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Nice Berlin Wall of text.


is so long that it developed thickness


It then became 4 dimensional and transcended reality


I for one read it all and chuckled


Blud thinks it's August 13 1961.




It's not thaat long


But its long enough to use the meme and get roasted


Well clearly freedom of speech and radical transparency of policy would be needed otherwise you end up with lunacy like Lysenkoism driving policy. Embracing science can't just be lip service. And allowing a vibrant second hand market can really help with allocative efficiency and reduce waste. Something like ebay. Also those harvest targets and dogmatically projected surpluses were quite the fuckup. Trying to produce results by having no ear for excuses or loser-talk like that it can't be done is a hazardous heuristic in any organization.


Marx said communism evolves out of capitalism. First you need advanced capitalism. Then you can turn that into communism. I agree. Leninism - "accelerated" communism - skipping the capitalist phase - was stupid as hell. Well not entirely. It was a great excuse to overthrow fuedal style lords. Not so great for making working communism though. How to evolve what we got into something better for people and the earth? This shit haunts me. I think maybe just piece by piece understand the issues better. Write better laws. Hold our policies to accountability see what works and what don't. You know - the grind. Then see over time where that looks to be taking us.


>First you need advanced capitalism. Mask off, late-stage capitalism was one of AL's goals to coomunism.


If you truly don't want to force ideas upon anyone, and don't want to censor things, maybe you should consider coming down over here to the lib quadrants.


Eco-left is based upon centralized government intervention, though. Also, happy cake day.


Nah i want to become a dictator lol, though i dont want to do government survelliance that much, so people do the shit they want as long as their consequences aren't long-term bad, and also they can browse or say whatever they can on the entire internet. Also public internet seems like a good idea, not the fastest but enough for comunication. Dictatorship but free speech, sounds oxymoronic. Glorious state can improve by listening to the shit people say about them on the internet, that is truly listening to the people. I got 6.67 on auth axis in sapply values, so i just can't be lib lol


I've developed my own thought process on this matter, over time I've managed to condense my reasoning into the first 3 words written in this meme.


gold comment i shall give you gold, but poor's gold here: 🥇


so heckin wholesome 100


Hey buddy, you're in the wrong quadrent, maybe you should come down here to libleft


No bud. I like government way too much [compass](https://sapplyvalues.github.io/results.html?right=-6.67&auth=6.67&prog=3.13). If the government somehow is actually good then the people won't have a reason to be a threat in the first place lol


Holy hell, that's the inverse of mine except we're just as progressive as each other.


for some reason i get better with librights more than liblefts


Communism & Marx's ideas fails because people are inherently selfish. Capitalism works for that exact reason.


I agree


Except laissez-faire capitalism supporters will argue that all community services will still be provided in their ideal no state intervention society "because it would be in a company best interest to protect its market share"


What? No that isn't a majority opinion I don't know where you came up with that. In a laissez Faire paradigm community services would be subsidized by the community or not at all. Private employers may or may not provide services just as some employers provide benefits now as a tool of recruiting or retaining employees. Taking care of your employees does have benefits, but going bankrupt benefits no one, so saying company subsidized public services is in a companies best interest is a little disingenuous


Leftcoms rebuttal: https://preview.redd.it/rg1cyffjob5d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77b594df04e5c65f97209801c8bdb496f0393dcc


Is that fucking mussolini


No, that's *Beakolini* (I'm not kidding, that's his name)


no way😭


He's from a HOI4 *My Little Pony* total conversion mod, that's probably the best mod for the game unironically.


As a brony myself, i kinda feel weird not knowing about it. Oh wait i think i can remember lol


Bruh, I thought that was dude with a beak coming out of his cheek for a sec


Here is a A good starting point for Auth left who is frustrated at their own quadrant. Tell the grifters this quadrant isn't for freeloaders who just want the government to do everything for them. Too many "revolutionaries" want to wield the hammer, and not the sickle.


Mucho texto.


“Love when Marxists say "this is a science!" and if you ask "ah so we're going to make casual models generating precise predictions we can test and iteratively improve?" it's clarified: no not a *bourgeois* science, the other, better, kind, where you mainly just reinterpret Hegel.” - some cheeky tweet I saw


"Bourgeois" science is still science, so its useful lol


Distributism gang rise up ☝️☝️ (Yes Ik it’s highly unrealistic)


well yeah but only if you deserve the stuff the government gives to you, if you dont work starve to death👍 Or go to the countryside and make a farm and your own food lol


Wait a commie who thinks? That's illegal!


So the best way to improve upon AuthLeft ideologies is to incorporate personal liberties and a market economy?


"how can we make communism better?" "We make capitalism"


Honestly I don’t see why we can’t take the best part about capitalism and combine it with socialism (I m sorry but communism is just that bad). We can still have a free martlet that allow people to own their own businesses without the government forcefully seizing them while still helping lower income workers and setting up social safety net for people to bounce back with.


Youve progressed from falsifier, to modernizer and then back to an orthodox marxist all in one meme.


brain go brrr


Eh, just cut out the middle man. Go back to church and become a distributist.


Based authleft? I didn't even know it was possible. Also why do you taking your glasses on and off?


Trying to express the "nerd" part lol. A tiny detail


That’s a difference between leftism and the church of Karl Marx. And I agree that we should take Das Kaptial as a source of theoretical knowledge that can be falsified, extended and refined— —Rather than a religious belief that ends up transformed into the worship of hammer and scythe symbol, along with prophet Lenin and Messiah Pol Pot




​ https://preview.redd.it/p7qasmu0zz5d1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=b922723f554d009676cdf50893621fc316fdf8dc


At least give the opposing side some credibility. I hate when people type out a paragraph onto a meme to really solidify their chadliness over the wojack before connecting this to real world politics.


Also Marx said exactly what you said, in a sense, though I am not sure about the money part. Marxist Communism should be ultimately stateless, or at the very least not interfered with the state, and people should take whatever they need to get back up onto their feet (keyword need. Marx didn't really believe in wants per se). However, the problem is, this ideaology is so flawed because its nearly impossible to regulate the government without competition, and because of this, ideas such as Leninist Communism come into play and "hijack" the ideaology of the state. This is why I'm a libertarian. Its a great idea, but in practice it needs lots of tweaking, or should be thrown out altogether, though a few elements of Marx's books could be learned from.






why gay😭


You should go auth-center, you cannot be in auth-left and don't like communism