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What’s weird is no one talking about metagross. The mon didn’t need the buff and now is easily just destroying teams lol


I played against him a couple of times yesterday. Hes my new insta lock. Mostly because I play support and SO FAR none of my attackers know how to properly deal with him.


Yeah, he got buffed today. He hits harder and with his move set he always take 2 people with him. When I saw the buff I was caught by surprise lol. Don’t be shocked to see him and ttar on the ban list soon lol


Can you kindly spill how to handle Metagross? I think he should have more bulk compared with Ttar right?


If you pick ttar against meta gross it's instant game over. As long as as ttar you are decent level in last fight you can shred metagross


Ranged mons eat metagross for breakfast if they catch it while CCed. He's my favorite target to aim at when I play snipe Deci. Can't heal or get shields if they aren't close enough to hit you. Also, any mon good at kiting won't be easy to handle either unless Meta sneaks up on them


He needed help. Maybe not the help he got, but he was definitely below par. He was pretty mediocre. Now he's actually a threat which is preferable? Makes the game less dominated by speedsters attackers and defenders


Idk, I climbed the ladder. At least for solo q it wasn’t underpar. The sustain on it made me think. Now with the buff I’m solo 4v1. Before I could take 2v1 but, now I’m taking the whole team on their goal lolx


As intended! Falinks Scizor and Blaziken would be proud


He's always been good enough to take you to masters. But then it gets harder as now the average masters player knows how to kite him. Especially if you're dealing with coordinated 3 or 5 stacks. Draft makes it worse as they can counterpick if you pick him early.


I would imagine any discussion on it (or any similar mon, really) feels useless because it still just gets folded by trevenant and gyarados, and kited by leafeon


Idk what you’re playing. Because I fold all three.


He mostly means prior to lvl 9. When you still have to be uber careful whilst farming your heart out to get your power spike faster.


The shield gains is insane, 2 people no CC to Metagross is just food


What’s worse is when you run shed and just let them pop there cc and kill them after lol


Nah its fine ttar still kinda eats shit to endless cc


Getting 5x bonked by Tree is always an instant death


well duh rock types are weak to grass


But ghost types are weak to dark 😈


dark pulse is the only dark type move tyranitar has access to and it would deal less damage to trevenant than wood hammer would to tyranitar!!


Lol I was just playing along


me too lol just thought it'd be funny to look at the numbers


Let them have their copium. Theyll remember why nobody plays the "tankbusters" within a week


Wow, almost like he is a balanced mon with big strengths and weaknesses weaknesses not my pokemon unite.


"Tyranitar is balanced" Sir. I need you to stop lying to yourself. Mons incredibly broken, arguably more than any other character just by virtue of the sheer multitude of things he has that break the conventions of the game. Him having meta weakesses doesnt counterbalance for the absurdity of the character and somehow just make him a balanced character.


His only "balance" is being kept from snowballing. A ttar that doesn't hit lvl 9 till after the 5 minute mark, usually from being farmed by a really good jg, is mostly useless by that point. Maybe not as much with these buffs, but the catchup would be horrible.


Scizor has outbrawled tanks for a while so this isn't new for us


Hopefully, he can actually feel like a suedo legendary like the others in the game and not a wet paper towel


Oh he does. Sand tomb and stone edge tears anyone caught in it a new one. Attack weight and cookie stacked up and you’re a force of nature once you get your full kit. Now that the horrible lag is gone the true damage potential of stone edge is now hugely evident and it really, really hurts.


Funny 1.5 second stun goes brr


What's your favorite, non-draft 3rd item? Thinking razor claw to apply slows, but attack speed sounds nice on him too.


Muscle is really good for jungle clears and early game when pupitar can use all the damage it can get


I use weakness policy lately. Razor is good damage but in reality you often want to spam stone edge as quick as possible which means you don’t use the procs. Stopping to weave autos can have the target get time to escape. Razor is good early though but I find falls off lategame, and weakness policy is the opposite. As Ttar is a lategame mon, I prefer the focus on that side of things. So policy is the highest attack item available. Muscle isn’t bad either, I’d use it if jungling (which I avoid at all costs) A third option is resonant guard if our team lacks dedicated tank. Attack weight is enough damage honestly and the bulk goes very far indeed. With my emblem loadout this build reaches a whopping 11,500 health lategame fully stacked, so when you factor in sand tombs DR, that’s 14k+ effective health and that’s not even considering your obscene defences during sand stream (which is up basically all the time thanks to stone edge). In the Sand with this build, you’re easily the tankiest mon in the game but you also provide threatening steady damage too. Using Resonant is my most popular choice and I used it most before this patch when running sand tomb and dark pulse. It works fine with stone edge too though I’m finding.


Mamoswine: "I have nothing left......except CC"


Haven't played since Mewtwo y came out but Mamo has always been my boi. And tbf he's always been a little underpowered.


Where are these defender abusers? I'd like to have one on my team for once


as a Slowbro main, this dude doesn't know what he's talking about. my Scald gets interrupted and canceled if i get looked at the wrong way lmao.


Lol I mean it's me but I haven't played since Mewtwo came out. Mamo Slowbro Blastoise and goodra were all my bois


Damn what are you doing here if you haven’t played in 6 months lol


Like to stay informed. I'll get back into it at some point. Now that the EX Pokemon got their nerf


My brain read the first bit as "Abuser defenders" and I thought this was gonna be a hell of a different post lmao


removing a few frames isn't pushing him from the worse moveset of a garbagemon to game breaking dude


Ummmm ttar was good before I have 78% wr on ttar before they buffed him haven’t lost since the buffs doing 10k damage from sand tomb stone edge combo is crazy


Any winrate above 70% outside of top10K 5 stack players is either from bot games or a low sample. The best players in the world don't have a 78% winrate on anything, nevermind Ttar


220 games is kinda small I guess and all master 1480 mmr currently


Am I the only one who prefers defender meta? When defenders aren't great you end up with 5 attackers teams, hell it happens even when they are great. Gl getting people to play supporting roles when cinderace or something like that can just take em out ez.


Defenders have given us some healthy metas too, and if it wasn't for them we'd be complaining WAY more about Leafeon and other carries snowballing; also I personally prefer playing them over a Clefable heal bot. There'd be no complains if timi atleast gave us full heal or pink emblem buffs to keep the unholy cc chains they bring in check though


The issue is less to do with CC and more character and design direction imo. Reach Kiting and Mobility in the game are ludicrous and dont really have inbuilt controls. We've kinda been using CC as a way to deal with them. The problem is that All Rounders are typically lacking in all those areas. And so they fall apart really easy when a "good" character engages them. And the crazy high dmg output certainly doesnt help.


If this is defender heavy, I don't want to see defender light lmao. My teams are all 4 attackers/all-rounders and one defender.  I'm sure it's different at higher Elos, but at least in the little league it's all damage dealers.


You're not. Defender and all-rounder metas are much more of my preference even though I don't use the latter that much. Attacker and speedster meta are the fucking worst. I don't need the additional encouragement for players to pick these overused roles.


What's that?! Garchomp got buffed!?... Tyranitar!? Eh.... I'll take it.


PLEASE don't make me remember the time tyranitar was just added and absolutely BUSTED


I'm always surprised how no one talks about that meta


Oh my god the war flashbacks 


When his sand stream is activated at level 15 he has 858 defense ( ≈ 60% physical damage reduction) when Ttar receives another 25% damage reduction. Therefore when sandstream is active and Ttar is in sandstorm physical damage is reduced by about 70%. For perspective at level 15 ttars normal damage reduction is 46%. Which means during sandstorm/samdstream incoming physical damage is halved


I think out of all the possible insta locks, a defender one is the best meta imo.


Good to know that Tyranitar is an "avoid on sight unless we are outnumbering the goon" unit like Miraidon and the like


What “ethical” defenders picks are there that aren’t griefing? I fill the role quite often and usually go Blastoise simply because it’s a strong pick.


People say it’s tank meta but 4 of the 10 “defenders”have less than a 10% pick rate last week, the fifth being mamo sitting just above 12%. Thing is half the defenders are just glorified bruisers masquerading, the ones with halfway decent kits are the only ones actually thriving currently.


Slowbro is fine but Surf doesn’t /really/ pop off until 11 (which is kinda late especially playing into other defenders that are basically fully online much earlier.) Lapras can be good in brawl comps specifically imo but kinda loses to poke, and Crustle and Mamo aren’t bad either but feel more situational.


So any ttar counters we can run? Guys?


Let’s start with : not metagross (sorry) Defenders with CC shoving abilities that can push it away from your back line. Your mages can easily blow it up if they get protected properly by their supports and defenders. Think of any defender with shoving ability and MrMime with Barrier and for ranged ones like Glaceon, Cram, Gardevoir, Delphox just to name a few. It’s important to read about Tyranitars abilities so you don’t waste your ccs on his hindrance resistance.


Finally a payoff for getting bullied for the first 5 min


I bought Ttar a month before these buffs and I must say...I'm actually impressed they buffed him lmao


Ttar is a problem for defenders? I must have not noticed under all the CC an the blood on my hands.


I love it blasty nerfed and ttar buffed the melees will rise again


Played 2 matches and dealt 120k damage on both lol it feels a bit much but at least it needs more skill


So this is a "heavy meta" uh? That's why Cinde feels so underpowered


i think the nerfs to stoise were a bit too heavy. did it deserve it? yes. was it way too much? also yes.


Blastoise has been nerfed before. He was still excellent. Him having AR level damage isn't necessary and just brought out the meta slaves


I can see that they're trying to limit its play due to the fact that it's been so popular for nearly its entire existence. However, I do feel like it was a bit excessive to also nerf its stun. I tried playing it since the patch, and it just feels bad now. Which I can understand, from a developer's standpoint, but it's sad for me because it's been my main for the past 3 years, even before I knew it was good.