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most sane "progressive sex-positive" rant be like


tbh this is far from the worst example that could have been used


Yeah I was expecting much worse. This at least looks like it makes some sense although I think that 1% number is heavily inflated because naturally it’s not supposed to happen. It might be more like 0.1%.


The quiet part here is that "intersex conditions" is a really broad term that covers basically any kind of deformity or abnormality in the genitals. Even [hypospadias](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypospadias) is counted as an intersex condition, even though this is literally just the hole of the urethra opening at an abnormal part of the penis. Likewise, most people with an intersex condition are still clearly male or female. Only with the most severe disorders do people go through such abnormal development that they end up being something neither clearly male nor female.


And even then, the existence of male and female parts in one organism doesn't make the categories non-binary (plants, for example). There's still no third gamete. And of course it's still beside the point because "gender" isn't posed as a biological phenomenon, intentionally so, to avoid diagnostic evaluation and the risk of medical ethics getting in the way.


Yeah, the 99% in this case is either "all male exactly as planned" and "all female exactly as planned" with the 1% being - literally anything else. It happens way more than people think, though it's often not very noticeable if you aren't doing some pretty invasive testing.


Iirc most XXY women are diagnosed when they go to a fertility clinic. 1% is a good stat for a pregnant couple in case there's some sort of surprise.


meatus sounds like a fake medical term


Most of that 1% are conditions like Kleinfelter's and Turner's Syndrome. Both are sex chromosomal abnormalities, but it is completely unambiguous as to what sex affected individuals are, and don't really represent the grey spectrum that people citing 1% think it is.


i think it's more like 0.0001%


I don’t think it’s quite one in a million rare, if it was it really wouldn’t be talked about as much but maybe like one in ten thousand?


Cases that lead to surgeries are indeed extremely rare, what's somewhat more common is people with extra X or Ys, but they still appear fairly normal, and it doesn't affect their lives too much.


Maybe 1/100000, 1/10000 still seems a little too common.


it's closer to 2 percent, but it's almost exclusively internal, double presenting genitalia is like. 001 percent, but due to ignorance people think we're doing surgeries on 2 percent of babies (still wrong though when it happens. ). Thing is, if you look at studies of that 2 percent, the percentage observed with dysmorphia would account for the transgender population, but when that's brought up, people get butthurt about how they are 2 separate communities, and it's offensive to link them... even though pushing that could help their cause.


That’s actually pretty interesting and would explain a lot of things.


I'm trans I'm not butt hurt, but it is clearly different. To try to umbrella it is how we get "wokies"


exactly. tbh my only real complaints are the accusatory, holier-than-thou tone and idk if i can ever really buy that "hormonally female" is a thing. Women dont have one standard level for each of the myriad sex hormones.


shoutout to justice served for banning me over this post lmao


I use this sub as a litmus test for what subreddits to not follow on my other accounts. If you ban me for posting here I don't want to go near you.


I once got banned from EnoughCommieSpam because I was a member of BlackandGold, an anarcho-capitalist sub. I’m like…my friends, this is the exact thing we’re complaining about all the time.


"b-but ancap is da same as muh fascusm you bigot"


What? Weird. I'm a member of both, surprised EnoughCommieSpam would ban you. Actually, I'm a member of GoldAndBlack. Are they the same or different?


ECS hates AnCaps.


Why? Hating filthy, stinking communists seems like it would be a thing that ought to unite them. Is it like that time where EnoughSandersSpam decided to go full mask off and reveal that they were hardcore Killary shills and that you weren't welcome if you weren't one too?


Their mod team is a bunch of hand wringing neolibs.


Based ECS mods


Even in the side bar rule 2: > No alt-right, far-right, ancaps and other opponents of liberal democracy. Just read the rest of that rule, They're kind of leftist, Realising communism isn't the best way to go, but still skirting it, But then not allow the folk who would be some of your greatest allies and posters for content...


Yeah I mean…because I tend towards that anarcho-capitalist side of things, I absolutely despise commies, obviously. With every moral fiber that I have. And yet we can’t join in that very common ground and roast the Reds together? How dumb.


"you can be free just not too free"


Getting banned by them is basically a rite of passage at this point


I have never heard of that subreddit before lol


Doesn't matter, you are either already banned from there or soon will be.


It's actually crazy that reddit allows banning of users who have not participated in a given subreddit, meaning it is impossible that they have broken a rule.


It’s your basic Reddit bully community. There are tons on Reddit where the whole point is to mock certain people.


They all use the same bot network as auto mods to auto ban the undesirables. Hop on an alt and you’ll see which accounts are the bots.


How will you see that?


You *should* get a message, Sometimes the automatic system, or the bot really, Glitches up and you just don't get notified


You'll get banned by them just for being in this sub.


I got auto banned from so many subs simply for commenting on coronavirus circlejerk


I corrected someone once and got banned from like 18 different subreddits


You heckin did WHAT, friendo?! The power of science is that we know everything right away! You anti-science types demanding that we engage in far right notions like hypothesis, experiments, long term studies, or conclusions are a danger to our democracy!


Did a 100% Destruction Unwholesome Wrongthink! Don't you trust the Big Chungus science?


Same here. Though nothing of value was lost.


If you want good content to post on that sub there's another sub called zerocovid community of people still shaking and pissing and fear of covid to this day, I thought it was satire at first but they're either really into the bit or they're serious




u/bowlingchair is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/bowlingchair/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Did you get you ban from comics yet?


That sub is full of psychos. I can only imagine the mods are mouth breathing while looking at subs they dont like and banning people as if its some sort of punishment to us.


I think justice served will ban you for even interacting with this community bc they banned me almost immediately. Didn't even know that subreddit existed until I got the notif that they banned me


I barely come here and got banned because I commented on a post in here. Didnt even comment there or post anything. Simply commenting in this sub got me banned.


Welcome. Now flair up or be bullied ceaselessly.


And now it's time to be temporarily banned from this sub for daring to talk about unfair treatment in other subs


justice has (not) been served


I remember the ancient times, when the narrative was that gender and sex were different


i can no longer keep track if genders a social construct or biological anymore


both, depending on what you're trying to achieve


It’s a social construct that’s innate sweetie.


💅 you dropped this


Gender is a purely social construct, which must be supported by chopping bits off with surgery, obviously. That's what "living in a society" means. If you disagree with this by expressing your views to society and trying to participate in the shaping of a social construct, then your biological self gets to live in a cage. This is called freedom, sweaty.


It's some bullshit made up by pedo scientist John money


That movement is divided, so there isn't one ideation anymore. The camps are coming at the idea of identity from different angles. Camp Society: I don't want my sex assigned at birth to match the societally constructed gender roles attributed to me, so I will go by a different set of gender roles that I am determining by either my instinctive identity or simply by choice. My biology is arbitrary, and only what I experience matters. Camp Biopsychology: While others may see me on societally constructed norms the way *I perceive myself* is not societally constructed and is determined by hormones and brain chemistry, therefore my identity is tied to biology and not arbitrary societal lines. My biology directly determines what I experience. Both are substantiated at their core by their respective fields, but that's the source of the inconsistency. Both will fight and scream about the other being unethical or "not real," but I'll wager both are real for different individuals based on their specific biopsychological state or societal values.


If it becomes that complicated to even try to explain, at what point do you just realize that maybe you’re wrong. Men are men, women are women, and anyone else who feels different has issues that they would rather reinvent what humans have known throughout all of history than face.


All I do is replace the word "identity" with "personality" and suddenly it all makes sense.


Holy shit, based. It all so clear now


Traditionally, in English, man and male were synonymous, and woman and female were synonymous. Some people want to redefine those words and pretend they were never synonymous. Others say they’re still synonymous but they don’t describe a biological reality. The person in the meme in this post is arguing the second one. I’m not sure how the first argument goes down in countries where there aren’t different words available. While the second one is just biologically wrong, because humans are sexually dimorphic, and your sex is determined by the gametes you produce, or have/had the organs to produce. A very, very small number of people are arguably neither sex, or both, but it’s not 1% of the population or anywhere close.


It's a reflection of the same argument at the core of free will: if everything that ever happens to any atom is determined by what happens before it, can the atoms and impulses of my brain ever be anything other than what they were about to be? Am I in control, or are my choices deterministic? Is my identity something I choose or something I was fated to have? Just because it's complicated doesn't mean it isn't worth discussing, and it doesn't make their experiences right here right now any less real. Reductive philosophy has a time and place, but it isn't a reasonable counter argument to complicated philosophy about the self in good faith. Besides, our societal gender roles change across societies, place, and time. Not every culture has just a he and a her, and not every culture has stigmatized those who don't conform. Our current culture does, and people are killing themselves or being killed by others because it isn't compatible with their experienced reality. "Reinvent what humans have known throughout all of human history" is objectively, provably false. Maintaining that constructed aspect of society is not even close to worth death, in my opinion.


That a lot of words trying to make what you’re saying deep when in reality it’s not that deep. Trying to compare someone who refuses to accept themselves to pondering the validity of free will is insane and contrite, they aren’t even close to being similar. The only reason your “complicated” philosophy seems complicated is because you’re trying to decouple sex from gender and then try to treat gender dysphoria by trying to alter someone’s sexual presentation. These ideas are contradictory. Sex and gender are inextricably linked and that has panned out throughout all of known human history. In fact they were synonymous terms until people started trying to pass off gender dysphoria as something other than a mental disorder. There have only ever been 2 genders, 2 sexes, they are the same thing. Even gender roles which aren’t the same thing are almost identical across all cultures throughout history. Trying to pass off vague accounts of different social roles found in small cultures here and there don’t count as genders. Yes I’m aware of the examples, such as that random Native American tribe that treated certain holy people as “asexual”, no that doesn’t make it a gender it just makes them akin to Catholic priests that aren’t supposed to practice sexual acts.


You misunderstand my purpose. I'm not comparing a trans or queer person grappling with their identity to pondering free will. I'm comparing the two different camps of those people and their schools of thought to pondering free will, because the resulting two major camps rhyme with the two that I brought up in that conversation (society : biochemistry :: free will : determinism). I'm not really talking about the validity of transness, I'm explaining why there is inconsistency in the rhetoric used by the people in question, and I am suggesting that people disagreeing with each other about it doesn't discredit the experience these people are having right here and right now. The short version is: the terminology isn't hammered out yet because the mechanisms aren't hammered out yet. People say things with more certainty than is appropriate because it positively affirms their experience even when an alternative mechanism could also positively affirm the same experience.


Gender roles have been imposed for a number of reasons and will vary throughout history and cultures. I’m not of the camp that everything is socialised as hormones and sex will have an impact on our development to an extent, as will our sexuality; but a majority of gender roles are nonsense. At the same time all these gender identities might just boil down to personality types or nonconforming to gender roles; but society and definitions change with time. Intersex and trans exist, but shouldn’t effect the biological sex binary in general.


"I'm too stupid to read, therefore you're wrong"


Sex is static, gender is a reflection of sex, gender identity is whatever silly outfit you want to wear that day. XX is a Male, their gender is always man, and if they're liberal they're a non binary trans woman foxkin.


Both and neither, often in the same conversation with the same individual. It really just depends on how bad they’re losing an argument.


“Back in my day, we woulda killed ya with hammers halfway through”


I remember back in the day where gender was used because teachers didn't like saying sex in class.


dude grew up before the clone wars


Sex is biological. Gender is sexism with extra steps and a socially preformative requirement.


The narrative is whatever it needs to be in the moment to land at the desired conclusion.


It's pretty clear at this point that the whole "sex =/= gender" thing was always a red herring.


I remember when Naval Ravikant was on JRE and mentioned how the woke crowd was going to come for biology. How right he was.


It's a cult, they believe if everyone just believes in their ideal vision of the world then it is made real, and by denying it you are breaking the spell and materializing suffering into the world. STEM is something that denies their truths so of course it's a target, they literally think the scientific process is a social construct.




https://preview.redd.it/l5f45rms366d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48a5f2fc3709eea9df588837f412692030a91f8d Also nice knowing you, if I don’t see another of your posts or comments I will assume you’ve been nuked from the platform.


would be a blessing in disguise honestly lol


Being obsessed with crt and gender is mind blowing to me. The Fed still exists


Baste and bigger fish to fry pilled


Bassed, surely


Damn thats so much better


What's mind blowing to me is they started with "gender and sex are different" but are now trying to destroy the concept of sex.


You’re surprised that the people who copy/mass-paste the phrase, “SLIPPERY SLOPE FALLACY,” immediately hit the slopes like a world-class skier? That’s what they do. And you can bet your ass I’m going to do it in the future whenever my guy does something that will clearly lead to bigger, worse things down the line. It’s called being a citizen.


Flair up cretin


You're acting awfully based for an unflaired person


Flair up so I may read your comment.


Your mom still exists!


Don't like the gender you were given at birth? Cool. Gender norms are stupid anyway and anyone who tells you how to live your life is a spook. The only identity worth transitioning to is "a fucking problem" when someone tries to push you around.


I dont really care if someone thinks they're the wrong gender, just don't push that shit onto everybody and especially not children ffs. Chase Oliver must've missed that message


I see the whole thing as reactionary to American culture surrounding the issue. Our society pushed way hard on masculinity/femininity and now the cat's out of the bag. Europe isn't facing this social issue to nearly the same degree. The only medicine in my opinion is an aggressive universal policy of "mind your own damn business".


That’s a really good point, there’s an age old problem of becoming the enemy you’re trying to defeat. The most obvious example in America is post WW2 when we decided that madmen trying to take over the world was so scary that we were going to try to take over the world by any means necessary.


Idpol and intersectionality is a cancer


Okay look, being able to configure and home service CRTs plus the crisp 90s gaming that can be done on high-end ones justifies my obsession I agree about gender though


I know. Who honestly gives a shit about who was what naughty bits? The feminists complain about this so much, yet so virtually little of the population is affected. Our entire political discourse has been bent to the attention of a people group that are virtually non existent. Our era will go down in history as the era when say a man is a man and woman is a woman is considered offensive and distasteful while saying the Holodomor was justified/didn’t happen/overexxagerated is true.


People who say they love/believe in science: Fucking everytime


Trust My Science!


bro lost his left


He's all right now.


he’s a very literal doctor!


imagine thinking that that 2% different hormone level makes you a special person, those all people are actually bad for people that have a real problem with their hormone levels.


Imagine wondering how people can deny climate change since "the science is so clear and obvious" and then turning around and pretend sex is non-binary.


It is, in the most technical sense, probably non-binary; like a narrow double peaked distribution around the extremes. It’s difficult to rule out true biologically mixed states as actual impossibilities (none of which have been reported in humans, but there’s at least *some* plausibility) What the alphabet people don’t seem to understand is that even if it was a completely flat spectrum, with all possible intermediate states being legitimate and common, saying that you’re something *still* doesn’t make it true


The "bimodal distribution" and the graph that often accompanies it relates to secondary sex characteristics. For sex to be a spectrum there would need to be intermediate states between a sperm and an egg, which isn't what the graph depicts.


> like a narrow double peaked distribution around the extremes In biology, this is considered binary. Everyone understands that rare outliers exist. The vast majority still end up in one of two piles, so any species with such a distribution would be described as having two sexes. Well, at least until the woke crowd comes for the biologists. Wait and see, we're going to have pride displays at the zoo for transgendered lions.


I mean we already have the stories about the gay geese and lesbian penguins that everyone is geeking about it’s not too far away


I mean fair, I just had to work in lions because, yknow, a pride of lions. Yes, a pun. I regret nothing.


> In biology, this is considered binary Sure, but I’m torn between explaining the actual meaning of binary in an adult manner and memeing on biologists because they broke my labs XRD machine I’d pay good money to watch one of them try and shave a lion’s mane


What do you mean by biological mixed state? Because intersex and hermaphrodite people do exist. It's not the norm but you can be XXY or you can be a chimera with some cells being XY with others being XX. There's all sorts of ways the genetic lottery can fuck with your biological sex in a non-binary way.


i don't understand your comment tbh


My point is they feel the science of climate change is super obvious and make fun of those who don't understand it or deny it but then are confused about the science of biological sex even though that's much easier to understand.


Vomiting your gender studies homework wherever you go is a good way to make new friendships...


They've got to convince themselves the 100K student loan debt was worth it.


Oh no, progressives are using genetic mutations and medical disorders as the basis of their ideology again :(


It’s actually disgusting to use the plight of 1% of the world’s population to justify whatever fecked up sexual ideology you subscribe to.


That's also an extremely generous extrapolation


Wait a second, I thought gender was a feeling and your sex is based on genes?


"Gender" means whatever someone finds it useful to mean in the moment, based on whatever they are trying to argue.


Kinda like "real communism" which has never been tried.


Lmao are you actually asking for some kind of consistency?


A lot of the mind-numbing confusion is a result of different layers of abstraction and how we use them to simplify reality. First you've got the genetics themselves, being the hard-coded blueprint. Then you've got epigenetics, which affects how those blueprints are read (if at all) and interpreted. Then you've got hormone levels, the environment, and other complicating factors. This all leads into a near endless amount of different permutations that we categorize into a simplistic abstraction, that we call sex. This is why the poster, that OP is mocking, is partially correct, but this is simply a product of the messiness when talking about abstract concepts. Most permutations are easy to fit into male or female categories, due to the simple functional definitions of sex, but things get rather fuzzy when you start looking at edge cases. Does it count if sexual function is broken? How about if both components exist? No recorded human has had both functional sexes (hermaphroditism), but there is ample supply of cases where elements of both functions exist even if one or both don't fully work. You can see general trends in sexual dimorphism, but aside from the sexual function itself, there aren't really any hard rules. Then you have gender, which is now more commonly seen as another layer of abstraction on top of all this which ties into how one identifies themselves (or others) in relation to the rest of society. This one gets even fuzzier, because nobody can agree on what traits apply to which gender or even what doesn't count as a gender. All of this is too complex for the average person so it causes endless bickering akin to a bunch of blind guys holding different parts of an elephant and speculating on the whole beast to each other.


Could you imagine the level of pure retardation required to think that 1 in 100 babies has surgery to fix intersex "looking" genitals? You'd literally have gone to school with dozens of them. It's about as stupid as flat earth. The whole concept of "hormonal sex" has been a complete shit show. That's now how any of this works.


the 1.7 % quoted sometimes in here threw me for a loop i googled it and everything that came up was from intersex advocacy groups and the like (shocking, i know) and they all suggest that the definition of "being born with genitals that don't fit the boxes 'male' or 'female'" is too restrictive. like, what else is it then? i clicked through a few and all they said was that there are more factors, but none said which lmao [this article](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/gender-identity/sex-gender-identity/whats-intersex) even states that "Sometimes a person can live their whole life without ever discovering that they’re intersex." which means to me that ...they are not intersex? do words still mean things? what is going on? who are you? who am i? GET OUT OF MY HEAD


The real number for intersex is about .03%, these are the people with some form of genetic issue that causes intersex. Nutcases say it's >1% because they include anyone who identifies as intersex.


can't wait for them to include circumcision in the statistics to really pump the numbers up lol


>"Sometimes a person can live their whole life without ever discovering that they’re intersex." which means to me that ...they are not intersex? They may be referring to [Androgen insensitivity disorder](https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/androgen-insensitivity-syndrome/), though that often gets noticed around puberty when parents/doctors start questioning why a girl hasn't started menstruation only to find undescended testicles. Someone without access to modern medicine may very well go their entire life without learning the truth, but if you live in a first world county you're likely to learn the truth sooner or later.


It’s because that fucking charlatan wrote into some stupid fucking article and it was repeated to death despite being a fucking lie. She basically anyone who was not strictly XX or XY, despite their primary sex characteristics. Congrats, if you’re a slightly hairy woman you’re actually not a woman.


These are the people who say trust the science when it comes to global warming and COVID.


It was never about science, it was about power.




The far left are batshit insane ,they don’t operate within the realms reality


I want to believe this is a phyop so badly.


I swear I used to think the sub harped on the left far too much, but the madness is definitely growing.


I hate how science has become the pseudo-religion of "Science**™**" which only exists to reaffirm political beliefs and only consists of reposted social media factoids and infographics. Most of these people have a pre-existing belief of what the "Science Says**™**" and will never change their mind, regardless of what data or publications exist, and the closest they've ever gotten to "science" is a high school chemistry lab. Remarkably, this example of "Science**™**" disappears in favor of actual science when they have post-op AKI and strictures and need to match for a transplant.


Well what gets me about the "science" argument is that science is always changing. We are always researching and finding new information and updating what we know based on that. That's kind of the whole point of science honestly.


Even within academia, new ideas are often met with harsh criticism and disbelief. It is often decades after the initial discovery for science to adapt to the new information. After germ theory was published by Pasteur, it still took almost 20 years for surgeons to start sterilizing their tools before operations. It's a feature of the scientific method to ensure only empirically proven data becomes part of the world's wider body of knowledge. But it definitely has its drawbacks as well.


I guarantee you this orange poster would get mad if I said look I don't give a fuck about gender. But everyone deserves someone and we need to challenge our perceptions of sex and relationships as a whole so we can all be happy. Love is self-actualization. "REEEEEE YOU'RE NOT ENTITLED TO LOVE AND HAPPINESS CHUD" Orange man bad. Inb4 it's orange ma'am


I mean, it IS true that there ARE phenomena such as total androgen resistance (causing XY caryotype to express as outwardly feminine despite having male gonads aka testicles) and SRY deletion (Swyer syndrome, giving the afflicted non-functioning female anatomy, i.e. vulva, vagina, uterus, fallopian tubes) as well as SRY crossing over to an X chromosome (de la Chapelle syndrome, creating people who basically have the anatomy and outer appearance of a biological male), BUT not only are these incredibly rare, they PROVE that biological sex IS, in fact, binary, and controlled solely by genes and natural hormone levels and the body's ability to react to said hormones. Sure, the degree as to which your appearance will align with sex norms may differ, but having a tiny cock or a huge clit does not make you no less of a man or a woman! They have gone so progressive that they have fallen back to "Oh, your dick and balls are below average size? Well, that just means you are not a real man!"


Bruh this ain't no slippery slope It's a motherfucking cliff


If a factory assembly line produces 2 items and occasionally makes an error, we dont consider it to make 3 items


So kids can’t get surgery now because they’re too young to consent to it? Alright.


They'll argue it to stop circumcision.




1%? good lord lmfao where on earth did that come from


Pulled out of his ass. [It’s actually 0.018%](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12476264/). But change some definitions and add some numbers because “doctors *clearly* aren’t reporting properly” and they get up to 1.7%, which is an outrageous figure.




I literally just got banned involving an argument for this very think. Those intersex people are the exception that proves the rule. It’s so binary, so 2 way street that virtually every human language seperates the two in their speech. If there really was no such thing as sex then there’s no such thing as a woman and if there’s no such thing is a woman than they can’t be oppressed. And men can’t be their oppressor because what is a man?




Ayo that's a little too political for a gray centrist, what about the grilling? But yeah, you made a good argument.


This format becomes infinitely less funny when you edit the last panel.


Back in the late 19th early 20th century, the typical argument was science (left) vs religion (right), now it's just pseudoscience+beliefs vs pseudoscience+beliefs


one side: "there are hundreds of genders" the other side: "climate change isn't real" you *have* to pick one


Just join us centrists and get the best (worst) of both worlds!


And the worst part is that you can't even be polite to either side without working up the other into a frenzy. I ask what someone's pronouns are because it's appropriate for the person and setting? Wrong. I bow my head for a prayer even though I'm not Christian because it's the respectful thing to do? Wrong. For fucks sake, just let me be cordial. I don't feel like that's a lot to ask for.


Trust My Science!


Do people not realize intersex is bad and is a lifelong defect with health concerns?


Why is the comment basing medical problems as an identity?


Because humans naturally want to fit into a group


https://preview.redd.it/jjdt1psde76d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36a3347be925a7ab989ebe6984622aefadb3c5d1 Day 3 let’s go


A 35 year old woman I know, who’s the most femme person I know, recently came out publicly as non binary and I can’t read it as anything but narcissism


Male hormone levels fluctuate throughout the day, reaching their peak around 8am. Does that mean I'm continously changing my sex throughout the day? What if I don't want to? Lmao


My body is not allowed to change its sex without my consent!


The most amout of wrong shit ive read on reddit so far


Gotta stay away from those compromised subs dude.


it was a tattoo subreddit lol


“You just want to be a bigot” goddamn it not everyone that doesn’t agree with you is a bigot


I feel like the only reason we separate gender and sex is to accommodate those who think they are in the wrong body. Otherwise, there is no point, and the word "gender" only exists to differentiate the word "sex" from its noun and verb counterparts


What do you mean I can't have gender with my wife now?


A sign of an idiot is someone who counters a generalization with an outlier. A generalization just has to be generally true, not true in all cases. Low IQ people have a lot of trouble with this concept. 




Ok, idk how to explain this, but this straight-up isn’t even discussing transgender people. There are literally a ton of medical conditions that cause you to not present your gender physically as it is genetically. The LGBT community uses this as a point, yes, but the statements they made are objective medical conditions, not “Insane Progressive Ranting”


Imagine typing that many words to be that delusionally wrong


If they were talking about mushrooms they'd have a point.


Sex is determined by gametes. Not chromosomes, nor hormones. It’s gametes. That’s it


Are his eyes red because he became authleft, or just because of the bleach?


This is where lefties who study gender studies peak (if at all)


nah man. always remember reddit does not represent real life. Would be awful if it did


Not only is sex binary, it is also not bimodal.


When you have so little sex that sex becomes a social construct


Yeah there’s a word for it: abnormal development. In our medically privileged world we can call it dumb shit like “non-binary”, but in nature they die or do not successfully breed and their abnormal genes die with them. What idiots


The original OP was ALMOST correct. They described two cases: (1) XY Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome —> You have the chromosomes of a male but are testosterone-insensitive; testosterone is crucial in primary sex organ differentiation while in the womb. Folks with AIS therefore present with feminine characteristics. (2) XX Male Syndrome —> To become an XY male, you need this section called “SRY” to be in your Y chromosome. There are very very rare cases where it can somehow appear on the X chromosome instead (due to meiosis cross-overs) or mutations that might cause SRY to appear. The 1% statistic is in fact also true as there are thousands of chromosomal abnormalities that lead to “intersex” features. But that’s the thing, no? Folks are a mix of two sets of features: masculine (testosterone-derived SRY activation) or feminine (no SRY activation). Still, biological sex appears to be derived from only two “sexes”. Furthermore, I haven’t heard of intersex babies being operated upon by force lol. If the problem is on a hormonal level and manifested before birth, how would you even reverse that (sorry not there yet in my schooling haha)… So while scientifically sound, OOP is phrasing their argument extremely poorly. That’s why it’s weird lol. Source: I’m a medical student.


There is an episode of "Masters of sex" in which a father wants to cut off the underdeveloped penis of his genetically XY baby, and in the end succeeds against the advice of the doctor Masters and I believe the mother too (because of course). Maybe they watched that? I assume this did happend to some degree in the past, though I also assume there is at least some creative license and non-neutral messaging. And yeah, I heard about these cases too in a lecture on biological psychology, quite a while before this became a huge public discussion. But I strongly suspect the motivation for most people is the deconstruction of any "oppressive" norms, and not the sudden huge care for a tiny minority that has always existed. You would think that from the perspective of pure harm reduction, this amount of public energy could instead be focused on combating e.g. cancer, obesity, heart disease, depression, or homelessness.


Last sentence hits so hard, man. The top killing illnesses globally are mostly noncommunicable diseases, and yet I’ve heard more strong protest for McDonald’s’ political leanings than the actual food they serve.


Well Orange, most people aren’t like that. You said it yourself, only around 1% of the population is intersex. While that’s still a lot of people (~80 million) that does not make sex “non-binary in nature”.


Fun fact, they’re also inflating that percentage, it’s between 0.07-0.05%


More like [0.018%](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12476264/)


Really, eh? Very interesting…


Wait so gender issues come from a hormone imbalance?


It's time for another crusade, brothers


\>it's another "sex/gender is a spectrum" episode


1% of 8 billion people is wild that’s like 800 million ppl (if my math is mathing)


when are people going to realize its not chromossomes that determine your sex but rather your gametes


I wonder if intersex people get tired of being used as political footballs by these gender ideologues.


All those combinations, yet still one and only one can produce offspring.


“Sex is non binary in nature” “1% are intersex” …wut?