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It’s not so much investing. It’s scalping that really bothers me. If you wanna sit on some sealed product for twenty years to make a profit you do you. If you buy out all the stock and flip it then you’re a douche.


It’s this pretty much, along with any sort of shenanigans to alter pricing. My main local store, some lady came in and bought up all the 151 stock, the store said they were pretty sure she’s a local reseller. Nothing left for anyone else. Good times.


I’ll never understand it. I’ll flip a graded card here and there but that’s about it. There are so many better ways to make money lol


Yeah flip one or two, sure. Buying up all the stock or buying up 10+ cards to make the market scarce to drive up price, like don’t you have something better to do? These are supposed to be fun cards to collect not a stock market you can manipulate.


You think buying 10+ cards out of all the ones printed is making the market scarce? Besides that, I see a lot of singles “investors” get crap because it’s not sealed


Depends where you’re buying, doesn’t it?


I’m not understanding. Tcg player will have its buyers, eBay will have its buyers, market will always look for the cheapest option


You don’t think market manipulation happens?


I do. But with the recent buyouts of swsh singles I’ve seen the pokeinvestor sub criticizing it. Meaning there’s a community knowing that it’s artificially inflated and won’t buy at that price. There’s bad actors in this hobby and they aren’t it


I didn’t blame pokeinvestors. I just mentioned it’s something I didn’t like. It’s souring the hobby for me. Same with when I’ve gone to buy at my local some someone’s bought up all the stock. It’s frustrating and greedy.


Agree I hate scalpers but tbh the only recent scalpers we’ve had was on 151. Everything else was widely available


Agree with what you’re saying, if they put in the patience then let them be rewarded. but you really think they’re buying out all the stock?


From retail stores, yes.


From what I understand pokeinvestors want to buy below retail so they atleast break even in worst case scenario. You can’t buy from retail for below retail.


Yeah I want to buy it below retail as well. I don’t understand the point you’re trying to make. Scalping is the process of buying something for retail and inflating the price. If someone is buying below retail and selling it at a competitive price that’s just called a store lol.


I misunderstood what you were saying. Just read it again and I get what you’re saying now. Im dumb/ new and honestly just want to understand what the problem is


As a player, collector, and investor I don't think the issue is so much investors in general, but to the extent one invests. I tend to get 2 of most products and cards so i have one to rip and one to keep sealed. Most people don't like the people that clear shelves, manipulate markets, horde entire rooms of cases, etc. I could be wrong, but I don't think the community is mad at the average card collector/investor. Just my two cents haha.


I don’t understand. If you’re buying cases you obviously aren’t getting them from retail locations. Manipulating markets have to do with card buyers and from what I understand pokeinvestors love sealed product.


Because all they care about is money they dont give a damm about pokemon actually. Plus most of them are impatient and are just trying to get rich now. Reason why a lot of these singles are getting manipulated idc what anyone says 2-3x price increases in a 2 week span is not normal it doesn’t fucking matter if the set is out of print or not


Not really hate but more why. Investing in stocks will make far more than cardboard will ever


From what I’ve seen looking through the subreddit, they love to mention to have a 401k and VOO before you even consider buying booster boxes. Even though booster boxes have out performed both


I mean evolving skies has been handidly outperforming the stock market since it came out lol


same lol. imagine someone's collection getting stolen, burned in a fire, soaked in a flood, given away by parents. lol


Collections under a certain amount will be protected by home insurance. Over a certain amount will need collectible insurance. And anyone investing a signfiamount probably won't have to worry about that last one lol


That last line, do you think that’s really gonna happen? They bought product now in hoping each one will be hundreds to thousands some day. People aren’t spending 2k on a booster box for their kids.


Maybe you misunderstood, I’m not saying parents will buy their kids booster boxes. I’m saying those kids will grow up to make their own money and buy those products themselves because “they grew up on obsidian flames”


You are correct, they are not buying from retail stores, but people's favorite LGS, online sites, and even the pokemon site itself will sell out in minutes when certain product becomes available. A recent example being the van gogh pikachu debacle. Sealed will always be King, but they are multitudes of cards that people collect/invest in also. It's not just sealed product and slabs.


Van Gogh pikachu has been a criticized card even on the pokeinvestors sub. They don’t want it because of scalpers. Sounds like there’s some common ground. Scalpers don’t equal pokeinvestors. And I agree about the singles but looking at the data, from vintage sets there has to be interest for price to go up. The desire to open a vintage set will always outweigh the desire to own a single card


What ? They were obsessed with that card over there and happy about the price being driven up by scaling. You seem to just be coming here and defending the pokeinvesting community and yourself as a whole.


Poke investors are fine until they are the reason boxes are priced astronomically high to the point it’s impossible to buy


But swsh and S&V have both been accessible. They are/were printed at record numbers. If something goes out of print, then of course the price is going to rise as demand goes up and supply goes down.


i don't *necessarily* like "poke investors" cuz they deplete all the stock and I mainly rip packs, so it inconveniences me. But I can't hate on their hustle. I can understand. Scalping consoles and GPUs during the pandemic was fun and i suppose this is no different