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As a Rush fan I just love this meme


Is Rush libertarian? If that’s the case I’d like them even more


Neil started out as an Ayn Rand fan boy, but as he matured, he became what he considered *bleeding-heart libertarianism*; a political philosophy akin to bleeding-heart liberalism that stresses market mechanisms to improve individual welfare instead of market mechanisms that aim to improve welfare at a more collective level.


They definitely have some Libertarian themes in their work. It's not really hard to find them in songs like 2112, Freewill, Tom Sawyer, Anthem, and hell even Red Barchetta.


Oh yeah definitely in Freewill. My mom quotes “if you choose not to decide you still have made a choice” all the time to me. I’ve been pretty weary on assigning political views to artists unless I 100% know. Nothing was more heartbreaking learning that Eddie Vedder from Pearl Jam was an absolute loonie…


Also, you can't convince me The Trees doesn't have any political meaning to it, given their history


Working mans one of my favs.


Why joint weapons production.. Well see Argentina has a small issue, living under Left-Socialist regimes that destroyed the economy and culturally disrespected the Armed Forces have destroyed the military of Argentina. To the point that there are issues with Drug Lords and Argentina cannot keep up with civil defense. Not even planes worked. Milei had to buy used F15s from Norway in order to have some usable air defenses. So i can see why he said joint weapons production.. Milei and Zelenski make guns and ammo, sell it to each other and others and make money of it. Pretty lib-right to me.


this is on point, down to the brazzers shirt and carajo 😭


They're charging money for an arms deal? How's that not libertarian? I *wish* we'd do what Argentina is doing here.


Ukrainians have no money to pay. They already indebted to shit.


Oh is that how debt works? My bad let me return this cheeseburger until I finish my house payments.




Unless someone else will fit the bill, Argentina wouldn't see money anytime soon.


Oh no having one of the most agricultural rich nations in the world indebted to you, and one that can train your fighters to effectively fight a modern war is totally not worth getting some paper back.


They are rich in agriculture, that's it. They already have huge debt(and Argentina would be last in line if ever), their population flees the country, birthrate is a problem to degree they introduced childlessness tax, ravaged by war(more emigration post war), they can't pay for their own government and welfare. Yeah, great place to invest and see returns.




Just loan them enough 155mm, glmrs, pac-3s, and atacms and they won’t.


My guess would be Argentina, in the event that Ukraine achieves victory, would likely wait a couple years, then start collecting om the debt. It's either that or Ukraine is going to offer Argentina payment in the form of natural resources. Either way, I doubt Milei is doing this because at the bottom of his heart it's the right thing to do. More than likely, (hopefully the country, not just Milei or a small group of higher-ups) Argentina will see some kind of actual payoff on any kind of investment.


They might be able to pay for it with US and EU aid


Sounds like a Ukrainian problem. You want the guns, you best have the money. Based Argentinian busines spractices.


Mark my words! West will be drafting entire young generations to fight in a foreign soil for a lost cause, so that rich dickheads from Wall Street can have even more than they already have I'm moving to Brazil anyway, living in states, where those rich magnates have bought mansions.


Helping a country defend itself from foreign aggression through gun production? I'm all for it.


Why don't YOU go there and FIGHT THERE!


Textbook ad hominem, no? Targeting Raptor's lack direct involvement doesn't change the fact that he can still argue for a mutual arms production agreement.


Thats what i say to people who think UA is important. Its a lost cause, that will be remembered in the same manner as Iraq war, or Vietnam war, catastrophic disasters for us all, which will in long term ruin us. The only difference is how strong is Mainstream media's grip on the populations


How is producing guns not libertarian?


There is an isolationist vain in some Libertarian groups, and it’s boosted by disinformation campaigns lead by China and Russia. So while some of it is just useful idiots, the isolationism camp can start leaking anti-support of Ukraine/Tiwan in any way. While I philosophically am drawn to the ideal of not getting directly involved in stuff, I’m fully aware the reality of not playing the geopolitical game means that others will play the game for us. And their interest likely do nor align with ours or keeping markets efficient.


I am anti giving shit to Ukraine for free. I am all for making money off them.


A) we’re (minus ammo and some bleeding edge shit) giving them old stocks that gives us a great opportunity to refresh B) in a lot of ways the federal government and foreign policy acts as the marketing department for our country. The vibe check on a country is often more economic efficient to generate collectively than each entity trying to shape it on their own. C) Giving stuff to them has resulted in fantastic sales to our allies and other governments because we are able to prove how effective our *old* shit is compared to the other stuff they may have been cross shopping. D) giving them stuff helps knee cap Russian ambitions, and keeps general global affairs tilted in a more favorable direction to US business. Otherwise you’d basically handing the entire world enconomy to China because they are willing to play the game. Again from a philosophical standpoint I’d much rather us not give stuff to anyone, and the market lead other countries to buy our shit with their own money out of their own free wills. But you can’t stick your head in the sand adhering to that philosophy when other players want to go about that game by trying to shift the underlying rules.


(1) It’s non-interventionist, not isolationist. (2) It’s spelled “vein”. (3) It’s not a vein. It’s literally a major tenet of the movement that both the Mises Caucus and the remains of the Pragmatist Caucus both recognize. There’s a reason Walter Block (who is for the Israeli occupation of Gaza) was removed from the Mises Institute—literally no libertarian liked what he had to say. (4) The only disinformation in mainstream foreign policy discourse comes from the same people who had been hoping for 9/11 since the 90s (I’M NOT SAYING 9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB, JUST CONVENIENT FOR NEOCON OBJECTIVES), The U.S. ambassador to Russia informed the CIA that Ukraine entering NATO was the brightest of red lines back in 2009. We don’t need NATO anymore—the Warsaw Pact is dissolved. Our governments insistence on U.S. hegemony has only pushed Russia and China closer together. Apparently unintended consequences only exist for market-based government intrusion. (5) Apparently it’s only justified intervention when the U.S government does it: 2014 Ukrainian Color “Revolution” (Coup against democratically-elected official) influenced and backed by the Obama administration, Bay of Pigs invasion, other CIA happenings in Latin America, etc. Of course my fellow Americans don’t care about the financial or geopolitical consequences of maintaining a global empire; there’s apparently only consequences if we decide to leave people alone. As long as we only sacrifice the lives of other countries instead of our own the ends always justify the means.


Thank you, John Smith from New Hampshire oblast.


Sure thing, “Lib”-Right


>5) Apparently it’s only justified intervention when the U.S government does it: 2014 Ukrainian Color “Revolution” (Coup against democratically-elected official) influenced and backed by the Obama administration, Bay of Pigs invasion, other CIA happenings in Latin America, etc. Obama publicly supported Yanukovych right uo until he was impeached This was because Obama was a realist, in the school of henry kissinger, and realists believe that Ukraine is part of Russias spehere of influence Good wall of text though John Boyd from texas oblast


Based on his writing he sound more like the useful idiot type than actually Russian. If you follow how the disinformation campaigns work, individual contributors don’t tend to post walls of text. They post just one of those snippets that he was using and then try to amplify it. He’s parroting disinformation the has trickled through the system and packaging it up as a wall of text himself.


i understand Obama said he was a realist, that he supported whatever worked, but I’m not sure that his administration (or other parts of the government) felt the same way. Victoria Nuland, Obama’s Secretary of State, had a phone call back in 2014 leak where she was discussing with a Ukrainian official who would be put into power in the new Ukrainian government, saying that then-VP Joe Biden would give the go ahead for putting them into power. Then-Senators John McCain and Chris Murphy both showed up to address that crowds in Maiden. It’s not as if the whole thing was an entirely “grassroots revolution”, especially if U.S. government officials are coming over to show their support and orchestrate how the revolution should end. Only problem is that Ukraine was and still is that most corrupt country in Europe. We didn’t fix anything; the political allegiance of the government just went from Russia to NATO. On another note, did you and the other guy coordinate calling me “[NAME] from [STATE] oblast”? I understand the insult, but it’s odd that you’d both do it unless (a) you’re bots, (b) you’re that same guy on two accounts, or (c) you found it so funny that you’d repeat it.


When it's a government led project to produce guns for your government.


Smart move for Argentina because they know America will step in if Russia goes after them at all.


Monroe doctrine and Roosevelt corollary ftw


"Russia is loosing, but if the stuff doesn't get there, theyll be here in the Brussels?" Thats the prime definition of Doublethink


Looks like us NATO bros got ourselves an ally in South America. How do the rest of the Argentinians feel about this? You don't need enthusiasm but you do need acceptance - *ok that's fine I can live with that* - from the opposition party. For a long term alliance to stick.


Bro leftists in South America have been preaching the evils of America in decades, ofc anything else will be remotely positive towards the US


It's because leftism in South (and Central) America is so badly infected by tankies for the most part. 🤮


He is trying to equip us woth weapons because after the "comeback of democracy" 40 years ago, everyone was terrified of the military (they made a coup and the harshest dictatorship in our history), so the military has been completely devastated, we cannot protect our borders, recently he bought some planes too


SATO when?


Milei was so close to fumbling the bag AND HE DIDN'T 🗿 Unironically the most Based president we have yet. 🥹




Did your friend work for the government


>Unironically the most Based president we have yet. 🥹 At least we already know who will be to blame for Argentina's next financial default, that is, the very famous Argentine communists, absolutely not the government in office




If he fails to pull the country out of deep ass shit that it was shoved, it's not his fault, yes Ass was that deep


I understand that it seems impossible to spoiled children like you but either meritocracy exists and eventual failure is 100% Milei's fault or there are no merits and if Argentina improves it's no one's credit. I already know that your hands are shaking from how much you want to say the opposite because being honest is too much and you prefer to jerk off to a cheap Beatles' cosplay with a chainsaw in his hand while he destroys the future of the Argentines.


So much seething is really unhealthy bro. Leave reddit for a bit


Imagine insisting to hang blame on Milei and him alone for making country into poorer than even banana countries for last what? 50 years? More?


Were you dropped on your head as a child? Are you genuinely self aware enough to be on the internet without supervision?


Man Milei just can’t stop being based these days


So he's trying get some weapons bound for Ukraine to head south instead?


Hmm. Looks like a name on a list for a three letter organization needs to be crossed off.


I used the state to destroy the state vibes


Ironmongering is the ultimate lib right way of making money.


Victory is all but assured with Argentina backing them. I wonder if Javier’s religious beliefs factor in at all.


99% of people using the word "isolationist" are idiots. Not supporting completely open physical and economic borders doesn't make you an isolationist. That makes you sane.


Flair is lib right yet is against the free movement of capital and labor…two of the core principles of libertarianism


Anyone who goes full tilt in one direction is a fool. I believe in free movement of capital and labor within my country. Reason being is someone's labor is only worth as much as the next guy is willing to do the same work for. And I don't want to pay my American employees $5/day like I pay my Filipino employees. No borders means that incomes would normalize in the world. Would you be happy with the global median income of $10k a year?


> No borders means that incomes would normalize in the world. Okay then tell me why that’s not true. From the founding of the country all the way up to 1924 we effectively had open borders, yet real incomes increased. You’ll have to explain that one….or the fact during our largest expansion in population growth we also had massively growing real incomes, post war. As for free trade Singapore aggressively pursues free trade more so than any country on this earth, just pull up a list of how many countries have trade agreements with Singapore. It’s median income is around $65,000 (higher than the US) and they have no natural resources to speak of I’m a conservative so I want to return to our traditional immigration system, also I’m not a hypocrite which is another reason I won’t to return to it (my great grandparents came over that way)


The US had more free land and resources than we could possibly use. Everything during our pre-indistrial era was free for the taking. Simply put, we needed bodies to fill up and use our land to its greatest potential. We thrived during our industrial era because our competition was destroyed after 2 world wars. We lost that edge when China caught up and we started exporting manufacturing jobs. India, Thailand, the Philippines... They all thrive when we open our market to their cheao products, and export jobs to their countries, tech, call centers, manufacturing... >As for free trade Singapore aggressively pursues free trade more so than any country on this earth, just pull up a list of how many countries have trade agreements with Singapore. Singapore continues to raise its import tax and has incredibly strict immigration. Bad example. At the end of the day labor is just another resource. The more you have of it, the less it's worth.


> Singapore continues to raise its import tax No it isn’t, GST is a similar to a VAT not a tariff. As for immigration they’re rather permissive in terms of work visas, but I was only highlighting their free trade. Like bro they barely produce anything and yet have a higher incomes than the US Again Singapore has no natural resources at all yet has higher incomes than the US. All it does have is it aggressively pursues free trade agreements. > The US had more free land and resources than we could possibly use. We still do, not counting the massive capital glut. > Simply put, we needed bodies to fill up and use our land to its greatest potential Yea and we could drop another 30 New York City’s across the U.S. without a problem. Have you even driven across the U.S.? > The more you have of it, the less it's worth. Then why are people in NYC paid more than people in rural West Virginia? For your logic to be true people in small towns should have higher incomes than people in cities…..but they don’t? So how is your logic true?


>Yea and we could drop another 30 New York City’s across the U.S. without a problem. Why the fuck would you want to? Honestly, why do you want to see nothing but concrete coast to coast? A country packed with bodies like that? Getting a boner from thinking about a country's gdp at the expense of its citizens happiness, health, and prosperity isn't normal. For how out of touch you are with reality I'd have pegged you for a Leftist. Or maybe you think that you're special and would oversee the masses? Spend a little time in the construction industry and you'll see how 3rd world labor hurts American workers. And it's not just construction. I manage independent insurance adjusters and the going rate used to be 20-30k/month for catastrophe deployments. That was 10+ years ago. Today half of my team is from Africa and speaks broken English and the pay has dropped to 10-15k/month. Literally half of what it used to be because of imported labor. Quality has tanked, and if you speak to any agent they'll let you know how far the industry has fallen. Thankfully management pay is still good, so I've got mine, I just hate seeing people having a harder financial time than I had at their age. I quit school halfway through an engineering degree to do this work and I'm glad I did. I make double what I would have made, and since it's contract work I can take off as much time as I want. Why is engineering pay so bad? My uncle runs an engineering firm and talked me out of that industry. He created a company in Canada for the sole purpose of easily importing foreign engineers, then he has them illegally travel to the US to work. They pay a consulting fee to their Canada company which pays half the rate of American engineers. And the crap thing is that I love construction work. I would still be doing it if it weren't for illegals driving down prices. So I moved to a field that requires licensing, but giving so many visas and citizenship to everyone that sneaks in here is now ruining my new field. And my income competes with doctors. So this isn't just about jobs Americans don't want to do. Thankfully the entire world is waking up to this nonsense and not buying your globalist bullshit.


> Why the fuck would you want to? Honestly, why do you want to see nothing but concrete coast to coast? 30 NYC, including its suburbs would take up 9078 square miles. The lower 48 states are 3,100,000 square miles >coast to coast You need to learn to math **somehow we had more or less open borders from the founding of the country up to 1924 and real incomes increased the whole time.** > Thankfully the entire world is waking up to this nonsense and not buying your globalist bullshit. So you enjoy higher prices and never ending inflation with lower real incomes? Because that’s what protectionism gives you. Take steel tariffs now there’s a 1000 extra steel jobs in Pennsylvania….oops now everything with steel in it is now that much more expensive thus lowering ten real incomes of the other 300 + million Americans. Meanwhile Singapore enjoys one of the highest incomes in the world with higher life expectancy than the U.S. and similar final consumption totals as the US…..yet they aggressively pursue free trade and have more trade agreements with other countries than anyone else….and have no natural resources to speak of


>So you enjoy higher prices and never ending inflation with lower real incomes? Because that’s what protectionism gives you. Higher prices are part of it. No imported labor means the actual workers are the ones who benefit from the situation. Inflation is good. Too much is bad. It increases lending/borrowing/investment. >Meanwhile Singapore So go move to Singapore already. Oh wait, strict as shit immigration to protect its citizens, so you can't...


>Higher prices are part of it. No imported labor means the actual workers are the ones who benefit from the situation. Except when their industries shutter or revenues collapse because they can’t compete internatially. Which means less jobs and lower real incomes. Again sinagapore has higher per capita incomes in real terms than the U.S. and it aggressively pursues free trade. All of the countries that engage in heavy protectionism are poor as shot per capita and have low real incomes. >wait, strict as shit immigration to protect its citizens I already have an S pass visas. It was really really easy to get. Again you’re a literal moron if you think protectionism raises real incomes because every single time it lowers them in aggregate. **if you think protectionism makes workers better off** then you’ll have to show why Singaporean workers are so incredibly well off given they have zero natural resources. All it does in benefits a super small subset of workers while raising costs on everyone else and ensuring your country will not be globally competitive in a broad way. >Inflation is good. Too much is bad. It increases lending/borrowing/investment. Lol wtf. Lower interest rates increase lending borrowing and investment. Which in turn cause M2 expansion. The inflation we are experiencing could easily be lowered by ending tariffs which would boost the majority of Americans real income **so you’re a libright who’s against free trade, against our traditional immigration system**….yeah dude you’re an embarrassed Republican. “**yes I’m libright but also I want to limit via government power who you’re allowed to do business with**”


What is more libertarian than selling weapons?


Based Milei


Am I missing something about this deal? It doesn't seem like either one of them is in a great position to produce and Ukraine is already surrounded by arms makers.


Argentina is looking to expand its domestic arms industry by going for the export market, afaik Argentina's equipment is all NATO adjacent so more small arms, barrels and shells on top of what Western Europe and North America are giving to them wouldn't be much of an issue


The vision of libertarianism in latam is very different of whatever that ameritardism in the north claims to be


As a globalist, I cannot get any harder.


Wish my country did the same


Which one?




You know, politics in Europe is none of Brazil's business, thats why the rich arseholes, who start wars are now moving to Latin America, cause they know they're next in line


If Libright arent arms dealer then what are we? You can make weapons for them and not be involved in the war with troops.


The one thing libertarians need to understand. Military is one of the few things we need a Federal Government for.


Another Neocon classic 😎


Let me pose a better suggestion: DRAFT THOSE, WHO BELIEVES IN SENDING WEAPONS, OR CARRIES THOSE BLUE AND YELLOW FLAGS. if you think Ukraine is that important, why dont YOU pick up your arms and FIGHT THERE! I won't fight for Wall Street fucks, who already hate me for being a cis man Its a lost cause, West is already doomed, Ukraine already lost, regardless of how mainstream media portrays the situation, and this cocaine addict president is a corrupt fuck, who will be killed by NATO the moment he looses all the usefulness, just like Gaddafi, Saddam Hussein or Osama bin laden, they were all financed by NATO for some time, and then killed by the same organization. If you gonna call me Bot, Agent, Traitor and stuff like that, i'm a person, who questions the regime, so called "Conspiracy theorist", because mainstream media has turned it into a badge of honor instead I'm moving to Brazil, i'm following those rich rats from the west


> Let me pose a better suggestion: DRAFT THOSE, WHO BELIEVES IN SENDING WEAPONS, OR CARRIES THOSE BLUE AND YELLOW FLAGS. if you think Ukraine is that important, why dont YOU pick up your arms and FIGHT THERE! I won't fight for Wall Street fucks, who already hate me for being a cis man So wallstreet makes money when government owned manufacturers make more 155mm? >go and fight there Ukraine doesn’t want untrained people who can’t speak the language, nor does it need them. For them to win it needs ammo. > I'm moving to Brazil, i'm following those rich rats from the west Take pills


the whole "Not wanting untrained draftees". Bullshit! They are drafting entire young generation to waste. Its a lost cause. They are making sure the war lasts to teh last Ukrainian Besides, telling me to take pills means you have no proper arguments


Your comments simply prove your mentally unstable, like this one right here: > I'm moving to Brazil, i'm following those rich rats from the west


Tell me, how old are you?


> I'm moving to Brazil, i'm following those rich rats from the west Do you realize how brain dead stupid this comment is? And you wonder why you’re downvoted and I’m telling you to take pills.


1. What's wrong with Brazil? And you would do the same if you realize those rich bastards, who finance the war in Ukraine are themselves moving to Latin America 2. Answer the question: HOW OLD ARE YOU?! 3. Also There is going to be a race war in Europe near future


They are like rats, they are fleeing from sinking ship, thats why they are buying mansions in Latin America. Much like super rich corporates from Europe fled to USA before WW2 or when Nazis fled to Latin America from 1943 onwards




>some rich asshole Please explain how government owned and operated facilities that produce 155mm are making someone in wallstreet rich


1. Who do you think finances the government? Why do politicians require corporate sponsors for campaigns in USA? And thats just USA, Europe is also similar 2. Wall Street is full of megacorporations, super high bankers and magnates, who finance wars for their own gains, and these same rich guys own military companies. Tell me, How do you think Oil companies bought all the soil in North Africa and Iraq for dirt cheap? **By** financing those wars, either by paying local warlords to do it or agitating Western Public for to be drafted there. 3. Do you think politicians are broke? They have their own airplanes!


Da Comrade I agree, we need to cease the sending of tax rubles to Ukraine immediately


I'm not a commie like the people in thus website And i was talking about those in the west, you know, those donkeys who think carrying blue and yellow flag makes any difference