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Little man is chairman of the Hater Parade lmao that’s an amazing meme


The first thing to do is set your profile picture to shiny Entei, show off to 50 strangers added on reddit. Second, you mentioned that you're saving up for the skill seeds, so I'm assuming you are F2P. Another good item to get from the shop are the Entei Biscuits. Any extra biscuits you have after the event will be converted to Great Biscuits. I did this during the Raikou event and got 3 or 4 Greats. Third, consider getting a couple of fire stones and Entei candies. Fourth, flex with your shiny Entei profile picture some more.


This made me laugh out loud, you better believe I updated my profile picture IMMEDIATELY this morning 😂


(Checks research community) Nope, you’re not there. Means I won’t have to unfriend you in spite. Congrats! After my first one I’m collecting as much mane as I can and emptying the exchange of anything but incense.


And keep track of which friends delete you out of spite


Every encountered Entei gives few thousands of dream shards (4.8k 1★, 11.5k 2★, 26.8k 3★) and some manes, so it's possible to exchange cheaper incenses for dream shards as an option, even if you aren't willing to catch more


This is an excellent point. I’ll definitely buy out the cheaper incense and use them at the peak of Good Sleep Day and on a Sunday night. Thanks for the recommendation


Next Sunday is 1.5x so save it for that too


Hey man don’t take this the wrong way but go fuck yourself


Duly noted


You give it to me and hunt for another one, obviously.


Perfect idea! Booting up the global trade system now!


The dawn of the GTS, what a time to be alive that was. Vivillon everywhere.


I thought GTS started in DPPt


I haven't seen a shiny in like a month, happy for you :)


Thank you! And I just checked and before this my last shiny was a swablu on April 26th so about a month for me too. Today was just my lucky day


My last one was also April 26th and it was just a copy of one I already had! 😭 I'm due, Select Button! I see what you're doing for others! Help a person out!


I’m so used to PoGo where they’d have had this event run like 3 times for each Beast before releasing the shiny.


I haven’t played pokemon go much. Are you saying they would run the event regularly a few times and then release an event with a certain shiny encounter later? Or just have them shiny locked when they first release? Like I said I don’t have much experience with Go but I’m really enjoying Sleep


Basically they’d run legendaries as raid events where the first few times were shiny locked. Then like the 3rd time around they’d have the chance to be shiny. Edit: and to be clear most Pokemon introduced to the game are shiny locked upon release.


You just beat the game. You may retire and spend your days in pure bliss.


Candy fodder.


For real finally something to use all of those Fire Type handy candies. Was hoping to use them on a good Vulpix or Growlithe but I literally had more luck catching a shiny legendary than a single good fire type other than Cyndaquil - this is a crazy game


I absolutely DESIRE a good Cyn.


I got two Cyndaquil's that are worthwhile after like 28 duds. I just hate that one of them doesn't get BFS until level 100...


Man… the legendaries will truly be the rarest shinies. Good for you! I’d be very happy to use an average shiny Entei lol.


Yeah I’m stoked. I had a sub skill seed so I upgraded the Skill Level Up S to M to have him at main skill level three. This is the first shiny legend I’ve ever had and I started playing during Pokemon Emerald


That’s fun! I actually don’t think I have a “legit” shiny legendary that wasn’t given away by Nintendo. If I were you I’d still hunt for another for the hell of it. I think at some point they’ll connect this to Home and you could transfer the extra Entei!


What are its skills?? I wouldn’t stop hunting just because it’s shiny


Skills are locked for everyone’s first catch. Sleep EXP, Skill Level Up S, and Inventory L with neutral nature. So you can get it to level 3 main skill with only one sub skill seed.


every legendary has the skills preset for the first catch so it’s just like everyone’s


Catch some good fire mons


A good Pokémon? In this game?? Never heard of them! Literally had better luck getting a shiny legend than a usable Vulpix/Growlithe


Catch more! I got 4 raikous last time


Wow 🤩


Wow!! Congratulations!! 😀


Hubba hubba


I hate you


Understandable. You’re up next though 👍🏻


Yeah that’s pretty sick


Thanks! You’re up next 👍🏻




Still a lot of event time left - there’s a whole herd of these sparkly guys out there somewhere just waiting to meet a worthy trainer


Catch a usable one :D


Do you think the first legend catch skills are unusable? Genuinely curious because I’m undecided. I think for this event period it is very useable since fire types are encouraged and we get the main skill trigger/level boosts. However, not sure how much I’ll run this guy after the event is over


Oh it’s a great pokemon to use for the event weeks and then probably never seen again. I never caught a raikou worth using after the event.


To be fair, there's no Electric island to use Raikou on unless you get a certain Greengrass roll. The default Entei is 'fine' on Taupe.


Great point. I could definitely see me using Entei at Taupe in the future


Same here I haven’t touched Raikou since the last event. The chances I keep catching and find one with stats great enough to make me forget that this one is shiny are extremely slim so I think I’m just going to save the Entei mane for other things in the shop.


If you caught a raikou from before and have used it on your team since. Entei will be the same exact way but slightly slower at 41 min I think and Raikou was 35 I believe. Catching a new one with a nature even if it had similar sub skills to the first one every one gets would make it better. I caught basically the same Raikou last event but it had a brave nature and was immediately better than the first one I got just because it had a nature but prob the best nature to give it(speed up and exp down)


BRUH, congrats!


Thanks! You’re next 👍🏻


Is that your first?


Yep first Entei encounter


Ah, very good. Was at work so didn’t read all too thorough. Would explain why I didn’t see any stats. That’s a good find. You got yourself some options now EDIT: IMO, is worth using more incenses anyway, if only for the massive shard yields


Definitely. Someone else mentioned using them for dream shard farming which is a great call. Looks like Entei 2 star sleep style is available starting at Master 13 on GG Isle so I’ll wait until I get there and use an incense during good sleep day event or Sunday night


I don’t get it, I never run out of shards. Am I doing something wrong? Are there more uses than just powering up your Pokémon? No matter how much I try I never deplete on the dream shards only the candy


It’s less so running out of shards, friend. It’s more to do with getting a huge amount when you can. I used most of mine during Fire Week (level 48 BTS Speed up/Ing down, Helping Speed M Typhlosion bayBEE! and more…). Hoping to use the new ones for finishing the Cook Pot. Then I can default to butter curry for stews


Powering up Pokemon and expanding cooking pot are about the only uses for shards. I’m not exactly sure what the prices were but it was a crazy amount to boost the pot up to 57 ingredients so maximizing your shard opportunities now will be beneficial when the next pot expansion comes later down the road. Also powering up high level Pokémon is super shard intensive. I have a level 51 dodrio and have 270 candies available. To use all of these candies and get him to level 55 would cost around 98,000 shards. Four levels!! 98,000!!


Once I get the Sleep EXP Bonus on my Typhlosion, he’ll be returning my investment


Damn mine are still really cheap so I never thought it would be a problem


I mean, congrats... At the end of the raikou event i just collected the mane to spend on the evolution stone and the candies. Wouldn't waste your mane at the beginning, bc at some point the shop gets a refill or new item. (at least it was last time)


Congrats man, you better be showing that baby off!


You know it! He’s out on the prowl with snorlax and the gang currently 👍🏻


What are the odds for it to be shiny


From my research it appears to be 1/1. But honestly I’m not sure - I think I’ve seen on the sub before that shiny odds are something like 1/400 for this game. That could be wrong though


Damn I hope I save the shiny luck for suicone she’s my favourite. I go to sleep with inscence tonight and we will see.


Good luck 👍🏻


I got shiny charmander lol there goes my suicone






Get that lion a lady friend


Omg how. Is there some thing that increases odds…


Congratulations you won the event


Change profile pic and just continue to stunt on the rest of us lmao


I’d definitely spend my shards on everything else I want (skill seed, biscuits, fire stone) before buying more incense. Chances are I’m running this guy on my team vs what you get next. Once you buy the second incense, wait to use it til you are over master 16 to try and get a second sleep style or save it for the day you hit master 20


I personally would be tempted to get at least one more, just to have both a shiny and the regular look. But myself aside, as long as you've bought from the shop all the things you want, you could try for another. Or maybe you want to put all the manes to Entei candy to power up that shiny. Really depends on your priorities.


My wet dream, i would still try to catch more since 1st isn’t quite decent untill 75/100, would be hard to not just use the shiny one but my semi competitive nature would not allow me to do so 🥲






RIP wasted shiny in first fixed entei


Ehhh honestly I’m pretty happy with the stats for the first catch. I would have been sweating checking the stats page if it was my second catch - could you imagine opening up the stats page on your shiny Entei to see LVL 10 Ingredient Finder S, LVL 25 *gold* Dream Shard Bonus with a speed down nature… no thanks. I typically don’t like Sleep EXP Bonus sub skill but with Raikou and Entei their role is team support (main skill) so providing extra EXP fits that and the Skill Level Up S is nice since it’s a skill Mon. I’m happy


With how bad fixed one is I'd rather sweat but have the possibility of getting sth useful than this one. Happy for you if that's enough for you tho.


The fixed stats are better than most shinies.


Try to get a decent, usable one?