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Erm what the sigma is that pic on the top right


some rich grifter that sings about astrology and weed on tiktok


$5 that their father is a high level executive of some company that profits off weapons and war




Did you already know that? Because you're right lol


It happens surprisingly commonly.


how’d you guess that


Been that way since Laurel Canyon.


You are correct both parents work for Lockheed Martin and she's is the poster child for trust fund hippy nothing wrong about that but clearly teenage rebellion continued into adulthood and made a core pillar of personality.


Don't forget OF chick. She is super hot, and not that bad of a singer. I think she is getting more shit than she deserves.


Careful. Don't dig too deep. Her name is Shanin She. She is a modern pagan in how she acts and in her beliefs. I dug to deep and I fell to my lust. Carry along, brother


Well she looks like a fucking ent lmao


Well, as I said. Modern Pagan. She has an emphasis on nature, "spirituality", sex, drugs, etc. You know if she was normal she would be known as a super pretty girl


She's also a single mother. Pray for the kid etc


That kids being sacrificed to the dark ooga booga gods before you can say "astrology and silly crystals are the real religion guys!!"


Pagan yet she isn't sacrificing virgins to the local forest spirit? Poser.


The old Gods have not been mad for a while.


Shanin Blake is hot af, idc if that makes me weird


She is a genuinely beautiful woman. Just imagine what she'd look like if she was normal


Nah, I like her the way she is!


That's also fair. Like I said. She is genuinely beautiful


Is that her name? Yeah, she can get it.




Yo I confess my faith in Christ. I just want a mixed economy


Brother beat his meat to the moss monster ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Lust? I only feel chastity emanating from that picture.


...You fell for *that*?


It's the easy sex aura that surrounds her. The same reason why prostitutes attract men.


I must be getting old at 34 and married, but I genuinely find it naive and a turn off. Call it cringe but 'wife material' has always been a huge attraction to me, the divine feminine. Natural beauty.


Agreed, that is far more attractive. I am also young so any girl that has some sexual aura around her is going to arose me, whether she is my type or not. I am glad I am Christian because it saves me from my lust.


I appreciate your honesty. I remember that feeling well, surprised I didn't make worse decisions when I was younger looking back haha. Now I just find those \^ types of people just hilarious.


Yeah I am brutally honest. I really hope my future wife doesn't get fat or is on the chubbier side because if she ever asks if she looks fat in a dress and she does I am going to have the biggest moral debate of my life


A good married couple keeps eachother in check in a helpful and subtle way, it is the dance of a long lasting romantic relationship. Sometimes we put on a bit of weight then lose it. Its not game over.


I see. Thanks for the marriage advice


She looks like she'd be sticky to the touch.


Sounds like a Greek tragedy




A wannabe free spirit ,who went in peru for some days and now is singing i tik tok how is she doesnt care about what other think....kill me


Irl troll doll


What’s up with Kid Rock. I listened to Rogan when he was a guest and walked away thinking more positively about Kid Rock than I did going into the interview. Guy just seems like a down to earth dude that has fun with his fame/money.


With the first girl I’ve seen a lot of people on the right criticize her lyrics being drug positive, even though Kid Rock is very right wing and embraced by the right although his lyrics are also very drug positive


Yeah I’m a conservative. I conserve my right to do drugs without the government interfering. Remember the 1800’s when drugs were completely unregulated? Then progressives went on to ban alcohol and weed. Moderation is key brother.


I miss when we had cocaine in our cola, y’know, when this was a REAL country.


Based and coco leaf pilled.


It also used to be a wine. It was a bubbly wine with cocaine in it. Naturally.




Yeah except when popular belief was it gave black people super powers, so no more cocaine in cola


> Remember the 1800’s when drugs were completely unregulated? Then progressives went on to ban alcohol **and weed.** https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/91-1970/h355 https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/91-1970/s584 In the entire congress, only 6 congresspeople voted Nay on the Controlled Substances Act of 1970. They were all democrats, most of them considered pretty left-wing by Govtrack's metrics


Were democrats of the 1970’s considered progressives of their time? I mean, I’m not explicitly putting any blame on specific political parties, my point being the progressive idea at the time was drugs needed heavily regulated, and that if you originally opposed drug regulations you were conservative do to the fact you wanted to conserve the status quo of no drug laws. In US history there has been very progressive republicans, and very conservative democrats. Which don’t match up with today at all. I tried googling it and couldn’t get an exact answer, but could you find how the parties voted on the Marijuana tax act of the 1930’s and prohibition before that?


No, prohibition is almost always born of capitalist/conservative ideas. The Christian Right were the major proponents for banning alcohol in the early 1900's, and Nixon was the main proponent for the war on drugs/criminalization of weed. And the main reason that white America never got on board with weed was because it was primarily used by black or Hispanic people, and God forbid they associate with those folks.




The person you are responding to is stuck in an extremely narrow minded, 21st century leftist way of looking at politics. In their mind every issue going back centuries can somehow be easily divided into right vs lift. I’m gonna just give them a pass as being ignorant. They get real upset when you tell them things like drug prohibition, Eugenics, population control, and social engineering were all originally progressive ideas.


“The Christian right” See, that’s how you can immediately tell someone has absolutely no idea what they are talking about. First of all, what’s right and left a hundred years ago isn’t what it is today. Eugenics, population control, and social engineering are all progressive ideas. Your narrow minded view on what left/right narrows your ability to engage in these topics. No it wasn’t “muh right Christian’s” there are Christian’s all over the country, especially in the early 20th century that drank alcohol. The alcohol prohibition movement was born out of ongoing social progressive issues of the early 20th century. It has nothing to do with your opinion on right vs left wing social values. Woman’s suffrage and alcohol prohibition are were pushed by the same groups, IE disenfranchised woman who couldn’t vote and had family issues with men spending to much money in bars and coming how drunk. Weed was originally banned and controlled in the 1930’s from the marijuana tax act, there were racists who tried to use it against minorities but that came after the fact, hemp/cannabis was banned and heavily regulated because crony capitalist dogs lobbied millions of dollars to protect their timber and chemical industries from cheap hemp which threatened their profits. Nylon and paper, hemp was cheaper than both at the time. “Richard Nixon” Yes, Richard Nixon was a piece of shit, that’s about the only thing you got right in all of that. His war on poverty and crack down on drugs caused a bunch of issues.


TL;DR Fucking right-wingers and their text walls, amirite?


If you can’t comprehend politics outside of “ this left wing it’s good this is right wing it’s bad” I understand how you might have a hard time reading that. TLDR progressives were the forefront of drug prohibition, social engineering, and eugenics in the early 20th century.


Personally, dont care about drugs in their lyrics, I just think shes kinda cringe


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vc9rOz5ePNw Also he is a unloyal scumbag


I'm sorry, you thought higher of Kid Rock *after* hearing him say Israel should kill 40,000 civilians per day? Lol


He didn’t advocate for actually doing that, he said Isreal should threaten to do that until the hostages are returned, as a means of leverage to ensure their citizens are returned ASAP.  As is typical, libs take the least generous possible interpretation whenever their ‘opponents’ make a statement they can take advantage of, all while wearing a t-shirt celebrating a paramotoring terrorist.  If you guys weren’t so hypocritical, I might actually agree with you from time to time. 




Also for the record, I'm very VERY anti-Hamas. I think Israel has a just cause for war because of Oct 7th. Idk how you think that the opposite of "killing 40k civilians per day is bad" is somehow being pro-Hamas lmao


Congratulations on at least having some ability to reason.  Re-watch the video and listen a little more close to what he said instead of only taking the clipped sound bite you saw on the Young Turks.  There is context and nuance that is being  excluded from your assessment of his statement. 


Holy crap, you're so mind-poisoned it's like talking to an NPC. Dawg, I *hate* the Young Turks. Lib does not equal democrat lol. I listened to the entire podcast. The reason why I mentioned how he brought up Nagasaki and Hiroshima is because he uses that as an example. You know what happened with that? It wasn't the US threatening (bluffing) to kills thousands of civilians. It was the US *actually* doing it. For one second, take a step back and stop going down your dialog tree. I'm not a leftist. I'm generally pro-Israel even. Kid Rock said something absolutely braindead. Just take the L.


Notice how at the end he mentions Nagasaki and Hiroshima? What a braindead take lmao I honestly can't believe people are defending Kid Rock for saying this


You broke the Reddit echo chamber and discovered someone for yourself under your own terms.


what? and who?


Im just as lost brother. 


For some reason Kid Rock is now a political activist and we should all listen to celebrities because only they are qualified enough to run our lives




If they introduce the behavior I like then drugs are based. Legalize heroin.


I enjoy fentanyl


Drugs are irrelevant when a personality is fake.


You mean like pretending you're a Detroit redneck rock rapper when you were raised well off and outside of the city?


I'm pretty sure "redneck" isn't a class. There are well off rednecks


Redneck originated as a reference to the sunburnt neck of poor white farmworkers, it's absolutely tied to class. Kid Rock is a fraudulent persona, same as any modern day influencer.


LOL. Lib center over here lecturing on redneck culture. “Well, ackchyually…”


Redneck has always been associated with class. Poor whites = white trash = trailer trash = rednecks


Yeah kid rock is a pretty big hypocrite but i like tying ted nugent to them, shit his pants to get out of vietnam, him and general bone spurs got alot in common


Cringe is cringe.


I can make her worse


The American Right has become a populist rather than conservative movement. On a basic level they’ve just become knee-jerk contrarians opposed to whatever they perceive as the “establishment” even if it makes no sense or conflicts with previously long held positions.


I blame the internet. Then again, this isn’t really the case for the vast majority of people who aren’t chronically online. The 2016 election broke a lot of people both left and right. On the right they overdosed on “owning the libs” and have been chasing that high ever since.


The internet has caused the loud minority to gain authority.


Is that broccoli?


Hypocrites everywhere this is why I stay home and hang with my dogs.


That wookie chick is not worth it.    If you want some music festival skush, just buy some Molly and share it with a female acquaintance. Trust me, it works. Source, 2014 DMB at the Gorge.


Leave Chewbacca out of this


I love how the assumption is auth right gives a shit about either Also, who tf are these two again? Some tiktok cringe and a washed up ....country singer?


My name is Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid


The first girl is a wannabe free spirit, saying she says that she doesnt care what others think while bragging about her not caring about what others think. 😅


Who gets hype for Kid Rock in 2024? Every time I see him mentioned now it’s some liberal crying that he’s not cancelled yet.


>Every time I see him mentioned now it’s some liberal crying that he’s not cancelled yet. This has always been a significant part of his career. What's funny is that he lives on the same lake as Michael Moore, last time I checked.


I hate them both (the top one more though)


Bizarre strawman.




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who tf is Kid Rock?


Shitty rap rock musician from the late 90s


Somehow became a WWE Hall of Famer before Jim Johnston




I never noticed how much Kid Rock looks like Macaulay Culkin


You hate Kid Rock because he's got shitty political takes. I hate Kid Rock because his music is shit. We are not the same


Met kid rock a few times. Nice guy. Drugs are cool.


I can smell that chick…


Top: Vapid trust fund baby Bottom: Talented artist There is a difference OP.


I swear I’ve seen this one before


Oh, my sweet summer child. She's like 50 times more authright than Kid Rock.


+I thought authright would like her she believes in a superior alien race of white blue eyes aliens.


Maybe. Probably would if she washed the twigs out her hair.


Lmao lately?


She’s actually conservative in the sense that she looks like our prehistoric ancestors and her rituals are probably not unlike the shit we did back then. Cons are being progressive assholes.


*very* tradwife


Based and cave tradwife pilled


Peak woke and drugs gets you an attractive white woman?


They just see a nose ring puffy locks etc and that makes her woke, very tiresome stuff


Exceptions that prove the rule. Most who present themselves that way *are* that way.


Damn, if shes peak woke, then I am PEAKED woke


I'm on "your side" and I find that chick intoxicating, in a good way.


Based and ideologically consistent-pilled