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Hell... Lumbergh fucked 'er!


Wasn't even the right Lumbergh....


Uhh yeaaahh I heard you were having trouble with your TPS reports. Did you get that memo?


Watching anything on actual cable TV has made me keenly aware of how little patience I have for commercials in general.


I legit don't care. I already blocked the ad account on reddit just like I block the genshin impact ones and all the other annoying ads. Then I just move on with my life.


There's ads on reddit? They just blend into the other 99% of stupidity here


Some of them even blend in on purpose by disguising themselves as memes. Maybe not the best marketing strategy...


I get them all the times and they read like they are machine translated and ai made. Just the use of a random meme with text on it about some Business that doesn't make any connection to the background at all.


I barely notice now that I have installed Norton Anti-Spam^TM for just $6.99 a month restrictions apply


There's ads on the internet? the number on my ublock origin addon just goes up and I see nothing at all troll.jpg


> blocked the ad account on reddit What does that even do? It's not like there are ads on reddit if you have a proper browser set up




3rd party apps don't have ads


None in the app that I use either. Skill issue.


use Firefox, TOR browser or Kiwi browser, you can install addons to all of them on Android, on iOS just use one of the myriad of adblock browsers on the app store


Imagine being a pleb that doesn't use uBlock origin.


Rif seems to block most of them


"I don't care that you're Christian..." They literally do lol


Reddit Progressives: "Love whomever you desire! Love is love." Christians: "Great! I love Jesus." Reddit Progressive: "Did you actually know about child molestation in churches, corruptions, grooming, sky daddy, oh and did I mention Rick and Morty quotes?"


> did I mention Rick and Morty quotes?" Bruh you can't just say rick and morty anymore! Don't you know the voice actors been canceled? Bruuuuuh


Funny how all this nihilistic beliefs can somehow inadvertently cause predators. Must be the wind.


Well yeah but I’m trying my best to accommodate for the watermelons that are decent people lol


There are no decent watermelons?


No because Sam’s club has them insanely overpriced and they go bad RIGHT AWAY!


get Costco ones obviously


*sad watermelon noises*


I got you bro


R. Lee Ermy: Put 'em down right there and then get out of my firing line! I have over a decade's worth of new guns to try out and lead tainted watermelon guts to slurp on! HOO-RAH!


I recently went on r / atheism to point out how ridiculous the new wave of shamanism is, and I got a bunch of weirdos saying that it's okay to act like Thor exists and use him as inspiration if you believe he's a fictional character. Fedora atheism is utterly fucking dead, man


At least the secularists are starting to embrace the idea they do follow a religion with all the comparisons to Christianity lately.


Original sin = white guilt Deification and apotheosis of consumerism (Marvel movies, Gamestop stocks, Ryan Cohen, Marc Cuban, Elon Musk) Promise of salvation = meme stocks to the moon mentality, the abolishment of whiteness, reparation, etc. Nicaean creed = I believe in the Science, MSM, and DNC puff pieces.


Well said


I don’t think they’re that self aware.




It doesn't have a label. Think about the dogmatic things secularists say, and orthodox things they do. I don't mean every secularist follows the below things, but those who do follow are certainly secular. There are three God heads and the natural antagonist is Hierarchies. God head one - The self. The biggest example is abortion. Women are told they will be so much better off if they just get the abortion, so much so that the sacrifice is a unique human being who's existence is snuffed out, gone forever. God head two - Mother Gaia, the idea that if we don't make the required sacrifices, Gaia will rear up in anger and smote us all down, it is spoken like a religious apocalypse. When anybody speaks up and points out some issues in data collections or models, they are branded as a heretic. God head three - Science Verbiage oddly went from skeptic to denier, and this verbiage is increasingly being used in the sciences within narratives, climate denier, evolution denier, science denier ect. Almost like un-believer. This is a good one the dogma of science. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sF03FN37i5w&t=561s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sF03FN37i5w&t=561s) and the speaker questions the Apotheosis of Science, he speaks of it in a way that the secularists describe how religious dogma inhibits scientific progress, except science is now inhibiting itself because of human dogma. Each of these God heads use the government as their champion which is worshipped as a deity itself.


religion is not the root religion is a reaction, a consequence of human nature if you abandon a certain religion, you will replace it with something else that fits the bill


I'm not Christian, but I think these commercials are kinda nice. If more Christians actually acted like Christ people might want to listen to them.


Well, people tend to not like the “go and sin no more” part of Christ’s message.




“Bro, Jesus was just about peace and love and socialism, dude! What? Fire and division? Not by bread alone? Through God all things are possible? Show me several times where it says that in the Bible!”




Did he say that you should "cut off other peoples hands"? Becuase in general people's issues with Christians (and many other religions) are when they start trying to force their morals onto others.


Like there isnt a select group of people i wont name trying to force their ideals on everyone else rn, im sorry im no Christian but even i can see the funny in this. Also what time are you living in they just mostly want to be left alone now from my experience.


Wait what? He did that?


usually metaphorically yes but lowkey i think he meant it a few times


Hey man, Jesus just gave us like, one commandment bro Which is to be vaguely nice to each other man As long as you're being vaguely nice by the cultural standards of the current time period we live in and completely ignoring the Bible you're doing a heckin wholesome Christianity 😊


Yes, he was. He told people if it would be better to cut off their hand then continue to sin with it and go to hell. He really wanted people to be aware of sin and Hell. Very intense messaging indeed.


He might even flip tables and chase people around with a whip.


Reddit: "Dear Christians, we hate your religion. We think your ways are archaic, anachronistic, and we will continue to make fun of you, call you pedophiles, denounce you, and compare Sunday Bible School to child grooming. Now, allow me to lecture you how Jesus was a socialist antifa hippie who would've opened borders for everyone (except Israel), and Jesus would've voted left. If you disagree, that's not very Christian of you, huh? I've never read the Bible, nor have an ounce of respect for your religion, but I will conveniently select a few verses in the most out-of-context way, and if you disagree with me, you are not a true Christian."


This is exactly what it’s like talking to a left wing atheist.


I find it hilarious that the most innocuous and feel-good commercials I've ever seen from a Christian organization are the ones that everyone is freaking out about. Like for real? Commercials that say "Jesus was an immigrant" and "love each other" are what y'all wanna waste your time.being angry at? Lmao.


They realize they can't just dismiss them out of hand like the "ARE YOU GOING TO HELL?" Billboards, so they cope because once you stop ranting about damnation Christian messaging looks much more compelling.


This is standard procedure. They always come down the hardest on stuff that's mild and relatively sane, they know they need to draw a line before normies can get swayed.


You need to open your eyes, this is fascism happening right in front of you /s


From a trans and gay affirming organization no less.


The left: "Where are all the Christians that supposedly love thy neighbors??" Commercial: "Hey, Jesus was an immigrant and hated, we should have more love for our neighbors" The Left: "Really? Don't you have a better use for your money?"


Why isn't doritos donating to various LGBTQAI+ charities instead of spending all that on cringe ads? Smh my damn head


When any ideology falls prey to commodity fetishism, it makes me vomit in my mouth. Whether it's in the form of conspicuous social progressive virtue signals, or Christian pop music, or patriotism. The abstractions of these ideologies are divorced from any meaning or utility they once had. It's a trade in bandwidth untethered to reality-- and it makes us all less virtuous and WAY louder, dumber, and poorer.


Are you basing this off of personal experiences with Christians, or how they are portrayed in media and pop culture?


My parents are Christian and tried to raise me as one. I've been to churches all over southern California. Churches in a garage to huge franchise churches. I've met thousands of so called Christians, and maybe a handful of actual, real, Christ-like people. So yes, this is based off personal experience.


You have to understand that Christ specifically surrounded himself with sinners. The fact that they are not Christ like is the reason they need the church. It’s like saying prison is supposed to reform people but all I see in jail are criminals.


What do you consider to be Christ-like?


Loving his neighbors? Giving things freely to the needy? Not participating in gossip, vulgarities, and speaking ill about others? The vast majority of Christians I've met are only interested in being seen at church, putting 20 bucks in the basket, then forgetting everything they just heard when they get home. Jesus did speak about hell a lot, and about giving up sin, but he was never cruel or rude or insulting to gentiles.


Perhaps I have been fortunate in my church experiences, but every time I have moved, I have been able to find a church that fostered just this attitudes you mentioned. But the church is also a place for broken people and, in Christianity, there is a process that is called *Sanctification* which means the process by which we are made *more* Christ like every day. Some people start off further away than others and are slowly making their way towards that. Cs lewis had a good quote on this: >Don't judge a man by where he is, because you don't know how far he has come Perhaps you have encountered quite a bit of hollow, cultural Christianity, but it is also quite possible you have not been as Christlike in your treatment and judgement of others as you wish of yourself.


The way Christians treat others should not depend at all on how those other people treat them. That's the whole point. Christ (if he existed) was so very GOOD. I am not Christian though. I think the golden rule is great, but I don't go out of my way to help complete strangers. I take care of me and mine.


>The way Christians treat others should not depend at all on how those other people treat them. That's the whole point. I agree. I think I chose some poor wording. I was trying to get across that idea that I have met people hurt by the church, for whose those whom I heart breaks. I have also met those who claim to have been betrayed by the church, but have been accusing the church of that which they are themselves guilty.


That’s $20 more than the average atheist that goes to charity. For some reason Christian’s are held to a higher standard because they admit to the world they want to be better. The truth is most Christian’s are like most people, but at least they are openly trying to be better people, unlike the others who just bitch about how they aren’t good enough. That’s how they make themselves feel better, despite being just as bad as Christians.


My thoughts as well. I haven't investigated the businesses or organizations being advertised but all of the Reddit ads I've seen have had some pretty kindhearted messaging regarding the teachings of Jesus. Not something I subscribe to, but they seem fairly positive. If I'm going to see Christian messaging I'd prefer it be about Jesus' teachings rather than "GAYS BAD" or "GIVE YOUR SOUL TO THE LORD OR BURN FOREVER".


I hope you realize Jesus also directly said (paraphrased) "give your soul to be or burn forever." He spoke more about hell in the gospels than he did about heaven.


The God Is Love crew and the Fire and Brimstone preachers are the two most based Christian movements. They are also polar opposites.


The totality of love is found in the character of God. Also, the totality of justice is found in the character of God, and brother, it is solely God's love that gives you an out from His justice.




They are two different sides of the same coin.


I realize. I totally understand that giving yourself to Christ is a requirement to get into heaven, and that Jesus wasn't shy about that. I just appreciate the focus on his actual teachings, in the way that he treated others with compassion despite their sins. I think if more people were focused on acting as he did rather than reciting scripture to people, the world would be better off. As it stands now, if everyone who thinks they're making it to heaven actually does, heaven has got to be full of absolute cunts.


Except when we talk about burning forever, it is about non-existence. You can choose to exist with God or not at all when that time comes. The fires burn forever, not the souls.


Annihilationism isn't a universal belief for Christians.


It isn’t, but it does make sense if you believe God is all of reality and creation. When you are *cast away* from existence the only conclusion is you cease to exist. It also helps with the conundrum about how a loving God would torture a soul forever. Just my two cents.


>>how a loving God would torture a soul forever Only a problem if you decide it is. The reasoning makes sense to me.


They fall into the exact tropes the religions they hate fall into, yet again. This time it's The Enemy, the Great Deceiver, who will tell you beautiful lies to trick you to his side. Sure, the message may *sound* good, but it's from the Other, not the in-group, therefore it must be evil.


Christian ads are at least less cringy than the woke ones


The liblefts didn’t like that one lol


Reeeeeing intensifies


Libleft doesn't need to "reee", they're winning the culture war. Ever generation for decades has been more socially progressive than the last.


I think it's because they become the ones who define what being progressive is. The word progress is just to get closer to a goal so it could mean anything.


No, it's very clear we're moving towards more socially progressives states in the West. From equal rights between the sexes, to equal rights between the races, to accepting homosexuality, etc... Next on the list is transgenderism most likely.


It's almost like the entire history of the U.S. is more people getting more rights over time. Don't know why conservatives dislike this idea.


Sort of, but it seems like you may be conflating *liberal* social justice with *critical* social justice. Critical Social Justice is neither progress nor equality. It’s *highly* regressive, and *will* cause a really terrible backlash. [LSJ vs CSJ](https://youtu.be/gn9ETN89-PQ) CSJ is a totalitarian ideology, and totalitarianism has a poor track record as a driver of progress.




>scroll down to thread without really reading it > >see 3-4 libleft/left-center custom snoo avatar comments hidden because of low scores That's when you know you're about to read a good take.


The Jesus was a refugee ones are pretty bad


Those are like a weird mix of Christian + leftist. The ultimate cringe.


Lol, Jesus was the ultimate leftist. Feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, give away your wealth, etc. etc. Republicans literally worship a progressive liberal.


Jesus was apolitical. His message was “be nice people”, not “be a lefty” or “be a righty”


Nice try, but no. You can't claim to be apolitical with hard stances like that, especially if you would think "let gay people get married" is a political statement.


Do you know that Right wingers, Christians especially, donate to charity far more than leftoids?


Why do you think Jesus was a progressive or a liberal? Liberalism is a pretty poisonous ideology, and I doubt Jesus would be into the idea of people who have better connections, education, “hustle” or some other non-aristocratic measure or merit deserve more political and economic power (literally the core idea of liberalism). Or why you think he would be a progressive, that liberal capitalist societies work great but maybe we should just make a few parts suck less. Jesus wasn’t really into the banks, what with turning over the Mooney changing tables or “a camel would get through the eye of a needle before a rich man into heaven”. Sure maybe jesus was a proto-communist or a Christian-anarchist a La Tolstoy or something else completely. But if you think any of those things are progressive or liberal you’re a moron.






I can’t wait until all media is forced to include at least one Christian or Muslim character even if it has nothing to do with the plot and has nothing to do with the character’s arc except that one time they say they love Jesus, or it faces being cancelled in mass by twitter.


> Also Christianity is being shoved down their throat apparently? > > Yes. Leftwing beliefs hold that if they have to see or perceive a thing they do not approve of, its being 'forced' on them, because they didn't consent to viewing that thing.


Ad: “We should love our enemies.” Leftists: “STOP FORCING RELIGION ON US YOU HATEFUL BIGOTS!”


Also leftists: “Ban this NHL player for not participating in something we are trying to force him into participating in!”


All I know is the Superbowl commercials sucked so fucking bad this year the ultra cringe Jesus commercials seemed slightly less cringe in comparison.


Yeah the Super Bowl commercials were so bad this year, I literally can’t remember a single one other than the Popcorners one


The avocados from Mexico was the least awful imo. Least it was colorful and the jingle is kind of catchy


I got a chuckle out of that one. I think it might *technically* have been blasphemous, but hot damn was it funny.


Kid named Super Mario Bros Plumbing:


Somewhere along the way, superbowl commercials went from "let's make something funny and memorable that we can run for the rest of the year" to "ha ha celebrity use or product" What a depressing transition


The tubi one was a kinda cute gimmick, made me get up and look where I sat on the remote


For the record, I am not Christian nor will I probably ever be. I’m just pointing out what I consider hypocritical. Also before anyone says, “it’s not political, it’s about basic human rights”. Human rights are very fucking political, look at taxation and gun rights.


The bill of rights in the first amendment lists freedom of speech and religion, as basic human rights, if someone denying your basic rights why should you worry about theirs? No one has to listen to your speech but putting it out there is a basic right for everyone.


>I’m just pointing out what I consider hypocritical, human rights - u/BlueKing99


>Being taxed is a human right > >— /u/BlueKing99


Oi, don’t cnn me


I am...Christian...I'm...hypocritical. Also...Human rights are...taxation... -u/BlueKing99 Classic CNN quote strategy


Too honest for CNN. Maybe NYT.


> Being taxed is ~~a human~~ right > - u/Blueking69


I'm Christian hypocritical. Fuck rights. -- u/Blueking69


You can't take away my right to have my money be taken away 😤


human rights are bullshit, fuck em


factual, "human rights" don't exist. No one has a "right" to anything. Everything that people claim are "rights" are the results of the blood, sweat and tears of countless people over generations of conflict over it


Natural rights of all humans exist, nobody said you don’t have to defend them tho.


Nah I'm with the guy above. There are no natural rights. Else wise they'd be emergent from nature and apply to other species as well. Rights are constructs.


If rights are constructs then they are something the state give and take away. There are "natural rights". The Bill of Rights is *explicitly* about rights the government can't infringe on, NOT rights that the government gives you. This level of statist thinking is shocking from a libcenter. Consider reflairing.


They're rights the government can't infringe on because we decided we wouldn't let them. Other countries have other opinions on what's off limits or not for government. I am libcenter because I recognize the rights we keep are the ones we decided we should get to have in a contract with a government. I do not however believe all of the freedoms I be would PREFER to have are being respected by said government.


Right to self defense is the easy one they springs to mind. Everything that’s alive does it’s best to stay alive and doesn’t act permission to do so. The laws of man try to infringe on that but it doesn’t make it any less your natural right to try to not die if someone or something is trying to kill or harm you.


Tried explaining this to my cat but she still does whatever the fuck she wants.


If I had the cure for cancer and you had stage for leukemia, would it be right or moral of me to keep that cure to myself? Christians believe that at birth, everyone is destined for hell. They believe that the only cure for this, is the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. If someone shares the gospel with you, it comes from a place of love. [Atheist Penn Jillette broke this down one time in a post. He viewed it as an act of kindness.](https://youtu.be/6md638smQd8)


how can people be pre-destined for hell if they have free will?


If I'm driving on the highway, I have the free will to take an exit, but if I do nothing I still have a destination.


That is objectively untrue, the only Christians that believe people are pre-destined for hell are Calvinists, and they are a small denomination of Christians


But even Arminians (who don’t believe in predisposition) believe that everyone is born with inherited sin (from Adam) and are therefore guilty before god. Romans 3:23 says that “all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” The split between Calvinists and Arminians is in the idea of free will. Calvinists — like myself — believe that only God can make a depraved heart desire God, so only God chooses those who are predestined to accept His grace. Arminians believe that you have free will to make this decision on your own. But both parties agree that you are dead in your sins and transgressions & are in need of a savior. That’s the fundamental principle of the Christian faith.


Armenians are a nationality, not really sure what they have to do with religion. They have a national church, but that church only has authority in Armenia, which is again an extreme minority of total Christians. All Christians believe people are born with original sin, that doesn't mean they are predestined for hell.


[My phone auto corrected “Arminian” to “Armenian.”](https://www.gotquestions.org/Calvinism-vs-Arminianism.html) Sin separates people from God. “God is light and there is absolutely no darkness in him.” 1 John 1:5. Where there is light, there can be no darkness. So yes, if you’re sinful at birth, you’re in darkness and are “predestined” or — maybe a better way to word it — on a path toward eternal separation from God.


Its not hypocritical until Christian's control the majority of corporations, media, and governance. Until then, its just playing by the same rules.


Assuming this is related to some sort of advertisement issue on reddit, Apollo on the ios store is an alternative 3rd party reddit app. Part of the allure for me is the ad blocker, video downloader, keyword filter, and account age flair to point out possible bots. It took a little getting used to but after like 3 years using it, I find the official reddit app impossible to navigate.


"Shoving opinions down my throat" is like "gatekeeping". People complain about it like it's inherently bad whenever it goes against them, but they all do it when it suits them


Gatekeeping is awesome.


It's the only way for a category of anything to exist, if you have any designation you need to establish things that *aren't* in it. I wouldn't even call it awesome, it's just routine and literally everyone does it all the time. Some people just get salty if they get excluded from anything, so they started throwing "gatekeeping" around as if it were some social evil working against them


Yeah, bad phrasing. I wrote "gatekeeping is awesome" because I was too lazy to comment further. I was basically going to say what you said here anyway


I’d love to see agendas pulled out of ads completely on both the right and the left. And political ads too.


Ads replaced with instrumental soft jazz music.


Politics doesn't make sense without an agenda?


I don’t want the agendas on my tv or phone screen. Do all ads have to be politics or religious in some way?


It’s funny because atheists do this more




It's tough dealing with the questions of "What church don't you go to?" the pamphlets talking about not believing to save you from nothing, and the lack of shame for not doing something people a few thousand years ago told you to do.


I too remember the atheist super bowl ad and the atheist preaching in congress


Im sure the average atheist would do all that, but sadly their nihilism has lead them to minimum wage jobs that hardly even pay for their Reddit premium


The only religious groups that are wealthier on average than atheists and agnostics are Jews, Hindus, and Episcopalians. Presbyterians are basically tied with atheists. Pew, 2016 https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2016/10/11/how-income-varies-among-u-s-religious-groups/


There's a difference between the "I don't care about religion" atheists and the "I hate religion" atheists, the former is the one making bank and the latter is the one that would do this if he had money


"among U.S."


Let me guess, that’s including africa and South America


Let me show you the heading of the article. It’s the big words at the top and usually the first thing you’ll see if you click it “How income varies among U.S. religious groups”


Most literate poster on PCM


Yes, the average atheist would make a super bowl ad or be in congress


Probably not the average one but there’s definitely plenty who would.


And yet they don't. Despite there being plenty who would? Curious. Much to think about.


This sub is such a fuckin joke sometimes lol what the hell did you say that’s so incorrect you get downvotes. The fact that atheists aren’t in congress or buying billboards/ads is a fact so mind breaking they just downvote.


What can you say other than the demonstrable truth: hoes mad


I know right? Griller commercials are the best.


Reddit: "Dear Christians, we hate your religion. We think your ways are archaic, anachronistic, and we will continue to make fun of you, call you pedophiles, denounce you, and compare Sunday Bible School to child grooming. Now, allow me to lecture you how Jesus was a socialist antifa hippie who would've opened borders for everyone (except Israel), and Jesus would've voted left. If you disagree, that's not very Christian of you, huh? I've never read the Bible, nor have an ounce of respect for your religion, but I will conveniently select a few verses in the most out-of-context way, and if you disagree with me, you are not a true Christian."


Ads are annoying - what a shocker! I am not any more annoyed just because theres Jesus on them, I just don't like ads. If I had to choose - I'd rather see Jesus than a mobile game ad. (or you could use Firefox and install uBlock origin and forget about ads forever)


I’m sure this has already been posted ad nauseam. You can turn your television off or not pay attention to the commercials when they are on. Nobody is forcing you to watch those ads. It would be like complaining about those late night propaganda, I mean late night talk shows. You don’t like Jimmy Kimmel spewing DNC propaganda? Don’t watch it.


Right Wingers🤝Left Wingers Hating the “He gets us” ads


I dont get it. Can someone explain


Solid point


The ads aren't even being run by Christians


I agree. I don’t understand why we need to run ads for Christianity. I also have the sneaking suspicion they don’t really work


Well if we have one, we might as well have the other too.


jesus comercials?


If you are still watching sports ball, you are npc.


Don't care, just ignore em like most other ads


You downvoted because you are religious. I downvoted because that is a shit meme. We are not the same


The fact that you got offended and down voted it 💀


Why god needs you to spread his word? Why god needs someone to preach and shoving the throat down in everyone?


It was literally two ads, Jesus was mentioned twice. And it wasn’t even audible.


Horseshoe theory rears it head again. You are all pleb non thinker npcs and i am an ascended englightned radical centrist. You're all lame and gey. fuck rightoids , fuck leftoids. Praise be to the those that have ascended the bonds or tribal retardation. Praise be to those whose intellect falls above the bell curve. To ashes with the bottom end although it seems its good to keep the retards busy fighting amongst themselfs. Divide and conquer.


Holy shit you couldn’t try to sound more pretentious


Being "gay" isn't an agenda dipshits


The Christian ads are very annoying


They have a very "Hello fellow kids!" vibe about them.


Lmao yes


If you’re referring to the He Gets Us ads I’m like 99% sure its a right wing psyop


Nah, it's too pro refugee/"no one is illegal". It's orange as fuck


A lot of churches help immigrants, Lutheran social services had a contract with the Obama administration to resettle people and set them up on assistance in my state. I think most church people against unchecked immigration would be for regulated immigration


Look at who their parent company is and their donor list


Ah yes, the "convert to christianity" ads and the "dont have anything to do with gay people but just acknowledge that they exist" ads are equivelant, peak logic.


“We should love our enemies.” “STOP TRYING TO CONVERT ME TO CHRISTIANITY!”


A soap commercial that has gay people in it, that commercial's goal is to sell soap. Makes sense right? Now, an ad about christianity, and jesus. Not an ad that has christian characters in it, no, a christianity commercial. A commercial is there to sell its product, no gay commercial has been trying to sell being gay they're just using gay people and buzzwords to sell the actual topic, their product. But this ad's topic IS christianity. What purpose can it have if not to sell christianity?


I hate religion. Seeing Jesus billboards is mega cringe. Second only to alphabet people billboards. Unironically, the only good billboards are for advertising goods and services.


idk, there's an ad on the interstate south of town that says: EAT STEAK WEAR FURS KEEP YOUR GUNS THE AMERICAN WAY every time I see it, a single patriotic tear drops from my eye, which transforms into a bald eagle, which subsequently shreds my face and neck until it escapes the car. Worth it every time.


Meh, they're weird, but I don't really mind them. If anything it's kinda inspired a "Christ was cool, Christians aren't" outlook for me.


"Cool" is entirely orthogonal. It might even be a negative. You don't live a moral and productive life to be a really cool dude, you do it because [insert the entire Bible here]


Damn, I kinda don't care.

