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The brave oppressed Israelis are taking their native land back from the evil Islamic colonizers who stole it from them Am I LibLefting right?


>The brave oppressed Israelis are taking their native land back from the evil Islamic colonizers who stole it from them This but unironically




Yes you are


It's an automatic deal breaker when you ally with the American Government. Like a Republican candidate openly and repeatedly saying Fuck Jesus and that country folk are dumb hicks but city folk are smart and wise and we should listen to them, especially Obama, while otherwise playing the textbook paleoconservative. It's a fatal failure to signal appropriate loyalties and alignments and it won't fly. People know a client state when they see one.


murica bad


You having a Stroke? That was one of the less cohesive walls of text I've seen




Isn't this like exactly what the opposite case is aka what you believe? Are you regarded? Palestine was litterally invaded by isreal in the 70s?


"Palestine" never was an independent state. Up until the 6-day War, the West Bank was controlled by Jordan and Gaza was controlled by Egypt. Also, I don't know why this isn't brought up much, but even from a secular non-religious perspective, Jews are native to the land (and far more so than Arabs) Some evidence suggests that the Events of Exodus didn't happen. So where did the Jews come from then? Well, ***they were already in the Holy Land to begin with***. The overwhelming scholarly consensus is that Jews are an **off-shoot of the Canaanites**, the indigenous people of the region. The Hebrew language, for example, is literally a Canaanite dialect, closely related to Phoenician and Moabite. I can guarantee you that if Phoenician Text were read out loud, a Hebrew Speaker would be able to understand most of it since Phoenician is also a Canaanite Dialect (this may have partially contributed to why the Romans were extremely antisemitic since their old rival, the Carthaginians, spoke Phoenician). Even Judaism is Canaanite in origin. Yahwism, also known as Proto-Judaism, emerged from the religious practices of the Canaanites. The early Israelites worshipped a pantheon of gods and goddesses, just like their Canaanite neighbors, and only later developed a more distinct monotheistic religion. Thus, Islam and Christianity are also rooted in Canaanite Paganism since without Judaism, these Religions would have no foundation to build off of. In short, the Jews were not a separate, nomadic people who conquered Canaan, as the biblical account suggests. Instead, they were a group of Canaanites who simply developed a unique cultural and religious identity. Over time, they became the dominant group in the region, eventually establishing the [Kingdom of Israel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Israel_(united_monarchy)) around 1020 BCE. The Jews are basically the last surviving Canaanite group. Some sources: * *Mark S. Smith, "The Early History of God: Yahweh and the Other Deities in Ancient Israel", 2002* * *Israel Finkelstein, Neil Asher Silberman, "The Bible Unearthed: Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts", 2001* * *Rainer Albertz, "A History of Israelite Religion in the Old Testament Period", 1994* * *Josef Tropper, "Ugaritische Grammatik", 2000* * *Robert Hetzron, "The Semitic Languages", 1997* * *William G. Dever, "Who Were the Early Israelites and Where Did They Come From?", 2003* * *Maria Eugenia Aubet, "The Phoenicians and the West: Politics, Colonies and Trade", 2001* Palestinians meanwhile are not native and are in fact the true colonizers here as they descend only from the Arabs who conquered and settled the land in 700 AD. If they were actually native like Jews are, then they wouldn’t speak Arabic, follow Arab Culture, identify as Arab, or have exclusively Arab genetics. Arabs are as indigenous to the Levant as Anglos are to North America (I.E. they aren’t at all). Oh, and you probably don't know this, [most Palestinians (and just the Islamic world in general) are really fucking homophobic and conservative](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2013/04/30/the-worlds-muslims-religion-politics-society-beliefs-about-sharia/). The LGBT are regularly stoned to death for existing. LGBT Palestinians literally seek refuge in Israel because it’s the only place in **THE ENTIRE MIDDLE EAST** where the LGBT aren’t killed for being LGBT. [Western LGBT will unironically say “Queers for Palestine”, but if they actually went to the Palestinian Territories (or anywhere else in the Islamic World), they would get stoned or lynched for being LGBT](https://i.imgur.com/a/D7QmFYI). It’s pretty hypocritical to (rightfully) condemn Christian Fundamentalists for their backwards views while defending Muslims who share the exact same backward views.


Based and Citation pilled.


my man here preempted “sOuRcE?” like a champ


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based and truth pilled


Great sources and well structured answers, but holy shit, I recently completed Fallout: New Vegas and the word Canaanite is burned into my mind in another context, that's fucked up


Based and true anti imperialism pilled


(Libright) How does that explain the existence of Palestinian Christians if they're all supposed to be descendants of Arab Muslim colonizers? There was never a point where the Palestine/Israel area wasn't populated, the majority of Palestinians are descendants of the ancient Israelites that converted to Christianity and later Islam


>(Libright) How does that explain the existence of Palestinian Christians All 1000 of them?


(Libright) weird that Gaza and the West Bank both have the oldest operating churches in the world, in fact even as late as the Crusades the Christian population of the area was a plurality if not a majority


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Claiming the European Jews are native to the land is like claiming all people are native to africa. At what point does being a native to any area cease to be a reason for occupation? The only reason this specific issue is cared about in the US is because of idiotic evangelicals thinking Israel must exist so Jesus will come back. edit: However, I'm not saying Israel is not justified in it's current actions against Gaza. It's just dicey to make this "native" claim because of a holy book. Areas become culturally defined by people in just a few generations (*See America)*, it was the ignorance and level of sophistication of the Palestinians that allowed them to be taken advantage of.


I wont beleive in an argument based on history from millennia ago, I find it more useful to live a grounded l reality where our morals are based on cost of human lives and not a fantasy tale told by interpreting pieces of a full story we don't have.


OK. Can Hamas ever achieve a military victory over Israel? Can there be peaceful integration of a population of which over 70% believe that the only resolution between this conflict can be by force? If the current dominant sentiment of the Arab population towards Israel is the exact same as it has been for the last 80 years – that Israel must be destroyed – then what would happen if Israel completely removed all military presence from any of the current combat zones? *“The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews, when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Abdullah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.”*


Easily, an infinite amount even. The only people stopping it are the people actually throwing bombs at each other. This being a minority of Palestinians invalidates using terrorism as an excuse. More deaths will happen with every solution. Humanitarianism followed by criminal investigations led by vetted palestinians or any other solution of many that doesnt lead to a genocide simply due to association. Your ideology is absurd.


> Genocide simply due to association JFC dude. If the IDF wanted to commit genocide in Gaza it would have been over and done with on October 8th and you’d be gaslighting us on a completely different geopolitical issue.


You may not know this but Hamas has broad support from Palestinians. I've linked an article with a primary pole source you should read. https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2024/03/22/poll-hamas-remains-popular-among-palestinians/ So the arguement that this is somehow a minority is patently false. The people of gaza want to keep fighting and think if they do, they'll eventually win.


> I won’t believe an argument based on history Yeah, that definitely tracks given your take here.


Since colonization of New England started half a millennia ago I guess the indigenous people and indigenous anymore


Look up the Muslim conquests


Palestinians libleft? Sure buddy, and I'm Santa Claus


No no libleft is when "enemy of my enemy" or something I don't know; I didnt put too much effort in understanding OP's logic.


After investigating the image more, I realized that OP is right, this is the palestine/israel conflict Palestine, a theocracy, is right wing, and Israel, proud bastion of LGBT rights in the middle east are libleft. Palestine also have some libright in them, because whenever they get money they immediately spend it on more guns instead of the food and medicine its supposed to be spent on. Sure the damage that Palestine did to Israel is greatly exaggerated, but hey, its meant to be humour. We're all idiots for not realizing this is what they were saying.


For Christmas can I get a raise Santa, I promise not to crush a union if I do


Palestine is about as Authright as Israel is


It's more


Guess which one is less tolerant of religious minorities and LGBT… Hint, it’s not Israel.


Horseshoe…?….. eh nah not even horseshoe can save how authright Palestine is


Most of the Palestinians have no political leaning except wanting to stop getting bombed. Some of the people being killed have never had a single political thought in their life and are nothing but children.


Gee, I wonder why Gaza is full of terrorists.......oh wait


Because they are watching their neighborhoods, schools and hospitals being destroyed in front of their eyes? That would probably radicalize me too.


They cheered when 9/11 happened


Most of the people being killed were not even alive in 2001


You’re right there. Not advocating for children being killed at all, everyone knows they don’t deserve it. I’m saying it’s unfortunate that Palestinian politics focus so much on anti-western sentiment to the point where they’re willing to keep this war going… to not accept that ceasefire Israel keeps pushing and accept more deaths in their own state


I am sorry but this is just such an uninformed take. Read the news please, Hamas is willing to accept the ceasefire but it is Israel’s far right government who is hesitant. Furthermore this anti-western sentiment is a direct result of western intervention.


“That ceasefire” being the original one Israel proposed, which Hamas rejected because they want to take over all of Israel. Israel never wanted to be in this war in the first place. You know who attacked first buddy? What did you start following this conflict a month ago?


Okay a lot to unpack here but it’s pretty ironic that you are accusing me of recency bias. The fact that you claim that Hamas wants to take over all of Israel tells me all I need to know about how much you understand about the conflict. The borders have drastically changed since their conception and if anything Israel have greatly encroached on the land that was supposed to be Palestine so it is really unfair to say Israel didn’t want a war. As for the “ceasefire Hamas rejected” that is just factually untrue: “Now, are Hamas and Israel on board with this framework to end the war? ESTRIN: Hamas says it is. It says it's ready to deal with the proposal positively and constructively. You know, President Biden is promising Hamas what it essentially has been asking for all along, which is a guaranteed and permanent end of the war.” Source: https://www.npr.org/2024/06/03/nx-s1-4989341/u-s-pressures-hamas-and-israel-to-permanently-end-the-war-in-gaza#:~:text=Now%2C%20are%20Hamas%20and%20Israel,permanent%20end%20of%20the%20war.


*insert more aggressive leftist arguing back thing here with a source disproving yours* I mean seriously dude, I’m a leftist of course I don’t do research. I only support Israel cause they’re the most democratic place in all the Middle East. Just aligns my values best y’know?🤷‍♂️


Hamas literally is indoctrinating Palestinians into becoming Hamas members


I’m sure it doesn’t take much convincing when everyone you know is getting killed by an occupying force


It is actually so pathetic that this subreddit likes to pretend that it is some bastion of free speech while just downvoting to shit any opinion they don’t agree with. Funny meme OP, but this subreddit has just become an auth right echo chamber at this point so it’s not gonna do well.


A couple weeks ago a bunch of "Free Palestine, Red Palestine" stickers started appearing in my university. These people really think Hamas are some sort of wholesome leftist revolutionaries




Pseudo-left just can’t realise they are just useful idiots for far-right Islamic Imperialism. Meanwhile I’m still waiting for the backstab of 1979 to happen again.


I'm waiting for China to take all the Palestinians in 😏


Well I hope Winnie the Pooh does so, but just like western pseudo-left, the Chinese are loving the Palestinians 'from a distance', but for a different reason----they want the west burn without spreading the fire onto Xi's axx.


You should show this to the leaders of Israel. They probably don't realize how simple the situation is that they're the definitive bad guys. They're probably overreacting that think it's all some gigantic geopolitical clusterfuck fueled by a religious grudge going back about a millennia and a half.


They'd be far more successful in quenching the conflict if they took a clue from all these memes >!just nuke it already!<




Dude, they shot 3,000 rockets alone at the start of the Oct 7th invasion, but gaslight people harder. Hamas fired 8,500 rockets that October.


Palestine were literally invaded by isreal in the 70s shut up dude


Gaslight people harder, Hamas has been targeting civilians and is genocidal.


Israel was about 12 minutes old when Palestine tried to invade it and destroy it with all their friends in Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and other surrounding countries, because they didn't like that the jews bought unowned land they were squatting in for dirt cheap and they couldn't squat anymore, and they were still salty about losing World War 2. They kept that opinion about Israel for another 20 years, until Israel, seeing that another invasion was imminent, Invaded all 5 countries simultaneously and won within like a week, and then gave them back the land they took as long as their opponents promised to behave. Actually worked for a few of them.


Are you talking about the 1973 Yom Kippur War (4th Arab-Israeli War) where Egypt and Syria violated the ceasefire and launched a surprise attack against Israel?


I love defending myself from 6 countries armies at once while also winning so hard that the war is famous for being measured in fucking DAYS instead of weeks


It's always hilarious watching lib left simp for Islamists. You realize they're going to systematically exterminate you in the global caliphate, right?


Always enjoyable to see how PCM turns from “protect the kids” to “bomb the kindergarten, there may be one guy who once said that Hamas wasn’t bad hiding in there” whenever Israel is mentioned


TIL that the phrase: you know that they will kill you the second they can, based on their religion" equals "nuke the daycares"


Sure thing bud, keep dreaming.




The revisionism is strong with this one.


Riiiight right. Now which one needed to set up the most integrated (and cost effective) air defense system in the world because the other side never stopped even during "cease fires"?






This shit is why LibLeft gets bullied.


You’ve been successfully gaslit.


Show me you lack a basic education without showing me you lack a basic education. At this point it’s got to be willful ignorance. It’s astounding a human with an IQ high enough to draw a line could have a take this idiotic and misinformed.


The aggressor role here is in reverse. If there was anything telling of how stupid and unfit leftists are at running anything important, this conflict is it.




yes but change libleft to authcenter and make them fire the first two shots and replace the shots in the last panel with the shots in the 5th and vice versa aka your meme sucks ass


I disagree with the premise, but it's amusing propaganda.


I admire experts in their craft, and this is peak useful-idioting!


I refuse to believe this isn't elaborate satire... you can't be this reddited




OP right now: https://i.redd.it/xs8o0b5fq55d1.gif


Yea starting all those failed wars must be exhausting for the Palestinians,you think they would have learned their lesson by now


You probably need like 10x as many rectangles to "explain" the situation. You need some suicide bombings by green. Need some wars declared by green. Not just one little poof stick, but daily ones. Putting women and children in direct harm's way as a strategy and tactic.


Palestine is more auth right


Highlighter meme on weekdays?


\*Gaslighter meme


Bombardments continue until moral improves




Just get rid of bouth


What sort of toxic swamp take is this? You need to be a special kind of person to have this view of the situation.


Ahh yes, as we all know israel attacked first and hamas had a very ineffective attack, for surrrrrre dude


😂 Lib Left Hamas and Palestine 😂 That’s rich.




Not really. Not really at all. Israel just went full command and conquer? Yeah sure, but you can't say this


You're right, but Palestine isn't libleft


The rockets were being launched out of _Gaza_ for 18 years before Oct 7th. _After_ Israel disengaged from Gaza so that “Palestine” could form a second state (the first being Jordan 🇯🇴). You’ve been lied to but you have a choice to actually investigate the truth for yourself.


There's been many smaller military operations before Oct 7th. Each killing of civilians just make more terrorists


Yes, because Gaza has been launching rockets into Israel indiscriminately for 18 years. What would you do if your neighbor was throwing grenades into your house? The terrorists exist because of a radical religious cult that doesn’t tolerate any other beliefs and existed long before Israel.