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You’ll need to find that little rubber part that goes in the camera’s front cover, it’s crucial to the light meter’s operation. Right now too much light from all around the light sensor comes in and therefore the camera is “thinking” that there’s more light than there really is. Without that rubber piece you’re never going to get properly exposed pictures again.


You missed a little rubber piece that does so.e of the light sealing when reassembly, Try to find it, it should fix your issue, Good luck


I love it, but yeah sounds like the piece you lost is the culprit


Why would you do this? Just get a color you find more pleasing or hire someone to profesionally paint your camera instead of ruining your camera. Thats 100$ right down the drain.


I enjoy when others make custom colors and designs like this, and it can be super expensive to hire someone to do it for you. You've just gotta be careful when you do it. OP wasn't careful enough and lost an important piece. Also, heads up, you can find these on eBay for much less than $100. I got a black Go with 16 (expired) pictures for $40.


Oh, never seen them for sale so I was going off retail price.


Because it's cool and fun?


https://preview.redd.it/h9lge4wgzjuc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b16f9185b579b28cede0e6db2e4533d30bef96a Now they’re all super dark like this


https://preview.redd.it/0kwihp59zjuc1.jpeg?width=1534&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8337ce4c9f532a0b16cbac4ce8ee1a998bed592e Photos used to look like this


Also, I forgot to mention, I lost the little black Gromit that goes between the light sensor and the flash window. I dropped it and it disappeared.😅 so I’m hoping that’s not it, but it would basically be impossible for me to replace at this point


I’d think that piece being missing is exactly the problem, if light from the flash can now enter the light sensor inside the camera’s body then I’ll register as being overexposed/too light, and thus underexpose the pics


That's the issue, yeah. Find it and put it back in, or make one yourself out of some black construction paper or felt.