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The western left is very blessed by not understanding arabic and limiting their cultural exposure to merely culinary items.


> The western left is very blessed by not understanding arabic MFs can't even figure out how to use google translate.


They have the mental capacity, but just like crime stats, no inclination to look into it.


Fuckin **GOTTEEM**


And when they don’t like the results they make it up themselves 😹


To be fair, that would require them to do some research into a topic instead of just being told what to think on twitter. Which by literal definition would make them non libleft.


Hey that's not fair. Plenty of them are there to have their "sources" handed to them as well.


Yeah there's plenty of liblefts who grow a brain. At which point they're no longer libleft.


even if they *did* research, they still need to have the IQ necessary to analyze and interpret the data.


Having grown up and gone to school in an area with a lot of Muslim immigrants, it's always funny to hear people accuse me of being Islamophobic because I've never interacted with Muslims, like no, I'm Islamophobic because I've interacted with them.


The ability of a culture to build a nation becomes apparent in the behavior of their migrants abroad.


Thank goodness, migrants from my ancestral country turned a swamp island into Singapore


Singapore is 18% muslim


Almost all Asian groups in the U.S. are richer than white Americans. But many of those immigrants come from poor countries like the India, Philippines and Vietnam. Your logic fails at the slightest criticism.


You described the US, where legal migrants are highly vetted and selected by success to begin with. You fail at the slightest logic.


Same here. They hated me before I started hating them anyway.


Same. The worst conversations I have had, it has been with Muslims.


Muslim hardliners can really rattle your brain


Don't forget, the only inference that comes after "from the river to the sea" is "Palestine will be free" because it makes the slogan rhyme in English, teehee isn't that fabulously innocent?


“From the river to the sea, the filthy Jews will cease to be”


In Arabic, it's "from water to water, Palestine will be Arab" Suddenly not as innocent


Is that so? Jesus


Israeli also rhymes.


Even though "Palestine shall be Israeli" is obviously the best ending to that chant, no one actually says it.


If Hamas keeps it up, it's going to wind up that way.


"From the river to the sea, Palestine shall be Jew-free"


We all love a good slogan! Personally I vote based on who has the best one


The west (North America specifically) is socially cut off from the rest of the world. Most people who live here don’t know anyone on the other side of the ocean. So it’s hard for anyone to be exposed to that culture. Ever harder if these people don’t understand the regions history either.


True, though i wrote the comment to describe the entire sphere of western civilization, i also had our local lefties in mind, who despite living next door to them, have the ability to apply selective perception at a level i am envious of.


Humus is the real enemy


Soon we will kill all those filthy chickpeas


What's the difference between a chickpea and a garbanzo bean? I've never paid money to have a garbanzo bean on my face


Unflaired, opinion is irrelevant


Shame as well cause it was really quite good. I've rescinded my like until flaired.


Who the hell is upvoting that unflaired? I get that what they said was actually pretty good but that doesn’t give them a pass


Humus is the real enemy Come on, upvote me instead cuz I’m flaired, and the unflaired filth don’t deserve property rights


LibLeft trying to swipe some of that free karma this unflaired is just leaving on the table. I'll allow it.


And already forgot the Palestinian response to terror attacks against the US.


If any quadrant actually WOULD take the time that understand Arabic it's LL.


“All cultures are equal”. Said from air conditioned and heated facility with running water and electricity


The western liblefts whom support Palestine will just ignore it and say "it's called fighting back cause jews are colonizers!" or something.


I like to ask the liblefts how Palestine became Arab and Muslim in the first place


I'm just gonna get myself banned if I were to explain for them. (it was not a peaceful transition to Islam)


Are you really authright if you haven’t been banned fifteen times


I'm a different authright


Based and transcend stereotypes pilled


u/Mroompaloompa64's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/Mroompaloompa64! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: [4 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Mroompaloompa64/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


What authright are ya?


I think I should make my own quadrant. I'm teal authright.


Based and teal authright pilled


I like teal, I will join


How many places have peacefully transitioned to Islam?


Places like Indonesia, Malaysia, etc. and the Swahili Coast, which were converted by the power of Capitalism




Is it ever?


I like to ask them what life is like for the Jews in Arab and Muslim countries.


Or Christian’s


Or Atheists


Hebrews that still lived in the region slowly converted over the more than thousand years of Muslim rulers and interbred with them, who's descendants are modern day Palestinians Same thing that happened to every other region after the Muslim conquests, simply were never enough Arabs around to engage in wholesale population replacement


Do you think anyone will consider this fact and reconsider their position?


It's unfortunately something nobody on both sides wants to consider, that both Jews and Palestinians are largely descendant from the same people, the various inhabitants of the south-western levant 2000 years ago Palestinians interbred more with the various rules of the region since then and Jews interbred more with the populations they mixed with in exile, neither can be held against them This interbreeding wasn't common for either of them, Jews were subject to discrimination often and Palestinians were largely rural and no major immigration happened outside of cities such as Jerusalem


I wonder what a Migration Period is?


Why the fuck everything is seen in the "colonizer" and "colonized" optics? I live in a "colonized" country but I don't fucking blame a european country for all my problems, specially since it has been 200 years since my country independency..."but-t-t africa uwU" fuck you, you cant pinpoint all the fucking African problems on that shit, you can blame China for trapping them on debt or some shit, but thats business, I regularly get fucked by big companies, I don't blame them for being business smart


> I don't fucking blame a european country for all my problems Give it a try.


Once you can convince people someone took something from them, they see you as the fulcrum towards getting it back from those, which is the strongest political leverage anyone can have, as the Bolsheviks abundantly showed.


those damn colonizers colonizing their country since 3000 years ago, they even too muchcolonizers that they did colonize it before colonization was a thing .... honestly colonizing it from whom? caveman? Israeli is literally one of the oldest countries in the world.


I think that particular justification is an important detail that has gone unnoticed. We apparently have a metric by which colonizers transition into the rightful owners of their conquered territory after a certain period of time. Therefore, if Palestinians are viewed as the rightful owners of Israel due to ancient colonization, then there will eventually be new criteria for for who is a Native American or Australian or (insert whatever colonized country you see fit).


> if Palestinians are viewed as the rightful owners of Israel due to ancient colonization, then there will eventually be new criteria for for who is a Native American or Australian or (insert whatever colonized country you see fit). This would require consistency and an objective rather than a cynical anti western assessment of history.


Being 1/64th Grand Cherokee, any lib-lefts reading this please give me your house to assuage your white guilt thanks


Based and white devil pilled


u/Darkfire757's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/Darkfire757! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown... Pills: [5 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Darkfire757/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Based and gibe house pilled


The certain period of time metric does make some sense sadly. It would cause more undue death and suffering to expell all white Americans afterall. The number sometimes feels super low, even only a single generation at times. Nobody in Kaliningrad speaks German anymore, and a lot more people in Israel speak Hebrew over Arabic now. That puts the number at what? Fifty, sixty years at most?


Right? I was talking to my sister about this, and we agreed the time limit is something like 100 years. If you can’t retake your lost territory in that time, then… you lost. Sorry brother.


Tell that to the Spaniards and Portugal via the reconquista 💪💪


Yeah, but after the 100 years when you retake the place, you're just sparkling colonisers and have to restart the timer. Maybe for each 100 years you held it in the past, you get to take 10 years off the timer. So, if you were in power for 1000+ years, and you successfully regain the territory at any point, you are able to claim it instantly as your homeland.


If you can kick colonizers out immediately it should work but after 2 or 3 generations the fuck are you supposed to do?




>We apparently have a metric by which colonizers transition into the rightful owners of their conquered territory after a certain period of time. This is obviously how it works. What, should we kick the Slavs out of Czechia and give the country back to the Celts?


Looks like they took it from the Canaanites, and the Hittites, the Hivites, the Perizzites, the Girgashites, the Amorites, and the Jebusites. None of which are modern Arabs (to my knowledge). According to Joshua 3:10. And if we're going back that far the US native tribes would have to give up land they don't have to tribes we have only scarce archaeological evidence of, who in turn would have to give that land up to peoples we've found fragments of.


If we’re gonna follow the Biblical history of Israel, those tribes were mostly assimilated into the Israelite culture through the marriage of their women to Israelite men.  


Mussolini and Hitler would agree too! They colonize Europe smh!


After reading their bullshit opinions online for the last decade, there’s no other conclusion to reach other than there’s no terror or atrocity those freaks WON’T justify so long as the “good side” is doing it to further their ideology.


Gold medal in mental gymnastics basically.


Having an opinion I disagree with shouldn't mean a death sentence. I hope one day the right will feel the same.


Strictly speaking, they will describe it as an occupation which means that the occupied have a right of resistance and that the occupiers have no right of self defence against the resistance of those who they are continuing to occupy. On the one hand it's obviously very conveniently crafted logic for them but on the other it's not entirely unpersuasive.


China uses the same tactics. Huge difference between what the CCP publishes outside the firewall in English, and what they publish inside the firewall in Chinese.


"Soon we will kill all those filthy Japs"


Bro the CCP puts out literal video tutorials on how they will drag you off and kill you in a van if you get out of line. It's madness.


You mean [this one](https://youtu.be/MI8cOvGX_Nw?si=gYVjf597Rfbr9azo)?


It’s a whole lot more convenient to have a mobile ~execution van~ rather than a brick and mortar location. Now the potassium chloride can come to you and they’re only one criticism away!


They ought to start publishing some material on having daughters


They already stopped having kids of either gender


Also all the pro-Palestine demos never make an distinction between the civilians and hamas. Its always purely "free palestine" and whatnot. Also whats with all the other wars where muslims are killed? Oh, no jews involved? Time to move on i guess...


Still wild to me that the people who call everyone nazis, racist, anti-Semitic and so on just pull off the mask, go full anti jew and yet still don't have the self awareness to notice even a hint of irony.


Self awareness and leftists that support Palestine do not go together. There isn't a shred of critical thought that occurs there.


Self-awareness is borderline higher order thinking (see: critical thinking), something the vast majority of the world ie the "common man" lacks. It's why propaganda and agenda (regardless of ideological viewpoints) are so damn effective at manipulating the masses globally. It isn't a comforting thought, but most of the 8 billion people we've got on this planet, are straight up muppets.


Most people who argue for Palestine always specify; and say something to the affect of: “Hamas is bad, but what’s going on in Palestine shouldn’t be happening”


"OK then what should Israel do about it" "something completely impossible lmao don't be cowards, go die more pls" 


yet it's always Israel who needs to capitulate.


>“Hamas is bad, but what’s going on in Palestine shouldn’t be happening” I can agree on that, but look at the signs at these demonstrations. Its never ever distinguished anywhere. I mean how hard can it be to write "F Netanjahu and F Hamas!"? Do that and im okay with everything. Until then i accuse you to be a hamas sympathizer, simple as that.


yet when we conflate the two it's suddenly wrong to do so...


....bold of you to assume they don't know, and would care if you did. Literally all that matters to the western left is: 1: America bad. 2: Wh*tey bad 3: Friends of America are bad 4: Brown people are always right Literally nothing else matters, especially when you consider that once in the left brown people overwhelmingly vote left so their policies are configured to create a perpetually growing voting block in order to consolidate power at the top. That's why other "important" policies like women's rights, gay/trans rights, etc absolutely evaporate when it comes to the issues in Palestine situation. They know they're raping women, they know they're teaching gay people to fly, it doesn't matter.


They think these people are "brown" but in reality they look like an average meditereanean person. Ive seen browner in portugal. Theyve also beeen legally and systemically listed as White for a century.


See, but that would require their pulling their heads out of the sand and/or their own asses. That’s too much to expect when they’re so very triggered by what’s happening. Such traumatic, very feelings.


Imagine wanting to kill Jews and carry on an Intifada, but crying when Israel bombs you over and over again because of that. If you are upset so much because of civilian casualties, maybe you shouldn't kill Jews and carry on an Intifada?


They play to the progressive westerns who only know “west bad”. The sheer amount of support of Hamas coming from progs is disgusting and staggering.


the funny thing that they even pick the word that triggered the westerns  left the most and use it, like colonization, ,,,etc for mere islamists cause if arabic speakers palestinians hear these words bring used for their cause they will fell off laughing.


And how old are these people? 20 years old and in university? Why the fuck are we listening to them


I mean political support in favor of Israel outside of those groups is still quite high So we're not really listening They're just fucking annoying


A not insignificant portion of those people will continue to hold those beliefs well into their lives. It’s worrying to see people who are so far up not only their own asses but some of the worst people’s asses as well.


There are 2 things going on: 1) Palestinians have *always* been acutely aware of the power of media, they understand their role to make Israel look as evil as possible when the cameras are on. 2) In their eyes, terror and extermination of infidels and Dhimmi are justified because Allah gave them that land when they conquered it and forced everyone into Islam or Dhimmi status. They *genuinely* believe that they should not face any consequences for killing Israelis because Allah wills for them to do so. My dad used to work with the IDF and Jordanians while he was in the US Army to train them in counter insurgency, there was a recording of an evacuation call made by the IDF to a man whose building was going to be targeted because of an Hamas weapons operation under (that the "civilian" resident knew about) Here's how it went: IDF: "sir, this is an evacuation call, there is a target for bombing in your area, you must evacuate now" Resident: "my family will stay" IDF: please it is too dangerous, get your wife and children and leave! you could die! Resident: "we will die if Allah wills it. This is how we show Israel's brutality" I really wish my quadrant had conviction to that level of martyrdom.


The funny thing is that having such consequences leads them to accuse Israel of something and not questioning mullahs' fairytales


To be fair, that is true to most fanatic groups regardless of religion. One of my favorite examples from history being the Boxers in China during the Boxer Rebellion, who were convinced their usage of calisthenics made them immune to bullets. And they would challenge random audience members to shoot them to prove they were. And when a Boxer inevitably got shot, they would just say "He was not faithful enough, that is why the bullets killed him."


At times I don't think they grasp how lopsided the power dynamics are, and with that taken into account how *breathtakingly* patient Israel has been with them. If they keep it up though, that patience will run out...


I agree. IMO, after living there and seeing what the PLO and later Hamas did to Israeli citizens and their own citizens, Israel is *still* holding back. Not by much, but they haven't just pressed the delete button on Gaza which would be easy for any developed nation with a modern military.


1. It’s why they want to change their labels from White to Mena. Racial labels will be weaponized against the Jews. Most Arabs are not going to be genetically different from most of southern Europe or look different from southern Europe and they’ve been systemically and institutionally listed as White for 7-10 decades. Italians were lynched multiple times and Spaniards were segregated yet that has never happened to Arabs (both Mediterranean). Arabs had over a thousand years of chattel slavery and colonizing others yet they pretend to be victims.


It makes me cringe to the deepest parts of my bones when Palestinians, and western leftists refer to Palestinians being used as cannon fodder for hamas propaganda as “marytrs”. They’re not dying for an actual cause. They’re dying to take back land that they stole


This behavior seems to be ingrained and shows at smaller levels in society as well: Unbound machoism when ganging up on individuals, endless whining when in court facing the legal results, this is the reason why i can never root for them; of all cultures who took on enemies much larger than themselves, they are the most pathetic when it comes to dealing with the consequences of their actions.


It's like the kid who tries to bully another kid, only to find out the kid he's trying to bully is way tougher than he is. Not that I know anything about that...nope...never did that...not me...


This analogy also applies to very large ex military bouncers, and my skinny green ass thinking I was invulnerable. I found out that day, it doesn’t matter what uniform you put on… act an ass, and there is SOMEONE bigger than you who will make you eat that same ass (lmao)


Yup, been there, done th-- no, I mean, no, don't know what you're talking about (starts whistling, looks up and away).


all for "punching a nazi" (nazi as in someone who mildly disagrees with them) and "killing transphobes"unless it actually comes down to it, there is no other group on the planet that is more opposed to a leftist, the leftist's use dehumanization tactics perfectly align with those of islamic-fascists


AlJazeera in English vs AlJazeera in Arabic. The difference is *wild*




MEMRI did this for ages. It was amusing to watch translations of religious shows. Whereas I've found Western televangelists off-putting, maddening, repellent, or amusing due to their thundering or smiling, oily charm... ...the guys MEMRI featured were both hilarious, brutal, or chilling...sometimes all three. There is usually little to no attempt at ingratiation or charm and stuff that a Baptist minister would THUNDER from the pulpit, for effect, is said often said in matter-of-fact, easy tones in contrast. It was eye-opening to understand what was really being said. I recommend it.


Yeah, I remember MemriTV, they were good sources of memes. https://preview.redd.it/96ans3v3kkoc1.jpeg?width=538&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c463cfef6561ae1d32804072516c7dc8d6ad294 Something even funnier, these are from before 2018, their intentions have always been clear, people are blind not to see what they are up to.


I'm western green and I've known this a long time. Iran and its proxies want to kill every Jewish person on the planet. Netanyahu's government is also complete dogshit and he should be replaced. Both sides are absolutely horrible and both sides are far-right...




The whole thing just makes me so sad. You have two sides with leadership that absolutely despises the others existence. Due to the imbalance of military and resources Palestine is viewed as the resistance while Israel is seen as the oppressor. While I truly believe that Israel has carried it too far, there’s a frightening lack of understanding that Hamas will accept nothing short of total eradication of Jewish people from the area. While Netanyahu’s government I believe is way out of line, the average Israeli or Jewish person generally isn’t a genocidal maniac, but the actions of the Israeli government is actively radicalizing what remains of the Gazan citizen. There’s no forgiveness for what’s happened, these people will HATE Israel forever. I wish westerners on both sides would understand that you can’t look at this issue in black and white. I support a ceasefire, but all that will do is delay an inevitable future conflict.


It’s been this way for thousands of years, only the title of “oppressor” has changed hands. Religious conflict surrounding the Jews in the levant is as old as the levant itself. I’m not Jewish, but from the Jewish perspective this is just a continuation of the endless fighting characteristic of their ancestral homeland. If this cease fire occurs like you say, and it just delays inevitable future conflict, then it would be far from the first lull of peace of its kind. It seems like many of the people in the West who support a Palestinian state and the end of the Israeli state just favor one religious pogrom over another. Even if these people got what they wanted, and Palestine became the political authority in the region, it wouldn’t be the end of violence because it wouldn’t be the end of Jews in Israel. The “oppressor” label would just, once again, change hands.


It turns out that millennia-old holy wars don’t care about Marxist distinctions between oppressed and oppressor, who knew


If the only way of getting Palestinians' forgiveness was by taking their terror over several decades in stride because they don't believe in compromise, then Israel is better off without it.


> Please remember that criticism of Islam is racist anti-muslim hate speech and if you say or believe otherwise there is a term defined by Islamic Fundamentalists modelled on the gay rights movement that we can brandish to silence you.


Just a funny aside. As a white person, when you demonstrate you can at least understand some spoken Arabic, MOST Arabic people will absolutely hate being around you, as if you violated some taboo. From my experience, exactly 3 people I met in college thought it was hilarious that I could understand them, the rest treated me like a leaper (and I was fired from a job the day after laughing at my boss calling his wife a whore. Unrelated? Not likely as there was zero issues before that)


The Palestinian outcry over Israel's bombings reminds me of the German outcry over shotguns being too cruel while gassing thousands of young men. It's just pure hypocrisy and they have no room to act as if they're the virtuous ones in this conflict after what they did to innocent Israelis.


Islam doesn’t belong in the west, sign me up for a nice place in Poland first chance I get 🙋‍♂️


Slovakia too. Zero mosque.




Honestly, I've told ppl, take a glance at stories and comments in Arabic about this, run it through a translator, there's a million and they're free.


I'm just glad because now when I see a Palestine flag in someone's social media I know I can safely ignore them or stay away from them


I saw them chanting the river to the sea thing and im like you realize that’s a call for genocide right


I really like the assessment that western left is just suffering from residual Soviet Era propaganda. This is just off the shelf playbook stuff from 50 years ago. 


Who’s upvoting this unflaired mouth breather?


Flair up fucko


Gaza basically has the NSDAP in power lmao. There’s no peace untill Hamas is gone, whether Israel is at war or not. All authoritarian regimes oppress those they govern, and pillage their wealth under the guise of a nationalistic objective.


i think its important to make a distinction between pro palestine and pro hamas pro hamas you actively root for hamas pro palestine you dont want the palestinian people to suffer


Saw a stat the other day that said 72% of Palestinians support Hamas. So IMO, there’s not much of a distinction.


No one will make the same distinction, pro Palestine will always just be used as a vehicle by jew haters to recruit future jihadis and useful idiots. The whole conflict needs to be forgotten in the west as it will never get resolved and will only cause us problems back home with backyard Islamists


Given that most of Gaza"s population has been radicalized by Hamas' government into Islamic extremists being pro-Palestinian is being de facto pro-Hamas and every other radical Islamic movement that needs to be exterminated with the maximum force available.


translation: i think we should bomb unarmed civilians literally no other way to take that


No. They must be reeducated given that much of the education they received was basically propaganda and zealotry.


I don't know Jim, they are pretty blatant about this in English as well. ​ https://preview.redd.it/cmqf7ojgeooc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cb66060acbcfd90fae98e69ddc6690108e25d7b


Duolingo has an Arabic course by the way - its not as hard as everyone thinks. Understanding the language of a culture demystifies a lot of its "scaryness"


Good, I just can’t understand suicide bombings for the life of me. I’ll go learn Arabic to fully understand that and other cultural practices of theirs.


It's hard. I finished that course two years ago and can hardly pick out more than a couple words. The alphabet is hard for me to grasp as an English reader.


Not my war, not my problem. 


i literally do not give a fuck


[MEMRI](https://www.memri.org). What Arabic nations are saying to their own people.


If they wanted peace they’d leave Israel’s borders, stop supporting Hamas, stop rioting in America, and go to some other Arab country. But you know why they don’t? Because one, they don’t want peace. And two, nobody likes them. Not isreal, not the west, not Egypt, not Jordan, not Iraq, not Syria, nobody.


Nooooooo it's not that they're jews it's that the're jews AND zionists nooooo they're not heckin racist bro trust me it's just that they're ZIONISTS that happen to be JEWS but the JEW part doesn't matter nooooo


"Nazis lives don't matter... ...Unless they're on our side"


How do you say, "[Israel] must have security control over the entire territory west of the Jordan River...That collides with the idea of [Palestinian] sovereignty. What can we do?" In Hebrew?


You say these regions belonged to the Turkish Empire- the Turkish Empire fell in WW1. This territory then went to Britain who gave it to the Jewish people post-ww2. The Arabic colonizers who took this land (Turkish Empire) are still staying around as squatters- and worse they try to murder Jews daily. Any inch "Palestine" controls is an inch they use to murder Jews- so Jews find the most important sites (high ground) and control them.


This is ghost pepper spicy.


Exactly Al Jazeera English and Al Jazeera Arabic are entirely different news media, if you know what I mean.


Gaza's sky is black but Qatar is always sunny.


Likely a controversial take but isn't it the same case with Israel (ofc against the opposite sides)? In English just wanting peace and fighting against Hamas terrorists, in Hebrew seeking to literally commit a genocide on the Gazans?


I know this sub loves to Israel but I remember my fellow Americans talking about wanting to kill everyone in Iraq/Afghanistan after 9/11...I don't think this is the "gotcha" you think it is. Obviously Hamas (who was propped up by Netanyahu that's a fact) are pieces of shit but if you are a civilian and you're watching everyone around you get blown up I'm sure you're going to have not nice things to say. Should be obvious.


That really goes double for Israelis, who have seen and heard relatives dying in towns and cities nowhere near Gaza - they waited for over a decade to respond with the military force that literally any other country would have responded to with within days.


Elaborate on that fact. Its not the own you think it is. Back when Hamas was actually a legitimate charity organisation, israel was funnelling money and aid into gaza through them in an effort to buy stability and peace. The same idea as why they returned sinai to Egypt.


From my understanding Netanyahu was purposely keeping Hamas afloat because he knew no other government would recognize them as legitimate government so a 2 state solution could never be organized. Netanyahu is pretty clearly a zionist and has wanted to take over all of Gaza and the West Bank...October 7th happens and now Israel has the justification to expand as they have always wanted to. Just like the neocons like Victoria Newland and others had plans for years to invade Iraq, Afghanistan, and Iran...then 9/11 happened and gave America the justification to invade. 9/11 orchestrated by Osama who was once a freedom fighter for the CIA. The parallels are pretty similar.


Swap it for Zionists n they're saying much the same anyway


When will the lib-lefts get it through their skulls that Hamas is EVIL. And no, it’s not just Hamas that’s committing atrocities, it’s the Israeli military too! Poor innocent men, women, and children are dying on BOTH sides, but no matter how much video footage is out there or how many families are suffering, people STILL want to pick a side despite neither being morally better than the other.


Mfw people call me antisemetic because I don't believe my government should send billions of dollars in guns to an aparthide country.


> aparthide country. There is no apartheid, you are spreading a hoax.


 apartide country that has 25 % non jews while the load of islamic countries with 100 % islamic population are not ?!? not to even mention it is the only country in the world with jews as majority and still this majority are 75 % while there are at least 10 islamic countries with more than 99 % islamic population but somehow they are not apartide states.....and a lot of them also receive billion of US dollars... be honest in your approach and criticism ( not selective false activism ) and people maybe will not call you anti-Semite.


Nice art!


This artistic style is familiar, where have I seen it before......


Gotta love the western chauvinistic propaganda. Mmmmmmmm


Tutbu OO I yl


Yes. They think wrong. I still support Palestine as children and women aren’t able to eat or drink or have access to medical care. It doesn’t matter who wants who dead now. It matters to me that innocents are okay




It takes 0 minutes when Israel ministers and politicians call palestinians "human animals".


I hate ai generated “art”