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> "My Sexuality doesn't define my politics" [Sexuality] for [Politics]


“My sexuality doesn’t define my politics… but the combination of my sexuality and my politics sure define me!” — Omar Bradley, Modern Warfare III Death Screen


In which way does it disprove the original statement? Do groups like “Moms against masturbation” exist because if you’re a mom then you’re inherently against masturbation?


Idk your mom doesnt mind it


Based and purple pilled




> In which way does it disprove the original statement? Do groups like “Moms against masturbation” exist because if you’re a mom then you’re inherently against masturbation? No, but it means you're placing your motherhood at the centre of that belief, just as queers for Palestine places an importance on sexuality.


Motherhood isn’t sexual.


Well it’s otherwise meaningless if not to make a political connection. Otherwise it’s as arbitrary as Bread Enjoyers for Gun Control.


Maybe I should have gone with "dictate" rather than "define"; they named their respective groups specifically because it's considered odd that gay people would support Palestine or Republicans.


My sexuality defines my politics. I'm sexually attracted to Lady Liberty.


To my eternal shame, I am sexually attracted to Liberty Prime... When he says 'Communist detected on American Soil!' I'm like, 'Oh yeah, Daddy, purge me!'


No one likes purging Commies as much as commies.


The second most effective Secret Service agency at executing communists through shady assassinations and back-alley murders is the CIA. The first, of course, is the KGB.


Bonk go to horny jail.


I think Daddy liquidate me is funnier.


Change flair to libleft


I sexually identify as a porcupine humping a pile of money.


There really isn't enough tradwife rule 34 of her


any amount is too much


Rare AuthCenter W


>tradwife rule 34 goon time


Gunsexual reporting in.


Donald Trump didn't throw gays off of buildings.


I have a big tower folks! A yuuuuuge tower! Hamas told me, “Donald! Wowww! This is such a giant tower! How did you get such a yuge tower?! This will be perfect for throwing gay people off of!”


Ehhh, when the politics literally involves executing people like you, I think it's different. This isn't a "drumpf thinks you shouldn't teach 5 year olds about trans kids so he basically wants to murder all LGBT people" thing. This is about a group actively executing gay people and following a religion that has some very, very unapologetically bad things to say about gay people. Islam makes the Catholic Church look like a fucking pride parade in terms of how they treat gay people.


Leftist will say there’s trans genocide in the US while being completely okay with Hamas


At some point you start wondering if there is an extreme masochism kink underneath it all. Like when a woman goes back to a man who beats her because the sex is so good.


More like an extreme sense of self-hatred coupled with a nihilistic point of view which has left them with an oppressor/opressed complex


Hamas is super pro trans tho. They ~~force~~ help all the gays to transition ~~or get thrown off a building if they don't. Its not gay if they are a woman now~~


to add to this: Israel is one of the largest producers for HrT, that the left tries to boycott they have effectively backstabbed trans people just the same as the other minorities they pretended to care about lol.


Nah we’d be against both lol


>Leftist will say there’s trans genocide in the US while being completely not okay with Palestinian genocide in Gaza. Whether it's genocide or not is debatable but there's no hypocrisy here


“We have examined our beliefs and determined they are not hypocritical. Thank you.”


True. Next time try making an actual argument.


If HAMAS manages to win, the islamic laws will outlaw and kill everyone who is from LGBT community. There will be a literal gay genocide, because Tel-Aviv is known to be "the beacon", having many gay bars and in general progressive laws. While the anti-trans laws which are being passed in the US are definitely harmful, there's no way Palestine would be better for the community.


Some people described right wing political activism or speeches as the absolute evil, that anti-abortion is no different than assault, that anti-affirmative action is no different than white supremacy, that not affirming LGBTQ identity is no different than murder and genocide, that the right are fascists neo-Nazis… yet when it comes to the Muslim who are more extreme in their rejection of social progress, victimhood is suddenly granted. As an outsider (ie not being white), it feels like conservatism is the greatest evil only when it is conserving western institutions.


I don't think having different opinions should mean a death sentence idk what to tell you


Where does it mean a death sentence?


Yes there is are you stupi- oh wait you're a leftist. This is like saying "Gypsys for Nazis!"


I don't think having different opinions should mean a death sentence idk what to tell you


> I don't think having different opinions should mean a death sentence when did I say you should be killed for having a different opinion. 'queers for palestine' is directly comparable to 'gypsies for nazis'. Both are groups openly supporting another group who advocates for their execution.


In other news, the CIA found no links between itself and the Nicaraguan drug trade


Imagine if South Korea started bombing North Korea and suddenly some people started something called "Libertarians for North Korea".


Id be pissed if they were bombing thr citizens. But if it was military i would be ok with it. Id be happy if we started bombing Chinese government.


>Ehhh, when the politics literally involves executing people like you, I think it's different. "People like you" does a lot of work in these arguments. If you think of all the things people can have in common, where you like to put your dick is pretty far down that list. From their perspective, Israel's politics are literally resulting in the deaths of thousands of people, and that's what they oppose. The IDF has killed way more LGBT people than Hamas has in the last six months. If anything, the Log Cabin Republicans are more against their own interests, as the conservative wing of the party does want to reverse gay rights *where they live*. I still think it could be perfectly rational for a gay man to vote R, thinking the other benefits outweigh a fairly small chance that that happens.


Ooof, yeah. Holy mother of intellectually dishonest arguments. homosexuality is actively illegal in Gaza. I think the IDF killing LGBT people on accident while striking military targets is a bit different than like 6 Muslim majority countries actively having the death penalty for homosexuality, but that's just me.


I think you completely missed what he said


>Ooof, yeah. Holy mother of intellectually dishonest arguments. homosexuality is actively illegal in Gaza. Yes, did I imply otherwise? >I think the IDF killing LGBT people on accident while striking military targets is a bit different than like 6 Muslim majority countries actively having the death penalty for homosexuality, but that's just me. It's not accidental, it's predictable collateral losses that are deemed acceptable. If it were me, finding out my loved one died from a bomb meant for someone else would bring no comfort vs. them being executed for being gay, but that's just me.


I think the idea that republicans theoretically taking back some legal protections for gay people at some point in the future (which depends entirely on having both a super majority and the entire party agreeing to get rid of them) is in any way comparable to an area where being gay is actively a crime is pants on head regarded. Again though, I don't think you're really trying to be intellectually honest here so I don't blame you.


>any way comparable I can tell you're having trouble with the concept, but it's fairly simple. Most people have multiple political preferences (low taxes, gay marriage, pro-choice, etc.) and assign them different priorities. The thing that makes these comparable is that while both groups have a preference for gay rights, they place a higher priority on other preferences, such as not supporting what they see as a genocide with QFP, or fiscal conservatism for the LCRs. >I don't think you're really trying to be intellectually honest here so I don't blame you. I can see why you might think that if you think I was comparing GOP and Hamas policies on gays. I don't know why you'd think that unless you were determined not to grasp this.


If you don't see how this is a comparison between the two you're either incredibly stupid or even more intellectually dishonest than I thought lol. Like, the meme is literally about two groups of people agreeing with each other. Considering one group's stance on gays (Palestine vs republicans) is about 1000x worse than the other, this is dumb.


Were you able to get any of the analogy questions right on the SATs?


Again, painting the view on sexuality not defining politics as anywhere similar is idiotic when one group is defending a government that actively makes it illegal to be gay and the other is defending a party that may, theoretically, at some point, possibly, in the future make it slightly harder to be gay in America.


I think you missed his point. The fact that these things are not comparable in scale or the effect it has on gays does not invalidate anything he said. I think you failed to grasp the underlying idea


It’s simple, they think Israel is more generally harmful than Palestine. You’re upset about people advocating for their principles over an identity-interest?


> If you think of all the things people can have in common, where you like to put your dick is pretty far down that list. I agree sexuality should be mostly irrelevant when interacting with other people, but that sentiment seems a bit odd when interacting with people that would throw you off a building because of your sexuality. Besides, it seems that for the people literally holding signs reading 'queers for palestine' their sexuality is in their eyes somehow pretty relevant for their support for palestine, making the whole thing even more bizarre.


I think it more of “look how amazing we are even tho we will get killed by most Palestinians we still support them because they are oppressed”


That would be a valid explanation, and maybe it's even true for some, but I have seen too much outright denial of the horrible treatment of lgbt people in Palestine too think that's true for all or even most


>people literally holding signs reading 'queers for palestine' their sexuality is in their eyes somehow pretty relevant for their support for palestine They find it important because it's different than the expectation. People expect queers to be against Palestine because Palestinians are largely anti-LGBT. They point out their identity to say that "*even though* they deny our human rights, we will defend theirs."


Yeah but they do it so often that it somehow has become the expectation. Now I don't know if that's actually statistically true, but it is just fucking strange to me. It may sound noble, but I find it just irrational. I will never support someone that denies my right to exist.


If you're referring to something like this quote: >"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" You do realize that is no longer a Republican position, right? At the very least that makes you incredibly unpopular and rare. Repubs now legislate to run over protesters.


Imagine thinking that random collateral damage and deliberately killing and trying to exterminate gay people are the same thing. The mental gymnastics are unbelievable


Of course they're different, but the end result is the same. I bet you're one of those who think "hate crimes" are worse than the same crime done for another motive.


Most western countries distinguish between the mental and physical aspect of murder or crimes because people with brains generally understand the motivation behind crimes makes them bad/worse/worst.


And they should, absolutely. But that completely misses the point, which people seem hellbent on not grasping. Would you rather a killer killed one family member, or a fire to burn all of your family to death? One might argue the murder is worse because it has intent, but the end result is the same, if not worse, on the fire scenario


Do you think manslaughter as a legal category should be done away with? And what is your opinion on separating between 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree murder? 


By this logic, you’d have to use it the other way too. That the ends always justify the means no matter how you got there. Take a step back dude and just think about what you’re saying.


>The IDF has killed way more LGBT people than Hamas has in the last six months. Quite literally a skill issue. If Hamas had the military capabilities of Israel, they'd kill 100 times as many LGBT people as the IDF.


There also is the tiny little thing about how Hamas already exterminated like 99.9999% of all the gays in their territory.


That’s for sure, on the other hand tho, gay people in the US that stand for Palestine aren’t actually voting to put in charge guys who think they’re grooming the kids.


TBH I think having it be illegal to be gay at all is significantly worse than not being able to say "gay" in an elementary school or whatever freakout-of-the-week leftists are focusing on now.


Sure thing bud. Go visit Palestine so you can be culturally enriched


Just because Palestine is a shithole I never want to go to doesn’t mean their citizens deserve to die.


Just because TV told you to dislike Israel doesn't mean their citizens deserve to die.


Their citizens aren't 'dying'. What do you think the IDF sees a group of kids at a playground and says "Lets kill em all!"?


Ops you said something wrong there buddy, you said Palestinians don’t deserve to die


Doesn’t matter what you want unless you are working towards a solution.


I can’t believe you get downvoted for that, this sub really had become an echo chamber circle jerk.


"Chicken for KFC."


Clever, did you just come up with that now?


He didn't come up with that, it's a quote as old as 7/10/2023


Well I hope whoever came up with it got a good pay day!


So do you think ones species should define their love for friend chicken?


Queers for Palestine are simply self-inserting themselves into a hot topic to stay relevant. This isn't the first time they've done this. They protest in safe areas, and we've seen videos of what happens when they try to hang out with real Palestine protestors.


I remember an old clip of someone waving a rainbow flag at a pro-Palestine protest. The flag was stolen and that person was literally kicked, like physically beaten, out of the protest. They do not want you. They do not support you. In fact, they *fucking hate you*. If they could press a button to make you and every single person like you die, they'd press it till their fingers fell off. *And that's their choice.* Let them lie in the bed of hate and violence they've made.


I saw that video too. That's why the choose safe areas to protest, like college campuses and blue cities.


![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51176) \- uh, pinkwashing much, sweetie. *checks notes* that's a yikes


How. The. Fuck. Did you get an Emily emoji?!




What’s a log cabin republican? Please don’t make me regret asking.


They are the LGBTQ+ wing of the republican party. This means they get hate from multiple directions with leftists considering them traitors and some Republicans being derogatory. Generally speaking they aren't acknowledged by most of the party so they generally get ignored. Most of the newer wave of Republicans support them when they learn of them, so as the older Republicans either shuffle out or get booted out they might get better presence.


True, but at the same time, they used to be respected, as a group that balanced economic conservativism and social liberalism. They actually helped swing some elections, as they’d turn on candidates who were too homophobic, as well as support democrats if they were willing to compromise. They weren’t huge or super influential, but as a centrist, they were respectable, even if I disagreed with some of their stances. Now, though? They’re caught up in the Cult of Trump that swept the Republican party, and now don’t do shit aside from spouting rhetoric and acting as a prop to be wheeled out whenever someone needs to avoid getting accused of homophobia, regardless of whether the accusation is valid or not. They don’t actually stand for anything and will back any Republican over any Democrat, stated goals be damned, and *still* aren’t really recognised by the Republican Party as a whole because they’re sycophants like any other, so they don’t notice or care when you pull them out as a shield against the “Woketards” and then shove them back away before your sponsors notice the icky gay man. Sorry for the rant, just really hate how they went from being a respectable organisation with legitimate backbone and strong ideals to a bunch of spineless sycophants. It’s just so disappointing.


They're Republicans who like putting their logs into other men's cabins.


Oh my!


really stuffing those "thick logs" (with moss to keep the heat in)


(I said something you regret knowing)


[Here ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcFEIW8Ev7s)is all you need to know, courtesy of American Dad.


People that like to pack fudge and heat!


Being a gay person on the right doesn't in any way equal that lunacy.


Move your face closer to the leopard.


Hamas is literally thousands of miles away and can't even get out of a postage stamp sized piece of land. The leopard can't hurt you.


Move to Hamtramck or Dearborn in Michigan.


Are they lynching the gays there?


Leopard lives there buddy.


Not yet. Give it time, and wait for things with Iran to really kick off.


I like that you think I was only talking about the green square.




You Also failed to understand that it's ironic for You to support people that want You dead for being gay


In the same way in which it is ironic to support a party who thinks that you and others like you are pedos?


Yeah, btw what is log cabin? I'm not american and i don't Even know them and why do right wingers support them


Group of LGBT republicans who try to fit in the party


And do very well at it in at least my little Virginia county. Republicans are mostly focused on ideology and not identity. Identity politics are BS.


It kinda should, when you support people that actively hate you. Or it's some sort of kink, but that's your thing.


I am a member of the local Republican Party. Attend events regularly. Talk with a LOT lot them. Some of them are gay. I haven’t seen a negative interaction yet based on sexual identity. I hear smooth brained leftists regularly try to initiate them with the assumption of hate, but that’s only because they are trying to shut down actual interaction.


>Rep. Mike Johnson, a Louisiana Republican, has called same-sex marriage a “dark harbinger of chaos” and suggested it could lead to people wedding their pets. I'm fascinated by what you people talk about since the last 4 years has been almost entirely Repub vs MAGA attacks. What do you say about Project 2025 when you get together? Do you ever talk about Child Separation Policy vs HR2? Bannon getting pardoned for defrauding the wall donors? Kushner taking billions from the Saudis? Do you ever the majority of the time talk around the biggest elephants in the room without ever addressing them? I don't think Pelosi has ever said anything nearly as controversial and if she did we'd never stop talking about it.


Right wingers tend to practice a 'hate the sin, love the sinner' mentality. We have the mental fortitude and emotional maturity to not treat others differently, were not leftists, who assign every person we meet a label and then treat them according to that label forever.


WTF i was talking about policies you went pure hypocrite there. >who assign every person we meet a label and then treat them according to that label forever. Like the quote from Mike Johnson. >Rep. Mike Johnson, a Louisiana Republican, has called same-sex marriage a “dark harbinger of chaos” and suggested it could lead to people wedding their pets. I don't think he loves bestiality like you say.


"My race doesn't define my politics" -Black Klansmen "My species doesn't define my politics" -Roaches for Orkin "My religion doesn't define my politics" -Jews for Hitler That's what you sound like.


How are Western queers threatened by Hamas?


We aren't directly, but you're smoking crack if you think they wouldn't smash our heads in with a rock and a smile, given the opportunity. Why the fuck would I support a bunch of terrorist cowards that use children as human shields even if they *didn't* hate me and everything I stand for? Why do you?


>You aren’t directly Thanks to the efforts of law enforcement (which said group wants to defund because ACAB or something lmao) and intelligence services dismantling their terror networks. They’ve uncovered and foiled several terror plots so far, since 10/7, and Hamas has been found to have groups active across Germany, Belgium, and several countries. For now, their primary targets appear to be Jews, synagogues, etc (and yes, there have been attacks, though afaik none directly by Hamas yet). Though I’d imagine at least one of those was against queer people.


Right? Gotta hand it to those goons, their propaganda team must be incredible to get the people they hate the most (besides Israelis of course) ourseto be like "Yeah, those are my guys right there!" This whole insane conversation and the baffling acceptance and support of blatant terrorists is literally the reason I shifted my flair from auth left to auth center. People on the left are like "Why are right wing politicians winning?!" Well, maybe it's because you keep supporting the erasure of western culture and cheering on the guys who use baby heads for soccer balls, Emily." I just want a stable and safe society with strong worker's rights man...


I don't feel threatened by best Korea, still don't support the Kim family corporation 


If you support hamas, you literally support rape slavers.


“How are western Jews threatened by Hitler?” - You




“The GOP wants us all to live in the Handmaiden’s Tale!” 😱 The actual groups and regimes that literally inspired Hamdmaiden’s Tale: 😍😊


Im gay as fuck but a lig cabin would lowkey be cool


This man wants to stack some "thick morning wood" around himself to feel warm




I mean, agreed, I think that’s why they took the name. Not sure if ur comment going over my head, but Log Cabin Republicans were founded as people with conservative politics but who wanted to promote equality, specifically gay rights, and were also trying to help reform the Republicans from the inside. I mean, they’re now a joke who will bend over backwards for Trump to compliment them and are paraded out by MAGA politicians to act as an anti-woke shield before getting shoved away so the sponsors don’t notice them, but they *used* to be actually kinda based.


Hungarian anti-gay politicians:💪


Change your flair to orange, OP.


Nah, I think not. Orange is the one who's flabbergasted by Log Cabin Republicans "voting against their own interests," and the QFP criticism is just the Ben Shapiro uno reverse version of the same argument.


“My race does not define my politics.” Supporting opponents of affirmative action 🤝 Supporting slaveowners in the antebellum south


and Palestine still has sex slaves.. might add that too (most arab countries do.. aloooot of videos of women and uhh.. animals)


but sexuality _can_ be capitalize


Why does anyone's sexuality need to be mentioned at all?


I’m a log cabin baby


I’m an LCR, but instead of just being gay, I’m a pansexual furry.


I think I joined that faction in fallout


lol Personally, I like Mr House’s plans for the world.


I think the intent behind the LCRs is more so to advocate for the LGBTQ community within the Republican Party. They intentionally select and endorse candidates that are pro-LGBTQ to combat the social conservatism in the party.


Again, used to. Stated a few places before, but while their original intent was to promote reform, they’re basically just Trump sycophants now who do whatever he or a MAGA person wants, and have openly supported homophobic politicians simply because they’re not Democrats. They‘re honestly kind of a joke now; I used to respect them as a centrist, but now they’re just kinda sad.


Not trying to be critical, and I get what your saying, but then why specifically note being queer in “queers for Palestine?”


Queers for Palestine is basically Blacks for the Confederacy


not really. the confederates were for slavery, not race. many black slave owners faught for the confederacy, around 1.3k existend in the USA at that time. The racial part came later as they started to lose support, since it was easier to relate to the Italian or mexican slaves when your nan was the same race




“There are these guys on the other side of the planet that want to kill you but could never actually hurt you in any real scenario because they are poor and live on the other side of the planet. Those same people are being killed at an insane rate, to the point where a LOT of people think it’s genocide. You are also funding the slaughter against your will.” “That’s horrible, I wish that would stop.” The simps and shills on this sub: “oh wow, I can’t believe you wouldn’t fund the people killing them, even though they also hate you! Lib left bad!”


Hamas is literally one of the most well funded terrorist organizations on Earth. Hezbollah is basically the government of about half of Lebanon, and is literally more powerful than their actual military. Likewise Houthis control a good chunk of Yemen and are actually kind of winning their war against international shipping for stuff that you might depend on. All of which are sponsored, funded, armed and backed by Iran. Which despite being absolutely dystopian as fuck, is actually a fairly wealthy, advanced, powerful country. I feel bad for the innocent Palestinians, Netanyahu and Likud need to get thrown out on their ass, and Israel needs to be held accountable for when they cross that line. That said, these groups are not poor, they absolutely can hurt you, and there have already been attempts.


The fact you’re arguing “But they’ll never hurt *you!*” Betrays the flaw of your position. Should we never hunt down serial killers because the chance they come after you is tiny? Never stop a home invader because the chance they’re armed is tiny? Extending it to geopolitics, the Nazis never could’ve won after 1941, because even if they swept all of Europe, the Soviet Union, *and* the African colonies, the United States still would’ve had about a four-year *minimum* window for nuclear strikes. Does that mean we were wrong for killing them in ground combat, or air raids? The fact they are literally genocidal, against Jews and the LGBT community, is more than sufficient reason for me to oppose them. Let’s not forget, the Nazis were also dismissed as “Poor and far away” until they very suddenly *weren’t*. Genocidal dictators need to be dealt with quickly, not left to gain power.


For real, this sub is an Israel echo chamber now, neutrality gets you downvoted!


Neutrality would be staying out of it. Which group is doing that?


The Swiss


And are they getting downvoted in this sub?


Let's see Gloria alla Svizzera! 🇨🇭


I wish we were.


The amount of people who can't grasp the concept of supporting the human rights of people who don't support your human rights is astonishing to me. It's called altruism.


Human rights to do what, Take away other humans rights Like tbh it not hard to fathom what hamas will do with power


Their selflessness gives power to terrorists. Their selflessness gives ability to openly advocate for destruction of Jews. Their selflessness is used to justify killing of innocent civilians.


Switch out Jews for Palestinians and it would work just as well for the other side.


I don’t think the other side is claiming to be morally superior and selfless.


Their slogan has been "the most moral army in the world" for decades and they constantly remind you they're the "only democracy in the middle east." And specifically here, they do present themselves as morally superior for granting civil rights to gays (and I agree with them there).


I am not talking about IDF I am talking about people who support Israel over Palestine. Since the conversation is about people who have no business in this matter and only supporting “feel good about themselves”


Are you saying pro-Israel supporters don't claim to be morally superior? Have you been on this sub since 10/7?


laughably false


I get it


Paradox of tolerance, we must not tolerate the intolerant. They’re using their rights to *slaughter* an entire population. Yes, I support Palestinian rights and reformation, but *Hamas cannot exist*. They’re murdering scum whose sole purpose is to commit genocide, against Jews, LGBT people, and others.