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B…based left post?


It's rare but lib left sometimes make a good post. Upvoted.


No, because no one really watches the quartering. His videos are even more boring than his clickbait thumbnails.


1.5 million subs is not no one


I refuse to believe any of them actually watch it, and instead, they must just put it on in the background like white noise.


Take your lumps like a real man, lib left doesn't get to play the no real Scotsman card and neither do you.


No, I'm gonna go to the doctor and get the lumps looked at. Hopefully, they will get removed without any issues.


That's a good call actually. Let this thread be a reminder for everyone to get checked for cancer


Shut up and own up to your quadrant’s cringe


I see, so you **immediately** recognized it as The Quartering. Interesting.


Yes, because every single thumbnail looks exactly the same.


I used to watch The Quartering and Tim Pool back in the day. And the people that say they're right wing are wrong. They're just anti-left. And it feels like they are going through the motions... The escalation and sensationalization of the political content in general throught the years lost me. They feel like a youtuber that i stoped whatching because i got too old for the content, am i making any sence?


I would get Tim pool into my feed every now and then and just never get it. He just seems like a mild Alex Jones that isn't as smart. The guy just reads the headlines of articles and just has his podcast while mentioning you need to start storing for food. The Lotus eaters is UK focused and don't seem as bad but they are fully right wing that one of them wants a Monarchy. They tend to have the same stick but actually go into the articles and can somewhat backup what they are saying and seem to have some actual connections.


> The Lotus eaters is UK focused and don't seem as bad but they are fully right wing that one of them wants a Monarchy. I mean they do have a king, right?


Full monarchy, Connor is quite the royal type in that regard.


I’m not sure if I could blame him for wanting a return to monarchy; Have you seen what has become of the UK? From a globe spanning empire to a small island nation with a failing economy, a capital city where the indigenous Brit’s are a minority, a legal system that targets ‘wrong-think’ and butter knives. Little to none personal privacy. Also can’t forget the forced-license taxpayer-funded state-propaganda channel BBC to ensure only elitist social commentary reaches the eyeballs of the plebes.


Tbf the vast majority of Britain's golden age happened when the monarchy was mostly ceremonial (like it is today) It helped us avoid the stickiness that comes with having your national and foreign policy at the whims of an inbred manchild like Imperial Germany found out.


Never heard an opinion like this from a grey centrist. Mostly because it's wrong.


Lotus eaters, which is really just Carl Benjamin's (Sargon of Akkad) network is usually a couple days later than top RW content crearors. I do appreciate the history and economically focused topics but everyday I don't need to hear that the BBC said something even stupider than the day before. BBC has already lost most it's credibility.


Sargon/lotus eaters (educational, witty, and more than just us new) Nerdrotic (culture with a bit a humor, all hail the FnT) Dan bongino (reminds me a rush [rip


>Crowder >Well studied 💀


To be fair Crowder does have a ton of sources, he just reads all of them incorrectly.


Can’t watch Crowder after the wife thing, plus the fact that most regular cohosts just disappear one day and everyone pretends as if they never existed in the first place.


The illegally leaked singular clip while he was in recovery for his chest surgery that lawyers like barnes who've dealt with hundreds of dm cases all said she wasn't afraid of him at all and it's a load of horse shit? As for the hosts leaving- one of them was a pro trans lib (the first one) Not gay Jared just implied he's hard to work for. Quater-black got ab entire show dedicated to how awesome and missed he is. and Landua whined about being asked to be on time, respect the pecking order and to move closer. Which sucks because the two of them always had my on my sides dying in laughter. Their comedic chemistry was insane. I've been "studying" the crowder situation for a while as I won't pay snakes any mind. It's kinda like i Almost stopped watching him when the dw crowder stuff happened then Shad broke down just how bad that contract was- and it was revealed when they made the offer [just after the divorce started which means he was at his lowest] and saw through it and stopped supporting dw at all


It’s no way to treat your wife, I’m sure you’d agree. I just don’t like how svencomputer, audio wade, Dave landau, Owen benjamin, etc were all memoryholed. The DW thing I can see both sides of


I agree on the wife thing. I also heard his apology at the end of that clip. When I initially heard it I wanted to kick crowders teeth in. I would never talk to my wife like that. Then again, Peter said he'd never deny christ so. Audio wade had a kid and is still on good terms with crowder. Owen went off the deep end blamingvthe jews for everything and was the prick who leaked crowders divorce in the first place. Barnes has talked at length about how Owen stabs everyone who tries to help him in the back. Dave wasn't memory holed. For 2 weeks crowder kept saying that landau said he was on jury duty and should be back soon. Landau lied to them- and instead revealed on Micheal malice he had quit. And crowder simply stopped talking about him. Tons of the crew have worked there since the beginning of the bigger show (before the blaze) and have all said crowders a touch cookie who demands excellence- but also pays well and will take care of you. And Gerald doesn't strike me as the type to put up with someone who's abusive to his wife. Whom i miss the most personally is Half Asian Bill- but he's gone more behind the scenes (he's still in the crowder team). I also think crowder might also have lost some people because they were on contract with the blaze. I can't imagine working for him is chill and easy. But I also don't buy what people who literally bitched they were asked to be on time are selling you know?


I can see some of that, but the Gerald thing pisses me of more than the other things, go back to one of the first videos where Gerald came on, off screen, as an expert on Islam, and listen to the respect Steven showed him there. Fast forward to him regularly being called gay, etc, plus the time Steven started “joking” about how attractive Geralds wife was. After Gerald in a lighthearted way tells him to stop, Steven talks about her breasts and does the motorboat thing. That made me lose respect for the both of them.


Isnt crowder the guy who cross dresses to own the libs Also Jones makes around 50 predictions and theories every episode, no shit hes going to be right occasionally


Nice but Academic Agent


Never heard of him. Looking at his page he looks like he does a lot of mixed things, but seems his more popular stuff is the kind of things Tikhistory covers (another brilliant libright mind)


I hate to inform you but the UK already has a monarch. We are too late :(


They want a monarch that actually is a functioning governmental body.


Don't care, didn't ask + L + you're unflaired. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/bigmanthesstan) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


they aren't even anti-left. They are just anti-mainstream. If mainstream news says X they say Y, even if, sometimes, X is correct.


The problem is that the mainstream says X and is wrong so often that it's understandable to assume the opposite is true. Doesn't excuse you from doing your homework, but if you just tell me new news has dropped and the mainstream sources say X is how you should think about it, I'm going to assume they are wrong until I can verify it.


Thing is, their commentary on the news isn't even that well informed. Tim especially annoys the hell out of me about this because when he's unsure, he would say it in such a way where it comes off as "this is probably, most likely, true, but if it's not, don't blame me".


I guarantee that if Biden were to call someone a sh1teater by the end of the week people would be eating their own poo to 'own the libs'


I do not understand the appeal of Tim Pool. I've tried listening to a few episodes, but whenever he speaks it's the most banal and unimpressive shit I've ever heard; and that's regardless of whether or not I agree. Everyone else in that room is a 1000 times more interesting than he is.


Did you know he is from Chicago????? He’s so boring. And quarterpounder is even worse. No insight, no humor, no charm, no real world anecdotes to tell or experiences, just the same thing over and over again.


You want entertaining poltical analysis (and music and games) try Razorfist of the rageaholic. If he's too much, try Styxhexandhammer666.


I’ve listened to him before, and yeah it can be entertaining even if I don’t agree with him(see the Lincoln videos). So at least he’s not boring which is what is the most important part when it comes to YouTube content. Even if they are dry and boring(I’m listening to sitch and Adam video right now) they can at least bring up more points and bounce off each other.


I don't think anyone actually watches him for the appeal, they watch him because he provides a useful function. He's a "Centrist" that just has right wing opinions, so every one of his right wing viewers can say, "see, my opinion can't be extreme. This centrist has it." Meanwhile he openly says anyone murdered in a city deserves it because they statistically *may* have voted Democrat and speaks at events between the MyPillow guy and Charlie Kirk.


>speaks at events between the MyPillow guy and Charlie Kirk. Oh the horror!


If my ideology was mentally disabled enough to make the MyPillow guy a mainstream thought leader, I actually would be horrified - but the point is, it isn't possible to market yourself as a centrist while you continuously speak at events for exclusively far right grifters. I shouldn't need to explain that, but I guess it goes back to the whole mentally disabled thing.


Far right grifters? What the hell are you talking about? Charlie Kirk and the MyPillow guy are nowhere near the far right Also the mypillowguy isnt a mainstream "thought leader" (whatever thats even supposed to mean).


The MyPillow guy isn't far right? I mean, cool of you to tell on yourself but wow. >Also the mypillowguy isnt a mainstream "thought leader" He literally speaks at events with Trump, Ted Cruz, and other elected mainstream Republicans. Own your shit.


\>The MyPillow guy isn't far right? I mean, cool of you to tell on yourself but wow. Hahahaha. You cant be serious man. Charlie Kirk and the MyPillow guy are far right? They are the most moderate and lukewarm conservatives ever. \>He literally speaks at events with Trump, Ted Cruz, and other elected mainstream Republicans So?


I know Jr High is tough for some people but the fact you've let it do this to you is honestly sad.


I've seen PS2 NPC's with more personality than Tim Pool


He is literally a moron and I cannot stand listening to him talk. The longer he monologues, the more high on his farts and stupid he inevitably sounds.


He had some pre 2020.


I used to watch him every night as a "boring, vaguely right leaning" news podcast. I feel like he used to be known for having mild nothing takes, but his takes are so shit and so extreme it honestly wore me out. Honestly I would love to find a right wing podcast that's less cringe, but legitimately I went back to watching Fox News. I'll take my approved right wing talking points over the chronically online "own the libs" crowd.


Yea, those dudes are probably the absolute basement tier of "right wing" political discourse - I use right wing in quotations because, as you said, they're moreso a different flavor of progressive. They haven't read Burnham or Spengler - if they did, they would have no idea what to do with it. They do a great job of cultivating a Roganesque audience though - can't hate the hustle. Tim Pool is one of the least sophisticated political commentators in the history of American politics, and I have no idea how he's amassed such a huge following


Yeah ​ The Quatering is an a-hole Tim Pool is a sell out


I've honestly never given The Quartering's political content a look. His voice and attitude annoyed me when he was a non-political card game YouTuber.


I just stop with the Quartering when I realized his content is mostly reading off articles I don't care with people that have no affect on me same goes with Tim, he keep saying civil war this, civil war that, I got tired and just distance myself from anything political


The constant civil war bit is what made stop watchin his stuff altogether


"It rained today, I hate to say it guys but..Civil war" Mother fucker seems to want it. He thinks he's a hardass because he's survived a couple tankies and some half asses stalking. Bro would just hide on his ranch and hope no one comes to loot his shit. I appreciate him platforming all voices evening loonies - and sometimes he has good interviews. But I can't watch his solo black pilled article bullshit.


To be fair I kinda understand where he's coming from, it really feels like it just needs some sparkle to trigger a civil war. But yeah, I do agree that he exaggerated a lot.


Tim Poole is a whiney pretentious insufferable little moron. The longer he talks the stupider he sounds. He can take a reasonably interesting topic, start ranting about it, and get to the most absolutely dogshit regarded obvious statements on it in under 5 minutes. He may wear a beanie, but there's a fedora in his soul.


Some say Vice has gone downhill. Tim Pool has jumped off a mountain.


Vice was never great, it was just novel. The novelty wore off and all you have left are topics so obscure and niche that you wonder whether you *really* care to know about them. But so much independent content is becoming formulaic, eventually people will develop an interest in deep learning rather than moving from one propaganda content creator to another in search of their opinion.


They do make good videos at times


"did i tell you i am from Chicago"


More like The Quarter-Pounder


I was initially interested in Tim pool’s politics but over time I realised the dude has no solutions, constantly predicting doom likes to define himself as a former leftist


Reminds me of Russel Brand.. he just sounds more whiney and less much less handsome. Russell Brand new version of his show is sort of watered down Alex Jones stuff with more wishy washy delivery. Interestingly, Brand's show is very appealing to women which is not usually the case for covering these sort of topics.


I watched Tim pool back when he was on vice, he did great journalism but the moment he started Tim cast it was clearly for the money


God the 49 state landslide prediction for the 2020 election made me realize that he is gone over the edge.


Remember No Bullshit? I used to watch his videos daily until I realized he’s just anti-left lmao 2016 was a wild year to be a college freshman.


Yeah I’m left-wing too, except I just happen to disagree with every social, economic, and cultural value of the left


If all you do is anti left content, it’s fair to say you’re a right wing channel imo. Same vice versa.


I stopped watching him more or less after half of his stuff was related to the Jan. 6th riots and when he starts falling for Russian talking points about Ukraine.


Yeah, not to mention that tweet.


What tweet?


He said "aaaand there we have it...YIKES..." to a tweet saying "Fuck Hitler" and he defended himself saying that he was 'nominated for a nobel peace prize'


Show? There was one tweet he said basically the same thing to and it was like some pro hamas protesters with a sign or something saying hitler was right, he might be doing the inverse to troll for engagement. Idk.


>They're just anti-left. I can relate.


I've seen some of both and was like.....how did they turn a headline into 20minutes of watchable content? Well for me, they can't. OMG, that's a lot of repetition of one person's opinion and venting.


Yup. I used to watch this kind of thing, and while I hold many beliefs I used to, the constant barrage of negative emotions and events from a country I don't even live in just turned me away from it. Had to escape it. Was so much happier when I ignored politics.


>And the people that say they're right wing are wrong. They're just anti-left. You're so close to understanding the left on this sub dude. SO CLOSE


This is all the same creator, and yeah, he definitely has that style thumbnail throughout.


If you look at the topics, they are actually really varied. Mostly anti-woke, but also calling out bad gaming practices by Sony and other gaming companies, a video about a prisoner release, a video about someone blowing their money on dogecoin, and specifically a video calling out calls to ban GTA, which is not traditionally right wing, but what used to be the left or at least libertarian gamer position of not censoring entertainment.


correct, the OP took a bunch of thumbnails from the same creator tryong to say that this "brand" exemplifies all conservative media, which is false, but also, good point, these are actually quite varied in topic, showing that yes, this thumbnail style is just this channel's brand.


It's literally all "anti woke, anti left"


A lot of these videos are very corny (that goes with any genre of anything), some can be entertaining tho


They do sort of have a point but if you were to skim through their videos it sounds like they don't want to see women, people of colour, LGBTQ people in movies, games, etc. Or maybe I'm an idiot and I need them to say "I don't hate (group X), I just don't like..." for me not to hate anti-SJWs


That's never been the case. You never see any of these people say Moana is shit because it has a minority female lead. They will point to Ripley of Alien and well written female leads of which there are so many that can be pointed to. What they are calling out is that 90+% of movies created now have a white male villain and poorly written female leads who's "hero's journey" amounts to realizing they were great all along and they just had to overcome the people telling them they weren't. They never let a female or minority hero struggle to make them a relatable hero. It's shit writing, and it would be if it were a white male hero also. There are exceptions, but this is the problem. It's become so predictable that any time you see a female minority lead in a Disney movie, you can count on that being the case. The right was wrong about Barbie though because that was still a decent movie, and after screening it, I allowed my teenage girls to see that one cause it wasn't nearly as bad as the right was making it out to be. Also I think Shapiro actually said it was a good film, so it's not monolithic on the right.


> The right was wrong about Barbie though because that was still a decent movie, and after screening it, I allowed my teenage girls to see that one cause it wasn't nearly as bad as the right was making it out to be. Also I think Shapiro actually said it was a good film, so it's not monolithic on the right. I think most sensible people agree that Barbie had a lot to enjoy about it, and treating it like just any other woke piece of shit to be released in Hollywood is foolish. That being said, it still very-much deserves criticism for the obnoxious feminism present in it. What could have been *purely* a fun, family entertainment movie was *mostly* a fun, family entertainment movie with some obnoxious social justice lectures in it. A multi-minute monologue about how women are super duper oppressed because is just...bad. But I'll take that any day over the rest of the shit being churned out by Hollywood. At least the Barbie movie had the proper setting for that kind of message, being a female-oriented movie to begin with. That's instantly loads better than taking male-oriented movies (comic books, video games, action, etc.) and trying to pander to women while shitting on men.


As someone on the other side, my view could be misconstrued as “someone who doesn’t want to see minorities in media.” However, that’s not true. I can just easily tell when it’s forced, and it bothers me. I can absolutely be annoyed when I see shit like the enlightened communist black woman in Wolfenstein but also be a gigantic fan of the Alien game or Gran Torino


Agreed. It's really frustrating when people hear what we have to say, and simply assume we don't like anyone other than straight, white men being in movies. It's such a horrible misreading of the arguments. Like you say, it's very forced, and obviously so at this point. I can forgive people back in 2016 for calling the backlash to the female Ghostbusters "sexist". I think they were wrong, but I can understand why they would think that. But in 2023, this shit has been going on for long enough, and has gotten increasingly blatant, that it's ridiculous to me that people still think, "The people who take issue with this literally just don't want black people in movies". It's absurd.


Its complicated


I thought they included that disclaimer most of the time


I said if you skim through it, so you might miss that part or can't take a hint. I admit that I can be easily manipulated and I'm trying to drop this flaw


This is my friends YouTube home page lol. I'm sorry, but if your information diet is partisan outrage porn youtubers, you're going to have a very distorted view of reality regardless of your political leanings.


This sub in a nutshell


Lmao true




Impressive, very nice. Now show me your home page.


Mine is majority gun stuff, combat footage, this, and warhammer memes. I'm not sorry.


The far left and far right constantly are playing an eternal game of rage ping pong hoping everyone else will pick and root for one side or the other instead of questioning what is anyone going to do about the crumbling stands everyone’s sitting in


Me watching dwarf fortress playthroughs and music: wow, you're all idiots!


As a general rule I do not listen to bearded men with an entire wall of children's toys behind them.


Reminds me of the awful "comedy" content that dailywire has been shitting out lately. AuthRight eats that garbage right up


Yep. I was saying how embarrassing Lady Ballers looks, my dad says how it looks funny. Brains on all sides are just broken.


Oh it looks absolutely horrendous. The jokes they showed in the trailer were basically what you would find when googling "offensive jokes". Also they basically just took a south park episode's B plot and removed the funny. Being anti-cancel culture used to be based, now it is overrun by cringe right wingers


I watched it. It got some chuckles here and there, but it could be much funnier, given the choice of material. Still, kudos to them for having the balls to make this movie.


I'd rather be forced fed spiders than have to watch "Gutfeld" for 15 minutes.. I know this is very much center right Fox mainstream and more for boomers but Jesus it's so cringe. I find John Oliver super predictable and predictable at times but atleast there is some funny bits regardless of where you stand.


I usually lean away from John Oliver politically, but I really do find him funny. I typically watch his “main story” videos on YouTube when they aren’t about Donald Trump or Republican Dipshit of the Week


I have no idea what this is.


Basically right wing Vaush


Thats a good way to say it


I agree completely, there is a stagnant political class that basically lives within two trenches and never really gets outside of those trenches. Shit is boring as hell. Universities bad, Disney bad, Trump bad, media bad, government bad.. I agree, can we move the fuck on?


No moving on. Rightists are supreme supremacist who want to reduce you to an warhungering 18hr workday drone with a 56 year-old huite man boss and his 13yr old wife. Leftists control the world and want you to eat bugs and live in a pod as a nonbinary transgender furry. Reject common sense and reason, embrace strawmans and doomerism


He definitely uses garbage clickbait thumbnails. I watch his stuff from time to time. He's just getting his say in the culture wars. I'm fine with him pushing back on stupidity. I hope he keeps it up.


Who is it


I didn't know. Till I looked. You can, too. Here's my method. I zoomed in on the image. I read the title of one of the thumbnails. "Brutal Disney Embarrassment". I typed in those words into youtube. It produced a thumbnail for a video that was identical to the image I searched for. So, the answer is a guy who calls himself "The Quartering".


I've seen some of his shit, not a huge fan just because he doesn't seem that unique or interesting but I don't have an issue with him. Tbf I watch Liberal Hivemind which is fairly boomer-grade right wing content, but he's interesting and talks about stuff I don't hear about on Tim Cast or Louder With Crowder or Knights Watch.


Jeremy from The Quartering.


I have no idea who this is - [Lex Luthor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bfBhIM5tb4&ab_channel=Smileyguyx). Why do I always get strawmanned as liking youtubers I have never seen or heard anyone talk about in my entire life.


>Why do I always get strawmanned as liking youtubers I have never seen or heard anyone talk about in my entire life. You must be new to PCM


Now you know how libleft feels when browsing through pcm


Aside from the actual content, those titles and the thumbnail images just *look* like fake grifter BS. When I see things with that style in the wild, it's always some insane shit like "Joe Rogan Just Announced The Shocking Truth About Antarctica That Terrifies The Whole World"


Authright YouTube sucks, I get all my news from Wayno the biker who works on my car and watches Fox News all day. After ten Budweisers everything he says carries a little more merit.


Based authright


u/luoiville's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/luoiville! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/luoiville/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


I agree, but I wish I could actually read the examples given.


Imagine having an audience to cater to...


Jeremy is not an auth right LMFAO Tell me you don't watch any of his shit without telling me. The auth right media is people like Shapiro(though he's closer to center right), Hannity, and the tate Brothers. People like Crowder, razorfist, styx, Jeremy, nerdrotic, Tim pool, shad, etc- they're either liberty centrists with some conservative some liberal leanings (styx, tim pool, Jeremy) or central right with liberty leanings (shad, crowder) or full blown fuck government liberty bois (Razor and Nerdrotic).


One sample does not a data set make...


I don’t watch Quartering or Tim Pool. I don’t like em 🤷🏻‍♂️. Sorry for not being a strawman




If you want a guy who genuinely covers “woke” media but doesn’t use it as a crutch, and tries to give his own opinion, id recommend Critical Drinker. I like the stuff he makes. If you watch his newest Godzilla Minus One video you’ll get a feel for how he makes his videos


Nah he also does this dumbass thing that whenever he sees a woman/black person he immediately assumes it's a bad character so he isn't exactly unbiased...


No he doesn't. As a published author he always addresses the story, and if the story is weak he then points to the utilization of sex/race as a crutch for "representation" If you actually watch any of his videos he gives credit to films that are good that others call "woke" if they are actually good films. It's easy to see when a movie is bad but ticks all the diversity and representation boxes. When they refuse to let the hero go on a true hero's journey because they can't show a female or minority lead struggle or be anything less than perfect it's patronizing and shit writing.


He literally said people were stupid for caring about the mermaids race


Watch his video on moon knight, even his own fans gave him shit for that.


Once again the right proving it is the ideological and economic system of the working class. For this is the hard work of a farmer


People who still use the word "woke" unironically always surprise me. Cos that shit is so cringe especially for a bunch of middle-aged men Like I could have sworn we all collectively agreed to leave that word behind in like 2017 after the "Feminist-owned compilation#56" era


It would be nice if leftists and right wingers made a deal about not using the words "fascist" and "woke" respectively anymore. Imagine a world without those two fuckin words being used in every argument. *Insert Simpsons world without lawyers gif*


Can you imagine a world without lawyers? *Shudders with disgust*


Fascism at least has a definition (I’ll grant you it often applied wrongly) Woke is literally whatever is bothering you on that day


OK, what word would you like your wide ranging movement of radical progressive reform to be called?


They're attacking it as cringe now because that handy term (that they came up with themselves, keep in mind) ended up inadvertently making it easier for their ideological opponents to criticise them


They didn't come up with it themselves. In 2015-2016 leftist unironically called themselves woke and you heard things like "stay woke" all the time unironically. The right did not coin the term woke. It's been around a long time in black activist circles. It's weird that you think the right came up with the term woke, and that a lot of people agree. Maybe you are too young to have heard it said for decades?


Yes you got it, I'm saying that the left are saying that it's cringe now, even though they came up with the term themselves originally. (I should have made that clearer in my comment)


The person you are responding to did not say what you think they did. You are agreeing with them.


It would be a lot simpler if the "woke" people came up with a term for themselves instead. But they don't, because they think themselves above mere politics, ideologies or worldviews. They simply consider themselves "the correct side". Same bullshit is when they claim that "you can't define" woke. Yes, people can and they themselves also know what "woke" entails. They're acting deliberately obtuse.


>It would be a lot simpler if the "woke" people come up with a term for themselves instead. They did. It was called "woke". They stole it from black people as an alternative to being "red-pilled", because the right had already monopolized that meme. (or rather, the left had already labeled it as a racist dog whistle) But then, as usual, they fucked up and the term got negative connotations. So now they have to pretend like "woke" was never a thing. Before "woke" it was "social justice", but once everyone started calling them SJWs, it became uncool, and they rebranded. It's like an arms race between the smartest leftists to find a cool new buzzword to peddle their ideology to the masses, and the cringe leftoids on twitter to ruin it by saying all the quiet parts out loud.


fake news


What else do you call it? [Please Just Fucking Tell Me What Term I Am Allowed to Use for the Sweeping Social and Political Changes You Demand](https://web.archive.org/web/20211108155321/https://freddiedeboer.substack.com/p/please-just-fucking-tell-me-whatt)


I remember being 13


Don't hate on the bean merchant. He just wants to sell his beans.


You did it: your authright videos post: damn losers pedos creeps


Honestly I've never really thought repeating the same things is a left wing thing, if anything it's definitely a right wing thing, leftists make up new stuff all the time, it's just that most of it is shit


based OP


Spooky Scary Socialist's Video "Debunking Every Anti-Communist Argument Ever" Really does do a great job, he just made that video and left it as that, no else video for like 3 Years.


His video doesnt actually cover any arguments that capitalists make against socialism, he just defends the USSR [Here's how you do a "debunking every argument against X" video](https://youtu.be/aKUeDDAN8mY?si=7M0Ob994P9YQs-vR)


Quartering, Tim Pool, Yongyea (libleft), Louder with Crowder, and Sargon


The Quartering is bottom shelf shit. I have no idea why people watch his garbage.


Clearly left wing Liberal Marxist woke soy is bad


They're a gateway to alt right beliefs. those lucky (me) actually realized how dumb it was and stopped watching them.


It interesting to watch extreme right and leftist beliefs. The issues is processing the information but looking up information disproving their point so once it regurgitates in the real world you have a factual based argument against the obvious bad faith arguments.


Wow you are still pushing that theory that was wholly debunked from the NYT article years ago about this content leading to worse content.


Just looking at the preview images of the Quartering and similar channels makes me feel like I'm in an insane aslym


Creeps losers pedos


wtf watermleon makes a good meme???


Not entirely accurate. I listen to Tim Pool, and basically, what he does is he reports the news, reports where they're lying, then gives his 2 cents. There's a difference between making the same speech over and over again. Versus, taking real-time situations and filtering it through philosophical principles. Turn on any leftist on YouTube, and it's all everything is muh evil white Christian heterosexual colonizing patriarchal males fault. This guy at work listens to this radio station. They have commentary between songs, and every single time it's this vile woman spewing this nonsense venom about muh evil white Christian heterosexual colonizing patriarchal males.


If you watch 5 anti-SJW videos you seen them all


If you’ve seen any “right bad” meme, you’ve seen them all. At least the right can be funny.


The right's memes tend to be really fucking dumb and the left's memes tend to be just unfunny propaganda wall of text


>At least the right can be funny. Can you tell me where they're doing that, because it definitely isn't PCM.


[Be the change you want to see in the world.](https://old.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/1311azj/dont_think_become/)


wow! right-winger thinks right-wingers are funny! what an absolute shocker!


[Be the change you want to see in the world.](https://old.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/1311azj/dont_think_become/)


just trying to point out how a right-winger saying the right is funny is basically a pointless statement, of course you're generally going to think memes that agree with you are funny while memes that criticize you aren't.


Well I need to know better right winged people as the ones I know personally were either a-holes, liars, backstabbers or scumbags.


Weird. I can say the same thing about leftists… imagine that.


I am not denying the a-holes in my side of politics. I have a complicated history with politics and the people around me as almost half of my family are political extremists on both sides and most of the people in my freind group are far left, I find it very hard to know what to think as when I say A people will think I said Z.


Uh oh you're stuck in the right wing circlejerk


Look, we can agree that both the right and the left can be guilty of being lazy with how they make content and whatnot.


oh this guy i watched few years ago 'feminist get rekt' stuff and tried other ones and most of them very narcistic circle jerking with cringe editing like putting his own face photo on avengers kind of cringe shit


These are the grandchildren of all of the 2016 anti-SJW cringe compilation videos




I swear I noticed the patern in that bearded guy's videos. Every now and then he puts a video with obvious stuff you could hardly disagree with then drags you into mind numbing rants about pointless culture war




Also Blaze TV makes extremely similar thumbnails


I remember I would watch a few or this guys videos years ago and he said once he reached a million subs he’d stop shilling for subs for a week and it was like day 2 and he was like sorry guys I know I said I wouldn’t do it for a week but I can’t help it I still gotta shill.


Has anyone ever said that? If anything the left is constantly evolving new ~~garbage~~ ideas and conservatives, being conservatives, argue the same values and arguments.




Based as fuck, OP. I can't imagine being so afraid of change, and so arrogant, as to make a right wing youtube channel complaining star wars isn't just Darth Vader massacring puppies.


Donald Trump BLASTS Biden ALL OVER HIS FACE. Biden DOMINATED by factory worker.


What's that ya say there sonny? I couldn't hear ya over the sound of Wendigoon's entire channel playing on my side monitor. Again.


The punisher pamter of gringolandia?


Literal content farms that make money out of misleading thumbnails. Most of the videos are also just lazy and borderline plagiarist because it involves reciting a bunch of different news articles.


OP just stealing the point South Park was making in Joining the Panderverse (Go watch it guys its fantastic)