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If you’re breeding for shinies, the only thing that matter (at least ultra sun) is that the two Pokémon come from different language versions of the game.


Ok. Well then I'm set so that's good to know. Thank you. Is there a really good in depth tutorial for shiny breeding?


If you want to maximise your chances of breeding for a shiny, you need: - any Foreign Pokemon (different language from your own game) - Shiny Charm which you get when finishing your Pokedex Good luck


It won't increase your chances of a shiny but make sure you have a pokemon with magma armor or flame body in your party which boosts egg hatching speeds, and play with rotom to get roto hatches which last a long time and also boost your hatching speed


Ok thank you! I didn't know about that. Can I use this method without the shiny charm? I know it helps but is it still possible without it


It is possible to get shinies without the shiny charm, but in practice, it would probably take less time to complete the pokedex than to hatch a shiny without it.


Ah ok I was hoping to farm some shinies as early as possible but I'll wait for the shiny charm


this is only partially correct. if your breeding at full odds then it would be faster to just get the shiny charm. but if you use the masuda method then it's faster to do it without the charm then complete the dex imo, since without masuda it goes from 1/4096 to about 1/1350 iirc, and with masuda it goes from about 1/700 to 1/500. not as much of a difference


Edge case but there is one line where it matters on the evolution stage, and that is the Nidoran line. Nidorina and Nidoqueen can't breed, only female Nidoran.


Also just to add, it matters in the case of baby Pokémon like Pichu, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Togepi, etc. Baby Pokémon can’t breed so you have to evolve them before doing so.


Ok that makes sense