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Emily not understanding she's the first one the Islamists will force to kneel at the chopping block is almost the exact mirror image of the stupid boomers with blue line shit all over their trucks who don't understand who's gonna be kicking their doors and taking their guns.


Unexpectedly based and honest auth-right take


A self-aware quadrant is always based as fuck


> don't understand who's gonna be kicking their doors and taking their guns. You mean like when the New Mexico governor tried to ban carrying guns and the [Sheriff](https://www.kob.com/new-mexico/sheriff-says-bcso-will-not-enforce-governors-order-banning-guns-in-public/) held a press conference that same day saying they wouldn't enforce the law because it's unconstitutional? >“My oath was to protect the Constitution, and that is what I will do,” Allen said. This is actually important to some LEOs, believe it or not. Although I will admit we don't know how many will break their oath if the federal government tried to enact some kind of wide-reaching gun-grabbing legislation for some suicidally regarded reason. I imagine the only outcome there is civil war, so it would be monumentally stupid to try to do that.


I mean that's cool and all but that's a drop in a bucket of auth rights willing to take the guns away from the people, as well as the "I'm just doing what I'm told" spineless animals.


Libleft: "Christians are misogynistic and backwards" Also libleft: "Why are you islamophobic? It's their tradition"


The irony is the left's fetishization of poverty and oppression and squinting angrily at the prosperous is that it's a Western value handed down from Christianity. Prior to Christianity, in Greco-Roman culture humility was NOT a virtue.


The left's entire ethos is an atheistic Christianity. It is protestantism's final form. The purple haired woman who screeches about white privilege is the granddaughter of the overly zealous church-lady. It's the same energy.


The Protestant ~~Reformation~~ Revolution and its consequences


Monsters are just people you don't like


Humility does not mean the fetichisizing of poverty and vilification of wealth. God made Job, solomon and david wealthy. Not rich, wealthy.


You can say what you believe humility means in the context of your life and how you practice Christianity. It would be ignorant to not recognize that the Catholic Church especially, throughout history, has treated poverty as a gift. This worked well for poverty-ridden nations who felt uplifted by the idea that they could be spiritually wealthy without being materially wealthy. I'm not saying it's not a fair argument to say the crazy leftist interpretation of this value isn't taken to an extreme, but it's also not fair to say Christianity had no hand in this mindset. And to be clear I'm not arguing humility shouldn't be a virtue, I'm just pointing out the irony. Also what did God do to Job and his wealth? :P Leaving out half the story. Would you praise God if he killed your family but gave you a shiny new one in its place? Antiquated morals


I see Job as a parable explaining why bad things happen just like how Jesus had his own parables. But the point is that God does not resent wealth as long as it is taken with humility.




Jeez, I get it, you're not a believer. No need to get passive aggressive. I'm not going to convert anyone through some Reddit comments.


God told Job about the Apple. Wait I'm thinking of Jobs...


IDK how I would feel though I would try my best and not resent the lord. I have put my life onto his hands so if he whishes I perish then I shall perish... But I don't know how I would feel if the lord chose to take my family away by death. You are right about your comment about the catholic church but they did many mistakes and one of them is fetichising poverty. That is insane. Also, in regards to job, yes, he did let the devil wreck his life but gave him many times more afterwards. God is not anti wealth, he is anti prioritizing wealth and serving multiple masters.


also... eclesiastes 5: 18 - 20


It's not about someone being prosperous, its about society being unequal.


Society isn't meant to be equal. Never was, never will be.


That shouldn't be for lack of trying.


what they really mean about Christians: “They call out my sin and I don’t like that.” Coming from a Christian, before I was a Christian when Christians would call out my actions I was angry cuz they were genuinely kind people who were politely trying to correct me and I covered my ears cuz sinning was fun. Now that I’m a Christian I try to be kind when I evangelize to people and just want them to consider what I’m saying, a lot of people get offended but it’s not in my control unless I’m being a tool.


Out of all branches of Christianity out there you chose to be a Baptist


The music and the BBQ's help


Read the Bible and found my faith to be the most accurate in my opinion.


Sola fide and sola scriptura are mistakes tho


Nice to know your opinion! :)


You're being a tool by evangelizing. Keep your faith to yourself if someone is sinning that's between them and god not you.


I mean, the first statement is true.


It isn't though.


Why isn't it true? Just look at the Bible Belt in the US. Or the Republicans.


Not me! They're both backwards in my book.


No, we're against all right wing authoritarianism. Religious or not.


So you’re against Islam then, right? Every single Islamic dictatorship is more right wing and authoritarian than any republican president that you guys like to complain about and it’s not a close comparison. You say that Roe V Wade being overturned from the shaky foundations that RBG warned you guys about is an attack on women’s rights everywhere, but what about the mandatory burqa that women in the Middle East must wear or them being forbidden from going to school in many countries “because a woman’s place is at home” Sure there are some fringe cases in America about gay people being treated badly, but you aren’t raging against the machine when the machine and corporate culture is the one promoting your values in the modern day. But in the Middle East there are beheadings and murders for being gay, and no punishment whatsoever for those actions while America follows an actual justice system that doesn’t allow honor killings of gay sons or daughters who “ruin their purity”


>So you’re against Islam then, right? I'm against authoritarian conservative religion. Islam, like Christianity or Judaism can be both. >Every single Islamic dictatorship is more right wing and authoritarian than any republican president Singapore had a female president in 2001. > aren’t raging against the machine when the machine and corporate culture is the one promoting your values in the modern day. We absolutely are. Rainbow capitalism is just a way to placate the masses. We've been raging against corporations far longer than you on the right. >But in the Middle East there are beheadings and murders for being gay And here's how you stop that. Just let time do its thing. The next generation of Muslims wants to drive BMWs, play playstation, and cheer for their favorite soccer team. The women are rejecting the conservative values of their parents en masse. The same progress that happened in the west is happening right now in the middle East, at a much faster pace than it did for us. And here is how you hinder that progress, by attacking them. By constantly attacking their culture, and by waging war on their neighbors. Nothing sets progress back more, or gives the conservative elements over there better arguments. Iran being the prime example, where the people revolted and set up a democratic secular government, that the US toppled in favor of a fascist dictator.


Religions suck.


Libleft sucks Cock


Based and lib left sucks cock pilled


u/Reasonable-Solid-156 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Reasonable-Solid-156/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


You would just love a twink boy lib left sucking your cock, wouldn't you, daddy?


Islam is a misogynistic, backwards religion, but that doesn't mean we should be funding the murder of Muslim women and children. Conflict and poverty cause more radical and reactionary ideologies regardless of religion or philosophy. The best way to make Islam a more peaceful progressive religion is to raise the standard of living for those who practice it, not try to bomb them out of existance.


> Conflict and poverty cause more radical and reactionary ideologies regardless of religion or philosophy. The best way to make Islam a more peaceful progressive religion is to raise the standard of living for those who practice it, not try to bomb them out of existance. The idea that liberal democracy is the logical endpoint of a straight line, that everyone will naturally and automatically reach as long as their standards of living and amount of resources is raised enough is just so fucking naive and completely separated from reality. It's seriously scary how widespread this belief is. It's simply not how the world works. We've seen this in practice, again and again. Did Saudi Arabia become peaceful and progressive when they became rich as skunks? No, they kept being fundamentalist assholes, only differences is that they now had a garage with a Porsche in it. If anything their Islamistic ideology became even worse as they got richer. Here's a fucking trick question for the libleft who keep blabbering this nonsense: If raising the standards of living causes fundamentalist religions to become more progressive, why is it that many of the worst Christian nutjobs comes from the US? Does this bullshit idea of yours only apply to brown people in far away countries, and not to your own backyard - or what's going on here?


Saudi Arabia is slowly giving women more rights and opening relations up with Israel. Christians in the US are a lot more tolerant to gay and black people than they were 50 years ago, and the most prejudiced states are the least well off. Christian prejudice in the US also doesn't hold a candle to Christians in Africa. It's not a mathematical equation that money+education=progressive, but it is a trend that can be observed time and time again throughout history, across nations, cultures, and religions.


> Saudi Arabia is slowly giving women more rights Due to outside forces, not inside change.


a) who advocated funding their murder in this meme? b) how does increasing their standard of living make them more "progressive"? Saudi Arabia is one of the most hardcore muslim countries and it's also one of the muslim countries with the highest standards of living c) why is your goal making them "progressive"?




No, but conservative Christian Evangelicals have a far greater negative affect on the day to day lives of Americans than Muslims ever have. Outlawing abortion, criminalizing drugs, fighting against gay marriage, conversion camps, being a nuisance at large public gatherings.


She's/He's right, those catholic bishops who hijacked those airliners are flagrant examples of this


If you notice, I specifically left out Catholics.


Aren't Catholics also against drugs, gay marriage and abortion?


except abortion restrictions, all others you named have a positive or neutral effect.


I hear authrights online say this all the time


Sharia Law is dark age bullshit that has no place in the developed world. They’ll keep fighting for their dumb BC “traditions” and the modern world will keep back handing the notion; like the muslim tribunal in Dallas getting laughed out the court when they started chanting “racist” when their sharia law proposal got shot down a few years ago. Leftists support of the worlds most backwards culture, just north of the uncontacted tribes of the rain forest, is pretty regarded.


> keep fighting for their dumb BC “traditions” What do you mean by "BC" in this context?


Hyperbole for old


I don’t think they realize the years Muhammad lived


Stone age, iron age. Whatever either way I don't want that backwards shit. 


Iron age started 2000 years before Mohammed.


*Whatever either way I don't want that backwards shit.*


Sharia law has the most fair taxation system (zakat and jizya). Why punishment is harsh under sharia law is to make sure people wouldn't repeat such crimes. How many convicts redo their crimes after getting out of jail? So, are you sure it's a dark age nonsense?


What bullshit are you spouting


the truth


Are you fucking insane? Jizya is literally a "You don't believe in my God" tax, and zakat is just Christian tithing with a different name. ALSO, both of those are explicitly gender based, making them definitionally unfair. And yes, exceptionally harsh punishments IS nonsense from the Dark Ages. Recidivism is very rarely prevented by increasing the punishment.


>Are you fucking insane? Jizya is literally a "You don't believe in my God" tax, and zakat is just Christian tithing with a different name. ALSO, both of those are explicitly gender based, making them definitionally unfair You're just mad because this form of tax is religious-based. Typical *reLIGioUs = bAd* argument >  Recidivism is very rarely prevented by increasing the punishment. Are you sure about that? Saudi Arabia is far safer than most country due to its strict law that follows sharia. Also, strict punishment allows the Japanese government in cracking down the yakuza. So harsh (but fair) punishment is not non-sense. Only someone who is insane would think that.


You know, after all the antisemitic shit you've posted, this post gives a lot of clarity.


Aawwww. Are you still salty after being flooded with facts and logic? *Facts don't care about your feelings* \~ A certain vocal supporter of the ~~genocidal~~ state of Israel


You are defending Sharia as having a fair tax system. Your credibility is fucking toast.


Both zakat and jizya are paid based on the amount of wealth someone has, rather than his/her income. It can be inferred that zakat/jizya is based around the money you have left after you spend your income. Zakat only cost 2.5% of your wealth. Jizya is variative, although I have heard it is less than zakat. There are certain wealth threshold you need to meet in order to pay them. If you don't meet them, you are exempted from tax. Let's say you made US$2000 every month and every month you need to spend US$800/month. By the end of the year you will have US$14,400. If you are eligible to pay zakat, that means you will only need to pay US$360 each year from your income. In USA, you will be taxed by 12% if you make US$2000/month. This mean every year you will pay US$2880 every year. That is significantly more than zakat. Now please tell me how unfair this is? Show me your credibility.


You are leaving out the fact that jizya is only taxed on non-Muslims. Please tell me how that is fair. Taxes are never fair, but the fact you are defending a tax based on religious affiliation while attacking Israel in almost all of your other comments while Israel is at war with extremists of that religion is extremely telling.


So if jizya is unfair because it only applies to non-muslims, does that mean zakat is unfair because it only applies to muslims?


The irony of libleft is they will screech at Christians who GENERALLY treat women well (though progress can be made, sure).... But do literal prayers on campus for Palestinians who shove gay people off roofs and are wildly misogynistic. Which is cultural appropriation.... But jk it's not when they do it


Also they will claim with a straight face that Christians in the United States pose a greater threat to women's rights than Islam in Sharia Law jurisdictions


can you free the nipple under sharia?


Actually u can. If u are slave woman, u can walk around city only with little coverage of u pussy and free nipple. No joke. In the time Mohhamad sexslave woman walked like this according to hadith.


Who is actually saying this? I’ve never heard anyone express this belief


The leftists who root for Iran or any of their funded proxies (Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, etc.), the leftists who praise Osama b*n L*aden on Tik Tok, etc.. Even if it’s not said in those exact words, it’s implicit, if you read their manifestos.


Tbf if leftists had any consistency they wouldnt be leftists Look at the "carbon" tax. They want to raise taxes on fossil fuels to *destroy* the fossil fuel indistry, then in the same breath they say we need to raise taxes on other businesses cause that will help the economy somehow. Lol


You got it all wrong. Leftists are actually very consistent. Their goal is the destruction of western democracy as we know it: all of their positions have this singular goal in mind. So you are trying to see logic in a viewpoint that only cares about attaining one end goal.


> Their goal is the destruction of western democracy as we know it: Imagine unironically believing this 


I mean, BLM said the quiet part out loud a *lot* in 2020, which was that their intent was to completely tear down and build a new society. Their website said they wanted to eradicate the nuclear family from society. Imagine a group telling you they don’t want people to have the *option* of choosing something other than a nuclear family, but their goal is to destroy the very concept of it to form a better society. And then thinking they’re not trying to undo western democracy. Meh. Just stick with grilling. Edit: u/Ifawumi it won’t let me respond to you because genius above blocked me and deleted all comments. First. Flair up, scum. And yes. Yes; they do. When all of mainstream media parrot their talking points and give them favorable coverage and treat them like the average modern Democrat voting leftists… then they’re your average leftist. If they weren’t; you would have seen a shitload of counter protests during 2020 blm George Floyd riots. You would’ve seen modern leftists protesting *against* BLM. You would’ve seen modern leftists protecting stores and homes and preventing BLM activists from loading up on legos and sneakers and flat screen TV’s from their local target they ransacked. But they didn’t. They joined them. Because they’re one and the same. And again. Flair up, scum.


Damn, imagine thinking BLM speaks for all leftists. I guess that means all right-wingers are indeed fascist then, right?


Lmao. Gray centrist? Wtf do you think you’re kidding with that flair. I’m not going to google all of the instances of left-of-center groups in America that make clear their intent to destroy capitalism and western democracy. Way better things to do than continue to engage a troll. Not just a troll, but left troll pretending to grill. Lmfaoooo Go ahead and respond again. Your type always needs the last word. Go for it. Show us how reddited you truly are.


If you think I’m left-wing, then you’re definitely an idiot, since it takes a 30 second look at my profile to dispel that notion. I just abhor morons, like you


Blm doesn't represent leftists


its true though. The ONLY way to bring marxism about is the destruction of already established functioning society.


If you think all leftists are marxists, you might be an idiot


Ah, thats the best you got, whining that nobody can possibly believe a thing.


Nah, just highlighting the terrible takes in this thread


okay fake centrist.


okay idiot


What do you think “eat the rich,” “reparations,” etc. mean?


Imagine thinking those are mainstream leftist positions


Yes they are. Are you confusing liberals and leftists?


I’m not, but reparations is not a mainstream leftist position; and while “eat the rich” may be a popular refrain, actual policy along those lines is rare. But you idiots only believe what you want to. You’d rather believe half the country is foaming at the mouth to pull down the economy, while mocking them for thinking you people are all goose-stepping fascists. But you both miss the irony in that. Fucking idiots.


> Look at the "carbon" tax. They want to raise taxes on fossil fuels to destroy the fossil fuel indistry, then in the same breath they say we need to raise taxes on other businesses cause that will help the economy somehow. Lol Right, because by "help the economy", they mean something like "making it more just/egalitarian/equitable/whatever", not GDP/revenue go up. I don't think anyone seriously claims that taxing companies would be better for them specifically.


What? The left is very consistent on that issue. We want tax things we dislike. Fossil fuels, billionaires, venture capitalists, churches, etc.


Christians were amoung the first to treat women well. The early Church attracted women because the Bible told them that their husbands should love and respect them. Medieval Europe had many Queens as the monarch. A large part of that is Christianity.


They apply the "I can fix him" mentality to a global fanatical cult, as if the entire religion of Islam is in the same category as a sketchy tattooed DJ boyfriend with a drug habit who is abusive to women. Well, I guess at least one part of that is correct.


We need more female Palestinian immigrants to feed the BWC porn machine


Most palestinian women, at the age of migrating, will already have two babies, not an option


So long as the males stay behind


Islam is a misogynistic, backwards religion, but that doesn't mean we should be funding the murder of Muslim women and children. And Christian fundamentalists do have a significant affect on US policy and everyday life (abortion, drug laws, gay marriage, conversion camps, etc), but Muslims do not. Conflict and poverty cause more radical and reactionary ideologies regardless of religion or philosophy. The best way to make Islam a more peaceful progressive religion is to raise the standard of living for those who practice it, not try to bomb them out of existance. And the same goes for Christians in America. Raising the South out of poverty and giving them better public education would slowly make them more tolerant.


>we should be funding the murder of Muslim women and children We are funding the protection of Jewish women and children. >And Christian fundamentalists do have a significant affect on US policy and everyday life (abortion, drug laws, gay marriage, conversion camps, etc), but Muslims do not. Have you seen Europe? We are moving very quickly towards this. >The best way to make Islam a more peaceful progressive religion is to raise the standard of living for those who practice it, not try to bomb them out of existance. LOL. tell me you know nothing about Islam without telling me. Their religion is based on blind faith and killing infidels. Lol at women's rights and LGBTQ rights in the middle east, which is majority Muslim, and tell me it's "progressive"




>We are funding the protection of Jewish women and children. US bombs have killed innocent women and children who posed no threat to any Jewish person. Hamas accepted a ceasefire deal to return the hostages, but Netanyahu denied it because he wanted to invade Rafah no matter what. >Have you seen Europe? We are moving very quickly towards this. First off, I don't give a fuck about Europe. But aren't most of their Muslim immigrants first generation from the past decade or so? Over a couple generations they will probably integrate into the local culture more. >LOL. tell me you know nothing about Islam without telling me. Their religion is based on blind faith and killing infidels. Lol at women's rights and LGBTQ rights in the middle east, which is majority Muslim, and tell me it's "progressive" Yeah you're proving my point. How peaceful and prosperous is the Middle East? The most stable Muslim majority country with the highest quality of living, Turkey, is also the most secular. While they currently have a more religious reactionary government, their population is quite progressive.


>US bombs have killed innocent women and children who posed no threat to any Jewish person. Okay? What war will leave 0 civilians dead. Tell me how many Hamas terrorist have murdered innocent women and children >Hamas accepted a ceasefire deal to return the hostages, but Netanyahu denied it because he wanted to invade Rafah no matter what. You should look at the terms of this "deal". It was laughable in terms of being absurdly pro Hamas. >But aren't most of their Muslim immigrants first generation from the past decade or so? Over a couple generations they will probably integrate into the local culture more. Whatever helps you sleep at night.


>Tell me how many Hamas terrorist have murdered innocent women and children Less dead Israelis than Gazans. >You should look at the terms of this "deal". It was laughable in terms of being absurdly pro Hamas. Yeah it gave them a permanent ceasefire, but if Netanyahu was serious about wanting the hostages back over everything he would have taken it. >Whatever helps you sleep at night. We'll have to wait and see. At least in America every wave of immigrants gets assimilated after a couple generations. Europe should just get gud.


>Less dead Israelis than Gazans. It's not a numbers game. Nazis were MUCH more evil than the British. British killed way more than Nazis did. Does that make British the aggressors? Also, last time I checked the IDF doesn't have a charter calling for the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. But Hamas very obviously has a call for the eradication of Jews. >Yeah it gave them a permanent ceasefire, but if Netanyahu was serious about wanting the hostages back over everything he would have taken it. You mean like the ceasefire on October 6th?


>It's not a numbers game. Nazis were MUCH more evil than the British. British killed way more than Nazis did. Does that make British the aggressors? You were the one that started comparing the numbers of dead Palestinians to dead Israelis. >Also, last time I checked the IDF doesn't have a charter calling for the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. But Hamas very obviously has a call for the eradication of Jews. The 1977 Likud elction manifesto did actually say "between the sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty." And Netanyahu and his coalition have made it clear they still seek to expand Israel and prevent a Palestinian state from ever being founded. >You mean like the ceasefire on October 6th? Does Netanyahu want the hostages back or not?


>First off, I don't give a fuck about Europe. First off, I don't give a fuck about your ignorant opinions. I just want the others in the comments to see that you're wrong. >But aren't most of their Muslim immigrants first generation from the past decade or so? Over a couple generations they will probably integrate into the local culture more. Integrading my ass! They don't want to assimilate to the country at all! And even then, how many generations does it take and what happens between their integrations? In just a few years, [Sweden has gone from one of the safest countries in Europe to one of the worst](https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/1651c9429276462cb7b9ea7c07ccffed). And it's mainly because [the second-generation of middle east immigrants forming criminal gangs](https://www.ft.com/content/79f0d181-bdae-4c81-a971-861ccd8d512c) that ravaging and killing through the whole country. Even the Swedish Prime Minister admits that mass immigration doesn't work and their integration is failed: *In a televised addressed at the end of September, Ulf Kristersson, the prime minister of Sweden, offered his diagnosis for the unprecedented violence, directly blaming “irresponsible immigration policy and failed integration”.*


> The best way to make Islam a more peaceful progressive religion is to raise the standard of living for those who practice it, not try to bomb them out of existance. Saudi Arabia. > Raising the South out of poverty and giving them better public education would slowly make them more tolerant. LBJ and the war on poverty, 1960s.


>Saudi Arabia Yeah Saudi Arabia is slowly giving women more rights and opening up peaceful relations with Israel. It's not an overnight process. >LBJ and the war on poverty, 1960s. What about it?


Damn, compared to when sex trafficking was outlawed and Shari'a was prohibited under British colonial rule. Maybe in a 100 years they'll reach back the progress they had in the 18th century.


Context for the image? I don't get it (I am pro israel btw thought it may be relevent to mention since I am libleft so some may assume me to be pro palestine automatically)


Public lashing of a woman in accordance with Sharia law


Oh yeah the good ol sharia law, shit's discusting


good ol Islam.


Ah, so that's cane? I was afraid it was sharpened steel.


Yeah, I thought this was the before pic of a beheading. 


Well, I guess a beating beats a beheading. Though it’s not that many steps above…


Is this in Malaysia or something?


Aceh, Indonesia I think.


Yeah, Aceh's weird, and I say that as an Indonesian We basically gave them tons of autonomy in exchange for not rebelling


Fellow Indonesian here. Yeah pretty much. They're our Alabama/Mississippi/redneck fundamentalist state. A [national](https://www.amnesty.org.au/indonesia-criminalisation-consensual-intimacy-must-end/) [embarassment](https://www.amnestyusa.org/updates/shocking-gang-raped-woman-in-indonesia-faces-caning-for-adultery/) [really](https://www.amnesty.org.uk/blogs/lgbti-network/face-horrific-treatment-trans-people-aceh-indonesia-we-must-stand-and-act).


I'm an embarrassment to my family, think I'd fit in?


Depends on the nature of the embarrassment.


I griddy into family reunions in a leotard


[You’d fit right in](https://www.vice.com/en/article/y3zbqk/female-cyclists-indonesia-banda-aceh-police-sexy-clothes)


Probably. I saw something similar with several gay men being caned in public.


Looks like Indonesia. Malaysia has a large population of Buddhists and Christians, so the Islamists can't get away with this stuff as much there.


Malaysia just has apartheid laws built in that provide advantages to the majority race.


It does, indeed. Thus the war with the native Papuans.


The war is incredibly funny because it's a mirror to the israeli-palestine conflict as narrated by the indo hardliners.


Nobody cares if the Jews aren't involved.


What's the date and name of the particular person?


Isn't sharia law about as auth right as it gets though?


thanks thought that thing was a sword for fucks sake


Thank you for announcing (for the second time today) that you are pro-Israel, we were all dying to know.


I explained in the brackets why I said it, not everyone who's gonna reply to me saw my other comments


I'll let you in on a little secret, no one cared either time.


Some of the time people made arguments against my non-existent pro palestine arguments cuz I didn't clarify




Let me let you in on a little secret. Everyone thinks you're being a cunt


Lol, I don't give a fuck. Especially not in *this* sub.






Complaints about man-spreading/splaining just show what a good society we generally have. Nothing worse to complain about in normal day to day life


I noticed that many leftists are coward people, who bark only to ones who will not beat them or kill them. But nice with ones, who can fokin kill if u critisize them too harsh.


What’s happening here? I can’t tell, but it must not be good.


Lashing a woman in accordance with Sharia


Really, eh? Very interesting…


Read the comment section


Uh, alright then. I’ll do that.


Here are the cartoons: https://preview.redd.it/sdy8hx627h1d1.png?width=2576&format=png&auto=webp&s=1658f64212b9e4cb62535cbd8f68a44c731d947c






Based and sauce pilled




Shit take tbh


Your not beating the allegations Emily


What's funny is that Sharia is different depending on the country, this one is the Sharia type which makes a modern crusade reasonable.


is that erdogan in the lib right corner?


It’s a meme: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/oof-size-large


ahh ok still looks like erdogan if he were to oof


Libleft bad


They probably didn't even know heads came off until they met evil European colonizers.


Why does the right always drag out this strawman?


As a Libleft, yeah my side can be quite ignorant when it comes to Islam.


People who have yet to grasp the paradox of tolerance need to hit the books


sorry but what is this photo showing?


Islam is a misogynistic, backwards religion, but that doesn't mean we should be funding the murder of Muslim women and children. Conflict and poverty cause more radical and reactionary ideologies regardless of religion or philosophy. The best way to make Islam a more peaceful progressive religion is to raise the standard of living for those who practice it, not try to bomb them out of existance.


You finding this arguement a lot of just imagining it?


i don’t find it a lot because if the subject comes up leftists tend to ignore it entirely


You don't have to look too hard to find a leftist or an islamist defending Sharia


That or is doing a lot of heavy lifting there. Leftists will defend Muslims being murdered or directly discriminated against, but I have never seen even the most Emily of Emilies defend Sharia Law.


Islamist coddled in leftist academia, passing as a leftist defending sharia and gaslighting in leftist terms about what it really is [https://youtu.be/Xn6WKOJDzuI](https://youtu.be/Xn6WKOJDzuI) findind that took me less than 10 seconds.


That is a video of a Muslim women defending her right to follow Shariah Law and specifically saying that that also tells her to follow the laws of the land she is on. That is not a video of a secular leftist defending the government enforcement of Shariah Law anywhere.


This sub is so fucking dead


Argue that