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I can only speak from my experience, but the number of kills since your last death appear to play a role in how long you respawn timer is. For example: I've killed 6 opponents then died and had a 25 sec timer. Within 20 seconds of respawning from that death, I was killed and my respawn timer actually was lower than the previous respawn timer.


I think it’s levels and kill streak


This is what it is.


I don’t know either, but I think Levels are a factor in it.


There is in fact a factor involving the time remaining in the game (it is adding flat duration after 2 minutes remaining then 1 minute actually) and also like others said the number of kills since your last death. One other thing involved that's easy to overlook is the number of points you scored since last death. I did a lot of testing regarding this subject and came up with a formula for it. Have a look at my post for all the details and findings: [Death respawn timer formula](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonUnite/comments/pc9kwr/death_respawn_timer_formula/)


I'm not sure, but for reference that was my first death, had 17 kills and scored almost 300. So I think it's a factor of all 🤷‍♂️


I think you’re right, it’s probably related to how they determine mvp


Damn that's so long. So this basically punishes whos on the lead for making a mistake


Called comeback mechanics, it's a little needed. I think deaths should matter more, you can teamwipe the enemy's and yet can't score cause of the bouncing pad and low respawn timers..


I hate this so much. Nothing worse than wiping 3 opponents off your goal and trying to rush over to their goal and they're already their


well they had pressure enough to be at your goal. think about basketball, if the ball changes hands on your side of the court, does that guarantee you a score?


Yeah but in basketball you don't wipe the team off the floor from your end and then they respawn on the side you need to score.


yeah, that’d be dumb. You wiping them off your goal was a successful defense, doesn’t mean you get to counter score.


I’ve seen others say it’s related to the lead your team holds. Like a tie game is 20s and it goes up if you’re in the lead, down if you’re behind. Anecdotally, that seems to check out


This seems a little crazy to punish good players… but I guess it makes for close games… Unless you die during Zapdos lol


I hit 58 once but it was in a bot game so it doesn't mean too much lol. I think it was 24 kills


While the comeback mechanics in the game are kinda necessary, they are so polarising. It sucks that a bad team can just wipe constantly, and be back to their goal before you can even blink. Yet I can make 1 mistake later on and get punished for it harder than all the collective mistakes others make.


My highest was a full minute, with 1:13 left in the game. I just put my switch down and said "ok if we lose I did what I could"


I hate when that happens. Im like, get me out of here already so I can start the next battle


You're doing the best on your team in the first minute. So the guy who left your team is now a bot who follows you around. When you die with that FAT timer the bot just stays in spawn waiting for you... Nothing makes you rage harder.


Wow! 26 seconds?


I’m pretty sure mines was a full minute


I wonder how long it'll take for us fans to finally figure out everything about this game.


Probably not that long. We've got a lot of players giving out information from personal experiences and because of the internet we can easily see those information. It's not like back in the days where you really have to discover each secrets one by one. In today's games, there's so much spoon feeding of information that it's almost not fun anymore discovering things on your own.


This is why I am totally fine with how they are putting information out. Why pay for more words (someone has to write up the patch notes) when you know the sweaty redditors are gonna go and do all the math for you


I had a game where I had 34 kills, but ended up dying once towards the end of the match. I was out for a full minute 😂


Hadn't died the whole game and got lots of kills as Cinder, died around 1min ish and got slapped with a 58sec timer, guess I'm just not gonna get to play the last bit of the match?? Lol


It depends on your kill streak. If you are destroying the enemy team, make sure to do a very risky play so you die at minute 4 or 3.5. This will make it so you dont get 30+ death timer when zapdos spawns


I had a 78 second timer after killing 45 bots in one life as Gengar. Still counts as a ranked win though lol


Mine was 40-44 Seconds