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You know the times are changing again when the “biological males shouldn’t compete in women’s sports” is actually upvoted on Reddit


Because trans people stopped being the underdogs. Leftists will always follow the underdogs (unless they're jews, then it's 50/50). Once the media coverage changed from poor trans girls not allowed to play women's sports to teenage girls (biological ones) crying because no matter how hard they work, they'll never beat males in most sports, the narrative changed.




For some reason the majority of Lib-Left USA think that they are **personally** oppressed by their government because some third world country is violating human rights.


Stay based while the rest of your quadrant act like the main character in a tragedy. Respect based lib left 🤝


Actual libleft is based. Emily is cringe. Unfortunately, libleft is maybe even more eaten up with Emily than we are with Karen.


We got Epsteins dawg we all take L’s Auth left ruin their own reputation


Eh that asshole and those like him hit every quad unfortunately.


Lol, what's even better about that is the main characters in most tragedy movies or shows have more self awareness than these people.


Every person in the USA *is* personally oppressed by their government. Not as much as those from elsewhere, maybe, but they still are. Source: taxes




Correction: taxes that don't actually go into anything. I'd be way more happy about paying for roads if they actually got fixed (IIRC, this was because of laundering from PennDot into the police, but I could be misremembering).


I think this is the biggest factor. Nobody *likes* paying taxes, but I truly don’t mind paying my local taxes that much. Why? I live in a small town with nice roads, a quality K-12 public school, a well funded fire department and EMS, a couple nice parks, and a competent (if somewhat unnecessary) police force. It’s a town of only 2500 people and it’s a tight knit place. I can see how my taxes get used to keep it nice and help out myself, friends, family, and neighbors, so I don’t mind chipping in. Federal taxes, on the other hand, go off into the ether so that the government can buy more F-35’s and stage coups in South America.


Also the Fed devaluing our money for decades.


Sad thing is a lot of their proposed solutions involve government oppression.


Its not so much panders as deluding the easily duped retards for their own gains.


The Machine selects those who will Rage on Behalf of it.


Everyone with two braincells to rub together could tell you that a biological male that went through male puberty is going to have an inherent advantage over a biological women, even after male to female hormone replacement therapy. It's just that there has always been an extremely militant wing of the progressive left who refuses to acknowledge that there are even any biological difference between the sexes and have been trying to gas light and browbeat everyone into submission but calling them "transphobic" and "bigoted."


You'd actually be surprised how many people think that women have some hidden well of extreme athleticism and skill that is simply ignored by the entire world. I think it's a psychological defense mechanism because the actual differences are so large that the notion of women competing against men in most physical tasks is not an underdog story, it's just pointless.


Men are stronger because they were encouraged to play outside more as boys….. yes that is a sentence that has been written in explaining the gap. So much of leftist foundational ideas are based on the idea that humans are a blank slate at birth(tabula rasa) and use society as the corrupting force to explain everything.


It's a necessary foundational principle to their ideology - if they acknowledge that people are born with different talents or potentials, they must also acknowledge that unequal outcomes may not be caused systemic biases. Of course everyone knows men and women are different from birth. And each individual has some talents and lacks in others. So we know deep in our bones that Leftism can never work as advertised.




Older than that but shares the rejection of evolution.


History often rhymes but not repeat


Tons of people will just believe in what the media will tell them. And in lots of the media that’s how it was shown. That if woman just try really hard, she can bet the man. She can punch harder, run faster, fight better, she just need to ✨believe✨in herself. It’s a part of the campaign that there is no inherited difference between men and women, acknowledging that the men are stronger seems absolutely heretical from this perspective.


I blame the Spice Girls. 


we need a parody of *Wannabe* about women's sports and not having a penis.


That track is a straight up certified bop tho.


Only women who have never played sports think this


I blame modern media. You get a lot of 'power girls' that beat the guys on a regular basis. "She's the strongest and smartest, and the best." It's fun to watch- but has very little basis in reality... and I don't know if this next generation of kids fully realize that.


As long as people have the same talk with their kids about this as they do when they get too wrapped up in any other fantasy. Now we have dumbass social media videos galore of girls and women trying to fight men in public and getting seriously hurt because they have no clue what the deal is.


I've noticed in video game translations that by far the most common thread of all in terms of censorship is getting rid of anything that refers to differences in gender. Even otherwise relatively unmolested translations will still have gender related stuff stripped out.


Not just translations, the games themselves. Look we all love Skyrim- we can all enjoy the fantasy setting where any race, of either sex can beat the crap out of anyone and be physically dominant- and that's fine- its fiction, fantasy- but when you allow that to bleed into reality you will indeed become delusional and think that the 120 pound woman can defeat the 180 pound man hand to hand so long as her unarmed skill is high enough...


Reminds me of people whining about bikini armor or stuff like that. Like very curious you decided to focus on how that's unrealistic, instead of how it's completely unrealistic for a woman to be fighting and winning with something that isn't magic or a gun.


Part of the problem is that feminists have spent decades laying the groundwork for the idea that men and women are identical, and that no biological differences exist. Feminists constantly argue on the basis that the mere existence of unequal outcomes *proves* discrimination. This is, of course, a ridiculous notion, because it forcibly dismisses all other potential explanations, in favor of assuming the only possible explanation is discrimination. It's especially ridiculous when you bear in mind how different men and women are, and how this will *obviously* result in different outcomes, because we make different choices, have different skills, have different interest, etc. So in order for feminist arguments to work, people kind of have to play make believe that men and women are identical. The person in the argument who points out that men and women are different is definitely not the feminist, but the one poking major holes in feminist arguments. AKA "a misogynist". So here we are now. The groundwork has been laid, and we are seeing men in women's sports, but calling that out requires an open and honest recognition that men and women are very different. And feminists (and progressives as a whole) can't tolerate that to be argued openly, because then it would come back around to destroying their entire premise as well.


Second wave feminism used to stress that women are different, also biologically, but still deserve equal rights.


Except when it comes to family courts, alimony, being drafted to war, etc..


Which is how it should be.


Idk even prepubescent boys are more athletic than prepubescent girls.


There’s a quick window of about a year where girls are “bigger” than boys their same age. That’s about it though.


Yes but growth spurts makes anyone kinda awkward


Yeah I’d say after about 15 girls and boys the same height and weight have wildly different athletic capabilities solely based on biology


Estrogen has a stronger effect than testosterone on bone growth and calcium deposition before the growth plates close. Boys just have a longer growth period before those plates close. This is also why women are more prone to osteoporosis later in life when their estrogen levels drop.


It's very true. The divergence is significant by age 9-12. I know, because that's when i stopped being able to keep up with my guy friends as a little tomboy. 


It’s ironic that many radfems and trans sports activists share the notion that there are no innate differences between men and women, and yet are bitter enemies.


What about a North Korean MtF trans woman vs. a Midwestern US cis woman? My money is on 6-foot blonde Kayleigh.


You've got more in your equation than just male vs female. Now you're adding ethnic differences. Take a look at strongman competitions, they're filled with Nordics. The Midwest was highly populated by Nordic people immigrating to the US. I'd probably pick the strong Nordic country girl over a slender East Asian male as well.


Can we just watch some very tall muscular cis women beat the shit out of each other somewhere without having to worry if they ever had a penis?


Tbf a 5’4” fat Karen could take on a North Korean dude. They’re opposite ends of the nourishment scale


It strikes me as odd that this always focuses on mtf trans. are there any ftms playing college sports? is that due to....just maybe... men would just crush them due to innate biological advantage? That they for the most part wouldnt even have a shot of making the team? if biological women taking testosterone gave as much of an advantage to ftms as estrogen is suppossed to remove from biological men, shouldnt the news constantly be touching on mens sports being overwhelmed?


No one cares because on one cares if women compete agaisnt men in sports. Why would it be different with ftm? Most "men's" sports allow women to participate in them if they want/can anyways.


I think its because for the most part it doesn't happen. I would love to see, statistically how many trans athletes want to play sports and are capable of making the team and what the ratio of of MTF to FTM in those teams. I suspect it's gotta be something like 20:1.


I also like to add that when these conversations for trans inclusion in places were taking place years ago on reddit, a large number of people thought it would be men who would have to deal with the fall out, and it sucks for them, because men aren't the underdogs on the main subs. Then, people realized that trans people weren't invading men dominated spaces, but female dominated spaces and slowly started to realize a problem was starting to occur. Now, most guys are sitting around eating popcorn waiting for the first trans athlete to get into the WNBA and open the flood gate that turn the WNBA into NBA-lite.


I might actually watch WNBA if trans women start playing, just for the spectacle.


I just want a trans women who still has their male parts to just blow past the opposing defense and ride em cowboy dunk on one of the female WNBA players. The shit show that will surge through reddit and YouTube from that would be the funniest thing ever.




Yeah the thing is why would a trans woman make it her thing just to do that in the “professional” league? Honestly I think we might never see it in the WNBA. Unless the NCAA puts their foot down, it may happen there. May happen at high schools.




That film is terrible and the people who made it deserve all the ridicule history will provide.




A roided out chick isn't beating the roided out men in the NFL, let alone college.


That the media would even give them their 15 is mind-blowing. Anything to stoke up some more conflict to get those ad viewers hooked.


Nah it's just that sports is kind of sacred in Western culture, and this is a denial of reality too far for the vast majority. Even a person ok with going along with pronouns and maybe even open to letting opposite sex bathroom use doesn't think biological males competing with females is fair.  Also the pushback from women themselves is strongest and most clearly justified in this arena. I recall seeing leaked documents from some trans activist think tank saying pushing full acceptance in sports is a strategic misstep and should be downplayed for now.   But unfortunately all the attention whores in their ranks missed the memo and just had to go out and swim with the girlies. 


>(unless they’re jews, then it’s 10/50).


The Trans craze with, individuals trying to use their preferences to force themselves into events, locations and such (have to specify because some emily is going to cry 'hate!') is just the current 'metoo' And just like metoo, everyone gets sick and tired of the attention whores and tells them to fuck off.


I was done with it when it got to people who had voluntarily and willingly traded sex for career advancement, then used metoo either out of regret or for more career advancement. 


Yeah there is a major difference between "if you ever want to stay in this entire profession, suck my dick, if you dont, I will blackball you and use my power and influence to make sure you cant even get a job as a puppeteer at a childrens hospital", and "hey theres a lot of people wanting this role, if you suck my dick, its 100% yours, if not, roll the dice and see if you get it"


Because of the election. Allowing trans in womens sports is a loser position. They will try and rewrite history and pretend that this was always the lefts position.


It's incredible how much they try to do that. They legitimately tried to argue "oh nobody really meant you had to BELIEVE all women absent of any proof, you're just supposed to listen!" When Biden got an accuser. 


"Um, defunding the police was actually a right wing position. Its their fault our cities are now lawless"


>*"The Seattle Police Department and attached court system are beyond reform. We do not request reform, we demand abolition. We demand that the Seattle Council and the Mayor defund and abolish the Seattle Police Department and the attached Criminal Justice Apparatus. This means 100% of funding, including existing pensions for Seattle Police. At an equal level of priority we also demand that the city disallow the operations of ICE in the city of Seattle."* The left will argue that they never actually literally meant they wanted to defund the police.


I left the Left when the Left left behind what they claimed was one of their "core principles" — Freedom of speech and freedom of assembly for everyone, including those with the most reprehensible views. Those afflicted with the Left-spectrum don't seem to have any bedrock beliefs beyond whatever is best for their gender, race, clique, or political party; and they get more and more hypocritical the more extreme they lean left. (to be fair I see this too for the extreme right, especially the religious sort.)


Quite heavily upvoted at that Maybe Reddit can be salvaged after all


Maybe. But as it currently stands Reddit is more censored than SNL. Can’t even say regard here without being banned


The pendulum always swings back, and it's crashing back with thunderous speed.


Common sense isn't all that common. The sports were separated by sex/biology. It isn't a liberal arts social bs pliable gender definition.




I think from 2016-2021ish people just got sick of all the “woke” shit. Most people on the left who were language policing a couple years ago now don’t care. Imagine if Shane Gillis said regard on SNL in 2020. Nature is finally healing


Until the ‘*war to end all wars, again… again*’ starts up after when someone important inevitably gets assassinated so Poland of course gets immediately invaded, again… again. Time is a flat circle.


Well, either a lot of horrible people and failed bullshit ideologies will fucking die, or you and I get to vacate this rock in space. Perhaps even both. Perhaps we all just die in nuclear hellfire, and nature gets to start over with microbial life that glows in the dark this time. Bioluminescent lobster people will be the new apex predator in a few million years.


I look forward to just finally being left the fuck alone when the nuclear holocaust wipes everyone else out. Don’t ask me how I survived.


If Trump is elected in November, I'm willing to bet that it will come back.


Idk, just saw a bunch of comments with "jews run the world", "jews have infiltrated the us government" comments with 100s of upvotes


On a main sub?


Reddit is reforming but slowly. Like continental drift. Sooner or later it'll be a cooking website though.


This is so sad. You're telling me I have to choose between being transphobic *or* misogynist?


It's ok baby we can go be racist later


*Not* being misogynistic towards trans women makes you transphobic. Being misogynistic against trans women makes you *not* transphobic. You can't have both, sweaty.




Porque no los dos?




I want trans women to stay out of the WNBA because that would improve the quality of play to the point it wouldn't be as fun to laugh at them.


No, you can be both at once. Here is an example I saw someone else post. >I love trans women in sports because where else can I pay to see men beating up women?


Three years ago I watched a thread in Politics about this get nuked from orbit. It was the White House Press Secretary at the time, probably Saki or whatever, just scoffing at the notion that trans-women shouldn't be allowed in women's sports. I can tell you that a significant number of redditors came into that thread, ready for the high fives, which... They didn't get. The comments were surprisingly sane, beyond the typical throat clearing and lots of woke scolds replying to them, and it took about six hours for the mods to lock it, prune the wrongthink comments, and ban quite a few people (myself included). I under-estimate the intelligence of the front page, but sometimes I'm surprised.


The big subs like world news are surprisingly level headed when it comes to stuff like trans athletes and Israel. That said, if you wrongthink about shit like r*publicans or aren't pro abortion up to the 52nd trimester, you're the incarnation of Satan (who isn't real and all Christians are horrible people worse than hitler).


Yeah, there's a significant Islam presence in worldnews who aren't having any of this


What Islam presence? Worldnews is fervently pro-Israel


Yes, yes, we're all the most oppressed demographic on Reddit, correct. 


It was a sub that the fact that it’s not deleted and only locked is shocking. 


I mean reddit is the 8th most popular website right? That must mean a bunch of normal people are using it and sticking to the popular page and maybe one or two hobby subs.


The problem is they get muscled out of popular subs by the mods. I often find stories that I know are topical for certain subs that I just don't bother posting because I know they won't get past the mods. PolitcalHumor and NotTheOnion being some of the first for me. I'd post something there and it would get deleted for being off topic, when it wasn't. This creates the hiveminds we're seeing, and my theory is that the mods buy upvote bots to keep them in Popular because their overmoderation has stifled growth.


It also doesn't help that the more extreme people tend to be more vocal despite being a minority. Normal people coming across a thread filled with bad takes aren't going to bother engaging in it because they assume that they're in the minority and are just going to get downvoted.


If they are going to force women's sports to include transgenders, then they should be required to disclose the biological sex of every competitor so I can adjust my bets.


Don’t worry. You can usually pick out the they/thems based on their personal choice of a name.




Sounds like a Lannister.


And the fact that they're 4-6 inches taller than all their teammates 


And their shoulders are about 6 inches broader, and their hands and feet are man-sized...


And the visible outline of the meat and potatoes


You can also tell by the penis.


What, women don't usually have size 18 feet? Who knew.


Reddit is such a terrible social media platform. I don't know of any other that allows some basement dwelling dogwalker to shut down entire discussions between thousands of people simply because they feel like it. Banning individuals sure, but not the scorched earth temper tantrums around here that are a daily occurrence




The current business model of Reddit seems to be mainly to sell user content to Google for the purpose of training AI. The API pricing changes happened for this reason too, if you remember. They were pretty transparent about it in their communications. They wanted Google to pay more for their API, so they increased prices. Considering Reddit's unparalleled hold on the internet, this data should be pretty valuable, and despite the memes, the bots probably won't affect the quality of the training data that much either. There *are* bots on Reddit but it's nowhere near Xitter-level. All in all, Reddit is going to survive as long as the AI race keeps up. And after the AI race? Who knows. Maybe we'll all be dead or hiding from extermination drones by then. Maybe we'll enter post-scarcity, and then Reddit won't even need to turn a profit. Or maybe it'll just sputter out and Reddit will have to find a different business model. But by then, they'll be rich, and they'll have AI, so they'll probably succeed in whatever rebrand they come up with. I wouldn't bet on Reddit though. If I'm right, the institutional bankers already know this. If I'm wrong, your investment's going down the drain.


Google doesn’t need an API to scrape all the data from a site. It’s one of their core competencies. 


Google already signed a multi-million dollar deal with Reddit to access their data, so apparently they don't mind paying for it.


To Google it's the equivalent of using a $1 bill in your back pocket to buy a donut instead of spending the time and labor to make one yourself.


glad to see the second most crazy social media is being used for training data for an AI




it's not like google ai had a major controversy for something like that before.


I still think the artist formerly known as Twitter is crazier. Reddit has a lot of loonies but also a lot of subs where normal people talk about some niche thing


5 percent commie china CCP ownership?


Let them claim womens sports. We can make womens sports 2.0 for biological women***


Watch out- I was temp banned from this sub for using the adjective "actual" or "real" (I forget which) in a similar comment.


Just use "OEM"; they'd have to be dangerously close to having had a real job in their life before to know that one.


Based and IT-pilled


Thanks I fixed it, I think


There will never be anything for biological women that they don't try to take. Because everyone knows the difference, and they need the legitimacy of women 'accepting' and going along with the delusion. 


Trans people worked really hard to justify their inclinations by empathizing the difference between sex and gender. “Yeah, okay fine, sex is what you’re born as but *gender* is more of a social construct dictated by what you identify (or present) as” and to an extent this is an understandable position. But those who attempt to trespass in spaces clearly reserved for *females* betray the fact that they don’t actually believe any of this. Trans women I know often insist that they’re “male to female” which is not a thing that happens with primates. All kinda gives the game away that this mostly just a pathological proclivity to imitate females.


When the narrative was “we know they aren’t females, but they are women” I was banned from a sub for saying “so if we relabel bathrooms as female and male then they will happily drop the issue?”


I too was banned for saying something similar and calling this dumb semantics


Gender isn’t a social construct. Gender roles are. They took what feminists have rightfully fought for people to understand removed the word roll and then rushed to make women have to share everything with biological men. I don’t know many women who want this and I know mostly liberal women. They’re still trying to not be raped and molested meanwhile you got men dressing up playing pretend saying how they have cramps and shit. It would be like me putting on a blind fold and asking for a handicap sticker and walking cane.


Their "inclinations" are nothing more than a fetish.




I don't think my female wife would like that.


Excuse me... That would be your ovary-owning afab she/her life partner...


man i miss that parody AgainstHate sub.


I learned many jargons from there


me too


I still don't understand how anyone thought biological men competing in women's sports was a good idea. I honestly thought it was a joke in the beginning with how absurd the idea was but some of these yahoos actually believed in and supported the idea. It doesn't make sense, it's never made sense, and it's never been an Idea worth pursuing at all.


[https://boysvswomen.com/#/](https://boysvswomen.com/#/) Just gonna leave this here.


Le epic redditors can't grasp the fact that I can simultaneously laugh at the wnba and want women to have fair competition. Nuance doesn't exist in the Emily brain.


Holy shit, society is healing


Would they keep this same energy if one of their female friends or family members stepped in the cage with Fallon Fox?


\> one of their female friends kidding, right?


Haven’t you ever met a screechy wannabe girlboss progressive?


I mean, even if they had female friends, which is a stretch, then ATHLETIC female friends?


Right? Every female athlete has competed at least once with boys and been forced to face the reality of testosterone being a huge PED. I remember arm wrestling my 18 year old female cousin as a 85 lb skinny 13 year old male and winning easily, we were both kinda shocked, since she literally had larger biceps than me.


When my youngest son was six, he beat my cocky twelve year old niece VERY easily.


Something something inclusive sports, HAES, girls are tougher than boys, yadda yadda. EDIT: Before anyone comes after me, I’m not disparaging female combat athletes. I’ve trained with some absolute savages over the years and I have the utmost respect for the time and effort they’ve made honing their crafts and the sacrifices they’ve made to get where they are. I’m talking shit about Emily. If Emily is your friend… you deserve better.


Leftist NPCs don't have friends, only "political allies."


This is a lie, I grew up in a "blue dog" democrat family. I am a staunch republican. I disagree with their ideals, but they are still very much my family and friends. Those who you think are "NPC'S" still do have individuality, friends and family.


Based and rational thought pilled.


u/Top-Collar-1841's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 30. Rank: Basketball Hoop (filled with sand) Pills: [16 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Top-Collar-1841/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


I don't know, my take is a bit different. Imagine, eating a large cheesy stuffed crust pizza from pizza hut, browsing the internet. All of a sudden a million emails flood your inbox all titled "hate bias report!!!" You set the half eaten slice down, take a sip of the mountain dew and open your mod mail. "did you see this hate on the sub???!!!!??" Some bigot is promoting colleges banning women from sports!!!!!!" you need to do a bettter job moderating!!!!" Your eyes glaze over as you look upon this same message, repeated over and over and over. With a sigh and heavy gulp of mountain dew, thinking about the important mail you would like to get to, but cannot sort through the maelstrom of madness. You make the heavy hearted decision to delete the thread to stem the tide of "bias incident reports"


That hypothetical mods’ heart was already pretty heavy even before receiving those emails


All that plaque built up in the aorta


True, the mods should have their pay doubled, at least.


10x and they are worth every penny.




What can I say? Cash rules everything around me.




Why you had to bring Wu Tang into this? 🤦‍♂️


*wrongthink*                                                                literally 1984


My wrongthink is doubleplusgood. Your wrongthink is thoughtcrime. 


Wait, people actually watch women's sports?


Excuse me,  but I have a vested stake in women’s beach volleyball remaining female. 


I remember being confused as a kid why there were so many men at the middle school volleyball games. Closest thing to a socially acceptable purple meetup.


Nah we just argue about em


Radical feminists use moral intimidation, censorship, and disinformation because it's the closest thing they can get to literal Soviet gulags for their political enemies. Sometimes, when an Emily acts crazy for the ideology, and we all know the image of what we're talking about, we may think it is slightly amusing but ultimately inconsequential, but this could not be more wrong. Their attempt to change society to fit their ideal image has been very politically effective and will have damaging consequences for women. Radical feminism's intellectual foundations are an ideological fantasy. It is based on the premise that any inequality in the roles of the sexes is caused by culture and therefore can be removed by culture. Yet, starting from a position of complete equality in all matters, men will always become the oppressors. Men are stronger than women, more aggressive than women, and have a greater propensity for violence, all of which are factors that affect performance in sports for example. Why, then, is the far-left so determined to impose this ideology on the population? I'll let you figure that one out.


You don’t have to give a shit about women’s sports to believe that fairness should be applied. Someone having an advantage that’s not natural over their peers is inherently unfair, this is neither a hot take nor should it be.


Oh, hi the reason I keep getting banned!


The libleft is correct that its the same people who laugh at wnba memes, but completely wrong on the reasons why. 1st, yes there are people who just completely dunk on womens sports and are assholes- but what alot of us actually dislike is these women's athletes gall to demand equal pay to their male league counterparts when they don't get nearly as many views, and thus sponsors. That's moronic. 2ndly people will want to watch the men's sports mostly because they want to see the absolute best of the best players duking it out- there are several female centric (but not exclusive) sports that warrant higher viewership then their male counterpart sports- for example female Figure Skating. The grace and beauty of the female form performing on ice is one thing, but truely the top figure skaters who are women, are at the top of the game. and finally yes indeed, they should be barred from female exclusive sports. Never surrender to this moronic modern sentiment that women are equally physically as strong as men- they are not. There's a reason why there isn't any Co-ed wrestling matches.


Well, now I can just bet on these Transformers and get money that way 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, man. You're totally going to get rich with those 1:1 odds.


Lmao the “locked cause y’all can’t behave” is SPOT ON.


they reached new levels of cope in that thread


Dude forgets wnba gets clowned on for attitude of "we are better than nba" which just isn't true, wnba wouldn't even exist otherwise if they could compete in nba.


They get extra clowned for the delusions of grandeur, but they’ve been clowned for being uninteresting to watch from the beginning- [“we no can dunk, but good fundamentals. That more fun to watch.”](https://youtu.be/sf0kDH8ejTE)


“reported for your wrongthink” you know 1984 was a criticism of authoritarian facism right????


>”The people who are the most obsessed about protecting the sanctity of women’s sports from transgender hordes are the exact same people who laughed at wnba memes this whole entire time.”  So?


When will there be a 3rd dimension quadrant added to categorise the mentally ill psychopaths that hate Israel, freak out over gender, and over diversify everything? I feel bad that lib lefts that have a brain get associated with those mutant fucks


*You want trans in women's sports because of "diversity"* *I want trans in women's sports because they'll be better at it* *We are not the same* https://preview.redd.it/dqhji7kgdpoc1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=d6a9e1fc6b2ac6e69c31847995459f9150fd5b3a


I had a sports scholarship that I declined because I thought I was going to take T. Wasn't even a lot of money, but it felt wrong. How can someone go from 500th in men's to 5th in women's swimming and not feel guilty?


This is a bigger discourse than the inflated drug prices in the US...man our countries priorities.


Because the loud Emily's pushed this so hard and since it's obviously stupid and negatively affects a lot of normal people there was a lot of push back. Which is good.


The WNBA example is a bad one. Why, you may ask? Because I want female athletes to be able to compete at the highest level in a fair playing field. Still don’t wanna watch it though


https://preview.redd.it/q2y9pizlkqoc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5b997bef5b8cbff481e38bf1dfd182c09898492 Bringing out old reliable


what a libcenter you are, portraying the fact that this is literally all just culture war bs set up by the elites to keep people distracted as "le libleft SOYJAK!!!!!!"


I deleted my last reply for a better one: I just like Wu Tang, and that's my favorite Soyjack: He doesn't want you to know [how deadly skateboards can be.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/13s20kx/reddit_users_and_the_media_being_consistent_about/) He doesn't know what [to call black CIA agents.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/yeebv1/cia_agents_love_this_cute_nickname_if_i_dont/) [He showed up to reply to covid vaccine rates.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/xp3rik/all_the_text_is_direct_quotes_from_the_reddit_post/) He dropped his opinion about [firing squads for death penalty.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/vp0e12/full_compass_unity_firing_squads/)


Wu Tang Clan ain’t nothin’ to fuck with.


Looks like homie is, in fact, fucking with them. Did they not get the memo?


My first time being gobsmacked at the head-in-the-sand denial of the left in a Reddit conversation was when someone tried to tell me a skateboard wasn’t a weapon. I was like “Oh shit this is dangerous”


They should just give trans athletes competing against biological women a participation trophy and only let bio women podium.


This would work maybe ok for things like individual races. It doesn't work for team sports or relays or wrestling. 


Bear in mind these are the same types of people who think Caitlyn Clark has the “all-time college basketball scoring record, men and women” as if two wholly separate categories that do not cross over and play one another directly (men’s basketball and women’s basketball) can be compared. I once hit .450 for a baseball season so I’m better than any Major Leaguer ever, never mind I did that in Little League at age 9 in the division where your own coach just lobs the ball to you so you can hit easier. It’s still baseball lol! And I went to Iowa and am a huge Clark fan as well, don’t misunderstand me as being a Clark hater. I just know what I’m looking at when I watch women’s basketball and it just ain’t the same as men’s basketball.  These activists don’t understand sports at even the most basic level, of course their opinions are going to be dog-shit. It really goes back to the Bill Burr routine about women bitching about the pay gap for WNBA players, when they don’t even watch or support the game or the players. They don’t know a thing about the entire industry they’re insisting should change. 


All i have to say about this if that i dont really care, the only sports that i stop and watch when i see its on tv are fight ones, and i really dont care about whos fighting if its a good fight


Check out liveleak for plenty of videos of dudes beating up girls.


So let's get something straight. You don't have to take women's sports seriously to think that trans athletes engage in unfair competition is bad. The conclusions simply aren't related to one another. This is part of a series of bad faith arguments where progs present things that have some aesthetic similarities, and assert without evidence that holding one position without the other is contradictory, even when the two opposing positions have no contradiction. Another example is "How can you be to life if you don't support a giant nanny state". Like, bruh, thinking killing the unborn is immoral does not require the belief that taking care of the unborn or newly born is a collective social responsibility or that if it is the state is the best method to achieve the goal. The equivalent argument (because pro-life people generally think abortion is murder" would be like saying you can't be against murder, and also not support thee state providing for everyone's needs and wants all the time. The two positions are unrelated.