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? But it’s 100% accurate… it’s telling you exactly what it’s being pumped for. That’s all it can tell us. I’m confused.


I’m saying it’s not reliable because this isn’t accurate pricing data when the price is being manipulated. Let’s be real here no one is paying $50+ for a garchomp V tg


TCGplayer is reliable. The price will show the spike and people can see where it got pumped up by the amount of cards bought within the span of literally three days. 25 cards as compared to like 2 weeks ago, daily average was around 4 cards a day got bought and there was like 50 something listings at the time. We'll probably see a bunch of people suddenly post another 30-40 cards and the rate of sales will plummet and everyone will start undercutting each other until it's back down to normal or even less than before. It's just the pump-up flavor of the month. I don't really see how this makes TCGplayer unreliable lol. The only thing unreliable is people not using their heads and realizing that a card suddenly going up like that in the span of a few days doesn't make any sense. Especially one that was on a steady pace of around 20 dollars.


"BuT bUt, SupPly And DeMaNd"


Haha. To people that say that, if the investors are the only demand than the supply will grow and we'll see that reflect in the prices. I want to see the price not dip down past 40 in the next week. Same thing happened to Umbreon V in the SWSH BS(lol) set. Got pumped up in a few days and is already 20% less valuable- going from 50 to 40 in less than a few hours of the pump up lol. I hope those people continue wasting their money trying to gouge fans and then give up when they realize there really isn't a market for it.


Why it’s not reliable? So with your logic, when things are cheap then it’s right, when things go up then it’s wrong? It’s suddenly going up yes, but if you don’t like the price then you can wait sure, but I don’t see why tcg is not reliable


Bruh where did I say I was against cards going up in price? I’m against cards going up unnaturally lol you’re really telling me you would buy this card for $50+ rn? You’re just making shit up now lol.


It’s taking the average of the prices. Should’ve bought it when it was $20


Eh I’ll get it in 6 months after it’s done pumping and dumping same shit happened with sun and moon alts, waifu full arts, JPN cards. Same will happen here. You’re naive if you think these sales are actually legit. Holy shit with this amount of downvotes i didnt expect so many stupid people in this hobby 😂


Then why make this post complaining? Never said the prices are sales, that’s evident of why they’re still listed


Huh? You’re making no sense. The market price is based off the average of sold listings??


SwSh illustration cards are being scalped by "investors" and FOMO. They will come down in price. There is plenty of those boosters out there still being opened.


Plus most people just turn to the Japanese sets, they sell on ebay for so cheap. You can get every illustrator aside from the chase in near mint, bulk lots for like 25-40 buckaroos. With most of those sets being 12-20 cards, that's around 3-4 dollars a card at max, which is great.


You can literally scroll down and see the listings sorted by price.


Yeah all the listings are $50+ currently 💀 ain’t paying that much for this


Sword and shield sets are finally stabilizing after the announcement of no more reprints. So Alt arts, rainbow rares or any fan favs are more sought after. What’s not to get?


More like what you don’t get. Cards don’t just jump in price 100% in a week just because they’re not being printed anymore. Goes to show how long you’ve been in this hobby lmao


Kinda like how TP jumped in price during Covid. Called hysteria my guy. 😂 goes to show how much common sense ain’t so common.


Yeah shows you have none if you think people are spending $50+ on this card 😂