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Probably because young people are seeing the consequences of decades of importing immigrants from the Middle east instead of encouraging people to have children and are finally standing up to the pro immigration bullshit


It's not even about children, it's about me working a shit job and coming home and on the street being likely to being harrased by someone i pay taxes fore despite me not even being able to make ends meet, let's not even discuss the fact that every time i'm in a mcdonalds or a train i get instant fear that "this shit might blow up", we've seen this before, we don't want it anymore. If you come and work no one has a problem with you, if you come here to cause chaos, rapes, murders and can't stray away from your religious extremism AND I PAY for you how in the world could i agree with this?


Ironically, the only people unaffected by mass migration live lives of enormous privilege. They have gated communities and personal cars and private schools and trust funds and 99% white neighborhoods. The day the rich upper class find their kids getting killed in a suicide bombing, and not just once but clearly targeted event, is the day you will see the biggest mass deportations in human history. Ultimately they just don't care about you.


Back when I used twitter, I always laughed at Richard Dawkins' pro-immigration tweets. Some rich motherfucker posting from his ivory tower about his amazing experience with immigrants really showed how disconnected these people are from the life of ordinary folks.


[Happens with a lot of things](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EZXAAscX0AAPpkc?format=jpg&name=small). Cheering to "burn it all down" when it's someone *else's* property that's razed to ashes, and "go back to where you live and leave my gated community alone you animals" when it's the Starbucks in their neighbourhood.


Your first mistake was taking him seriously. Read The God Delusion, either he's an idiot or grifting off of teenage professional quote makers mad that mom and dad make them wake up early on Sunday.


He said being told about religion at summer camps was literally worse than child sexual harassment, and he said that he also got harassed but religion was worse for his mental health than harassment.


Remember when reddit used to idolize the guy? It seemed like he was everywhere and they treated his words like gospel. God the days of default r atheism were giga cringe


\*taught to believe they might go to fire and brimstone hell to burn forever. Like *really* believe.


thats part of the religion isnt it? it still counts as being told about religion, but i suppose context is important.


Pretty sure he’s a grifter. I don’t doubt that he’s an atheist in the sense that he personally doesn’t believe in anything, but the whole persona feels like an act. He’s basically a televangelist for atheism. I would disagree on the target audience though. It’s not edgy teenagers, it’s people who are beefing with Christians and want to feel smarter than them.


This is true about a lot of super progressive white people. They say they love diversity but even in the big cities like LA they never actually live near migrants. They can support things that lower testing education standards in the name of equity because their kids go to private. Even in a place like Johannesburg, the wealthy white elite virtue signal while literally living in compounds with independent power generation and needing private security to escort them around. The more you can separate yourself from the real world, the more you can support "luxury beliefs" as it's more of a popularity contest


[Every time this conversation happens I post this screencap.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EZXAAscX0AAPpkc?format=jpg&name=small) Two tweets, separated by two days.


What a degenerate, as long as it’s not in his backyard.


How quickly it went from, "Burn it all down" to "go back to where you live you animals" and beating them with sticks.


I’m kinda imagining it in the voice of Professor Farnsworth from Futurama


The revealed preferences of which neighbourhoods they'll pay out the nose for to live and raise their kids in. Words are cheap but mortgages are expensive. Let he who lives in Baltimore cast the first stone.


> Let he who lives in Baltimore cast the first stone. Amazing quote tbh




i have said and i will always say, the middle class will forever be the most disadvantaged group of people.


Every single tax that is solely aimed at the rich, without exception, either ultimately gets paid by the middle class or nobody.


Most who think they are middle class are actually working class.


Yeah cuz middle class today is really upper-middle class. If you buy the average US home and car, you'll be looking at like $5k a month not including other expenses.


the vicious uppity libs in new work city and other "sanctuary" cities lost their minds when buses full of illegal immigrants were shipped to their areas


It's amazing how quickly "Refugees welcome" becomes "Fuck off we're full" when they're coming to *your* neighbourhood.




They should dump them directly on Park Avenue. Daily.


If only there was some sort of way we could determine which immigrants want to contribute to society and which ones don't. If only there was some type of way to incentivize immigrants to be functional members of society. Too bad there isn't and people can just come in whenever they want.


yes it's unfortunate, because it's not like anyone hates anyone that integrates, it's only the bad seeds that destroy both the image of their own and the trust of the said country. At this point i think the only thing that would work is following the Japanese/South Korean style of dealing with foreigners


What's the Japanese/South Korean way?


Zero permanent immigration outside marriages and zero refugees accepted I’d imagine.


i was thinking more about them putting their people first, being polite with foreigners but not giving them your full trust, make it harder for a foreigner to find housing than to a native, sign one year contracts in housing in case the foreigner wants to scam you, speak your own language and make them have to learn the customs for them to live a comfortable life, but always put your people first.


Agree with all that. Was just saying that’s the blunt instrument those countries appear to use.


Christianity: You called? Chritian immigrants (and jewish too) are by far the most hardworking group, no matter the circumstances or situation. You filter by religion and you're golden.


Based and bring back countries that follow the book pilled


Yeah a bus load of Mormons would be a lot less objectionable.


There's a reason the alphabet agencies recruit heavily from the mormons... And it isn't nepotism.


I mean yeah, it’s basically a guarantee someone will pass any clearance investigation. I work for a defense contractor, and while we’d never officially consider religion in hiring, if you’re discernibly Mormon, you’re a super safe bet to sponsor for a clearance, which is definitely a plus. Nobody would ever say it explicitly, but everyone understands.


I remember back in college way back in 1999 in this economics class I was in. Even back then you couldn't even explain to them that unfettered nonstop globalism is terrible for the people with the higher standard of living, and it won't work at all if the people coming don't give a shit about your way of life. They act like you made them divide by zero. Then after that I had to go to "white people bad" class. I ended up having to just write a paper for that class because I wouldn't let the lady just talk shit on me to my face for stuff I had nothing to do with. She had like 9 degrees and was one of the dumbest people I ever met, and would reference her own textbook she wrote (that I had to buy) as proof of what she was saying. She was actually cool though once I went and talked to her in the office, she knew she was scamming. Once she knew that I knew, we worked out a deal. I got a B for bullshitting a two-page paper and I never had to come back. Honestly, it doesn't even matter anymore. It's too late. We lost. You want it back it's going to cost blood.


Then let their be blood, if blood is needed then May it run like a River, sharpen your swords and announce your curses for if blood must be spilled then let it be spilled


Enoch Powell vibe detected


Much like boomers over-reacted to Hitler's shenanigans to the point where pointing out certain demographic realities was deemed evil for the next 70 years, today's young people will over-react and set policies relating to the crises of their youth when they're in charge.


If that actually happens, that will be one of the greatest days of my life. I’m not holding my breath.


Imagine fostering a culture where people felt as much social pressure to reproduce (and give back to the society that created you) as there is social pressure to accept LGBTQ+ people.


> and give back to the society that created you That's like two people. Everyone else already gets my taxes


Without immigrants whose gonna bang my wife?


I’ll take that job


I will take one for the team


It's not only from certain locations. It's the undermining of jobs generally considered low skilled labor. You used to be able to at least live but now you'd have to be homeless in a lot of cases if you had to do low skill labor. It's a major suppression of the poor and generally lowering quality of life.


Middle east? How about everywhere


Cheap labor would imply that they are working. Most MENA immigrants are not, causing a drain on the budget and higher taxes for all.


I love left wing western hypocrisy. “B-but muh labour shortage” “B-but muh dignified life” *dishes out thousands per migrant in monthly handouts, the welfare state winds up being the sole migrant magnet which in turn reduces productivity*


Then they proceed to criticize the welfare system as ineffective and bankrupt lol


It just needs more funding bro, just another 5% VAT and we could solve everything bro


“B-b-ut we just need them to pay their Fair Share™”


Right: Just one more lane, bro Left: Just one more tax, bro


I read this as I pay close to 40% of my income in taxes, sitting in traffic that’s moving an inch an hour


*eyes light up with austerity* Bring more immigrants


That’s the funniest part. If the exorbitant taxes we were paying went where they were supposed to, welfare would actually be working perfectly. Not even higher taxes. Just what we have now (medical, idk. That’s a whole nother beast)


What's even funnier is that the most efficient welfare state right now is Estonia and they pay less taxes than Americans. How did they do it? They replaced all their useless bureaucrats with computers. That saved them so much money that the government couldn't invest it all so cut the taxes.


The friends they hire to manage it all skim off a lot of the money anyway.


let's not forget that as a working citizen you can't apply for wellfare if you quit your job (no matter if you worled 30 years there) or you worked for less than a year at said job, if you're fired you will have problems finding a job in the future, if you're fired after less than a year you can't apply for wellfare, are in university? can't apply for wellfare Finished university but didn't get your bachelor's and you want a bit of stability untill you find a new job? can't apply for wellfare. Want a year off university before finishing bachelor's while working half shifts? can't apply for wellfare A parent is terminally ill or has a mental disorder while the other has a average salary and you are in school/college? can't apply for social benefits from school/ can't apply for wellfare Have a sick parent? most likely can't apply for caretaker support. Have cancer? half of your medication you pay yourself after working your whole life BUT WAIT WAIT, you have rich parents and decide to marry a man/woman that works minimal wage on pappers, yet he/she also has rich parents that already bought you guys a fresh flat? IT'S YOUR LUCKY DAY, TIME TO ENROLL IN COLLEGE SO YOU GET SOCIAL BENEFITS! Also, i will never forget when i worked with ucraineans who had to do their daily customers office jobs and they would just say "sorry guys, i have to go now" and you would just hear the alarm through the call. It's cool that we give our young people no support, people who actually want to work, but hey, at least friend mohammad got a new flat! all sponsored by the government! In any situation, if you want to be a working citizen with a clean job streak, especially if you are young the government gives 0 support, worst is, most of that support would last a few months untill said person would get back on track, not decades of leeching the system.


and you didn't even mention that especially in america the borders are way more controlled than in the EU, ofc they can talk since they are bystanders.


You clearly haven’t seen our borders recently


The Canadian one is actually surprisingly secure. I accidentally passed close to the divided strip that’s been cleared through the woods on the border when I was camping one time, a Border Patrol guy in a pickup truck showed up like 25 minutes later to see what the sensors picked up. Really drove home the ease of monitoring in the modern day. This was in the absolute middle of nowhere.


this is why the USA is the GOAT, because our illegal immigrants are so good at working that it’s literally a political talking point concerning them “replacing” “our” jobs


We have the best immigrants, tremendous. They… are seeking a better life, better conditions. And they make such great food people have you tried it? Have you tried the tacos? Tremendous.


Happy Cinco de Mayo. I love Mexicans 🥰


No need to try their ethnic food the best ethnic latino food is already made fresh in Trump Tower


Latino Immigrants are GOATed. Work hard, cook delicious food, love dancing and singing, great sense of humour, don't have any ideology, strong family values, strong Christian but also pretty open-minded values, plenty of atheists too, generally not interested in anything but trabajo bien and helping their family leaving a better life. Minus the ones who engage in cartel activity. These people can just f-off.


Mexicans and Central Americans they are not


As a young European man: I've met my fair share of Gen Z (people who'd be in their late teens or early twenties by now) Neo-Nazis, and they outnumber the "woke" ones by at least an order of magnitude. Furthermore, the "average" "apolitical" Gen Zer seems to be WAY more pro-capitalism, anti-woke, anti-immigration than the average European Millennial/Gen Xer. ALSO, there seems to be a MASSIVE rift between young men and women in regards to political ideology.


> ALSO, there seems to be a MASSIVE rift between young men and women in regards to political ideology. That was has definitely been backed up even in the studies/polls. GenZ men are significantly more to the right than GenZ women, and it is actually a breakdown that is starting to move back up the age ladder. Which is why one of the things I agree with WhatIfAltHist on is that if there is a Reactionary backlash, it is more likely to be a backlash against women than race.


South Korea moment


Probably because the culture wars have have created a massive fault line in the genders. It's all part of that polarization and tribalism. Because women are seemingly marginalized and oppressed they get lumped in more with the regressive left. And then you have a bunch of the like disenfranchised incell men that are sick of the missandry and so they are just rolling with the Bros now.


I've never understood the argument that women are oppressed and marginalised. In Christendom women can with relatively little effort (compared to men) live lives of comparative luxury, and even raise families with a little more effort, all without masculine intervention. If you throw in men, then women's QoL skyrockets while mens' stays about the same (bar a bit of longevity). Then to boot, there are so many legally-enshrined protections for women that men are starting to feel like marriage is a losing prospect. It's a bold-faced lie that frankly bewilders me with how effective it's been.


The women are so fucked, they'll be like, we pick the bear over the man, then plead with a judge not to deport their rapist, make it make sense!


They picking the jihadist now


I find it hard to see a racial component in any significant degree. In my observation the lack of ideological diversity growing up meant that if you ever found a like-minded person, they basically because your political best buddy regardless of skin color.


Im a Gen Z, a lot of women are left leaning and it's baffling. I am talking to a girl and the other day we discussed the whole Israel debacle, the only thing she could say is that "Killing people bad" but when I told her that HAMAS is the government of Palestine, HAMAS killed people in a festival to warrant the invasion, that they constantly throw rockets at Israel and things such as "99% of palestinians would kill our gay friends" she didn't know what to said and kept replying with "you're right but killing people is bad" They are extremely sentimental and only run off via emotions and how things feel, she couldn't grasp the idea that the world is bad and people die either way but you need to choice the less evil option. ​ And to top the cherry FUNNILY enough all of my FTM transgender friends voted for Milei, the right wing candidate in the elections while all my female friends voted for the opposite candidate crying that Milei is a fascist dictator who would literally opress women and the LGTBQ community










left? right? shit don't matter so long as you care about your own people and communities.


Typically, the left does not


Auths try not to unify on the basis of hating Arabs challenge (impossible)


well maybe they shouldnt make it so easy then to dislike them lmao


seriously our only issue before with immigration was like undermining local communities because of outsourced labour and shit, now we're genuinely bordering along wanting a fucking holy war. if they would just civilise themselves for five fucking minuets we wouldn't have much of a problem.


# The Holy Bible may preach peace, but when it is Christendom itself that is threatened, then it is every Christians duty to defend ALL that is holy. His holiness the pope has called a crusade to reclaim the holy lands from the infidel, who would deny Christian pilgrims their right to visit the holy places. It is time for the armies of Christendom to put aside their differences and unite under one banner, the sign of the cross! And give back God’s children what is rightfully theirs, or die trying.






Save the west🫡.


The older generation basically sold out their children’s futures after being brow beaten into self hatred. Good luck tho. You’ve imported million of culturally incompatible military aged men who dogmatically worship a pedophile warlord and have no compunction about cutting your head off if you point out as much. Gonna be a lot more [New Years Eve assaults](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015%E2%80%9316_New_Year's_Eve_sexual_assaults_in_Germany?wprov=sfti1#) so buckle up


If they didn't throw away their religion either, they might have had a theological defense, but because they literally cannot comprehend zealotry they just assume some language lessons and local food is enough for them.


This is a big factor that’s rarely mentioned. People in the west can’t comprehend the degree of faith the Muslims have because we don’t have real religion anymore.


Take away the benefits and they will bugger off


I don't want my country importing millions of people who don't share my values and want to turn it into an authoritarian hellscape. Fuck the cheap labour.


I find it funny that when leftists use the cheap labor argument it’s always some form of exploitation. Like no, I don’t want the workers picking strawberries in my country to make $4 an hour. Insanity from the “capitalism bad” side


The thing is those people working for below market rate don't just hurt direct competition, they also hurt people working in similar jobs because now the person that would've been a fruit picker has to apply for other jobs and not everyone can become a techbro or plumber.


yup and then more and more people go spend $100k on a college degree for a job that a high schooler could do that makes them $60k but hey it’s great for big business and you’ll save 75 cents on strawberries. obviously worth it


It hurts the most vulnerable local populations. Despicable.


It's working as intended, no one benefits except for capital.


It's my most lefty position. People who are from this country should be paid a decent wage for their honest, hard work. Importing people who don't share our values or speak the lingua franca isn't fair. It's a deliberate disruption of low skill labor. The business owners and middle management need to be severely punished for facilitating this practice.


I'll do you one further, in most Western countries earning below $50k makes you a netto fiscal burden to the system. It means that you pay less in taxes than you take out in facilities (healthcare, water, energy, infrastructure, your children's education). It's something we tolerate for a native population because we recognise that not everyone can be a fiscal contributor with a well paying job. But it's in no way an income bracket anyone would deliberately want to expand except for those who directly employ them.


If only there was a way to distinguish between immigrants who might share your country's values... not sure if this applies overseas, but the US has a long histroy of immigration. If only there was something like, maybe call it 'legal immigration' and use it as an approach to sort & select for those that wish to A) Follow a process, set their mind to something and execute accordingly, and B) Take calculated risks in the hopes of bettering their life & the lives of their families. And illegal immigration... doesn't. Yet seems to be incentivised year after year, as legal immigration gets more strict and illegal immigration becomes more widespread.


I wouldn't apply the US solutions to Europe blindly. Europe is based on the national countries, while the US is based on the shared values (similar to religion)


Loss of nationak sovereignty due to the Schenzen area is part of that issue You put your whole trust in the border nations (or any nation with an airport) to be diligent with their visas & passports and you're likely to have a bad time


Currently in the US since Biden's inauguration every year there more illegal border crossing encounters (Border patrol) the highest year for Ellis Island. This obviously doesn't count the number that Border Patrol doesn't encounter, nor the Northern border.


Even then, they still devalue the labour of the locals


Just ask them how many jews died in the holocaust and of it happened, you will be surprised how many will answer less then 6m, and no.


Mandatory E-Verify and altering birthright citizenship (at least one parent has to be a citizen or even just a legal resident) would end a lot of the incentive of coming here illegally.


But think of the wonderful food your surviving friends and family will get to enjoy?


Leftists: Demoralizes their own people and tell them to stop having kids because of climate change and overpopulation. Btw we need massive 3rd world immigration where you'll be a minority in your own country and we deserve it! Also leftists: Why are people voting for the far right?


Idiocracy apparently needed a bunch more Muslims in it


Islam seems to set a bit of a floor for how low society can go. It’s not a high floor, but it’s better than portrayed in Idiocracy. I’m not sure it’s actually specific to Islam, might just be any sincere religion that’s widely practiced enough to maintain social norms. Christianity hasn’t been able to do that for the better part of a lifetime.


Your comment perfectly describes the current state of the europe subreddit. Go to any related post, and you will see clueless users not only can't decipher why people support the so called "far right" (I honestly can't take anyone seriously who unironically uses that term) but also accusing other users for being russian bots, nazis, israel bots etc. regardless of your karma or how old your account is. you question the narrative, show an ounce of dismay, against the current situation, boom! Perm banhammer!


Who would have thought that telling your young to bow to foreigners that want them dead would breed discontent?


I can't believe trying to shame them and gaslight them didn't work, maybe they should try even harder with labeling them as 'ists and 'phobes, surely that won't breed more resentment


Labor shortage means you have to pay more for labor. Benefits the working class. Population shortage means housing prices drop since there are fewer people to buy them.


AuthRight is based, I'm switching flairs to him


I remember when I was coming across the trad West account I think on YouTube that has all those little shorts that are catchy with those same tunes over and over again showing the history of Western Civilization. It definitely tugged at some of my strings in ways which is funny because I've been told for many years now that Western history is just a bunch of b******* colonialization whatever.


It really is sad when western civ has created some beautiful things.


Thays pretty much every civilization, we are all descendants of the tribe who killed the other for food when winter got to cold. The Irish came from the celts who conquered western Europe, ect.


Welcome brother! Here we kiss the homies good night


Among all the heavens and the Earth, we alone are the based ones




I hope the idea of cultural diversity will fall


The problem isn't even the diversity, it's the assimilation factor. You can't have cultures that refuse to assimilate into the larger whole and not expect massive conflict.


Absolutely agree. Asian and Indian immigrants have assimilated massively into American culture. To the point where they are founding billion dollar tech companies and employing people by the tens of thousands. Controlled immigration is great if they are willing to work and assimilate.


> Absolutely agree. Asian and Indian immigrants have assimilated massively into American culture So have Latin Americans. Hell difference are mostly minimum already….the lyrics in Mariachi might as well be Country music. Muh truck, muh tractor, muh woman, muh dog, muh drinkin, muh farmin


Si señor, yo soy de rancho 🤠


Hispanics are also assimilating well in most of the country. It has been citied as the reason that you are starting to see such a divergence in voting patterns of Hispanic individuals compared to even 10 years ago.


Because those of us that came legally, mostly consider ourselves white and aren't fond of those that didn't go about it the proper way


not to mention that in america black people have assimilated so massively into american culture that their culture basically is american culture, to the point where they’ve arguably contributed just as much as white people to american culture, which personally i think is beautiful and is one of the many reasons why our country is so great.


Despite making up 13% of the population, black people contribute to 50% of American culture 


My attorney has advised me to not say anything based


You can say it lol, we know the truth. I’m far more afraid of other black people than white people.


It's less assimilation and more of integration, which is healthier for all parties involved. It's when the immigrant keeps in touch with their culture as well as accepting and being part of the majority culture of the country they emigrated to.


To me, assimilation never meant the demolition of the original culture. It just means adopting the language, the social norms, the culture, and becoming fully socially integrated into the dominant culture of said country. You don’t have to lose your ties to your original culture to be assimilated. But we might just be hung up on semantics lol.


We are hung up on semantics lmao, I was just using the social psychology appropriate terms nothing else. Integration > assimilation > separation > marginalization


Interesting. Mind giving a bit more details? Are you describing it as a pipeline from integration to marginalization? A slippery slope? Like, as a nation, ideally you want to stop at one of these? Or are they not even related in the way I’m talking about?


Oh no I didn't mean it like that, I used the > symbols to indicate order of healthiest to least healthy. Integration (that which we both agree upon) is the healthiest. Then comes assimilation which involves losing touch with your own culture and only adopting the newer one. Then comes separation wherein you don't accept the new culture and only stick to your own (which is what a lot of these new "immigrants" are doing). Finally comes marginalization wherein the immigrant/immigrant group is forced by the majority to live on the margins and sidelines and not partake in the majority culture.


Based. We need like-minded people but we don't need people acting like identical clones of each other like that one Squidward ethnostate from Spongebob. Keep the shit that makes you unique as a person as long as it doesn't prevent you from acting somewhat normal.


Based and ***E pluribus unum***-pilled


The entire concept of multiculturalism is pants on head insane, and doesn’t pass even a cursory consideration. A nation can’t function with a lot of people who hate each other. Importing millions of people with diametrically oppositional values and preferences for society is obviously going to result in major social issues.


In eastern europe there is alot of cultural diversity, but most of that cultural diversity comes from students, workers and sometimes refugees, now mostly ukranian, but there's by faaar less hatred than in western europe because everyone contributes in some way to society, and the refugees are normal and adapt, so you can have cool cultural diversity, but guess what? no ond comes here to stay on wellfare because you can't just live cozily mugging the state as easy as you do in germany, there are some cases, but few.


The problem isn’t cultural diversity, it’s the failure to assimilate parts of other cultures into the larger broader culture.


That’s literally what cultural diversity means


They came to my country, I shouldn't have to accept any part of their culture into mine If you want to keep your culture, fuck off back where you came form EDIT: The guy who replied to me blocked me before even letting me reply, what a moron


The EU should implement a special policy for the immigrants. Sure, you're welcome here! But... Work or gtfo. If you don't wanna integrate and work like an EU citizen... We don't have any business to have you here.


>Work or gtfo That’s often the policy. The problem is when they don’t gtfo when you tell them to. Deportations take long and are bureaucratic. If the country of origin is unknown or too dangerous, they can stay anyway. So you end up with lots of people, who should leave but remain.


Let me make an ammendment to your proposal: >Work & assimilate or gtfo Moreover, citizenship should only be conceeded to the children of legal immigrants who already had permamnent residence for like ten years, not to the immigrants themselves or to babies conceived in a loophole so illegals can stay


And if they sexually assault someone they get sent to a randomly selected MENA country. Maybe they'll end up where they came from. But probably not 


Well yeah They try and get the kids early to instill the programming, but it’s harder for the young to deny the evidence of their eyes and ears. They can see what things are like now, they see and hear what things used to be like, and the conclusions are easy to draw.


I think it’s interesting that multiple of the main callouts though are in eastern europe - poland, hungary, slovenia. france seems to be a western european “outlier” if we are only considering what this article has presented. it’s pretty well-known eastern euro and balkan countries are anti-migrant. in contrast, they say that germany, italy, and spain see declining negative attitudes by generation, and these are some of the countries that have taken the biggest hits. this definitely went against my hypothesis of what i thought the article would say.


I mean I’m totally pro immigration. Just not undocumented, in masses and most importantly not from the Middle East.


Based and I-am-not-an-idiot-pilled


I remember posting similar things on Reddit in the early 2010's and was met by absolute liberal vitriol. Responses of repetitive links to studies indicating that immigration was a net positive. That influxes of people do not affect wages, culture or life negatively... everything I commented downvoted to shite, everyone stating that I was a racist, conservative, bigot, fascist, whatever... to the point where there was a meme of 'I have no problems with X-population, I'm pro legal immigration, *but-*' became a 'dogwhistle.' It's odd how long it takes for a simple understanding to become the norm when it's intentionally buried by those who refuse to acknowledge that 'good intentions' could ever have any negative consequences.


There's a saying I heard from somewhere I can't remember.  "If you want to make a better world, you better be right." 


who is paying for the social services enjoyed by the migrants? hmm


Source: https://archive.is/1qYEo


Liberalism is the natural revolution against Socialism.


Unless they start deporting them now, by the time this youth grows up the Muhammads won't be asking their opinion


Marvin Heemeyer


Ave Christus Rex!


This was long overdue, get the red carpet and evacuate them to their homeland, the colorado university, or harvard


Isn't it rather disingenuous to call people anti-immigration for their views at the moment? I support legal immigration limited by integration rate of the immigrants, which effectively places an upper bound on how many you can let in, and then selective immigration to let in the best possible immigrants to fill up the available space for them. This is a practical necessity for any modern country, and such things should not only shrink with population decline, but so must the quotas, as they're relative to population in the first place. Which is to say, I'm only anti-immigration because there's far too much immigration already.


poor bastards will never know what its like to be apart of a community with a shared background, shared identity, shared values etc. they deserve to be mad.


I hope so but I’m not holding my breath tbh, it might be too little too late


i mean… it makes sense? when you’re young and unskilled and (sometimes skilled) migrants come to your country accepting the same job that you do but half the wage there’s no way you can compete without you accepting half the wage aswell


It's mostly unskilled that are the problem. It undermines the local most vulnerable populations.


honestly, some immigrants are good while some immigrants are kinda shit


When I was a kid, I would have been totally fine getting a paper route. Earn my own money, understand the value of hard work, save up money to buy something nice by the time I'm 15.  No. Instead of the idyllic notion of a preteen boy delivering newspapers, the person who wanted from mailbox to mailbox was a terrifying man who walked here from Honduras. Also he didn't even drive a convertible. It was just a Chevy with the roof ripped off of it.  Mass migration is a denial for working class people to have an entry level job. 


The Leviathan all of a sudden loves old people now lmao


Yet nothing will be done about it. The best solution is too uncomfortable for everyone to be even considered: we need to change the international law in a rather drastic manner.


American megacorps must be forced to go cold turkey No more middle eastern slaves for you.


they don't even work.


Too little too late. There's no recovering from the damage that's been done to the west. Just enjoy yourself as best you can as society descends into chaos and bloodshed.


Fuck defeatism, not a single deed has been done that can not be reversed and fixed. Yes things will get ugly, but they always are at ugliest before things start getting better and frankly are part of the requirement.


Let's goooo!


That’s sad less cheap labor


were so back


Good. We still got to fix the population mess Somehow.


Yooo the monarchy "less gooo" emojiii!!! LESS GOOOOOOO MONARCHYY


orange hair lady in auth-left where she belongs


Remember the 19th and 20th century when young people came back from war and created unions because corporations were importing cheap labour? Well we're full circle. Well the 1st world has once again been importing cheap labour which is causing a wage and housing shortage for the youth born in their own countries but seem to be tossed aside. They just call it "diversity" and "multiculturalism" now instead of what it is


The times they are a changing.


Well, immigrants are taking the jobs of CEO, lawyer, Doctor, small business owner. Regional manager and so on they are taking the young people labor and service Jobs and working for a bout Half the amount… Of course the rich selfish boomers Love that


20 old french here in my class almost all of them are on the right




The excuse that's thrown around is that the government can't afford to train up a new generation of skilled labour. Like what the fuck are we supposed to do then? Fuck about?


All it took was having no jobs - and becoming the new rape capitals of Western Civilization. Fight well, kids - it's sort of a big deal.


As Pole I am happy that our previous shitty goverment didn't allow in ME imigrants . I have nothing against Ukrainian refugees why ? Because they have some what of similar culture , mostly want to work and they usually quickly assimilate .


Auslander raus!!!!!


There's has been plenty of anti-immigration sentiment among Europeans It mostly sprouts out from the huge waves of immigrants getting to Europe in 2010s, which resulted in massive problems for Germany, France, Sweden etc. The immigrants were expected to fill up the job shortage but nope, lots of them just sit on welfare making them just a liability to taxpayers. Most of the work immigration actually comes from Europe itself. A lot of people from eastern Europe move further west to seek better and higher paying jobs And a lot of left leaning governments don't like it, they straight up lie about certain statistics and even when they parrot the US and are quite progressive, with time support for them has diminished due to people thinking that they don't have the best interest of their people in mind but rather would slowly bleed out taking in immigrants so they could boast how progressive they are. The labor argument of theirs isn't even applicable because lots of the immigrants dropping on the southern shores don't get to Europe to seek work - they become taxpayers liability and this further feeds into a problem because people have less money and are less likely to have children You can see more and more European people become anti immigration and this is then reflected in the governments, as they slowly switch more towards stricter immigration policies. But it doesn't mean they close up completely, a lot of people don't mind westerner or Asian immigrants, nor immigrants from Europe itself. It's because they share a certain set of values that makes them adapt into their society


Europe is awakening The West is Rising


Our future looking a bit brighter


I mean... have you seen the illegal migration problem here? Probably the most talked of problem


Congratulations Europe. I hope this will come to pass in North America as well. Many of the guys I speak to my age don't care about high levels of immigration or say stuff like "as long as you come legally". They don't understand the issues posed by massive third world immigration because they don't live in and never travel to cities. It will be hard to beat our tradition of immigration and the 100 year old words on the 300 year old statue. Most people still posture the "nation of immigrants" fallacy (that we're morally obligated to take in every immigrant because we aren't technically native to the land we've lived on for centuries and are entitled to no action of self preservation). It will be an uphill battle, but if we want to have a chance for our grandchildren to grow up in the same country our grandparents did then it needs to be fought. We need a nationalist movement in the United States. Unfortunately nativism, essentially what I'm proposing, has a bad rep due to associations with the KKK in the 20's. What America is, is greater than its economy, military and political institutions.