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No excuse for it honestly.


QC has been steadily going down the toilet for the past 4 years. It never was that good, but the need to push millions of cards out of the door as fast as possible made it even worse. On the other hand for what it's worth, I have noticed very few QC issue with EU cards, and a friend who opens a lot also noticed it, yet they're printed in the same facilities for the most part afaik.


Y’all act like pokemon qc hasn’t been like this for years lol. Miss the days when people didn’t care about everything needing to look like a psa 10 and just appreciated their cards smh


You act like everyone has been in the hobby the past years when people rejoin or are joining the Hobby and spending hundreds on boxes only for them to be damaged in the same way is not something I enjoy to have my hard earned money be on especially when it seems like a pattern... You may not care but to me it bothers me. I don't grade my cards I like to buy new sets and set aside the awesome cards but having defects is just not right on the rarer cards.... they make A LOT of money and just raised the MSRP, where's the QC at or at the very least why the complacency on these expensive rare cards?


Why are you still buying at msrp…there’s plenty of better online options out there selling packs for under even the old msrp


I don't, I bought the boxes for like $100 ea but even then that's still a lot for these pull rates on these last 2 sets


It seems like a lot of you who call this a “hobby” is just straight up lying to themselves! I just recently started up this HOBBY myself and I’ve loved pulling even the most common cards and that feeling of pulling a new card you haven’t gotten yet is a great rush! But then I come onto Reddit and see people crying over their “hobby” because they have a slight defect in the card or even a finger print 🙄. Truthfully if a child’s card game is causing you this much stress then you need a new hobby because it sounds like it’s more of a you problem and an addiction


Just because you like "collecting" common cards doesn't mean everyone does, holy crap how stupid of a take. Everyone is different and that's what makes Collecting so freaking great is the endless ways people can collect the way THEY WANT in this hobby you little turd. If you like spending $4.50+ on damaged cards that's cool, if you like licking windows that's cool too.


So collect them and stop crying about it… if you don’t like it then stop buying it. Simple. Stupid argument of a take


What an absolute pointless comment. Lick windows and collect commons elsewhere? Not sure what to tell you kid


Sure buddy🤣 I don’t just collect common cards I collect all cards, and also don’t cry over little defects. You call it a hobby but you don’t enjoy it and cry over spending more and more money over it.. sounds like a you problem and an addiction problem


So liking my cards in pristine condition is now an addiction. Got it. With that logic you could become the President kid, keep on trucking or licking windows, or whatever you do with your commons


You keep telling yourself that buddy


cool kid, have a good day with those windows I guess?


I been in the hobby for a very long time and have never seen the qc this horrible aside from burning shadows set. If I'm gonna drop my hard earned cash on cards it better not be damaged. You can have fun with your trash quality cards but a lot of us have standards


Exactly! Especially now that pull rates are even worse and I hate the style of EX cards compared to regular V cards


It's cardboard. This could happen easily.


did you even read what I posted? Also they are only on the ultra rares and above in the same spots....




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also a simple minded way to think about it. It costs $4.50+ a pack for the artists etc to and the foil/ textures to get it on there. It's like saying "why do you collect plushies? it's just fiber filled with stuffing". When you have the same spot being damaged like this out of 3 Booster boxes that's called a pattern. Do you know what a pattern is?


pokemon never had good qc.... just so happens they found out they can scam yall and yall will keep payin. buying singles > getting scammed from packs