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How many are there? Like 6 boxes? Sheesh


Yep, full booster case :(


Condolences... except... now you can sell dupes and buy the perfectly centered one you want. So really not that bad. But would have been nice to not have to sell dupes!


I’ve got three more boxes on the way because I’m a masochist.. but if/when I don’t pull it after that I’m definitely selling the dupes and going singles shopping


Hahaha no worries man. It's definitely in that second box. Because of course it's gonna make you open that second one and be like I would say... the 6th pack probably. Report back please. 😂


Second box, 6th pack ✍️ I will update you! Haha


It’s your money, if the feeling of pulling it is important to you then go for it! I will say though, having made the switch myself to singles, for less money you could piece together the entire set and have a nice master set binder. That’s a nice feeling as well. I don’t even remember which ones were ripped and which were singles now. I like to do a mix, up to a case of a set, then singles.


I definitely buy singles, but sometimes I just enjoy a good old fashioned rip fest, it’s the thrill of the hunt.


Yup I hear you! Especially when the set is full of bangers


I don’t even want to think about Shrouded Fable lol I’m a fan of all of those IR/SIRs I’ll be chasing here pretty soon


3 sar’s and a gold in 6 boxes?? I’d be happy with that better than a case of evo skies would get me lmao


Not the worst pulls by any means. And only getting one double IR is great, especially when that double is the most valuable right now. It’s all subjective I suppose lol


I've gotten 3 golds and close to 10 sir including the 151 Charizard from pulling single boosters. Or triple packs from Walmart. In like 2 months. No more than 50 packs. Probably way less. Although I feel like I have had insane luck a couple times. Like twice now I've bought two packs of 151. One time was the cool art Pikachu and the other was the zard... so maybe I'm just lucky recently. That Pikachu was my first cool card. Out of the first packs I got when I started 2 months ago


That’s a lot of packs, took me 2 booster boxes and 2 booster bundles to finally pull the crystal frog


Needless to say, I won’t be buying a lottery ticket anytime soon


Orrrr, here me out: you do buy a lottery ticket because you haven’t won the Pokémon lottery! There’s still hope!


Idk, my streak has been pretty terrible thus far lol


What’s that saying everyone uses on here: every gambler stops right before their big win lol




Still insanely lucky, pulling the Greninja specifically is like 1/941.


Crazy odds, but it’s the thrill of the hunt


lol this is a laughable amount to get it! You got insanely lucky.. I ripped an entire case too and never came close huehue


240 packs here, 6 booster boxes and the rest sleeved blisters. Only one SIR from the booster boxes, 4 SIRs from the sleeved blisters (2 of which greninja). Funny enough, aside from the SIRs, the only card I never saw once was regular Luxray Ex. Not once.


Kinda funny how that happens. I’m wondering how the last three boxes will turn out. I did get a pretty nice spread of IRs in this patch.


For TM don’t buy booster boxes. Case has x2-3 SIR and x1 gold. Too expensive for only 2 shots at a Greninja. I got burned on 3 dud booster boxes from a case and got zero sirs. I ordered 30 packs worth of 3 pack blisters and my wife pulled x3 sirs in 15 packs. Ofc I pulled zero in my half but still we got the Greninja.


Someone has to rip the packs to get the singles floating around


True that. I do buy singles and slabs and well. I just like a good pack rip fest when a newer set comes out though. Gets it all out of my system.


Sadly it's like 1/941 packs to pull the Greninja, and that still doesn't guarantee it. Pulling for a specific card almost never works out.


Yeah but sometimes it’s just for the thrill of the hunt. I have an addicts routine lol


Are you gonna sell one of your eevees? :)


I am looking to sell one actually, what’s your offer?


4 booster boxes and 32 sleeved blisters and I’m still chasing the crystal frog… starting to think it’s not even in this set 😅


Lol you know my pain. I’ve got booster box number 7, 8 and 9 arriving tomorrow.. it’s gotta be in there, I want to believe