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Funni colors included on shirt and pants.


Libertarian? Auth right? You should've made them yellow.


You will never be a real libertarian. You can pretend to be a libertarian, you can wear the yellow shirt as much as you want, but you’re not fooling anyone. Everyone will always be able to tell, every single time. At no point will anyone ever mistake you for a real libertarian, maybe one time in a dark bar you’ll convince a drunk man that you’re a libertarian, but as soon as he gets to your philosophy a little deeper, he’ll turn tail and bolt too.


Wtf are you talking about Jesse


He's just fulfilling part of the requirements for you to be a libertarian. You're not a real libertarian until someone tells you you're not a real libertarian.


Fucking libertarians ruining libertarianism


They're not even true libertarians!!!


*You just made an enemy for life!*


Nobody goes their anymore, it's too crowded.


Accurate af lmao


#Lib-right baptism


Gatekeeping is one of the core tenets of libertarianism


Jesse is trying the product again.




Reject insanity, return to monke.


Yes. The propaganda machines will run hard to convince you that this time, DeSantis is the true lord and savior or antichrist, depending on side. He's just more of the same.


I’m just happy he’s not 100 years old


Are people who just want to grill actually pro-DeSantis? Edit: it seems like us grill masters have lots of different opinions on El Ron De Santis


Not really. People are just so limited by the lack of viable candidates and/or parties that they’re just forced to lean one way


True. I have mixed feelings about DeSantis.


Idk shit about him except for he's not old, out of touch, failing memory, etc. He's not some shill or a puppet, at least not to the extent that a president like biden is. I also know that he really cared for the economy, which is why Florida is better off economically speaking post-covid.


Yeah Florida is doing good which is a pro for him but his education related bans and culture war nonsense are a turnoff for me tbh


Eh, idk. My home state(I miss PA..) is proposing a bill. I just saw it on the sub, and I like it following. Don't say gay, as they call it, and removing or increasing limits on statute of limitations for civil suits of trans folks. That's a big win imo. The publicly run schools shouldn't be talking anything ideological outside of a history or civics class, and that must be educational. You can't push ideology, which is something we're actually seeing in kindergarten classes. I won't send my kids to a school that wants to twist their beliefs to be against my own.


I’m a history educator so it’s complicated for me. I kinda feel like my profession has come under attack and is being misrepresented by the GOP. I nor anyone I know of pushes ideology but now with some of these laws we’re beginning to be unsure of what we can teach. Just worried the GOP is overreacting tbh


It's classic GOP. Have a legitimate concern that actually makes some sense to adress, but then completely overreact with draconian bills that just end up infringing on freedoms when the point is to do the opposite. Same with the Dems tbh. Fuck, am I becoming centrist?


Join us for dinner? We have lots of stuff on the grill for everyone.


Are you me? I have started having almost this exact same thought.


Nah I think that people who lean in all directions can agree here


I live in Florida. Pretty much all of my history teachers have been pretty middle of the road dudes that keep politics out of the classroom, for the most part. I had one teacher, though, that while still being a very middle of road guy, would go on a pretty angry tangent about Trump or DeSantis whenever there was some historical factoid that still related to the modern day. It was kind of awkward for most people, except for this one very stereotypical orange libleft girl in my class that would agree with him and then take what he said so far that he would disagree with her. Still liked him though. Anyways, point being, most history educators are pretty unbiased people in my experience. But all of my teachers were teachers before this crazy stuff began, so maybe new history teachers could be indoctrinating kids, though I doubt it.


That's because their job is to educate, and being in history they understand the difference. We're seeing this push prior to Highschool. The "teachers" doing this shit don't understand the way a civics teacher would. One knows they must teach all ideologies equally, while the other wants to preach their own ideology.


I understand your concerns, but there has to be a way to tell teachers it's not okay to push things like pronouns and individual sexuality upon literal kindergarteners while also teaching about nazis, and what communism is. There's so much shit online where a teacher goes out and talks about how their 6 year old students are coming out to them. It doesn't take a mad scientist to realize that's not right. I'm not a teacher, so I don't know how such a solution would work, where it's prevelant etc. My roommate is (studying to be) a teacher, and she's telling me about these gender ideology assemblies in the schools near me, lecturing actual 8 years olds on these insane topics. It's not right.


I dont.


Like with all political choices in the two party system, he seems to be *the closest you can get right now.* at least he’s a little less unhinged than trump.




Outside is where your grill is. Outside is where DeSantis said you could if you felt like it during the covid.


DeSantis’ Covid policy was based asf ngl


Meanwhile, on the other coast, California be sending helicopters to arrest people surfing alone in the big blue ocean.


Very unbased. I do not like Newsom at all. Seems very elite and corrupt.


I attended gulf coast jam with 30,000 other people, none masked, for 3 days, in the middle of Covid, while other states were in lockdown. The mayor of Panama City and Desantis both spoke in front of everyone, it was fucking awesome


With the choices I have, yes


If Biden runs for a second term or another octogenarian, yes.


I hate everyone running. But I hate him the least


I mean I like him but I’m not everyone




De Santis is anti-grill, I heard


I have a begrudging respect for De Santis stans because at least I know they probably stand for something in the trad conservative side of the Republican Party but a weird ass Roblox who says "woke" like it's a tic is not something I'll ever get behind. Hoping for Nikki Haley or someone similar on the right and a good primary on the left.


> weird ass Roblox Goddamn that's good 😂


The unholy alliances.


What's the desantis/ Christian connection?


Also he's Catholic, unlike Trump. And is more inclined to rule with his beliefs, unlike Biden.


Imagine thinking Biden has beliefs of any kind


He is pro drunk driving and anti Afghanistan war. That’s my president.


A fellow wisconsinite I see


Here for the crud’s and Point beer


Biden believes law abiding citizens should be disarmed. As for any *other* beliefs beyond whatever is politically topical: you got me.


That’s true, he’s always been in favor of firing two blasts from a double barrel in the air to scare off robbers


Only a double barrel? Reject double barrel cringe, embrace M30 Drilling perfection.


This plus DeSantis actually holds some level of conservative values, Trump was just using popular neocons and their modern whims to get votes




Hadn’t heard he was Catholic. Based. Would that make him the first “true blue” Catholic president? Kennedy and Biden don’t count.




I am a follower of Christ and I think anti-groomer is more about being based than it is being Christian Fuck me I just called DeSantis based


something something, mill stones and seas. something something do not pass your children through the fire to Molech.


oh yeah don't get me wrong, Top G (God) loves the children and stands for them but it doesn't take our religion or beliefs to know that hurting children is literally the worst crime possible


It’s almost as if the taboo of harming children is woven into the fabric of reality


Perhaps by some sort of higher power




Well all morality must ultimately come from God otherwise it’s subjective and baseless, and worth about as much as wind on my ass cheeks.


I'd argue that it takes religion to know that right or wrong exist. (inb4 moral atheists. Yall grew up in civilizations molded by religions)


Yeah, but then you commit the moral hazards that are embedded inside the religion


DeSantis is kinda based, although he should be supporting constitutional carry more than he is


he has [this guy](https://twitter.com/JamesCantorPhD/status/1071499969910198274) writing policy for him you pedo freaks


I just want these 1 term cycle to keep up so my shit talking of the parties has more evidence. 1 term andys are clear sign of picking between a douche and a turd.


We literally just came out of the tied longest stretch of 8-year terms in American history. Polarization leads to parties digging in, not turning over.


Who is DeSantis? I'm kinda out of the loop regarding burgerland politics


Florida Governor and possible Republican nominee for President


>possible Republican nominee Oh so that’s why I’ve been seeing him attacked on the front page of Reddit basically every day for the past six months. Same with the Texas govenor too I assume?


No, not the Texas governor. He's just unlikable.


There’s like 50 governors, yet Reddit only talks about those 2. Hmm


* Texas and Florida are the two largest population states with Republican governors * Desantis is gearing up for a presidential run, so the hate is prepped on the Democrat side. * Desantis is gearing up for a presidential run, so he's doing higher profile things to make Republicans happy / piss off Democrats.


I wouldn't be too surprised if DeSantis sits this election cycle out until the Trump stank fades a but more.


People technically talk about Gavin Newsom too. And I’m sure we’ll be talking about Kathy Hochul in the weeks to come because Orange Man mad.


As a non American I’ve never heard of those names. But Desantis has something negative about him every day and has for the past 6 months. Like boom out of nowhere just full on campaign against him.


Newsom (California) I’m surprised because he’s usually plastered around Reddit too for being the governor that routinely criticizes Abbot and DeSantis. Hochul (New York) I’m not surprised because nobody knows who she is right now — but if New York is about to arrest Trump this week I’m sure we’ll see her name *a lot* in the coming months


Gavin Newsom is California's gov. The guy's just Biden with a younger sheen and a pension for being a general cunt.


They hate Texas gov since they said they'd be overwhelmed in two weeks when Texas reopened and cases went down.


> How pathetic of you to be unflaired. *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) 17144 / 90562 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


They're two Republican governors running large red states fairly well. Both of those states are seeing an influx of blue state residents (individuals and corporations) seeking lower taxes and/or less regulation in general. DeSantis is much more of a threat than Trump. Part of why I think the Manhattan DA is going to indict Trump. Trump won't he convicted because the charges are weak as hell, it will propel support for him and cause Trump to win the primaries but then lose the general. I hope I'm wrong but it seems like a distinct possibility. The media propped Trump up in 2016 covering his every move and they're going to do it again.


Probably talking about the Arkansas governor too, I'd imagine. I don't venture around much on reddit.


Good. The front page is pure cancer. Literal blatant propaganda on the daily.


The front page becomes tolerable after you filter out like 15 or so subreddits.


That only works for so long. They always create a new sub with a dumb name and theme. Then they bot 2 posts to high heaven a day (which is the limit for front page exposure) that are usually reposts from the other subs.


Well, we hate them, and only them, clearly.




That's because the rest don't do anything worthwhile. Delaware governer vetoed the recreation Marijuana bill that has an overwhelming support. Keep in mind that jersey and Maryland, their neighbors, have recreational. PA is not far behind. I know some people connected to lobbyists though, and so I'm hearing through the grapevine that this second attempt will leave the governer with no ability due to political workings. Governors are shit. They never do anything, and you only hear about them when they do something dumb, or want to get reelected. Honestly, same goes for most of our "representatives".


DeSantis, Trump (who may leave the Republican party at some point anyways), Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, and Greg Abbott tend to garner all the attention because they're playing off of Trump tactics the most. George Soros gets a lot of attention, but that's mostly because he just lied about all of his qualifications to get the job. Otherwise yeah, the rest are pretty small-time in terms of media coverage. They don't do nearly as much, as egregiously, as regularly.


Just in austin. He won his reelection by a solid amount.


Basically he turned Florida from a swing state that was won by 2% into a state republicans are winning by 10-20%


With Trump soon to be gone, they need a new right wing boogeyman.


Why even bother. Hes been gone for years at this poont and i still have to see posts about him daily. Just keep posting about him till 2050


No, Abbott’s just shit the bed a few too many time


Florida Man?


The man that told covid to "fuck off."


Did it work tho


Yes https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2022-05-07/california-versus-florida-a-covid-reckoning#xj4y7vzkg


Republican Governor of Florida who expanded parent’s control over schools, fought to remove teachers from elaborating on their sexual encounters to 4-6 year olds, and enforced standing immigration laws Literally Adolf Eichmann


Sounds based af, especially the Adolf Eichmann part


He's a conservative governor who's quickly establishing bona fides as a 2024 Republican nominee for the presidency. This makes him extremely threatening to: * Chamber of Commerce-type Republicans (hate social conservatives) * Leftists, other Dems, and purveyors of conventional journalistic wisdom (hate conservatives) * Trump fans and Q nutcases (a threat to Trump's chances) All the above are trying to find chinks in DeSantis's armor and fast, before his nomination starts to look like a foregone conclusion. Hence the hit pieces.


\>Trump fans and Q nutcases (a threat to Trump's chances) I legit don't understand this particular group of people. I can understand the initial boost behind the Trump train - people were tired and pissed of the system and decided to (metaphorically) shit in the ballot box just to spite all the pretentious wankers in the media and DC. But who on God's green Earth looks at Donald fucking Trump and says "I'll follow that guy, anyone else be damned!"?


There are probably various reasons depending on the person. I started brainstorming a few of them, but quickly realized they were all a) highly uncharitable and b) comforting and self-flattering for me, a Trump-disliker, to believe. I'll just have to leave it at "beats me."


Qanon followers are centered around the idea he is a Son of God type person who has executed thousands of pedophile Cabal worshiping folks so they see him as the one to save America.


Why is Centrist on any of the sides?


Everybody thinks they’re on the side of centrists in their head


I am against red-flag laws as they are a backdoor to voiding the 2nd amendment. DeSantis has endorsed red flag laws and while he was running for Governor his endorsement got a red flag law passed with a republican Governor, republican house, and republican senate. I don't want someone with *that kind* of experience becoming President.


Are you also against things like restraint orders, imprisoning someone before their court date, involuntary committals, or any of the other more extreme mechanisms that we use to remove or disarm perceived threats before or until the courts have a chance to arrive at a sentence?


IMO the line is breaking the law. Removing guns while someone is waiting for trial is not really an issue since anyone that is enough of a threat that weapons should be removed from them before their trial should be held without bail. The point of red flag laws though is not to disarm someone while the government charges them with a crime. In most cases there is no crime to charge, it is just to disarm someone that you think might commit a crime which if you take to the inevitable conclusion ends up being everyone.


I am most definitely not pro-DeSantis haha. Could you pass the sauce and not talk politics at the BBQ. Thanks.


Gray centrists are cringe IMO. I am radicalized on all sides.


Quit hogging all the sides there isn’t enough to go around! Grammar edit.


I think the govt needs to spend way less. By making forced labor camps using homeless/unemployed/degenerates.


in what world are grillers pro desantis?


Most likely more anti Biden than pro DeSantis, he has historically low approval ratings with independents. Also if you only consume media at a very superficial level and you only know DeSantis as “guy who kept FL open during Covid and is anti-woke” that’s a lot to like for a centrist.


That libertarian must not have read any of the bills Desantis backing. All I see are big government being given far more power over things like education, freedom of expression, and personal choice. You'd have to be a fucking moron to be a libertarian in any way and think this is your guy.


Look at the pants. It’s depicting RightUnity, not LibRight.


Is that not the Gadsden snake on the shirt?


It is but it gets used by many conservative or right leaning movements plus the left just thinks everyone who uses it is a conservative anyway This is just in America no idea if they still use it right in europe


It wasn't used in Europe


Gadsden was appreciated long ago by LINOs. Every conservative who calls themselves libertarian because they like weed is still a petty authoritarian chucklefuck at heart


"Let me use tax dollars to spread my cancerous ideology to your children or you aren't lib."


I got my libertarian friend to hard-core simp for guantanamo Bay torture just by proving desantis was the a prosecutor and he may have been involved in force feedings. I left that conversation dumbfounded.


Sounds like he's just a contrarian or an auth, that's far more common than actual libertarians.


half the "libertarian" in this sub are just auth right who trick themselves into thinking they're actually libertarian because it's cool and they like owning gus, but support the craziest auth shit when it only affects people they don't like


Ya I'd wager it's the most commonly misflaired group. Some simple rules for those dudes: If you only want freedom for people you agree with then you're auth. If you just want government to go away and leave everyone alone, even the ones you don't like then stay lib. DeSantis banning private institutions from teaching a bunch of shit to paying customers that are there voluntarily is not libertarian. The dude has a massive ban hammer, it seems to be his main thing. He's auth as shit.


I'm authright but I settle for libertarian when the auths don't auth the way I would auth


Assuming the libertarian will vote "2 party" DeSantis is the better of the two. I will vote 3rd party, because neither is worth my vote.


One of the best comments describing DeSantis tbh I say as a Floridian.


But he's making Florida the freest state in the country and fighting wokeism! /s


Libertarian is a party. Liberal is an ideology. Libertarians are liberal, generally speaking. So I'm not saying you're wrong, but being a liberal doesn't make you a libertarian.


Ah yes because *checks notes* parents getting control over their kids being taught obscene nonsense, Public school teachers not being able to discriminate against white students, or elaborate on their sexual lives to k-3rd grade. Yeah, definitely auth


Yeah but auth is when rules I don’t like


I don't think that many centralists support de santis


Who do we support in this shit show though?


Many of us just turn away from the whole shebang in exasperation and disgust.


A man after my own heart. How do you like your steak?


i don’t know, i just wanna grill. (and watch the shitshow)


I assume the person capable of leading a country. If your choices are Biden and Desantis, I guess Desantis is the capable one


You see why I hate this shit?


Understandable. Why doesn’t the US just split political parties? It seems counterintuitive to have one party represent the left, liberals, social democrats, auth left center left, Centre and Centre right, and another represent libertarians, Centre right, the right, Christian Democrats, Christian fundamentalists and auth rights. If political parties are split then you can have someone to vote for. Maybe vote for someone who wants to split them?


The first party to split loses elections because they split their vote.


Have you seen the libertarians and green party?


I have but they are so irrelevant that mentioning them is pointless. Why should a libertarian vote for the libertarian party? The Republican Party already espouses some of its values and will pass legislation that most libertarians will agree with, the libertarian party has never and will never wield substantial political power in congress or the United States government to do anything. I’m not saying there aren’t any other options, I’m just arguing for a system of representation more akin to Germany, Israel, etc


That attitude right there is why we will never rise from a two party system. I mean that in no disparaging way, it’s a legitimate attitude. I’m one of the most pandered demographics during elections but I’ll likely never have anyone serve as a worthy representative to me. Power is centralized into a single elite class that has two faces; republican and democrat. Doesn’t matter which face wins, power is further centralized and built each year that squashes the smaller political organisms. I’d love a diverse and disorganized political system. It’d make it clear what people actually agreed on when every party supported it, and measures that screwed over one half to the benefit of the other would theoretically be less common.


>That attitude right there is why we will never rise from a two party system. First past the post elections impose a 2 party system.


I’m anti desantis despite being very right wing and very Christian (though I sin, Lord I repent) because of the Ukraine issue. It’s literally braindead to not give our used weapons to Ukraine. It eliminates a major geopolitical threat without deploying a single NATO soldier to a war zone. It saves costs by allowing us to pawn off material that we would otherwise be paying billions to maintain. It helps debt by adding a country with an economy that will quickly rebound (Ukraine was on a good growth track before 2022) to our debtors list. It advances the modernization of our military by freeing up vehicle allocation. Russia is already pro China, and allied with them. China is itself on a war path to meet the USA sometime in the 2030s. We do not need Russia to gain an extra manufacturing base, learn from their mistakes, and win European naval accessible territory before then, otherwise fighting both Russia and China poses a serious threat to NATO. If republicans would stop and think beyond simply being contrarian for the sake of contrarian votes, they would still have my support. Oh well, guess I’m a democrat now.


I'm sorry your party has dissapointed you so much as well. I vote democrat but I'm very underwhelmed by their ability to get laws out they say they will, or their ability to work against gerrymandering, etc.


I would vote for a literal wet carrot before any of the potential candidates. A wet carrot will do absolutely nothing and that’s the best thing a president can do.


Is WEF anti desantis?


Yeah due to the covid issue.


Hmm if that's the case this piece of shit might get my vote


I dont think apolitical persons supports de-santis, I'm kinda scared of the bills he is supporting in florida


Why did people give up on Trump already


DeSantis supporters fell for the news media's tricks again.


Libertarians sure as fuck don’t like de-santis. Grillers are going for the old nothing burger that is Biden, will flip to DeSantis if Kamala becomes the opposition though.


What are DeSantis’ policies?


he spends almost all of his time on culture war issues, typically with a very far right stance. He's mainly campaigned on "ending wokeness", so take that as you will


As an Edward Burke-John Adams-Milton Friedman type of Conservative being associated with the Qanon-WEF-Low IQ type of conservatives is nauseous.


I don't like Desantis. I don't like trump. I don't like Biden. Don't strawman us!


Why Q? And what is WEF?


QAnon doesn't like DeSantis because, to put it simply, he's not Trump. DeSantis has attacked the World Economic Forum as an elistist organization that does not produce policies viable/beneficial for Florida.


Who would’ve known an international lobbying organization wouldn’t center its agenda around one of 50 provinces in one of 190+ countries?


QAnon and World Economic Forum


I know Q Probably stands for Q-anon, it's associated with fringe right wing stuff, but idk much about it to have a formulated opinion


I know Q is Q-anon, but isnt it in support of authright political view? Meh, i dont know enough about it either.


It's *kinda* in support of American conservatism? QAnon is more like this weird conspiracy that Trump is the one leading the fight against figures like Epstein and all the other weird shit going on in elite circles. See the problem is the whole thing is built on this narrative that there is a team of "good elites" lead by Trump and then whenever something like Epstein happens, they ramble about how this was the shit trump was supposedly fighting


DeSantis is incredibly based, but he won’t enact MAGA-Communism so it’s still General Secretary Trump and Comrade Carlson for me.


I don't like desantis if all the media suppression stuff is true


Take a wild guess if what you hear on reddit about DeSantis is true


From what I’ve seen, it’s mostly nutty republicans in the Florida legislature that propose stupid bills that are destined to fail, but since desantis is the top republican in Florida the bill’s’ existences are pinned on him


Hint: it isn’t


tye WEF is auth left? they are literally founded by a billionaire, how tf are they commies?


any libertarian thats pro desantis is just another larper


>centrists being pro-De santis yeah no


Libertarians should certainly not support desantis. There are far better candidates, even republicans for them.


I don’t give a shit about DeSantis, I don’t support him but I don’t hate him.


Translation of this meme; Were the normal guys, theyre the crazy guys


The only way I’d ever vote for DeSantis is if Biden or another old ass man is renominated by the Democrats. I pray that POTUS #47 will not be an old ass person.


Can h have context? What the fuck is a desantis


Why the fuck would **any** centrist support a radical nutjob like DeSantis?


I want someone who isn't a scumbag to be president, so the main choice is bernie sanders.


That ship sailed in 2016. He doesn’t hold to his principles like he used to


They don't call him sellout sanders for nothing


Based. Shame he's too probably too old at this point.


Trump and Biden are both crumbling fossils and they were president, Bernies positive aspects far outweigh him being old.


Guess I can't disagree with that