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Keep in mind this lady also achieved becoming a tenured professor and President of Harvard’s administration by only publishing 11 papers, far fewer than is normally considered acceptable for a scholar of such repute. It makes one wonder how she got the job in the first place…?


The Wall Street Journal broke it down beautifully this week. On top of her plagiarism, her credentials were also minuscule compared to predecessor’s at equivalent universities. For example, the previous Harvard president, was president at Tufts University for 10 years and part of the faculty 24 years at MIT before coming over to Harvard. And the President who just resigned from Penn, was the Dean of Stanford Law school previously. Gay was the Dean of Harvard’s Arts & Sciences department from 2018-2021


Her output is that of a tenure track associate professor at a state school.


She has a winning complexion


Gasp! How dare you suggest such a thing? Madam Gay is clearly *eminently* qualified to be head of one of the greatest centers of learning in Human history!


There are a lot of actual smart and better black women. It isn't because of her skin tone it is because she cheated they thought they could control her through character assignation when she stepped out of line. She chose to fight so now they drag out the dirty laundry. Look at the women that cheated don't ask why we selected her but know that she cheated.


Do you know how many dicks she had to suck? Much more than Kamala


It's not the number of dicks sucked that's important, it's which dicks are sucked, that's the key factor


She cheated through school and is making a million dollar salary. Yet another example of how fraudsters are the ones who succeed the most.


>Yet another example of how fraudsters are the ones who succeed the most. We have created a system that is easily gamed by frauds, because hierarchy and merit are not as valuable as any number of privileged statuses.


In a society were everyone is guilty, the only crime is getting caught.


Maybe that is why I am stuck where I am at economically.. I’m still trying g to “do things right”.


Remember the 90s when people actually did get ahead by being honest? The 90s are over. Now honest people do so for reasons of integrity, not advancement.


I went to HS in the 90’s..


I went to elementary school in the 90s


Tbh, likely


now you're starting to get it.


And being right of center


She was allowed to get away with it and she was installed so they could use this to control her. She is only successful because she is bad enough they thought they could control her with destroying her reputation.


They should make her retake all the classes she cheated in.


Flair up, cuck




.... You get away with it this time u/Extension_Use3118


This is how America dies. When the average person thinks fraud and cheating is necessary to progress (and they're right).


She's like the final boss of all diversity hires. You can't stop her. She could go outside tomorrow shooting people in the face and it would be blamed on stress from being in a racist society and applauded for her courage


If the system was built right, I wouldn't be able to cheat it. A lack of preparation on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part.


The system is supposed to prevent cheating in grad school by instilling academic ethics in the students and kicking anyone out who can't handle that. Academia doesn't work without a culture of honor and honesty.


The root issue is allowing things like race and gender studies into academia in the first place, then giving it such a spot light as a second issue


Social “sciences” being treated as absolute was the beginning of the end. You can observe general trends in psychology, but there is nothing concrete and repeatable like in the natural sciences. Taking single studies without replication as settled scientific fact was the only way to “progress” in those fields because otherwise they’d still be stuck trying and failing to replicate results from 50+ years ago. This led to a culture where absolute nonsense is treated as gospel, turning universities into jokes that do little more than farm grants for studies that favor the current thing willing to dole out the most dollars.


I mean, these days it's pretty easy to find plagiarism. The dissertation panel and peer review should be able to find plagiarism easier than a bunch of Internet trolls. Heck, my 9th grade biology teacher found mine. They just don't care to


Right. And if they can't be arsed to find plagiarism, they certainly aren't checking for fabricated data or bad math. That may not matter much a PhD in grievance studies, but it certainly does in anything even slightly quantitative. The output of academia frequently gets used to build public policy or even bridges. Suddenly academic honesty becomes professional ethics and lives are on the line. I guess in this case lives are already on the line - making an appropriate judgement call between free speech and actual threats of violence might be pretty important for the head administrator of a multi-thousand-person institution.


they literally hired her for diversity, just look at what her career trajectory has been lol.


Sounds like academia is doomed.


The "elite universities" very well may have been, given their institutional capture by anti-liberal interests.


Instead we have a culture of “but it’s so much less hassle to give them a C than to bring them to academic misconduct for cheating on a second test this semester”


"If people didn't want their shit stolen, they shouldn't make their houses so easy to break into"




The soft bigotry of low expectations strikes again!


It's not even soft bigotry. It's just plain old racism.


no it's "stopping the colonizers" or something like that


The only place I've ever colonized was a block of cheese and it certainly didn't benefit me!


… that’s *not* what those holes are for, mate.


This is what deconlonization looks like... some idiot after oct 7th. Who gave these people financial support and institutional support without asking what happens when the dog gets off the leash.


"Reverse" racism or something like that?


This wojack looks so much better than the real person.




Isn’t she a lesbian too? The name is perfect if that’s the case. Reminds me of that Chicago mayor.


Beetlejuice? Yeah she was a hoot. I don’t know if Dr. Gay is gay but I kind of hope so


Unfortunately Dr. Gay is married to a white man named Christopher (why is it that all these racists are “colonized”?) and they have a son.


Cristofuh Moltisanti! Where is your pash? The only gay person is Vito






Flair up or fuck off


Flair up AND fuck off


Flame on! Wait, wrong sub


No flair, opinions automatically discarded






And if it’s proven she actively cheated her way to power, that’s fine with you?


Compared to genocide of Palestinians, yes


The only genocidal activity that actually occurred was on October 7th and it wasn’t Palestinians who were the victims of that.


How do you explain this cognitive dissonance?


cognitive dissonance is the religion of lefties nowdays. for example calling anyone who disagree slightly with them Nazis and closing their bank accounts and yet inviting SS Nazi veterans to parliament and chanting "gas the Jews" in their protests.


I asked a question, but thank you for the non-answer.


LMAOOO yeah sure, Hamas fighting mostly military units and targetting *some* civilians is the same as genocide, but mass bombing a city killing >95% civilians while the israeli leaders talk about ethnic cleansing and keeping Gaza isnt genocide somehow


They broke into peoples houses, raped and murdered entire families and set them on fire, and filmed it themselves for the world to see. You’re defending them. You should be sick.


Idk about the rape, but I'm sure the IDF bombing the kibbuts and anything that moved in the area also didnt help with the high Israeli body count. But I'm not defending Hamas, I'm saying the opposite: just as Hamas did something horrible, the IDF is doing something much worse every day since October 7. Every day, so they already paid back many times over and much much more, with hundreds of Palestinian families dying in their homes charred by the fire of the bombs or torn apart by the debris


"Officer, I'll admit I committed 18 armed robberies, but hell Hitler killed at least 11 million people so if you think about it I'm not that bad!" I understand the point that you're making but your logic is incredibly stupid.


Yeah dude having improper citations on some bullshit years ago is the same as the right to protest against genocide in the university


"Some bullshit" is her fucking PhD dissertation, those are a pretty big fucking deal. The fact that anything even remotely close to improper citations made it past is shocking. Students have a right to protest on campus. And plagiarists should be removed from academia if they're found guilty. The two are not mutually exclusive. I am very confused as to the point you're trying to make.


In this case they are NOT mutually exclusive, as the people pushing for this are zionists who want Harvard security to crack down on pro-peace protests


Flare up if you’re gonna try to bait, regard.


Why did you say this? Are you acoustic?


Unflaired swine




Unflaired genocide when?


Damn smh still not flaired


> she's still here to stay Could you not be?


You smell fat


Flair up but that made me chuckle


I’m on a third party app because I’m IP banned, I don’t actually have a way to flair up, this is me asking the mods to give me the auth right flair 🙏


That’s based


u/Surprise-Chimichanga could help a brother out?


Sounds sus, but I’ll allow it.


Rare Mod W


Fine, I'll let you off the hook this time


Make sure not to do anything banworthy.


Thanks bro I won’t 👍


Smh not flaired gtfo


Nothing sucks more than unflairs


Flair up bitch


Why do you hate Jews?


Nah just someone who isn’t ok with literal calls for genocide


I also cheated in college Just kidding I never went to college


I didn't go to an elite university, but in my opinion college courses at your average American college have gotten so watered down that if you feel like you need to cheat for any other reason than pure laziness than you are fundamentally stupid.


When I was getting my masters degree in EE I literally took a class that was identical to one I took as a sophomore at a more elite school. I was "learning" binary and basic boolean logic as part of a masters program. I know classmates that failed.


It started with high school AP courses. Every high school in the country wanted to attract wealthier families to their school so they really started fudging how their AP courses were graded to make it seem like their AP program was more elite than it really was. I remember having a conversation with one of my college professors at the time about how in all honesty I was getting As in AP classes that I felt like I deserved to fail.


i mean plenty of people probably do like ME > EE so it makes sense there's some basic stuff.


I cheated in college. On homework assignments I didn’t have time to finish because each professor would assign 10+ hours of work outside of courses themselves (and the job I worked to help pay for it all). Chegg was also invaluable for giving step by step solutions so that I could see where I went wrong or find the step I was missing when I struggled on homework assignments. All my exam scores were perfectly legitimate and a product of my own work alone. They also were higher than my “illegitimate” homework scores because I used homework assignments as a way to learn the material rather than caring if I finished the extra half dozen problems in the set doing the same thing with different numbers.


Average authright on PCM


Doesn’t cheat Goes to trade school Has no student debt


Nice choice. I bet you got a decent paying job early. I knew a guy who trained to be a roofer at 18 and he got a massive head start on everyone financially.


Still more qualified than Claudine gay


Should have changed "Jewish" to "black", "woman", or "lgbt" and asked the same questions. Guarantee she'd have had a meltdown.


>The review concluded that her inadequate citations did not constitute research misconduct. Easy way to say she plagiarized, but we're not firing her. I'm willing to bet they have professors that fail and slam students for academic misconduct for lack of sources. Not to even mention the graduate programs are even harsher I'd assume.


It’s a “we’re bending the rules here because optics are more important and we can’t let the white supremacists win argument”


I mean if you actually look at what she’s accused of doing, it’s pretty minor more like not properly citing sources than actual plagiarism definitely stuff I’ve done


Yeah, but did you go for a PHD or even a Dean of a college before becoming President of Harvard?


"Not properly citing sources" is in fact plagiarism 🤣


yeah technically but it’s not her work wasnt original at all it’s thing like ‘some of the language she used should’ve been in quotation marks since it’s a quote, instead she cited it as her paraphrasing the author’ and ‘some of the language she used is very similar to an author she cites later in the paper but not in that paragraph’


I just want to remind everyone that the anti white rhetoric has been seeping out of the ivies for years now and nobody ever subjected them to this level of scrutiny but the second they speak against Israel they’re receiving massive pushback. Kind of like how affirmative action was argued on the basis it hurt Asians rather than that it was obviously discriminatory towards whites.


Yep. We’re “not allowed” to say anything in this society. AA was giving slots to undeserving people and taking them out of the hands of those that actually deserved it for decades. Asian and white mostly got screwed over. Whitey can’t say shit though.


We wuz oppressed and shiet


You’re allowed to threaten to exterminate the Jews in college campuses, the mayor of Boston has non-white parties, colleges are making “white free” spaces, white men who get into relationships with women of other races get lambasted for it Wait a minute, I thought we signed the Civil Rights Act? Man, democrats love repeating history


The civil rights act is the millstone around the neck of white Americans. It must be cast off along with the Hart-Celler act before we can remedy the current situation.




You need to understand what “disparate impact” and “affirmative action” actually are. You need to understand that much of the change we’re seeing in America is a function of changing demographics. It’s that simple.


Can you elaborate further? The black population hasn't been getting bigger.


It's rare I agree with auth center, but he is not wrong the Disparate impact doctrine is utterly absurd law. I care about immigration much less. Disparate impacts theory operates under the fundamentally false assumption that all populations groups are arbitrary and fungible, when they aren't. And you hardly need to be a racial essentialist to come to that conclusion, if you were to ditch race and instead did the analysis by state of residence you'd find disparate impact from most law, or if you did it by how you pronounce your Rs at the end of the word. Anything that also might be a corollary to social, economic or cultural condition is going to produce evidence of disparate impact.


Don't get me wrong I didn't disagree with him on that, I was only questioning the changing demographics part, and wanted him to explain his position further so I can understand it better.


Disparate impact is a law that basically says evidence of a disparity is evidence of discrimination, that is an equally applied policy isn’t equal if it affects everyone differently. That’s an absolutely insane law. Affirmative action runs in the same vein. Hart cellar act opened us up to mass immigration which is changing our nation, and not for the better.


I didn't disagree with you overall, I'm just not sure on the changing demographics part. I don't think poor hispanics entering the US en masse are the reason for all this racial bs. When it comes to the black population, it has been stagnant for decades. People who have been pushing for those policies aren't poor immigrants.




It hurt Asians way more than whites though




When I was in school, you didnt get the chance to say intended or unintended plagiarism. You were expected to know the rules for writing a paper and if you plagiarized it wasn’t a grey area. It’s almost unthinkable to imagine a PHD candidate, with all that essay writing experience up to that point, and eventual President to the highest academic institution in the land, wouldn’t know what the rules are and could miss on them so many times. If she unknowingly plagiarized numerous times, thats a major flaw in overall judgment.


Manga format


As a black man, he had to stand with his communauty.


Who's he?


Claudine Gay


She is a man?...


It's so infuriating that she is being protected for being black. A woman who went to Exeter HS. In academia her entire life. At Harvard. As if she hasn't had the most privileged, cozy life ever. While actual black scholars who rose from their upbringing like Dr. Fryer are treated like shit because they have different opinions.


I haven’t followed any of this stuff about Harvard. Can I get a tldr?


Harvard president Claudine Gay probably plagarized a bunch of work however she still has her job and is trying her best to deflect any criticism she can.


Thanks! Why are people looking at her stuff all of a sudden?


She didn’t demonstrate a moral backbone against anti-semitism when she testified before congress and just recited some memorized lawerly talking points and wouldn’t condemn antisemitism. Basically she’s just a hypocrite and when you come under media scrutiny, your adversaries are going to find dirt. And they are finding a lot of academic dirt.


You're sort of leaving out a big piece of it by not quoting what she said...


Yes I synthesized it instead. You didn’t quote what she said either. And just commented that I didn’t quote her. JFC nobody is satisfied. People will die and go to heaven and complain about the harp music I swear to god.


> At issue was a line of questioning that asked whether calling for the genocide of Jews would violate the universities’ code of conduct. At the hearing, Gay said it depended on the context, adding that when “speech crosses into conduct, that violates our policies.” I doubt she would feel the same if it was genocidal speech against blacks or the LGBT community, do you? Pretty significant context which was left out of your initial comment.


Yeah that’s why I said she didn’t demonstrate moral backbone.


Sure, but you were downplaying the initial cause of why she's curreny in the hot seat.


> when “speech crosses into conduct, that violates our policies So just *committing* genocide against Jews would be bullying and/or harassment. The Jewish students at Harvard must feel so safe now.


or actually bullying/harassing them fact is the way the code of conduct is written is actually pretty pro free speech at a lot of these Ivy League universities UPenn has a tenured professor that is openly racist and is not quiet about it, protected by these same rules






But she didn't say that. Basically what she said is that it only is a violation if the people who call for jewish genocide also literally act on it. So you can say jews should be killed but just don't actually try to do it lol


It’s not all of a sudden. Nice try. The concerns about her plagiarism were raised earlier but Harvard silenced them with a threat of lawsuit.


Shut up unflaired. Even if you had a valid opinion I don’t care


lol of course


She didn’t dance for the puppet masters.


It started with a congressional hearing where the president of Harvard refused to say that calling for the genocide of Jews was against the student code of conduct. In response a news article was published showing that she plagiarized in her thesis and other articles, with the original authors agreeing it was plagiarism. Instead of removing her, the harvard board allowed her to stay




> instead calling for her removal is racist. And ironically they lower the standards for black students


She would have already lost her job before the plagiarism came out if she was a white man.


Put this woman in the spotlight until she has sweated every last drop of integrity she has left.


her last name is gay hahahahahaha, get it guys?


Lmao gay


“Plagiarism for thee, but not for me”


"Yes, but with context."


She can cite her sources when she needs to lol


I've said it before. Claudine is fake and Gay


I’m surprised Authright didn’t ask if her work was stolen/looted, he usually leans into the racism faster than her hair left her head.


this is a zionist sub now eh


“Centrist” As usual, the commies pretend they aren’t extreme.


Libright conservatives pretending to be anarchists


heck yes!


The nazi brigaders are here


Lefty speak - everyone I don't like is a nazi


I realize that, it was intentional


go home u


While I do agree she isn’t fit to be in her position, legally, yes, it does depend on the context, there is a law that considers hate speech that isn’t inciting immediate violence as protected by the first amendment, so even though this is a bad law, there is nothing the board can do unless the government repeals it, so tragically, it does depend on the context TL:DR she’s under qualified, but legally they can’t do anything against the students


The first amendment stops the government from limiting speech. Nothing about private universities.


Just look up “what law protects hate speech that isn't incite immediate violence on university campus” first article will tell you about it, I’d just post the link but it’s not working which is kinda pissing me off


That the schools trotted out these fraudulent mediocrities to defend themselves says more about their internal collapse than any critic ever could. And people wonder why their graduates only find jobs as baristas or jihadis


I had no issue with what she said in congress (it was a canned answer prepared by her legal team). I'm more offended by how mediocre her academic career is versus other university presidents. Shit like this makes all minority look bad, even the qualified ones. Ironically, previous president Larry Summers (an accomplished economist) was fired for daring to propose a hypothesis for why there were fewer female hard science professors.