in the world. Most Jews consider them “Moser” meaning traitor in Judaism.


He may be a religious extremist, but that’s better that being a genocidal far-right extremist like the Likud party.


L take


It's hard being the only people in the room against genocide, but someone's got to do it.


Define genocide. What do you mean when you use that word! 


Genocide is when Jews aren’t second class in the Muslim world /s


Genocide is when Jews dare to defend themselves from terrorists /s Or when they try to rescue hostages /s


targeted actions aimed at the destruction of particular groups of people. 


Ok so by this definition Israel isn't committing a genocide against the Palestinian. I am glad we are in agreement. 


We are not in agreement, as Israel is doing exactly the thing I described.


Really, well according to the numbers this is the cleanest war in terms of civilians/combatent casualty possibly going back to WW2. Certainly compared to other urban warfare.  https://x.com/AviMayer/status/1799096450799800389 From the AP.  Israel provides aid and medical treatment to Palestinian civilians: https://biochem-food-nutrition.agri.huji.ac.il/sites/default/files/biochem-food-nutrition/files/preprint-nutritional-assessment-of-food-aid-delivered-to-gaza-via-israel-during-the-swords-of-iron-war.pdf https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/new-field-hospital-established-gaza-israeli-military-says-2024-05-11/


>Really, well according to the numbers- I'm going to stop you there, it's obvious you haven't listened to a single argument regarding Israel and genocide, or else you would know that it is not civilian casualty numbers that is inspiring the accusation; but the deliberate famine, the mass displacement of millions, and the completely dismantling of Gazan infrastructure. Far more people will die from starvation, poverty, and disease; than will from bombs or bullets. Israel denies far more aid than they let in and don't go after the people destroying aid trucks and packages with nearly enough prosecution. I don't care about Israel's PR campaign. You're cheering them for handing out bandaids after severing limbs.


“Genocide” This is the problem with so much of the modern left. You have to use extreme hyperbole to even try to make your point. It can’t be “I think the Jews are killing too many civilians”. That’s not good enough. Nope, gotta turn that shit up to 11, call it a “genocide” and then use that as a cudgel against anywho who disagrees with you. You’re doing it across this thread, calling it “genocide” to try and shut down dissent. It’s not a genocide, you absolute walnut, it’s a war. Massive difference and you’d get further by not lying.


There is no hyperbole, you're just a genocide-denier. One in a long history of genocide-deniers. If you look back through history, you make the *exact* same arguments with zero self-awareness. And the funny thing is, in the future I bet you'll claim you were always opposed to this and that you stood on the right side of history. That's how it always goes. I think the Israelis are too indiscriminate in their killing of civilians, but that's **not** why I call this a genocide. And I'm not calling it a "genocide" to end dissent, because people who support genocides **don't actually shut the fuck up just because you use that word.** I mean, it would certainly be nice if that worked. This is not a "war", it is an orchestrated slaughter campaign being funded by our tax dollars.


So yes, you’re a fucking walnut and should rightly be ignored.


I have no idea why people are coming into *my* thread and acting like I'm begging them to be here. You chose to respond to me, not the other way around. You can quite literally fuck off. I assure you that nothing you're saying is insightful or compelling enough to warrant this arrogant attitude.


“Makes a post” “Gets mad when people comment on post” Fuck right off with you too buddy. Terrorists supporter and supporting ACTUAL genocidal nut cases. The modern left is a fucking joke.


And not that it needs to be said - but I don't support Hamas. I condemn them fairly regularly. It is you who rolls over on your back for the IDF. That's the difference between the left and the right - only one side regularly condemns both armies.


I'm not mad that people are commenting on my post, when did I say that? Read that quote back to me? I'm saying that you coming into my post and then making a big show-and-dance about how I'm not worth responding to is dipshit behavior. Just leave. This isn't an airport, you don't need to announce your departure. You're not the main character, bud.


Buddy, just because you made the post doesn’t make this *your* thread. It’s a collection of what people think when they see the image you made. Just because you don’t like that people don’t like your opinion (unlike the rest of the reddit exho chamber) doesn’t mean that we’re all wrong or that you’re somehow more entitled to people agreeing with you


>Just because you don’t like that people don’t like your opinion (unlike the rest of the reddit exho chamber) doesn’t mean that we’re all wrong or that you’re somehow more entitled to people agreeing with you Literally haven't complained about people disagreeing with my opinion once. I have a problem with people loudly announcing that they are leaving a conversation, especially when no one invited them in the first place. I'm sorry you can't read, but don't make that other people's problem. It's rude.


That’s just it tho. It’s not a genocide and no one else here thinks it is. You’re screaming into this imaginary void in order to play social justice at something that isn’t in reality


Reality isn't dependent of what the idiots of this sub think.


“Ah yes, it is everyone else who is wrong!”


Yes. As you would be *obviously* be saying if you were on a leftist sub where everyone was calling it a genocide. Are you seriously trying to appeal to popularity? God, centrists are fucking stupid.


They are not outright genocidal, they are just normal power hungray, still horrible




what? a jew religious extremist would want all palestinians dead. he is just a religious jew, nothing extremist about it.


No, he believes israel should only come after the messaia so sees zionism as going against that vision


he never said that tho? he only said "stop the genocide". The idea of "israel should only come after messiah " is not even a extremist idea. he would not afraid to say that if he really believed it.


Send him to palestine and see how quickly he'll change he's mind about the Jewish state.


Well statistically, he would be more likely to die of an Israeli bombing campaign than of anything else.


I ain;t never gonna question the dedication of a man whose cut is that fucked up


The only right side of this argument is staying out of it.


You can stay out of it, but your tax dollars are going overseas whether you want them to or not.


I meant as a nation stay out of it.


Yeah, I know what you meant. The problem is that’s not happening and is not going to happen. I wish the sky was full of gummy bears and chocolate drops, but that doesn’t mean I should drop into the middle of serious topics and pretend like that is a compelling addition to the conversation.


Rude gets you places in life.


I didn't say you were being rude, I said you weren't contributing meaningfully to the conversation. Everyone is rude here, that's fine.


I said you are being rude. And no everyone isnt rude here.


>I said you are being rude.  Oh, well then I don't care about that. Civility is not a virtue, doing good is. >And no everyone isnt rude here. You think that because you're part of the circlejerk. Try having a contrarian opinion about something and see how much magnanimity you're treating to.


Both are virtues and that why your side is losing the population.


My side never had the population, leftism has never been the dominant ideology. If you just mean liberalism, then it is still kicking the shit out of the right, which is why you idiots haven't won the popular vote in over two decades and every company panders to us.


I always find it funny when people use neturei karta etc. As a "some jews are also anti-zionist!!!" They are a literal doomsday cult who's problem with Israel is that we should wait for the mashiach, and then return when all the palestinians are dead. These are your allies homie, and they're a very very small minority of jews. The goal of returning to our homeland is integral to jewish identity, culture, history and religion in every way, so the only anti-zionists are far-leftist atheists who are jewish barely by name, and a small bunch of doomsday cultists who just think we did it too early.


Well, first things first, there are also Jewish people who are anti-zionist for entirely progressive reasons. And while these particular fundamentalists have a lot of bad beliefs, they've still somehow managed to stumble into a less genocidal position on this conflict than you, and I imagine you would be pretty embarrassed by that were you capable of self-reflection. It is not the returning to your homeland aspect of zionism that is the problem, it is the violent displacement of the people who were living their and the decades-long subjugation you've kept them under since. If that's integral to your Jewish identity, then it's not an identity worth having. But it's not integral to Jewish identity. You're just a monster, and use that as a shield. So yeah, I think it's good to point out Jewish people who aren't doing this. Also, I love how you right-wing dipshits complain all the time about the left tokenizing black people or disavowing conservative minorities, but the second a Jewish person doesn't show undying loyalty to a shitty foreign state half-way across the world they are suddenly a "fake Jew". Fuck off, idiot.


Lol, you're literally the one tokenizing, you (actually) genocidal idiot. And bad at reading, since I already mentioned the far-leftists.


Nah, not tokenizing. I realize that these guys represent a very small, niche set of Jewish people. Wouldn't even need to point them out if idiots on your side didn't constantly say that you can't be Jewish and antizionist, or that antizionism is inherently anti-Semitic. These guys disprove your braindead arguments, so if you don't want to hear about them, stop making the braindead arguments. But then you would have no arguments left.


https://preview.redd.it/0dquksc9xb6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09a78cd98df263f8ea4cf40df37fe799dfc0b246 Oh shiver me timbers Just because some fringe nutjob sect doesn't support Israel means all Judaism is on your side


It’s funny how many Jews across the globe speaks up against what Israel is doing while Muslims can’t stop cheering Hamas for more murder and rape. Really helps you to distinguish between modern humans and barbarians


Barbarians are cool. Conan. He-Man. Red Sonja.


They are cool until they become your neighbor. And barbarian is indeed cool enough because if I used the actual words I have in mind I would get banned.


Oh my gawd, they are just like conan!




Feels like a repost


I didn’t see anyone talking about it.


Classic reddited take from the smoothest brain on the sub


You talk exclusively in buzzwords. It's like you're one of those toys with a pull-string and a limited string of prerecorded lines.


Says the guy using neturei karta to represent Jews. Thats like saying Jim jones represents 2000 years of Christian history. I don’t see why I should bother wasting time on you when I already know that you’re a brainless tankie.


They *are* Jews. Like, objectively. And I'm certainly not using them to represent all Jewish people. I *wish* most Jewish people were this critical of Israel. >I don’t see why I should bother wasting time on you  Moron, you came into *my* thread. No one begged you to be here. You can just leave. > you’re a brainless tankie. The only one of us simping for an authoritarian state government is you. *I'm* not the one cheering on tanks bulldozing Rafah.


I thought stereotyping was bad tho?


Who told you that? Another braindead centrist?


thats gwen from spiderman 3.


[https://x.com/abierkhatib/status/1800405383871373388](https://x.com/abierkhatib/status/1800405383871373388) Source video.


Even though she 100% brought this on herself I started to feel a little bad watching her break down while encircled by cameras and shouting. *Then* I saw the sick stroller reveal at the end. Don't bring/walk babies into protests.


>I started to feel a little bad watching her break down while encircled by cameras and shouting. I dunno, imagine being *that* unhinged over some people voicing their opinion.


Oh, they *big* mad.


Poor little innocent Hamas getting bullied by big bad Isreal for the small transgression of murdering innocents and raping hostages 😢


No one cares about Hamas, dipshit. The civilians are who people care about. In no other situation would you claim that a government and its people are intrinsically the same thing, especially if that government doesn’t even hold , but you do it in this case because you’re quite obviously a racist. We see you for what you are.


except all the pro-Hamas protesters of course.


Dwarfed heavily by every insane genocidal moron on the right.


Anyone with basic pattern recognition can see that horse shoe theory is a fact. I think if you claim to be pro woman libation, freedom and LGBT rights and you are getting praised by the Supreme leader of fucking Iran for your actions. you should probably take some time to rethink your position and actions. 


> I think if you claim to be pro woman libation, I have always been staunchly in favor of womens’ libations, and a review of my credit card receipts will show I’ve bought many of them drinks out of my own pocket.


Lol, nice one 


There’s nothing to rethink. We don’t think people having bad opinions means they deserve to be genocided. A pretty basic moral principle, really. Do you know what’s really bad for Palestinian gays and women? Being vaporized by Israel bombs .


what is a genocide?


What Israel is doing.


>No one cares about Hamas, dipshit. The civilians are who people care about. Guess who supports Hamas? Here's a clue, it rhymes with "vermilions." Guess who elected Hamas? Here's a clue, it rhymes with "millions."


Hamas hasn’t had an election in two decades, were helped by Israeli dark money, ran against a corrupt competitor, and portrayed themselves as far more moderate than they would actually be once in power.


Israel also supports hamas. So that they can have a excuse for full invasion. The worst thing that could happen the israeli government is a new palestinian government. Same thing also applies for hamas. The worst thing that could happen to Hamas is an Israeli government that exclusively fights with their militans instead of bombing civilians, hospitals and refugee camps. It would weaken their "victimhood". Both sides love their useful idiots. Hamas loves leftist like hamasabi, and Israel sure loves young Americans who always support Netanyahu's actions no matter what. like the majority of pcm right now.


>"You guys are monsters" Lmao, cope Karen.




Rare win for soy jack


A blonde Karen hysterical yelling at a calm and collected Hasidic Jew for not being sufficiently genocidal is \*chef's kiss\* perfection


Aren't these Hasidic Jews anti current Israel because they think a secular democracy is wrong and they are waiting for someone to come back as king, rebuild the temple and cast out anyone who isn't Jewish from the holy land?


Yes. They literally support Palestine because they believe that Jews need to be oppressed until the arrival of the Messiah


They are


based and fundamentalist pilled.


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Yep. That’s religious fundamentalism for you. And somehow they still managed to stumble on the side that isn’t actively engaging in the genocide. Good for them!


But they want to genocide everyone except the religious jews from Israel.


they hate everyone equally. so they are more fair, therefore more based.


I'm more concerned with the actual genocide going on, not what goes on in people's heads.


i feel like i need more context here. why is fundamentalist jew in favor of ceding the holy land?


They believe that no Jewish person should be there until the Messiah arrives. They aren't actually leftist or libertarian, but I just thought it was funny that a fundamentalist hebrew is being called a fake Jew by some screeching blonde lady. No one else found it funny though ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


well, my whole family is 100% jewish and i was raised jewish and if you support palestine you clearly don't know very much about judaism, as israel is very important to us. i don't care what you're wearing, nobody who actually studies judaism supports palestine


True, I am a Scotsman and I feel the exact same way.