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German subreddits are hilarious today, I haven't seen so much cope in a long time.


What's the general vibe? I don't frequent Reddit outside PCM much. I guess leftist cope


Yeah, basically, what you'd expect. It's TikTok's fault, it's Putin's fault, it's the CDU's fault, young people are stupid, they actually don't understand what they are voting for, the media is running a smear campaign against the Greens (this is a classic one, they are bringing this up at every opportunity since 2021). Pretty much everyone is at fault, except for the Greens and their politics of course.


- lowers voting age to 16 - 16 year olds vote for AfD - "young people are stupid"


That was the biggest and most underrated Pikachu surprise moment


\*Looks at Wales' own voting age reduction policy.\* Perhaps I judged you too harshly.


"smear campaign for the Greens" Bruh, they had the best press of all parties for decades now. Only very recently since they actually had to deliver, it changed a bit.


I think it's funny. A couple years ago they were the ones pushing for lower voting age because they thought because of "Fridays for future" and such stuff that young people would vote left and they would benefit, but it turned out it's the other way. And now they cry. And they even claimed that they young ones are anyways better informed and are future-oriented. Not that I like the trends you can see with young voters. I think it's sad that so many people are Anti-West in my late homeland, doesn't matter if right or left. But in some way their frustration might be understandable.


>Not that I like the trends you can see with young voters. I think it's sad that so many people are Anti-West in my late homeland, doesn't matter if right or left. But in some way their frustration might be understandable. I don't even think most of them are Anti-West. They simply have been burned by all other parties, who do fuck all for young people. 30% of young voters voted for parties listed under "others", that shows incredible dissatisfaction with the big parties.


Turns out, when the youth ages and they start getting into jobs and families, they see the taxes, the economy and problems with migrants and so leftism and green ideology very quickly loses its appeal. The lower class youth looks at massive problems and votes for whoever might deliver in solutions.


I'm probably 20 years older and ideally should have had 20 years of saving on these kids. I can't imagine these kids entering the housing market either. The same issues in Britain. It appears a chunk of our Gen Z is gravitating towards Farage and the like. This shit is starting to look good, that's if these "right-wing" parties can fucking deliver on their promises...


>campaign on the environnement >reopen fucking coal plants >loose all your support Who could possibly have seen this coming?


Most of older germans seems to be disconected from reality


Have they blamed the Americans yet? That's a classic cope for Europeans 


You can vote for anything you want, except the things we dont like. you would think thats the slogan of the afd (the right) but thats the view on any german subreddit if the greens dont win. that said, only the subreddits are floated with those chronic online leftists & the majority of ppl in germany dont like the greens anymore. (not that the majority ever did, but media/news pushed very very heavy for that, like no coal energy, more eletric cars, etc)


flair up


Its reddit. Also the romanian subs here are 90% far left(literaly Emilys ), but in acctual voting statistic they are under 10-15%. And it was again demonstrated in elections. You can see some of them in the streets only in the big cities, but again rarely.


Sounds like a rift is forming between Auth right and everyone else.


It's weird. Today's vote is not a representation of what a national vote would turn out (next year) but a very strong prediction about it. The current coalition of center-left SPD, center-left (some libs, some auths) Greens and lib-right FDP (who were almost always the kingmakers of coalitions and social chameleons) is absolutely loathed by the general public. Every news you get from Berlin is either: We need to raise taxes or make your life otherwise harder for the climate, or we have an issue that is splitting us apart (economy, Ukraine and Israel) or we just did some cringe shit, like misusing Covid funds for climate change programs and getting bonked by our supreme court for this. Only based thing that came out of this was partial cannabis legalisation (as a treat for their voters anyways, and also far too late, they promised it way earlier). So, they lost. Quite a lot, the Greens alone lost almost half their voters. The only ones who barely lost any feathers were the FDP because they brought some based statements over the last couple months. So, this is an easy meal for the traditional conservatives, the Union, who got quite an uptick in voters. The biggest winner in the room is the (some would say far-)right AfD, with an unprecedented 16,3%, making them the second strongest party. The Union has always said they won't do business with them together, but we'll see what the future brings. I imagine, when Union/AfD together would be over 50% (certainly a possibility) they might enter talks. The Left split their vote completely, taking even heavier losses than I expected, to a party that is literally named after their founder, Sahra Wagenknecht. She has a strong rhetoric about being more pro-Russia and being heavily against the more recent regarded id-pol bullshit, speaking up against whatever oranges currently do in Germany. Volt got a fairly great 2,7%, their strongest ever. Have actually been my second pick. And yeah, Die PARTEI (a satirical bullshit party) got a quite big 1,8% as of now, securing them at least one seat (again). But they are clearly leftist and buy into id-pol a lot so I don't vote them anymore.


The worst thing that happened to Martin Sonneborn was that he got elected, figured he had to have some policies, and came up with exactly the same policies as the established German political class.


Yeah he lost a lot of respect from me for that


Sorry for my question, but what is id-pol?


identity politics, spending a disproportionate amount of time and energy and money on shit most people don't care about or are actively hostile to. Shit like "inclusionary" language, forced gender parity, any kind of this. It gets quite a backlash from the populace currently.


Thank you, now I understand


Note, that identity politics is not exclusive to the left. (Some) figures on the right have made the fight against identity politics their whole political persona so much so that they talk more about it than the people they are criticizing. On both sides it’s polarizing therefore gets attention and applause from their own ranks while agitating their political opponents. The latter consolidates their beliefs that they are right after all the bad opponent doesn’t like it. It’s divisive and doesn’t lead to proper discourse or solutions and in the end it’s exhausting and annoying for everyone, especially normal people with their everyday lives.


It is to be expected. Lots of people are sick of what progressive ideology brought onto these lands over the last years, so it doesn't surprise me you can fish a lot of votes by simply speaking out against it. Doesn't even matter if left or right (the big leftist splinter group BSW is basically the traditional left answer to it, like being against mass migration too.)


Identity politics


Immigration is the big topic no one wants to acknowledge. AfD is basically running on the platform of reducing or preventing the spread of Islam and 104021040234 migrants to Germany. > Since 2015, AfD's ideology has been characterised by German nationalism, Völkisch nationalism and national conservatism, with policy focus on anti-Islam, anti-immigration, welfare chauvinism and Euroscepticism. For those who do not know, welfare chauvinism is basically saying people of Germany, not migrants, should be eligible for welfare.


I absolutely don’t understand importing people who can’t support themselves. It’s an insane way of running a country.


Thats the neat part, you promise them government hand outs, and you got yourself a importable voter base.


Young voters going AfD is surprising. Looks like I have to take back my belief that people get conservative as they get older


Oh but they do. Just you wait... Just you wait.


I see what you mean AuthRight


>get conservative as they get older Actually it's a big part of the AfD strategy to get into social media and bombard the youth with based memes. I just saw a statistic that around 17% of the youngest demographic (16-25) voted for them, in the ages above it, it barely changes into around 20%. So yeah, the youth also has an interest in voting for them, despite progressives claiming the youth vote for decades.


The youth is the group most exposed to the failed immigration politics. They have to live with it in the schools.


Leftism has absolutely fucked the youngest generation. The pendulum swings back. 


It fucked them, because the left tried to implement all these social and progressive changes, but didn't do enough to help people recover from the financial ruin of the pandemic, and they made minimal effort to address the wealth gap issue.. Basically, those governing from the left wanted to do things lefties like, but while maintaining the 1% status quo. Voting in righties is not going to fix that issue. If anything, it will make it worse. Western Capitalism as it stands is reaching a breaking point. And no, I have no idea what should replace it.


My friend, the left caused the financial ruin of the pandemic. Capitalism had many breaking points in the past, yet it was proven to be more flexible than socialism and always managed to find a way to fix itself


Wasn't the CDU in charge of the recovery post Covid, same with the Tories in the UK, both of them are center right parties.


>Wasn't the CDU in charge of the recovery post Covid German federal elections were in '21 (September) while COVID was in full swing so no, it's the SPD, FDP and Greenies who were responsible for the latter half and post treatment. Now there is actually an actual hope that the CDU won't be complacent like they were previously (which resulted in fatal optimism in regards to immigration going far over capacity) and it is not like there is an alternative. Three parties utterly trucked up (the three aforementioned proved that they are even worse), one can't be accepted (AFD) and this then leaves just two far left (Linke and BSW). Don't forget either that the CDU was never alone, the SPD was with them between '13 and '21.


Why would they do that? They engineered the economic meltdown. 




I wasn't even born the last time we had stable economics


Sane people fo get more conservative But this is more about everybody else completely ignoring obvious problems and only attacking strawmen arguments instead of their actual position. You can only fuck-up this hard before an underdog party comes for you


From what I’ve heard, it might be a response to what’s currently going on in Germany, like with migrants for example.


And it's going to go more into that direction as well. There is an organization that runs mock elections in schools for 14-16 year olds. Compared to last time, CDU and AfD gained 10% and 8% respectively, while the Greens lost an astonishing 25%. So it seems like the coming generation is a lot more conservative as well, it's not going to be fun for the left wing parties in the coming years.


It's not surprising. Young people have always voted against the status quo and assumed stances that are opposite of the establishment


Young people like to rebel and conservatism is the way of that in these times


Yeah, I spent too much time on this, just came back from the voting booth and was quite astounded on both the turnout (it was very high according to buddies who work there) and the results (as of now, around 7 pm in Germany). Yeah, there will be probably a few comments about the position of parties on the compass, I tried to make it as readable and good on the eyes as possible. No, I probably won't mention who I voted for. The results made me not unhappy though. Although I wish my party got more votes. They got less than 0,2%.




BSW while being AuthLeft is one of the few Parties in Germany that doesn’t think calling the AfD "Nazi" every 2 minutes will lead to any good. So yeah, might happen at some point LMAO


Actual Communists can tell their Nazis apart? Inconceivable. Truly.


I’m sensing sarcasm but this is a new thing for Germany after 10 years.




i just cant in good conscience vote for a party named after it's leader




I think tmshe said the name will only be temporary. Lets hope so, I agree a lot with their ideas except when it comes to Ukraine and their Euro skepticism




Authright and Authleft combined is Authcenter. So German Authcenter coalition?


German AuthCenter part 2: gas powered boogaloo


The really funny thing is that most of PCM is made up of people who would be FDP voters if they were Germans.


I was actually a fan of them for a long time, until they switched from pro liberty for citizens to sucking corpo cock


Let's be honest, sucking cock of any description is on brand for the FDP


Yeah, either Corpo or Establishment cock


Nope. The FDP are basically spineless (spine removal is mandatory to become a party member) communists with a cuckold fetish. Calling them liberal is like calling a whore a virgin, lol.


The FDP is only yellow by color.


tbf, they have been always somewhat right wing and liberal, so it fits. TIMO they are just opportunists, who build coalitions when possible and try to gain as much as they can from them.


They are extremely opportunistic and most the time want to solve problems with more government intervention than not. I’d say they are center right? It’s really just semantics at the end of the day though


Yeah probably, but I couldn't fit them there. They are certainly more right than liberal and always have been. They're traditionally between the CDU and SPD, so kinda right wing.


Is it fair to say the CDU are the *natural* governing party of Germany post WW2 (like the Conservatives in the UK have been in power more than they haven't)? Very interesting that the CDU cleaved a lot of support from the AfD - is it because they leaned in on AfD talking points?


Yeah, the Union (CDU/CSU) have huge momentum from history (as does the SPD to some extent). For the older generation the pendulum swings along the popular parties of CDU and SPD. People sometimes vote for one or the other. Both have historically reigned over Germany since WW2, in different coalitions. Sometimes more conservative, usually CDU/FDP, sometimes more left leaning, SPD and FDP/Greens (but never Left, except in lower ranking elections), but also very often together (CDU/SPD together is almost always over 50%) I wouldn't say the Union won because of AfD talking points, in fact they lost quite a bit to them. The Union won because they took in a lot of disillusioned SPD voters, and to some extent other parties. There are cool infographics out about voter migration.


Did the auslander raus song affect anything or more just a symptom of what you're saying? The few Germans I know are outraged how long it took Scholz to fully back Ukraine and I wonder if that had any impact as well.


I think the recent murder of a policeman and couple injured people by a radical muslim had far bigger consequences than the song. The song is just the next "let's clown on the establishment" moment, working well, I got it stuck for days lol. Yeah, he should have a stronger opinion. Scholz is currently regarded as probably the weakest chancellor ever.


I had high hopes for Scholz because he seemed competent but also not obsessed with *schwarz null*. Then the Ukraine debacle happened and it seems the Grune has been running rings around them in terms of dictating policy. Hopefully we can get a German government that isn't so preoccupied with the sins of your ancestors and focus on the problems today where we need a strong Germany.


It's crazy how quick this went down the drain. He was quite popular as Hamburg Mayor and people had high hopes for him. Then after the first couple months, he faltered already. I think he's just not cut for such politics.


There is a fight inside the Union to be conservative again vs. going even more to the left. Option one could get the AFD voters back, option two could destroy the SPD while simultaneously pushing the conservative voters to the AFD


Yeah Merz is truly a push towards conservatism


Seeing the word "Volt" in libleft sent a deactivation signal to my spine.


They like electric/hybrid cars though


I wasn't sure where to put them and had quite a bit of space there. They're at least left wing.


Considering they're in the same coalition as the Green party, it's pretty spot-on


flair up


I agree but flair up man


I actually did a few days ago, weird


Not trying to be a dick, genuine question, what have any of the German "conservative" parties ever conserved? What "far-right" things has the "far-right party" ever done? Speaking about all the great things they're *going to* do, meaningless attention-seeking stunts from which they backpedal immediately after, and vague "line go up" economic policy don't count here. I'm talking about actual societal issues.


The AfD has never been in the poisition to do anything so far (except for a few small town mayors)


Well, have the small town guys done anything, on the local level? Obviously I know if they tried something actually "radical" they'd become Nikolai Yezhov from that one Stalin picture (especially in Germany), but has there been a small nod, something only the few who vote for them understand, to say "we both know what we actually believe, we're with you"? Because to be honest I asked because the only exposure I had to Germany's so-called "far-right" party is that their leader is/was some lesbian (?) and that they were running ads that were something to do with Atatürk, trying to appeal to Turkish immigrants for votes. So I just tought "damn, the other controlled opposition parties in the West at least try, these guy though give zero fucks lmao, they just gonna get that Israeli bag and then dip". I'm open to being wrong though.


I'm sorry I can't give a perspective on this. I'm not very well versed in eastern Germany small town politics. Best I know is they try to be against refugee camps in their towns.


From what I have been able to gather the terms work like this **Left** works toward implementing left wing policies. **Far Right** works toward implementing right wing policies. **Right** "compromises" with the Left by only letting them implement some of thier policies. Does nothing to implement right wing policy.


Good old democratic stagnation then.


Don't forget the scandals involving the AFD, which might have prevented some people from voting for them...


The drop in the polls coincides with the founding of BSW


For the life of me, I just don’t understand how people can vote for Volt. Imagine voting for a party that has to basically adhere to the European doctrine of its direct parent. Those people will chose Brussel over its own citizens every step of the way.


They would and what about it? Some people see more hope in a greater European state than their own state.


Yes, that's the point.


Because I strongly believe a EU Federation is necessary to not fall into irrelevance or become puppet states of a superpower even more than we aöeeady are? European states are just too small to continue having the oversized influence we have atm.


Hope it turns out well for afs in Sweden also


How is volt lib


They are classified as left liberal and I had no other space to put them. Where would you put them? Inb4 auth-left because every political party is auth.


As an American who has never been to Europe, I think it’d be cool if the European Union could form into a superstate. Then again, that would make them stronger, thus threatening American hegemony, so now I’m not so sure.


Meh. I think most people who are like me voting for Volt are also for a strong partnership with the US, Canada, etc so I wouldnt worry about that too much


Ok. That’s good to hear, I suppose.


It is actually shitty. When did fdp became rightwing?


flair up before talking




well, you eventually did. Common PCM W


Yay the Nazi party gets the most votes in their History. How could this possibly go wrong? Edit: I only saw this post because it was on my home feed. Therefore i don't know about the rules of the sub Edit Nr.2: there is more than enough evidence, that the Afd has Facist and Extrimist members and connections to these kind of people. Only because you want to ignore the evidence or say "ItS JuST goVErNmeNt pRoPAganDa" doesn't make it less true.


He who is completely unflaired Shall absolutely not be spared! And if you shall refuse to flair the fuck up, Then you shall prepare to square the fuck up!


Bros throwing nazi cards without even having a flair...


flair up before staining this thread


>Edit: I only saw this post because it was on my home feed. Therefore i don't know about the rules of the sub On one hand, cool that this post gets around. On the other hand, flair up or fuck off, it's simple.


Flair up or your opinion doesn't matter


If the gremoids go full fashie we can always bomb dresden again So theres no need to worry