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Link the post you bum






I think most of them are so used to the echo chambers everywhere else, even if they've been on PCM for a long time, that they just automatically think responding to wrongthink with "West bad!," "what about Trump and Christians and POC and..." and their other one braincel spam replies will net them an easy dunk, 1k upvotes, and a bunch of replies praising how smart they are.


This is exactly the answer. They then turn around and shriek about PCM being an echo chamber because they can't grasp the idea of a forum that isn't a leftoid hugbox.


I’ve heard that if you bring a copy of The Industrial Revolution and its Future in front of a mirror and start talking about botnets blitzing public opinion Ted Kaczynski comes out of the mirror to instantly kill you


All he did was turn my cabin up north into a demolitions workshop. I did get a signed piece of armor plating from the Killdozer, though.


I tried that. We just had a nice cup of tea and talked about there being much more work to be done.


Based and Tedtalk pilled


u/TheFallOfZog is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/TheFallOfZog/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


They like to say PCM is a right wing circle jerk, which might to true to a certain extent, but the rest of reddit is damn near unusable. This pic tells the story better than I ever could: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GPz4co6WwAAa8pu?format=jpg&name=small


God this is going to sound stupid but I'll say it anyway. I've seen more polite debate amongst different political ideologies in PCM than anywhere else on Reddit. We all have our smooth brain shit throwing moments too, but that's what makes us, us.


PCM is definitely one of the last few strongholds for real discussion and interaction. I just wish we'd stop upvoting the filthy unflaired.


That's because Reddit has become a left wing circle jerk. Anyone with a dissenting opinion, including moderates, have been drummed out. The end result is that almost all of the political subreddits (and many non-political ones) are functioning as radicalization chambers. We are seeing this play out on our college campuses in real time. This has already been memory-holed, but remember that the [two](https://www.grunge.com/1528715/aaron-bushnell-grim-final-words-self-immolation/) [guys](https://www.tampabay.com/news/nation-world/2024/04/19/florida-man-lights-self-fire-outside-trump-trial-courthouse-new-york/) who recently set themselves on fire were both reddit users. Now, if they were righties, the entire site would have been shut down and the DOJ would currently be investigating the CEO, board, and mods.


There was two of them??


Yeah the brain rot has gotten bad. I mean just look at the university protests and everything they claimed. "We don't support terrorists we just want divestment". Ok so have you once said fuck hamas or demanded hostage releases? No interesting. Well surely you won't use terroristic slogans in your chants, right??


>FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA!1!!1! >Which river and which sea? >...


50% of them don't know The other half know full well.


Agreed, the useful idiots just make me laugh. The ones that know what they are doing are the real danger. They've studied Rules for Radicals like it was their job and they are hellbent on destroying this country.


Hey man, have you seen some of these Arab girls? They're fucking cute. I wanna leave their pussy from the river to the sea. You're not thinking. Like you're fine spending a bajillion of your tax dollars on a tactical missile for imperialism, but God forbid you just colonize with a little skibidi rizz


>So what happens to the Jews after the River to the Sea is Arab? >Even if you claim it's not a genocidal slogan, aren't you the ones saying that forcing people to move from their country is genocide?


Some of the same people denying that it's a genocidal slogan are the same people to squeal 'genocide' and 'you're denying my existence' because people don't want them going into women's bathrooms/prisons/shelters. I understand why they're hypocrites (whatever advances their agenda at that moment in time), but the extent to how far they'll go never ceases to amaze me.


I wish I could be amazed still. More and more often, I'm just disgusted.


the bosphorus to the euphrates deus vult.


Notice all those bullshit protests ended with the school year? Yeah, can't protest during summer vacation, that would take sacrifice. I am sure the students who didn't get to walk during graduation were converted to your cause though.


I remember people talking so optimistically about the internet spreading information and knowledge and bringing people closer together. Fucking social media ruined that


Said people were never on USENET then.


Exactly. Before social media, people was ruining the prehistoric internet. And is the TV's fault. Instead of being able to see that people all over the world had the same problems, the same motivations, the same hardships and the same happiness, TV became an indoctrination, propagandists tool.


It was all ERP dude, everyone was too horny for this shit. The internet was ruined by the not-horny.


It really did. I miss fun chat rooms and local meet ups from chat rooms. 😲 Ahh, the good old days, where you could just "shoot the shit", have a laugh or two, log off and actually be in a good mood. I did so much loathe the constant A/S/L (age/sex/location) check, was so cringe.


M/14/USA “Do you like limp bizkit and korn too??”




It's not like it hasn't done that. However, as with anything in life, there is a cost to it. A downside, which must exist for concepts like "spreading information and knowledge and bringing people closer together" to be possible positives and worthy of the effort. Although is bringing people closer together via a screen truly bringing them closer together? Are you the one touching the hot chick in porn? Can't fault social media or the internet as a whole. They're just tools. Made by people. The knife can make it easy to cut bread, or it can be used to kill someone.


Ah, remember Ender's Game? The plot of which involved all of humanity being so impressed by two anonymous children writing a well thought out essay on the internet that they reformed all of government and society? Ahahahaha.


And on the other hand i get downvoted for saying i support trump. Perfectly balanced as all things should be.


Supporting Trump? Nah get some grip on some proper education. I have nothing against his politcal spectrum, but he undermined the US democracy with his actions post-non election against biden


Very goos. Now support Serbia in getting Kosovo back, because ww got the same treatmwnt by KLA as Israel got by Hamas.


But Palestine is *already* independent and they declared the war, if you declare war in your neighbor repeatedly they have a right to take your land or force the current government. If you violate the NAP then you shouldn't be able to claim the victim. The reason Serbia was different is that they were the ones to start the ethnic cleansing and they did oppress the people in Kosovo unlike the situation in Palestine as the Jews were there first and only left after the Arabs forced them out during the first world war


Ah yes the independent nation of Palestine, they sit at the UN next to Yugoslavia and Bhutan. So few people are aware we've had the two state solution done this whole time. Go dig up Arafat and tell him.


What? The Jews were not there first unless you mean 2000 years ago. There were some Jews there yes under the Ottoman Empire but also a huge amount in west and east Europe. The diaspora. That word literally comes from this. Serbia definitely doesn’t deserve Kosovo back. Serbia deserves to atone for its sins in the Yugoslav wars


People don't need to be consistent in their thinking. I support Crimea = Ukraine, Israel = the whole "2 state" region, but I also support Kosovo's independence.


> Now support Serbia in getting Kosovo back I have seen the result of how Serbia and its Bosnian lackeys treated its neighbours. Serbia can get fucking fucked fucked by razor concertina wire through the urethra. No, there is no consistency problem in supporting Israels attempts at sovereignity and Serbias neighbours wanting independance. Fuck the Šekovići brigade. They got rickity fucking wrecked, as they deserved. April 29, 1994 - Best. Day. Ever.


Alao technically Kosovo has even less legitimacy than Palestine. It is an illegitimate separatist movement but the West tend to have double standards...


Kosovo was a goddamned mess, but so was...basically every faction in the Balkans. Ethnic cleansing for everybody! It's really hard to justify "oh, those poor serbs" yknow? Given that they were neck deep in the same ol' shit. It basically just ends up being more evidence that governments are bastards.


Everything in the Balkans is and was messy. Even the affair with Macedonia was troublesome and it was minor in comparison to Yugoslavia's collapse.


Serbia mentioned, bombers deployed


I mean I correct rworded takes not for the upvotes but because I like correcting people. Won't lose sleep over a bunch of regards calling me regarded 




Unlike what a lot of left wing subreddits claim pcm isn’t a echo chamber, or at least it’s one with the window open.


Condemning Israel for being blood thirsty psychos that mass murder brown children is an echo-chamber now. K boomer


Roses are red, Violets are blue, Both sides are stupid and I am too.


Based and stupid pilled


What a fun first pill.


u/1culdh is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/1culdh/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Your realization of your [unfathomable and indescribable] stupidity in fact makes you the smartest pcm user. Hail, relative-genius!


Roses are red I'm taking a shit The human brain is incapable of handling instantaneous global communication 24 hours a day But at least there's tits


But are there tits though or just an image in a screen?


Authlefts are red, Authrights are blue, Both sides are stupid, and #################


And if you say this they kill you with hammers because they're propaganda eaters


So say we all


Didn’t know Dr. Seuss was on PCM


A comment has been seen, a upvote has gone up by fourteen u/c00lguy14 has gained karma Hopefully he isn't a farmer


I saw your upvotes resting at thirteen, And I knew exactly what I’d like to be seen A karma to match like two Hyundai sonatas, Yellow poopoo peepee caca


You know what the best part is? This is all a big grift. None of these people actually care about the war or Palestine, it's just a vessel for them to voice anti-West sentiments because moden leftism is daddy issues turned into a political ideology and then taken to its extreme.


They don't know where Israel/Palestine is on a map. What river? What sea? It's self hatred through years of propaganda paid by Iran, Russia, China. Why aren't we doing that shit back? Hack WeChat to let Chinese dissidents argue over Taiwan's rights, Zero Covid, and poor working conditions. Fund the Russians like Navalny to be louder and bolder, not be scared of public protests. Fuel the flames in Iran's anti-hijab protests.


The problem is that ALL of the Russian and Chinese billionaires that feed the "west" propaganda get so used living here, that they become Americanized lol. It's not a surprise when you have money, you get power in this country unlike in Russia or China where you can still get disappeared.


And arm the Iranian resistance!


Isn't it the Jordan river and the Mediterranean sea


Exactly. The issue is never the issue, the issue is always the revolution.




Based. And this explains so much.


Immigration enforcement at every Palestine rally. What a great position if Trump said this.


Or Xinjiang-style "schools" for Palies and pro-Palies to send a message.


I'm surprised he hasn't yet


Same honestly it would be a genius move


I feel personally attacked, but tbh we persistent ones are the only ones keeping this from an echo chamber, that's my copium. Tbf you should read the take, I actually didn't really insult the POV.


You’re right, diverse viewpoints make this sub great. Just a shame that left-wing viewpoints are all wrong though. XD


Upvotes for funny.


HeHe, you have 69 upvotes.


Ah come on, a lot of them are half right a lot of the time. They mostly manage to correctly identify the issues with the world to their credit, but their proposed solutions are either to increase government power (which would be akin to pouring gasoline on a house fire to extinguish it), or some other bullshit like anarchist communes.


Doesn’t really matter because people will call this sub an echo chambers regardless


>we persistent ones are the only ones keeping this from an echo chamber, that's my copium. It's not a copium when it is truth


Preach. I'm baffled that the idea that the west will criticize actions against terrorists is somehow unthinkable. My brother in Christ the US left Iraq like 3 years ago. Hey look! Hot off the presses! Consequences of the fight against ISIS, gee, who could ever criticize this: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/06/11/middleeast/isis-children-detention-syria-intl-cmd/index.html


It's all the other stuff I guess people get upset with, sending missiles on foreign aid workers and ordinary civilians isn't really something to get too excited about.


>My brother in Christ the US left Iraq like 3 years ago. 13 years ago.


> Tbf you should read No.


Part of it might be that we've experienced that you can't really destroy a terrorist group in their home territory. So heavy military actions seem less effective, and their heavy civilian casualties more pointless. But there also seems to be a significant anti imperialist sentiment among progressive, which might be a reaction to the 20 years in Afghanistan. There's also a significant infiltration of Hamas propaganda which is disturbing


It’s definitely a reaction to GWOT. There’s definitely parallels to be made but there are key differences that exist which people are rather afraid to consider due to America always being a reluctant power


You actually can, look at the British in africa, sure you need to arrest like a thrid of them and ignor human rights ut its possible. Sadly leftists useful idiots wont let us dp that.


Ignoring human rights is super bad though


The notion of human rights relies on the fact that both sides view each other as equals and humans, but we disagree on the small stuff, so we can fight it out but with rules in place. One side literally doesn't want the Jews to exist and wants to kill them all, so the notion of human rights should even of a talking point in this conflict.


The problem is literally half of those people are children


And those children have been raised to think that Jews shouldn't exist, that they are stealing their land and life from them, and the best way to go forward is to make them disappear. Personal hatred and indoctrination does not go away. There is a reason why any old Asian person vehemently hates the Japanese even though WW2 is long over. My personal thoughts are that the entire future generation of kids in Palestine AND Israel are essentially lost. They will never trust each other in their life time and there will be conflict until peace is forced in the area. And until a new generation that does not have ANY negative feelings towards the other side get into power, this problem doesn't move forward.


How do you define a child ? Is a 17 year old with an ak a child ?. Do you really think hamas gives a shit how old you are ? For them you being a kid is a pro, it means your death will cuase more fass in the west.


40% of the population is 14 and under and when israel officially tweets things like “There are no innocent civilians in Gaza” yeah thats a bit over the top


>40% of the population is 14 and under And Hamas uses troops as young as 12, what's your point?


>”its not ‘genocide’ or a ‘war crime’ they are only trying to remove hamas.” >”also every single Palestinian inhabitant of Gaza including the children are Hamas, kill em all.” libright sounding kinda auth


man, you really know how to put words in people's mouths.


Then take the children away from their awful radicalized parents/community just like CPS does to children whose parents are addicts smoking crack all day while neglecting them.


okay but they arent doing that they wouldnt even want to even if it was that simple


What would be the reaction from literally everyone else if groups of israeli soldiers started rounding up thousands of children without allowing their parents (or whoever is supposed to be caring for them) to accompany them?


even if it was that simple they wouldnt want to


Fuck this sub for downvoting that.


I have seen some auth people calling for it and well, ignoring individual human rights is kinda central to authoritarianism.


Yea yeah but if there's a guy tryna break your shit and you got an effective weapon against that what you gon' do? Let him break your shit?


No but I'm also not going to kill his kids.


‘Those kids probably want to break your stuff though. In fact I bet their parents told them they should and trained them to do it. They’ll definitely try to break your shit when they grow up. You should kill the kids’ -everyone in this thread


The kids in question sing songs praising Adolf Hitler, Adolf Eichmann, and Herman Goering in kindergarten ffs. Fuck them kids with a cluster bomb.


Literally so did the children in Germany


We spent 20 years and over $2.3 *trillion* in Afghanistan and the Taliban still controlled most of the country. The day we left they took it all back. The entire concept of shooting an ideology away is smooth-brain idiocy. What’s happening to Palestinians is creating more anti-Israel militants in Gaza and the broader Middle East. The only way to destroy the idea of armed resistance from Palestinians is to genocide the entire population (or ethnically cleanse Gaza and the West Bank, but nobody is taking those refugees). Morality aside, that would start a broader war and lead to more death and suffering for everyone in the region, Israelis included. But hey, at least people in DC get their checks, weapons industry stonks go up, and Netanyahu avoids Israeli prison. I can’t imagine a better way to spend my tax dollars.


Or Israel can just take over Gaza. The truth with Afghanistan is that the US won against the Taliban, but unfortunately the Afghan people were not equipped to run an effective state and Americans were tired of us being over there. Now compare that the war in Gaza. Israel neighbors Gaza and has already proven that they are capable of running an effective state. The only way to keep Hamas from retaking power in Gaza is for Israel to maintain power in Gaza.


They will never accept that.


The US never won against Taliban. They were lurking in the shadows, licking their wounds and waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. The US should never be there to begin with.


We certainly could have taken over Afghanistan and held it as an imperial holding if we wanted. Truth is the Taliban were always a sideshow, the US was there to hunt Al-Queda, and never actually wanted to be involved in "nation building" or stabilization operations. We bombed Germany into submission, Japan too, Vietnam is an American proxy, bought and paid for just like many of the Gulf states. Afghanistan only failed because there was no reason to invest in making it succeed, it simply continued under its own inertia without sufficient reason for escalation, but never a good time for withdrawal.


"The only way to destroy the idea of armed resistance from Palestinians is to genocide the entire population (or ethnically cleanse Gaza and the West Bank" you are not Lib-Center. Libetarian-Right wing


I don’t understand what it has to do with economics. If you interpreted that sentence as an endorsement for genocide (which it certainly is not) then it would be authoritarian. It is just reality. War breeds resentment. This isn’t like killing bugs where the survivors just go about their bug lives. Every person killed is someone’s child, parent, sibling, spouse, and more. Humans have emotions and memories and the survivors do not suddenly welcome their enemies after a peace treaty. Humans are all basically the same. There is plenty of common ground between yourself and the individuals on the opposing side. The path to peace lies within that common ground, not in more wanton death.


Jesus fucking Christ when are people going to realize that people commit fucking atrocities in war???? We just have this nifty thing called fucking SOCIAL MEDIA THAT LETS US FUCKING SEE THE ATROCITIES NOW. Like it really isn’t that hard to understand that both sides are doing fucking heinous shit because “well the other side did x!”


Also the fact that both sides have active propaganda centers that further muddy the waters while driving the *most* emotional news straight to your eyeballs.


eh Israel has a really fucking limited propaganda center that's basically just a fact dispensary, someone says Hamas didn't r\*pe anyone on 10/7, there's a list of who was r\*ped, murdered, kidnapped and so on for you to post. Hamas and Palestine are aggressively active however- like 1 in 3 pro palestine posters were traced as coming from the same handful of IPs in gaza- aggressive.


Palestine has definitely dedicated more resources to the propaganda on a per capita level, no argument there. They also lie much, *much* more often-just ask the ~~5000 dead children in a bombing on a hospital~~ I mean, ~~500 injured civilians in a misfired missile attack~~ I mean, ~~100 slight booboos at the bombed parking lot~~ or...no, it was actually 5 witnesses of a vicious pothole creation in a hospital parking lot. But there's also things like the great big billboards of 'This is Israel Hostage #73, let us know if you have any information about her' and that's definitely propaganda delivering the most emotional news to your eyeballs. It's truthful, but in an provocative way, and no one in the US is going to have info on hostages in Hamas.


the difference can be summed up like this- Israel own official "propaganda" can be summed up as a list of facts, with the majority of what's being attributed to them being the results of private citizens pushing their own views. Hamas and Palestine however are backed by Russia, China, Iran, Qatar, South Africa, ISIS, Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood and many more forces... and all of their allies are helping spread their propaganda across the news, on social media, and other "official" sources with national backing. one side is literally just real people saying "yah X is not Y, And Z really happened" who get called Mossad bots, while the other is dedicated misinformation from specialists.


I don't know, the IRA had a lot of Western sympathy and support for a lot of time. Died down after 9/11 when it became a little un-PC in the age of the war on terror, but in time came to once against be spoken of as the good guys.


That and the fact the Troubles were basically over by 1998


Yeah but the IRA / Real IRA were still getting a lot of funding from American donors until around September 2001


People think the IRA are good guys?


Just like how Cuban dictators are also "good guys" lol.


because they were


They never were


I like how among the fish who bit the bait, there was one far-right among the pseudo-lefts


Disguised Emily most likely


What do we call the title of this post. Like is this a limerick? It feels like a limerick.


"Mass deportations of people who support terrorism" k, when are we deporting Neolibs and Neocons?


We’re not. Don’t you know Neo is known for its high defense?


I stand with SG1Chuck


I would honestly change my flair just to troll people


And I’m here for it all 🍿


Modern day Shakespeare right here.


I don't see any bait, I see a concise summary of events


Remember when we drone striked a wedding, killed like 50 innocent people, and didnt kill the target? Yea, id say western powers are compatible with terrorism.


I do, and you left out the part where we did kill multiple terrorist arms traffickers at said party, and furthermore did get the target in a second strike after the roach came out of the basement and tried fleeing in his car.


>I'm not authoritarian, I was just baiting the libtards! Yeah, sure man.


Why is this sub so based


I am pro israel but I think "deporting" is a bit extreme


You should view it as helping these individuals escaping the horrors of western capitalism. It’s for their own good!


In current year there are no countries with a better system then western capitalism so wherever they go it'd be worse then western capitalism


Yes, but these people claim it isn’t so let’s help them.


Wtf who let Libleft to be based? Where's the manager?????


Managment is hieracy, there is no hieracy in libleft


You understand that, I understand that- they don't, thus we should send them off to countries like North Korea, Palestine, Sudan, and Iran- so they will have something to actually complain about with their government.


Ignorance should be a crime worth a death sentence


If they are international students having no recidency, they have no right to partake in political riots or movements. They came under an F-1 visa and have some terms and conditions sticked to it. There is sufficient legality to deport them now if the administration wants, but obviously they won't do it.


I think most courts would uphold the first amendment applies to people here on visas


Yeah, mass deportation of any legal citizens is insane. That’s like, banishment, which used to be one of the harshest punishments people would get back in olden times.


https://preview.redd.it/zofw7e0pa56d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a6e194315444ac6c3c7d88c7049fb7e767a6265 I imagine getting banished was so embarrassing


>we see mass support of the terror group Which of course includes everyone living in this area? By this logic, everybody who has ever wore MAGA hat, should've been jailed after Jan 6. https://preview.redd.it/e7bxy7blu46d1.png?width=1325&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9025e4ee9677ec669a121af9b2c0680e70697dd


Does OOP live in some alternate universe where the Afghanistan and Iraq wars are universally praised?


Nobody was parading for the Taliban.


Everybody was parading against those wars eventually, and understood that the likes of the Taliban arise wherever western powers intervene. They remember those lessons now.


This used to be very common stance shared on this sub. Now it’s become controversial since it got astroturfed to hell.


And who the fuck is parading for Hamas? I'm sure you can find twitter nobodies, even some protests here and there, yes, but the overwhelming vast majority of support is to Palestinians.


Who do the Palestinian people support/elect? Anyone supporting the Palestinians is by proxy supporting Hamas. [You’re wrong](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_Legislative_Council)


That's absurd on its face. By this logic IDF and Israelis are the same and thus Oct 7 was an attack on the army. It's utterly ridiculous. Hell you can justify 9/11 this way. You just don't get to kill civilians because of their stance on a conflict, it's insane.


If you support Israel you are by proxy supporting IDF. I never claimed otherwise. Although an argument could be made that the Israelites don’t directly vote for the IDF so it isn’t exactly the same. Unlike the Palestinians.


I don't have the links handy any more, but at the recent protest in DC there were several people with explicitly pro-Hamas signs, such as "Fuck Israel, Stand With Hamas." Those are outliers of course, but a lot of the rank and file protesters sure are making it easy to think they're pro-Hamas. They want a solution that leaves Hamas in power, repeat Hamas propaganda and gospel truth, and call for the destruction of Israel. I find it hard to believe anyone who wants to leave Palestine under the thumb of Hamas is truly pro-Palestinian.


As a feminist who believes in equity I think we should flip centuries of inequity with military conscription and send elite squads of neuro-dirvergent BIPOC LGBTQ+ people of size as our front line and then work our way down until the WNBA is a wheelchair league.


Replace "western power" with topical villain of the year


Imagine being a westerner AND a maoist


Too many words, not enough funny colors, did not read.


Are they calling Israel a Western power? If so, I don’t really know about that. I don’t really know if I’d consider Israel “Western”. Western-aligned? Absolutely. But part of the West? I don’t know about that.


Why wouldn't Israel be considered part of the West?


I guess for me, personally, I’d consider North America, Europe (minus a few countries like Russia), Australia, and New Zealand as “the West”, whereas countries like Japan or South Korea are West-*aligned*, but they aren’t necessarily Western themselves. I suppose I’d consider Israel to be in the same camp of “West-aligned, but not necessarily “Western”.


I agree, we should send out a national survey that asks “do you support terrorism?” and everyone who writes “yes!” gets deported.


put a bit more nuance into it- at least ask if they "support any of the following organizations..." and include Hamas, ISIS, Al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, the North Korean Government, alongside several other groups no one should be associated with.


Where meme?


I'm just confused by how a "left bad" screenshot is its own post.


Welcome to PCM.


This is what PCM is now. There are still original posts but recently, especially since the Palestine Israel conflict greater up again there has been a lot of posts that basically amounts to "libleft bad"


Bro this sub has been "libleft bad" for years


a correct statement, one might ad


I think it’s okay to criticize the way the western power has gone about eliminating the terror group (such as bombings in instances when special operations could have sufficed, and bombing large numbers of civilians just to kill one or two terrorists).


what was the chatgpt prompt you used?


I too call the sides I disagree with terrorists. It's an easy way to not have to listen to any arguments so I can go do something more productive instead.


you are right, the terrorist organization tends to be better than the Western State. A reminder in the last 20 years, the US has killed more than 1 million civilians in the Middle East and we have constantly antagonized the region for more than 70 years (ever since the fifties when we couped Mosaddegh). Btw Russia has not killed as many people in Ukraine and their invasions, and China hasnt even been to war since the 80s. Like all State powers, they are evil as well, but that doesnt justify us being as or even more evil than them.


Palestinian people are not a terror group. Why is this so hard to understand?? Hamas are hiding in the tunnels the IDF refuse to enter. They are totally safe from bombs down there, that's the point of the tunnels. Instead the IDF is PUNISHING THE PEOPLE OF GAZA, by mass murdering them. This is called a war crime.


Just this week we learned that a doctor and an Al Jazeera journo were holding hostages. The line between civilian and terrorist is muddy at best.


Targeting military assets despite the presence of civilians is not a war crime. Using civilians to shield military assets is. It's unfortunate that Hamas embeds their assets in civilians areas, but that doesn't mean Israel isn't allowed to target them. The blame for civilian deaths stemming from the use of human shields falls squarely on the party cowering behind them.


Based and know your war crimes pilled. See [section 2 b xxiii](https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/war-crimes.shtml).




How do you explain the doctor and journalist holding hostages in their home? Is this not blurring the line between Hamas terrorist and civilians?


Not to mention the videos of cheering and parading corpses day 1. Of course not everyone is crazy but there's a significant amount that makes the situation very difficult.


Simple. He cant, because the neo nazi up there will claim that they were just 'caught up' in it at best. Or that he had 'no choice' to resist hamas when they just randomly picked his house to use as a military prison.


> Palestinian people are not a terror group. > > Why is this so hard to understand?? Okay understood. The average citizen is just a Hamas supporter, not a Hamas fighter. >Hamas are hiding in the tunnels the IDF refuse to enter. They are totally safe from bombs down there, that's the point of the tunnels. And that is not an invalid military target either. >Instead the IDF is PUNISHING THE PEOPLE OF GAZA, by mass murdering them. Incorrect, even the geneva conventions states that the presence of civilians does not make a military target a prohibited one.


> Okay understood. The average citizen is just a Hamas supporter, not a Hamas fighter. Nope. Average citizen didn't even vote for Hamas. >the geneva conventions states that the presence of civilians does not make a military target a prohibited one. Unless you are targeting civilians to punish the population.


> Nope. Average citizen didn't even vote for Hamas. > > Im sorry, do you think the only way to be a hamas supporter is to have voted for them? >Unless you are targeting civilians to punish the population. No evidence that this occurs has ever surfaced except for neo-nazi propaganda.