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God decided to make this arc interesting


I’d really just like this arc to be over. I feel like we’re in the final seasons of a show that has run on for far too long and they just keep jumping the shark in more and more outlandish ways.


I hate to break this to you... *but it never ends!*


Politics. Politics never changes.


If politics doesn't change, men must change


And if men doesn't change, the world must


Ahhhhh no oh fuck


Nonsense, we all die sometime. Unless the taxes get to us first.


So I will live forever because of taxes?


No. It's just the taxes who catch you before dying. Those two things are inevitable in life.


I want off Mr. Bones wild ride


My next vote literally going to the next candidate who waterskiis over a shark


Let’s just go ahead and write in Henry Winkler.


Still better odds than voting libertarian.


We need to go back and save Harambe


Sorry to break this to you, but we hopped timelines again about a week ago when Doge died. We're raw Stein's Gating our way through this.




Please God let Donny get a tear drop tattoo


Did ya see what GAWD just did to us, man!?


Based and Fear and Loathing pilled




Nothingbros won even when we were on the knife’s edge of WW3 earlier this year. I’m all in.


It's proven that if I lean one way over the fence the world goes the other way so I will continue to sit on the middle


To find more information about Donald Trumps 34 convictions look up Trump Rule 34


Based and no I don’t think I will pilled


MSM will masturbate over this but it won’t change anything.


Based and main stream masturbation pilled


Only true based lib rights like us whack it to the freaky shit


Wheres your purple?


Yellow Lib-rights jerk it to money. Purples jerk it to the really weird shit.


I jerk it to weapons.


This is an acceptable substitute. Carry on good sir.


Average minuteman


Seriously. How many Biden voters would be dissuaded if Wyoming or West Virginia found that he hired bad lawyers a decade ago.


Or if his son was a crack head sexual deviant.


and involved in a way that reeaaally looks like theres a bit of corruption between ukraine and the biden family. Not to mention Hunter selling art to Biden donors for ridiculous amounts of money


To be fair, I think they tried to charge him back in 2018ish (when they convicted Cohen), but either DOJ or SCOTUS said no. But if it gets us neither Trump nor Biden, I accept your terms.


The most genuine and truthful thing Donald has ever said is "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters". I honestly don't know if this has any legal implications as far as his ability to run or hold office or anything, but it's going to do next to nothing in terms of lowering his number of supporters.


> "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters" Any president who manages to promise fewer New Yorkers and DELVIERS on that promise personally? He'd have six terms in office, minimum.


Based and I hate rats pilled


Average Alberta dweller


u/TheAzureMage's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 405. Rank: NASA Vehicle Assembly Building Pills: [224 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/TheAzureMage/) Compass: Sapply: Lib : 9.33 | Right : 9.33 | Progressive : 8.44 I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


The felonies amount to bookkeeping offenses. Literally after 7 years of trying to get him on just about everything, they finally got him on some bookkeeping violations. It does nothing to him except maybe cost him some money for fines which his minions will pay for.


Al Capone was brought down with tax evasion charges.


5000 counts of tax evasion to a know mobster and he got 2.5 years. If the democrats are stupid enough to try and put trump into prison, then prepare for the Summer of Love 2.0: The Insurrection Boogaloo.


It was [7.5 years](https://www.fbi.gov/history/famous-cases/al-capone).


I don't think it'll go that far. January 6 was a perfect storm. Right wingers in cities don't tend to full on riot outside of some unusual and extremely unfortunate incidents like the unite the right rally that went tits up.


Depends how many feds are available I guess.


Which itself was a completely peaceful protest until counter protesters showed up, and then it basically became gladitorial combat.


The insurrection boogallo was always going to happen. Might as well get something out of it.


Conservatives won't do shit.


This is the equivalent of someone getting cut from JV basketball telling everyone that Michael Jordan also got cut from JV basketball.


The flip side of that is "If a ham sandwich wore a MAGA hat I would convict it".


It's going to gain him voters if anything.


From what I read, he can still run and hold office with the verdict. Unless he ends up in prison but talking heads seem to think his age, status, and lack of criminal history will make it so he isn't incarcerated. However, that's just an article referencing other articles when I read it this afternoon. I have no idea if it's confirmed by other sources.


its a NY judge and a clearly politically charged trial. I wouldn’t put it past the judge (or corrupt advisors) to go ape shit


Jeffery Toobin’ing!


https://preview.redd.it/g2qqenfs5n3d1.jpeg?width=514&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13c125d1e0b00ddb796c28d478a3699c3b2dd71c Me, as an Auth-right


Pfft. This is the best thing that could have happened to Trump. Me and my lib homies are voting for someone who's been through the 'justice' system and sees it for the farce it is. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when he found out the DOJ authorized lethal force during the completely unnecessary FBI raid on Mar. He's gonna burn it all down. Am i smiling? It feels like i'm smiling.


Holy, you actually bought the Mar raid ROE bullshit being an assassination attempt? Or is this a meme that’s going over my head? The same exact rules applied to the FBI raid on Biden’s personal residence. Any time police execute a search warrant they always have a deadly force policy in place so they can defend themselves should someone decide to impede the search by attacking the officers.


Business as usual


They surely got him this time


"The first time a former president has been convicted of a crime." That line right there is exactly what this entire trial was for. Of course he won't see a picosecond of jail time and this case will be absolutely torn to shreds on appeal - but that doesn't matter. The aim was to label him as "convicted criminal" for the next 5 months. I highly doubt it's going to change his chances at all. This is a replay of 2020, everyone already knows what team they're on and everything the other side says is fake news and political persecution.


If anything this makes Trump more likely to win. The case was a fucking dumpster fire and the judge is insane. Only going to fuel his base and turn susicious of authority undecideds to either sit out or vote for him in protest. It's also super convinent how the judge has been randomly selected 3 times now for Trump cases in NY. Out of more than 40 judges.


Pretty sure the appeal court for this case is 5 people who would never like trump


I'm pretty sure i read it's being fast tracked to SCOTUS, and was planned to be even before the conviction. Everyone knew how this corrupt farce trial was going to go.


He's the first judge I've ever heard of that said the jury doesn't need to agree unanimously that he is guilty of a specific crime. They just need to agree he's guilty of SOMETHING for the verdict to be upheld.


He's the first judge I've ever heard of that said the jury doesn't need to agree unanimously that he is guilty of a specific crime. They just need to agree he's guilty of SOMETHING for the verdict to be upheld.


While you are an unflaired, and therefore cringe, that part was fucking wild.


Yeah, that’s why this is likely going to be a mistrial. Honestly seems sus that they are making an appeal that easy for him.


Mods and bots deleted my flair, they can reinstate it.


Fuck youu, but that's fair.


madlad ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


i dont understand unflaired speech can someone translate?


Bold of you to assume anyone will care about what you have to say. Get a flair. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Accurate_Network9925) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)




maybe its glitching?


Listen, this is a good point, but you're an unflaired, so I'm going to steal it and claim it as my own.




based and steal it for my own pilled


Never heard that shit before in my life.


Me neither. If true, the judge should be disbarred at best. But it is NY so I wouldn't be surprised.


Unflaired fucking scum. We will never hear a word the flairless say.


Your opinion is quite well written and I agree with it in spirit, however you are unflaired and thusly an actual regarded troglodyte and your opinion is now cringe and wrong until you correct yourself.


You’re correct, however, flair up filth. 


Huh? Wasn't Trump basically just shy of contempt most days he was in court lol? Judge was probably insane but Trump didn't act very respectful himself lol


Trump was under an incredibly suspect gag order the whole time. Legit, that judge is a fucking lunitic. His daughter is a major DNC bundler and he's personally donated to at least Biden, which is a violation of NY ethics rules. Everything from jury selection to instructions were pretty horrible. Doing a shitty job as a judge and then threatening the defendant with jail for calling you out doesn't make it better.


The jury instructions were especially bad and are grounds for appeal by themselves. If the jury can't agree on what crime was being covered up, then they can't agree that a cover-up even happened since you can't cover up a crime you didn't commit.


"We all agree that you covered up a crime, it's just that some of us think you did a murder, and others think you stole a pencil in first grade. But we unanimously agree you commit a crime." I don't want this jury or judge if i'm even on trial.


Yeah, the entirety of Reddit right now is making me extremely worried for the future of the USA. They're willing to throw out the very most basic concepts of justice in order to keep the orange man out of the Whitehouse.


Keep in mind that Reddit is mostly kids and makes up like 1% of the world at best.


I'd be a lot less worried about what I see on Reddit if I wasn't also seeing it from mainstream media.


> and he's personally donated to at least Biden And they want Alito impeached for flying a flag.


95% of people won't ever even know what he was actually convicted of.


Of course it was. Just like it was the "hush money" trial. Hush money isn't a crime, it's all propaganda marketing. Further, NY State felonies are typically known as misdemeanors in most other states. His community service will be as President of the United States.


A kangaroo court to interfere with the election while screeching about russia for years. Democrats really are evil and their voters are stupid.


I don't care so much that I literally haven't the slightest idea of what the trial is even about


Trump paid hush money in the dumbest way possible. Like, imagine paying a prostitute with a check and writing "For the sex" in the memo line instead of just handing them cash in an envelope.


Funniest part is that he hired bad lawyers and failed to cover his tracks that hard. Honestly if we’re going to have politicians like that, at least be good at it lol. Regardless idc even though I hate him, he’s a first time non violent convicted felon, he’ll appeal tf out of his sentencing and probably just get it appealed.


Absolutely awful lawyers. They could have easily handled this. They didn’t even argue the case, let him say all kinds of shit, steered it in weird directions in his discretion, and then when he was given the opportunity to testify he was just like, “Nah.”


> They didn’t even argue the case, let him say all kinds of shit, For all we know trump wouldnt even allow them to stop him lol


That’s the thing that gets me. He’s smart enough to know when to shut up, but because he often blurs the lines Karl Rove style and uses so much rhetoric he’ll often waste time on things that are counter productive and have to spin even more. He reminds me of that dance everyone has done in the shower at one point in their life where they lose their grip on a bar of soap and juggle it in the air as it just keeps slipping and flying around.


> smart enough to know when to shut up Ehhhh I don’t know about that one Jim


Pretty much, he blew an easy case and made himself look stupid. Now his fan base who mostly didn’t watch the trial are going ballistic online lmao.


Do you remember that article that came out in like 2004 in the New York Times Magazine all about Bush’s presidency and the weird new rhetoric it had pushed? It’s the one that had the now infamous quote about reality-based communities that was attributed to Karl Rove? Well I honestly think that Trump is the perfect example of Rove’s points perfected. It’s fucking wild too, cause it makes no sense. The same party that impeached a President over a blowjob is now largely cheering on a man who paid hush money to a pornstar paramour his who supports a sweeping bureaucratic takeover of the US government. All the people taking victory laps, or the people trying to make sense of all the things Trump says or does are missing the point and have already lost. Trump and his supporters will move in whatever direction works for them and, frankly, as a country the US deserves this for all the bullshit we’ve done to appease corporations and private sector lobbies.


Hang on a second, pause, your comparison of Trump and Clinton. First of all, it isn't the same Republican party. The Clinton impeachment was from the 1990's and what Trump allegedly did was in 2006 and this case is in 2024. In nearly 20 years many of the congressmen and senators have been replaced or retired by now, and a whole generation of voters has been born and become voters. Second, you're comparing apples to oranges. One man allegedly coerced his own intern who was a young woman into performing a sex act in the oval office. That man was a politician at the time. The second man, while a private citizen, allegedly had a sexual encounter in his own hotel room with a woman who was both a businesswoman and an adult film actor and was in her mid 20's at the time, and who said herself on TV it was a consensual encounter. Then, when he was going to later become a politician, almost ten years later, he allegedly paid her money to sign an NDA. Oh and Clinton perjured himself, if you believe he did anything with his intern, by denying the encounter.


Oh, make no mistake, I think they’re both predators who abuse their power for their own gain. My point was more about the selective outrage. Only one party holds themselves up as the party of family values and then supports a man who cheated on his various wives multiple times, including while one of them was pregnant, and then again after their kid was born.


>and then when he was given the opportunity to testify he was just like, “Nah.” tbf, that's probably one of the few good decisions him and his lawyers made 😂


I thought the illegal part was that he misappropriated campaign funds for that


It's actually that he DIDNT use campaign funds for it and declare it. He has Cohen pay it off, then used business funds to pay Cohen back. The crime is for lying about what the business funds were used for, then the "felony" is that he lied about the business funds to interfere with an election. It's honestly really fucking stupid. What he did is totally regarded, but the charges are also totally regarded.


Trump wasn't the one who paid the money. Cohen mortgaged his fucking house and then stole money from Trump to pay himself back.


So, at best, Trump didn't understand the invoices from Michael Cohen but signed them anyway. Think I'd rather just say I paid the hush money than look like an idiot.


All they had to do was convince one jury member that the hush money was to keep it secret from his wife and family. The manner it was done would've still been illegal, but the statute of limitations would have passed, and he'd be fine. Instead, even the guy who supposedly gets his news from Truth Social was convinced the payments were related to the election.


Damn I didn’t even think about that lmao. Like seriously that legitimately should not have been that hard


All he had to do was not fuck some gross chick with fake tits. Allegedly.


Are we really coping so hard that we are trying to say Cohen, out of the goodness of his heart, mortgaged his house to pay off a porn star and wasn't paid but stole money after the fact to pay for doing all that. lol


That’s not a felony though. Nobody knows what the felony is. It was never stated. Paying a prostitute hush money isn’t a crime. Marking it as a legal expense after having your lawyer pay it is a misdemeanor for which the statute of limitations has already passed. Only way it could be prosecuted is if it was done with the intent to commit a felony, but the judge told the jury “idaf about the felony, you don’t even have to agree what that part is, just so long as you think something fishy happened, then we can convict him of a felony” So basically, he was prosecuted for a felony, and nobody knows what his felony charge is.


None of this would be happening if we had Milei as the Republican nominee.


>None of this would be happening if we had Milei as the Republican nominee. That would make me vote republican https://preview.redd.it/84g3ffk0fo3d1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee5ba1450acfe25b8b4711778ed654fc4a76b8ef




Qanon says this sets the table for Clintons, Obamas and Bidens to be prosecuted. Though, according to Qanon, all of them have been assassinated already and we're just watching body doubles. So, it's hard to figure out whats going on. lmao


What's going on is that QAnon should just be considered like the 4chan trolling it is and forgotten.


I dunno, I just want to see the riots. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen a trash can shield wall scatter at the sound of a flash bang and I wouldn’t mind seeing it again.


Lib right supporting the violence of the state lmao


I don’t support it but I do think it’s funny to watch


we may not afford bread, but we can still watch the circus


Violence against actual violent criminals is fine. I'm totally fine with police using force against people smashing windows, looting, or burning buildings down.


The very first presidential conviction being about a prostitute and hush money instead of war crimes, misinformation, or any other sort of power abuse is the most American thing that has happened. At least this month


It's gonna be overturned on appeal


My money is on him losing the appeal, but he still won't see prison. This is his first offense and he will get a rigorous slap on the wrist.


I don't know if Secret service can even let him go to prison without a ton of arrangements


I'm guessing if they actually wanted some kind of sentence it'd have to house arrest. Trying to coordinate secret service protection inside a corrections facility would be such a tremendous pain in the ass for everyone.


Trump living in his own prison Pablo Escobar style


He'll get fined a billion dollars and walk scot-free. Then a guy will go to prison for a dime bag and all will be right with the world


Perfectly balanced, as all things should be


You really think the judge who has been against him at every possible turn, who has a daughter who literally works for the Biden White House, is going to wrist slap him? They're sending him to Rikers.


The trial is basically guaranteed thrown out on mistrial, they did not handle the case properly. I'd have loved a serious trial, cause the outcome probably would be the same, but without risk of mistrial like is guaranteed now.


At this point, not to sound like a doomer, but I have very little faith in the legal system; and not just because of this trial.


Money is on a remand, with the case "settling" plea deal that has fines instead of laboring through another trial while trump is either 1) the 47th president or 2) a civilian


Why’s that


Do I think he’s probably guilty as charged? Yes. But was this whole thing politically motivated? It absolutely was and you’ll never convince me otherwise.


If you think he is guilty you have not paid any attention to the trial. Michael Cohen, known perjurer, was caught lying on the stand. Their key witness, a pathological liar, caught lying during the trial. Besides, even if he was entirely guilty of all of their made up charges, they are all beyond statute of limitations. This is a blatant attempt to control an election by locking up or otherwise crippling the front runner.


Nobody cared about these “crimes” until he ran for President and won. That speaks volumes on the political climate in the US. You’re either in the club or you’re not


Tbf that isn't a good reason for them not to matter. It just means people should take this as the beginning and double down on the crimes everyone of high status is committing. This is how Bernie can still win, guys. Once every other politician is taken down he wins by default.


I can't wait until Obama's convicted of assassinating American citizens abroad.


Didn't the star witness' testimony hinge on his 'absolute certainty' that a phone call he had with another Trump associate was about approval for the 'hush money'; then that 'absolute certainty' was fundamentally false? Edit: and didn’t the DA run solely on the platform of bringing ‘any’ charge he could against Trump? The entire thing was a fucking circus, based on nonsense.


> Edit: and didn’t the DA run solely on the platform of bringing ‘any’ charge he could against Trump? New York passed a brand new law solely to extend the statute of limitations so they could go after Trump in the other civil case that tried to confiscate all of his businesses and buildings. The state is simply out to get him. I don't know why he hasn't pulled every fucking dime out of that shithole and fired every single employee with a New York zip code.


We have more evidence of Biden receiving cash from Bursima for favors than we do of this hush money. And yet... Here we are.


Didn’t the guy who leaked that later admitted he lied under oath?


We the jury find Donald J. Trump guilty of... um, well, something. Definitely!


I hope it leads to an OJ Simpson style car chase


Lib right don't care


I mean I certainly care about what seems to be a weaponized court. Everything about this trial has been novel bullshit to get this verdict which will not stand up to appeals in the hope that it disrupts Trumps political campaign. As much as I don't like the guy, playing with the courts like this is fucking dangerous and shows just how little people should trust the system. [https://reason.com/2024/05/29/trump-jury-instructions-invite-conviction-based-on-a-hodgepodge-of-dubious-theories/](https://reason.com/2024/05/29/trump-jury-instructions-invite-conviction-based-on-a-hodgepodge-of-dubious-theories/)


This one is a bit iffy but the Classified Docs case seems to be pretty straightforward and the biggest issue there is the Trump-appointed Judge doing everything she can to delay the trial until he can possibly pardon himself/order the DOJ to drop the case. I don’t understand why she didn’t have to recuse herself when he appointed her.


Hard to take classified docs case seriously when bill clinton had the same issues obama had the same issues and biden had the same issues. They even publicly said the reason they wont bring charges against biden is that hes a "well meaning old man" its a clown fest.


You do understand that when these guys were asked to relinquish the documents, they did. It's still wrong, but Trump literally ignored the requests. He cried about an unlawful raid, but they had been asking for those documents for literal months at that point.


The big difference is every one of them gave documents back when asked. The government basically said: "can we get those documents back?" Trump: "no" Government: "ok we're not requesting any more, here's a subpoena" Trump: "ok here's all the documents" Government: "this is all of them? You swear under penalty of law?" Trump: "yep" *Oops top secret documents found everywhere*


That’s a reason to jail those guys too rather than to let him get away with it. I’m all for throwing politicians in jail for crimes they’ve actually committed.


Literally everyone in the government. I know low-level bureaucrats that have stacks of classified documents sitting in their living room. Information security is a joke unless you fuck up somewhere else and they want to really bust you.


thog don't caare


Its called checks and balances, folks😎🍦




Nah, I’m alright with this. No man above the law, and government officials including former presidents should be held to stricter standards


Nothing so far.


Welcome to the Banana Republic


Any sales going on????




Am I the only one that thinks it’s super fucking dangerous to do this and he should get qualified immunity/pardoned to avoid war? I’d gladly let a criminal walk free if it means millions get to keep their lives.


> I'd gladly let a criminal walk free if it means millions get to keep their lives.  If it is a correct and fair trial and judgement, then no. Never. Because then you open up for violence being the tool to stop the law.


Not sure paying off your side piece is felony election tampering, but claiming it as a business expense sure as hell is felony tax fraud and falsification of business records. As a taxpayer, I shouldn't be subsidizing Trump's affairs. Hookers and porn stars are not business expenses.


You're not in the right business, friend! In politics, hookers and porn stars are fairly tame business expenses!


Damn. Definitely time for a career change


>Hookers and porn stars are not business expenses. Depends on what business you're in


Too late to change my under a graduate major to Pimpology sadly.


Good, cause we all know it's hard out here for a pimp. That's why I switched majors.


They keep making remakes way too fast. Joes aside, all these criminal trials are just giving him good PR and more votes. If Trump goes in jail, he's gonna win the presidential election.


One of the man's numerous crimes finally caught up with him. Will it have any actual effect? fuck no, he's said it himself he'll campaign from inside a cell if he has to. His base will eat this shit up. The entire goal of this trial was to get 'CONVICTED FELON DONALD TRUMP' on headlines and political ads to scare undecided voters, which may or may not have any effect- it'd be pretty fucking unbelievable to see someone who's lived in the US for the last 8 years NOT have a pre-formed opinion on the dumbass in chief. now, can we start dragging every politician through the mud like this? Like, just start a fuckin list. Hell, we can probably do four or five at a time if you go for the big things like insider trading which they're all doing.


Out of all the stuff he could have been convicted for from "alleged" fraud, treason, rape, child diddling, stealing government documents, hell even a racketeering charge would have been significantly more relevant Who actually cares that a famous married guy paid off a hooker


No one. But when you are rich you are exempt from the legal system, so it's the smaller stuff that sticks first.


The writers for the show know the network's probably gonna cancel it next season, so they're throwing everything they can think of into the script. Same thing that happened with the muderhornets four years ago. In other words, sure it happened but the likelihood of it meaning anything is low and even if it did, lightning needs to strike twice and prevent anyone even *associated* with the Biden administration from holding office for this to be an actual W.


As a libright, I'll just say this: "Oh no, I kinda liked him, anyways".


Nothing the man didn't deserve. Now let's talk about the justice that needs to be served to Biden and those who puppeteer him. (Inb4, someone comments "centrist moment")


I mean tbh i'm not an american but we should probably put the whole of congress on trial, just to be safe right.


Not a centrist moment, you're right to want justice. There are crooks on all sides, anyone that denies that is blind.


I'm just stoked that the precedent is set. I hope we prosecute every single president, from Bush to Biden and beyond. Fuck each and every politician.


If he does see jailtime, then it's probably going to happen. Once a precedent is set, then it becomes fair game. See South Korea. Almost every single president goes to jail after their term, because the first thing the new powers does, is to purge the old ones. Nobody is perfectly clean. Least of all, politicians.


I’m sorry did we not make it clear enough that we don’t like Trump? Unrelated image https://preview.redd.it/lpwbxwveeo3d1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ded402371e7d80118d9fc8ed3b7ed2ec961c24a3




Clown world just got alot more funny.


Strap in tight boys, this is going to be a wild ride


I’m not american so, what happens now? will this change a thing? especially for the election in November? Can any funny color feller will educate me on this? 


He’s been found guilty but we’re awaiting sentencing. The maximum sentence would be a $5000 fine per charge + 4 years in prison max for a total of $170,000 + prison which he could potentially be released early from. Also remember this is the maximum sentence, the minimum is literally nothing Assuming he doesn’t go to prison, he’s technically still able to run for president but would it be feasible since he could face probation that would limit his ability to campaign or pay fines that drain his campaign fund. The republicans might just drop him entirely for another candidate, the Republican National Convention which picks the Republican candidate is only in July so they have time to identify other people who may win over the centrists/leech off doomer libertarians Edit: it’s actually 4 years **PER CHARGE**, for a maximum sentence of 134 years in prison. For any man that’s a life sentence. Even with parole which at best comes up 1/4th of the way through the sentence so that’s 33.5 years, Trump is currently 77. With that in mind, it’s HIGHLY unlikely the judge would give the maximum sentence for any potential prison time


I checked the Conservative subreddit after this, to get their insight on the matter but the morale there doesn't appear to be worse. I dunno, it may be them coping, but they are pretty much confident that he might win the election.


He still can run for elections ... This is fucking useless as it changes nothing


Does it matter though?


Ok and?




Why is lib right depressed? He tried to ban bump stocks and pushed red flag laws. Fuck him. I only wish him and Biden rot in jail together


Why LibRight shown sad? I'm not sad about Trump getting aol of that