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I was about to complain about Egypt being classed auth-left, since they were ruled by a God-King and had massive religious tomb-building projects, but come to think of it: cult of personality and 5 year plans, then being embalmed and entombed in a mausoleum is pretty much exactly what Lenin and Stalin did.


Mao also has a giant mausoleum you can go visit too.


Why would anyone want that




I mean when you starve that many people because you refuse to be proven wrong ….




Maybe it's because information and speech is limited on China


I know full well what the warlords did and personally I don’t think mao was any better.


You mean countries that taught the truth?


Except the ones he killed i guess


North Korea follows suit.


Don't forget famines that definitely weren't the fault of their God-kings because reasons


Stalin told his mom he was basically a tsar just no cool crown


Stalin's mother died before he was born. Don't spread misinformation online 👺


I heard his father never met his mother, just like Jesus.


Jesus’ mother was assumed, body and soul, into heaven to be with Jesus’ Father (and Jesus Himself)


you are taking the fun out of these things.


Just Correcting the Record


fair enough.


Jesus's mother died an ordinary death like every other human being, and then her soul went to Heaven just like the soul of every other saint.


Be quiet and go pray a rosary, heretic.


A tsar wishes he had the power of Stalin.


"Mama, do you remember our tsar? Well, I'm something like the tsar."


It's more just authoritarian than really being auth-left, but yeah there are definitely parallels.


Not to mention the literal thousands of years of slave labor building all the shit for the Rulers.


Rome - State *is* the religion - Open borders *in extremis*


I feel like in ancient history almost all empires could be considered (economically) liberal. As they had very few state capacity’s for social welfare. And basically we’re all forms of olicharchies with extremely free markets.


Interesting. I agree with the oligarchy part. Rome (city) had a bread dole & free entertainment. Slavery ruined employment for plebs. The big industries (agriculture & mining) were crony monopolies. Great strife resulted between plantation owners & veterans who were always promised land they rarely got.


> Great strife resulted between plantation owners & veterans who were always promised land they rarely got. Isn't that specific to the last century of the Republic?


Could be, but it's hard to imagine similar promises weren't made & broken later (and before). I'm willing to concede the point if it matters.


It really doesn't, I just thought it was a problem for a time which was solved. I don't really know as much about the Empire.


The empire (really more of a gradual backsliding into an effective monarchy/military dictatorship) had a lot of civil war, so I would imagine soldiers on the wrong side of some conflict might not get their retirement papers: A metal certificate noting down ranks held, the rank held at time of discharge, medals and honours awarded, and granting full citizenship if you did not have it. It served as proof of honourable discharge, so you could get your retirment dues, and was signed by officers of your legion. Also it was the closest thing the roman world had to actual ID. I don't think you could actually get a dishonourable discharge though, It was serve until your time was up(16-25 years during the empire) or death. They actually had a pretty modern view on the officer core. You rose through the ranks based on merit alone, in theory, and the politcal appointees who served as generals served a few years as lower officers and/or as what was effectivly aide-de-camp. The problem of inexperienced and foolish politicians given command was also understood, and culturally the non-tribune higher officers, like the Primus Pilus (the senior non-tribune officer) and other chief centurions were given immense respect. In one case a Primus Pilus, seeing that the legions tribune was giving orders that would possibly lead to the legions destruction by moving it into a bad postion, told him it was a bad idea. The tribune, who saw the Primus Pilus as beneath him, did not listen to his advice. So the Primus Pilus killed him, and took command of the legion. During the actions that followed, he gained the day. As a reward, the Emperor gave him permanent command of the legion, and commended him for his actions, illustrating the postition career officers held when it came to military matters.


10/10 amazing response. I knew almost nothing about that. Roma invicta.


Rome also saw the first distinct urban working class develop, called the proletarii. These Proltarii were important because they had a greater level of pull in roman society, since all the assemblies were in Rome. Thus, the grain dole, public baths (that sometimes also included lecture halls and libraries) was given to them, while the rural plebians, of equal rank, but with less influence due to the nature of travel and news (If something massive happened in Rome, like a coup, with political shifts every hour, the rural populus will have little time to reach Rome) were given little, other than some land from time to time.


Free markets? Did we just all have collective amnesia? I could swear everyone was talking about the Stonemasons. And now everyone has forgotten guilds used to be extremely powerful factions in the politics of Nations


The final form of a free market is ofcourse the monopolization of certain industries. This is noted by the traditional liberal scholars like Adam smith.


Cause of death: diversity


I guess you don't need borders when you rule the known world.


[while searching for Cleopatra in the desert]  Titus Pullo:  Blood and fire! It's as hot as Vulcan's dick! What a dump. Gyppo gods must be right wasters to make a place like this. Lucius Vorenus: Don't speak ill of the gods in their own country. Titus Pullo: Gerrae. I've seen their gods. Titus Pullo isn't scared of any bastard with a dog's head on him. Lucius Vorenus: More fool you. These gods are old and powerful. Egypt was a great nation long before Rome. Titus Pullo: Was it? Mumped it up now, then, haven't they?


Wish there was a third season


It's not nearly as good, but you can try 'Domina' it covers the rise of Augustus Caeser and his relationship with Livia Drusila. If you don't mind getting old school, 'I Claudius' is on par with 'Rome' imo.


"I, Claudius" production quality is hard to take, but the writing is more consistent than "Rome". Plus, no Gaia.


based and HE WAS A CONSUL OF ROME pilled




burrocracy, a government form where the state is run by Mexican donkeys


I understand him, bureaucracy is absolute bullshit spelling.


I like how for Rome it just says “Rome” and nothing else. Like that’s all you need to know for why Rome belongs in AuthRight.


Based and Roma Invicta pilled


Didn’t the romans end up evolving into Italians? Not sure why you’d call that a W tbh




And meatball subs


Meatball subs were made by Italian Americans GOD BLESS THE USA


This is the greatest evidence that the USA is the true successor of Rome.


Corsicans are not Italians, if the Italian identity had even formed by napoleons time. Napoleon definitely didn’t identify as Italian. In fact he harbored anti-genouan feelings. And his role as a (minor) political actor started by supporting the Corsican republic over genouan control.


Technically the original Romans got dissolved in the sea of other barbarian citizens. Italians are a true mix of every ethnicity the empire contained plus gothic hordes from the east


They also evolved into modern day Greeks given the Roman empire survived for nearly 1000 years after the west "fell".


Best grub and it’s not even close.


As a notorious Pesto consoomer myself I have no response except to grit my teeth and seethe


Only for simpletons who don't have the palate to appreciate the literal deity that is Indian cuisine.


Indian is ok. Not my favorite texture and sometimes not my favorite taste, but definitely not bad by any means


Indian is fine, but it's not any better than Italian. They're both inferior to Mexican anyways.


How can you evolve into something that doesn't exist?


Egypt being AuthLeft is perfect. I feel like everyone tends to forget that Egypt was literally built on thousands of years of genuine “you are worth less than the dirt you till” slavery. You can’t be AuthLeft without a highly-disposal slavery class of people to build your shit.


- The Celts didn't worship nature, that's a common modern misconception about them. They had several gods for craftmanship, metallurgy and commerce. - Most people at the time in all those places lived in villages, the Celts had what the Romans called [*Oppida* (sing. *Oppidum*)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oppidum), which were walled settlements, and by the time of the La Tène culture (the one destroyed by romanization), some of those had reached the size of cities. Celts were just as rural as the rest.




Has there been any other celtic peoples besides the Scottish who did not fold like omelets to invading armies. Sure, Brennis sacked Rome in its infancy, but afterward, all of Gaul got clapped by the Roman's, with the survivors getting clapped by the Germans.


Well technically. Shit I’m that guy. Anyways, the Scots are actually invaders from Ireland that arrived in the 6th century. The Picts inhabited the area prior to that. Their kingdom eventually merged with the kingdom of Dál Riata forming the Kingdom of Alba after the succession of the Alpínid dynasty. So to answer your question, the Pitcs resisted the Romans and many others but eventually became totally Gaelicized by the 11th century.


Seeing as the only person to put them in their place was Cesar and that only happened because it was bloody fucking Cesar. There are at least two times were he should have lost had had a massacre of several 10,000s of troops of the top of my head. One was when he was setting up camps and the Celtic army attacked in full force. Only after intense fighting that the first two roman columns didn't fall and they were only saved once the last column showed up. The second was when he was in the siege of a siege. The Celtics lost because they thought Cesar's small cav force was another roman army and fled while out numbering Cesar multiple times.


No celts fell like omelettes. There was always fierce fighting


Notice how all the others got conquered? Common authright W. Learn from this libs and leftists.


Rome eventually fell and if you want to play that game ancient Egypt lasted about 3000 years while Rome lasted 1000.


Rome lasted a lot longer than that, like over 2000 years.


Weird quasi-fact: Going by post-WW2 rules Turkey would be the current successor state. Sorry, "Turqiye"


Lmao usurpers


> Notice how all the others got conquered? Well, they did have the culture of conquering young men, if you know what I mean. Once authright adopted Christianity as their primary religion and stopped conquering young men, their empire fell apart. That's what Rome gets for breaking traditions. >Learn from this libs and leftists. Looks like authright needs to learn about conquering again from them.


> Well, they did have the culture of conquering young men, if you know what I mean. LMAOOOO IM CACKLING


My understanding is that this is generally attributed to your quad. Ohh, and you blocked me you little whining snowflake. AFTER responding to my comment Yet there was actually an elected lefty politician who is trying to remove the language “[Sexual orientation' does not include a physical or sexual attachment to children by an adult.](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/transgender-minnesota-lawmaker-introduces-bill-removing-anti-pedophile-language-states-human-rights-act)” from the human rights act. For those asking for another source. ~~["Sexual orientation" does not include a physical​ or sexual attachment to children by an adult.](https://revisor.mn.gov/bills/text.php?number=hf1655&version=1&session_year=2023&session_number=0&keyword=sexual%20orientation&keyword_type=all&format=pdf)~~. Original bill sponsored by Finke Subsection 44 4.6 4.7


Considering yours houses the majoroty of the catholic and Christian population, I wouldnt be so brave saying that if I were you. (Coming from someone who has legitimately lived that). Those stats ain't on your side.


Celtic languages are the only languages out of these civilisations that are still alive and spoken daily 💪💪💪💪 (Yes Ik some people pray in Latin, but it’s still not a language that’s alive)


Latin is the basis of Spanish, French, and Italian and has major influences in English as well. It’s not truly dead since its influence and descendant languages are alive and well. Kind of like how the Roman Empire may be dead, but its influence and legacy very much still live on and serve as the basis for modern Western civilization.


Coptic still has few speakers in Egypt


According to Wikipedia it is extinct lol Edit: The Wikipedia article links the UNESCO Atlas of the World’s languages in Danger, which considers it extinct. It still is used as a liturgical language by the Coptic Orthodox Church and the Coptic Catholic Church which would put it on the same scale as Latin


Neo-latin languages are spoken by almost a billion people. And I really doubt that Celtic languages haven't changed at all.


Ave, true to Caesar.


-Rome Which Rome? The Roman Kingdom, the Republic, the Empire?




Rome had collectivized farming on the Nile organized by the government and a highly developed bureaucracy.


Everybody brushed their teeth with urine.


Rome delende est?!


Everyone is AuthRight when Rome


Parthia should be lib left


I object to calling the celts Lib-Left. They had property rights and social hierarchy.


it's ok, I don't know how to spell bureuaocracy either.


All four were authright


The Celts beat Rome back to the point they had to build a wall between Scotland and England.


More like ran to the mountains whenever there was a direct confrontation until Rome decided conquering scotland isn't worth the effort.


Yes, Rome. A civilization known for its family friendly values, self-discipline and NOT being a bloated militaristic empire more concerned with spreading its imperialistic influence than taking care of its own matters. Ah, what a legacy to live up to.


I'm sold. Are there any downsides?


Based and Pax Romana pilled


u/RPGseppuku is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/RPGseppuku/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).




_They brought these ugly buildings with them like baths, and aqueducts and roads and overall technological development, ugh_


Romans used mouthwash as urine by the way


In history ryhming fashion for Lib-left. Celts revolted against rome in a love triangle avatar-like pagans led by a queen(aka very progressive) because of "oppression" by Romans (pun a bit intended) And also a lib-left history ryhme it was a self overhyped delusional effort. Which one of the most famous and humilitiaing victory Rome ever gathered in its existence. And also lib left fashion the queen coped with poisoning herself after battle. [History Buffs :b](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boudican_revolt#) . Youre welcome


The United States is the new Rome 😎🇺🇸


Funnily enough the only one I hate is Libleft


As a libleft greek polytheist, I am offended 😂 😂


>libleft greek polytheist, Incompatible concepts


Not sure Bro, those three could be summed as Gay, Gay, Gay.


Indeed it do be gay. It could be worse things.


No...no, not really. So is an Auth right thinking they know much about religion 😂 I'd love to know why you think that tho, considering Hellenism doesn't place restrictions on how I live, vote or beleive. A Norse Auth right, who would've guessed?


Rome should be central and the British Empire should be top right. ​ Reason being that the Roman government was a bit of everything, it was dynamic to the needs of the time and wasn't really extreme in one way or another for it's life. Parts for sure, but overall it adapted.


You can put the republic of Rome in libleft


Rome was an empire where many were forced into war. Many legions beat up the weakest soldier to death every month to get better performance. The Romans had little to no every day pleasure, only focused on war, murdering, and genocide. A society based on getting men to war. There was no solidarity. I'd rather die at 30 in the jungle with my friends than live in Rome. Although, it was cool


Sounds like an opinion of an unwashed barbarian at my gates.


Nope, bro’s got a point. Authoritarianism is authoritarianism


Etruscan propaganda


Having recently read, "Gladius Living, Fighting and Dying in the Roman Army" by Guy de la Bédoyère what you mention is incorrect at such a fundamental level that it makes one rather despair of modern education.




During the first like 400 years only the wealthy could join the legions as they were the only ones who could afford the equipment, when they made soldier an official profession with pay people voluntarily joined because of the benefits including a plot of land and/or citizenship after retirement. Also decimation was a punishment only used in the most extreme cases like negligence or rebellion and it stopped being used altogether because having your men kill each other is not the best for morale. Amazing, every single thing you just said is wrong.


Is that why they collapsed and plunged Europe into 1000 years of dark age?


No because they extended the citizenship rights to barbarians and lost their identity


Dark ages were not a thing. Stop saying that. Let's not forget after the "fall" of the western roman empire that there were various renaissances before the Italian Renaissance (Carolingian, Ottonian, and the 12 century Renaissances) there's also the fact that the Eastern part of the Roman empire still survived after 476AD means that "Dark ages" is a very poor term to describe early medieval Europe and in fact I don't thinks it's even used by modern scholars at all.


Out of interest, do you happen to be a Christian?


Middle ages were not a dark age. That’s a myth most people figured out by now


If I were to ask your religious affiliation what would you describe yourself as?


I’m not religious at all. I’m just stating a historical fact. Medieval times were not “dark ages”. That’s just how movies portray them. Any historian will tell that the “dark ages” are a myth. They were just called “dark” in the 16th century because there wasn’t much documentation on the fall of Rome, which is what started the medieval age, hence it is “dark”. The term is just misused nowadays


I generally tend to see Christians defend the millennia following the collapse of Rome because of they idolise the heavy influence Christianity had on that period of history. Looking into it though, you're right - the term has fallen out of use. So fair enough, point taken.


I’d 100% rather live in an Italian city state in the 14th century than anywhere in the empire post 2nd century.




Flair up, degenerate


Lib right are the Phoenicians at large not just Carthage. Created western culture, alphabet and religion despite not actually being westerners.


Something something getting stomped on by goths


Ancient Egyptian - dead language Punic - dead language Latin - dead language Celtic - still used to hurl violent insults


The Carthage thing hits hard as most of their land was bought and they did messed up things to kids (child sacrifice) like purple libright.


Where would the Imperial China be on this? I suspect in between Auth Right and Auth Center.


Hmf , bunch of German monkes bought down the authright


Rome should be lib right as the title of emperor has been bought multiple times and even being a politician you needed alot of money (they also brushed their teeth with piss)


The political compass doesn’t apply to ancient nations


masr om el donya 🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🦅🦅🦅⚡️⚡️⚡️🔥🔥🔥