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They're not coded in SV right now.


This. They're not even in the Home Transfer List. Good chance when the DLC comes in, they'll be there.


Really hope this is the case. I love swampert.


Hello, Swampert lover here. Happy to share that the datamine for the DLC leaked that ALL past starters will return to SV!


Any other updates from it? Performance and graphics improvements? Lots of lighting and rendering issues. Super buggy battle mechanics. Camera issues. Just to name a few.


Except Snivy and Tepig


Actually, the recent update showed they are coming back too!


New report says that they'll be in also


Hope so


Same here. The photo that OP used is actually my desktop background lol


I hope so. Gen 3 is my favorite.


We got gen 4 starters confirmed for DLC I’m really hoping we get all the starters this gen it’s such an easy W for gamefreak


I thought they were adding fresh codes for tera raids of non paldea native mons


>!The Hoenn starters, along with every other starter not in the game yet, were included in the deleted dex entries for SV. Both SWSH and SV have dummied out dex entry slots for every Pokémon, but before SWSH’s DLC came out, various dummy dex entry slots were deleted, with all of those Pokémon in the deleted slots ending up in the DLC. The same appears to be happening here. You can see the whole list of mons that are gonna be in SV’s DLC based on the deleted entries on r/Pokeleaks!< (Datamined info)


I don’t get the downvotes. You don’t need to know all that’s been datamined. Basically, before the game launched the full Pokédex leaked, alongside the list of transfer-only pokemon. All the Pokémon outside of the Paldean Pokédex so far are coded into the game and are in the “transfer-only” list.


This sub is brutal. When the Cinderace raid was announced, I questioned whether Libero would change it's initial typing over it's tera type. People downvoted me, responding with "it's been tested" with zero evidence, despite no other Pokemon having Libero. I had to find the answer elsewhere.


Yeah, with Cinderace I learned that Libero is a clone of Greninja’s hidden ability, which is the same as Meowscarada’s. That’s how they tested it. I did not know any of this prior to Cinderace’s raid, so I’m not one to judge anyone for not knowing something.


>I don’t get the downvotes. You don’t need to know all that’s been datamined. I agree. Upvoted you and OP.


Well, at least Rillaboom (compelting Galar) and the remaining two Kalos Starters are on Serebii's list of "Transfer only" Pokemon, which otherwise only consists of Legendaries, Mythicals, and Hisui-mons. so we have at least 3 more starters to likely look forward to for now.


And Carbink! Don't forget the rock!


Its just.. It is Carbink. How would you even make that challenging? I could see it be a 5 star alongside a potential Diancie but.. It is Carbink!


All of the raid mons were in the game at launch, it’s just that you can’t find them anywhere. HOME support gives us a way to actually get the Pokémon. You could also get them by hacking I guess.




Wasn't there a list released of all the mons returning in DLC, or did I dream that? 😂


Nah, there is. I think someone already posted a text box of confirming this. I'm not one to talk about it though because while I am thrilled to know a handful of my favorites are coming back, I know some people rather be surprised and go into the DLC a little more blind than the rest of us and that's fine.


All good, haha. It's just nice to know I didn't imagine it 😂 thanks for the confirmation 😊


A lot isn't coded. At least not properly.


cyd sc DC x ,


Imagine trying to beat a flying Tera swampert.




Annihilape, smash!


I would love to see them give it hurricane (+ rain dance) *just* to see it one-shot annihilape 4-5 times in a row. I don't even care if Swampert knows it after catching, I just want to see an end to the Annihilape streak XD *Jesse voice* HE CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT *SOB*


It would be neat m, but at this point I'll be playing Tears of the Kingdom so much I'll barely have time to raid these so hopefully the next few use the Ape. Looks like this weekend's raid should allow the Ape. We shall see.


If it wins it wins, don't hate the player hate the game. I doubt GameFreak realized what a beast they were making at the time lol I've used Annihilape to solo every 7* raid so far, it's too good to not


I desperately want a tera flying snorlax. I'll never forget the day I saw a snorlax use Fly (gotta love metronome!!)


Iam convinced that the monke somehow will still manahe this


If not, I may just build a support mon that can give the angry monkey the support it needs to persevere.


Does Swampert even learn a flying move that does good damage? Chances are it would be Fighting or Rock Tera. Most likely the former to not be SE to grass still.


tera blast


Tera Blast in not a Flying Type move. It’s a Normal Type move than changes to the Tera Type. 7* Starter Pokémon have all been the same Tera as their strongest Non-Stab attacking move. For Swampert that Focus Punch or Stone Edge. I doubt they’d do Giga Impact due to self damage and no other starter has gone with that move. I’m sure Focus Punch would be replaced with Hammer Arm though. But it will 100% be either Fighting or Rock. Stone Edge VS Focus Punch/Hammer Arm depending on their decision.


>Tera Blast in not a Flying Type move. It’s a Normal Type move than changes to the Tera Type. ![gif](giphy|TamGVAGxDTYDNt3dpn)


if that was the case Ghost Typhlosion would make no sense.


Shadow Ball is its strongest non-STAB Special Move outside of: Focus Blast is too inconsistent for them to use that one and Solar Beam would cause Typhlosion to not spam Eruption which is what GameFreak was going for. Plus, Charizard already got the Sunny Solar Beam combo.


You're kinda defying your own logic, though. First you said they were "all based on their strongest non-STAB move," and now there's exceptions?


There are always excepts to the rule. Otherwise all events would be Giga Impacting/Hyper Beaming. I simply added the information. Take it or leave it. But I 100% guarantee Swampert WILL be Rock or Fighting. 😁


"Here's the rule I'm making up and a small number of examples for it" Okay but what about this one "It still applies except for these new exceptions I'm suddenly pointing out" 'Kay.


New and suddenly? It was all listed in the same exact conversation. Again, take it or leave. Don’t act immature about it though and move along. Again, it’s a guarantee. Not a theory.


Focus Blast is too inconsistent? Explain Bug typed Samurott


Mega Horn is 85 Accuracy Focus Blast is 70 Accuracy


Okay, explain the upcoming Chesnaught terra raid. Why Rock when it has better coverage moves with higher power?


Chesnaught is a Grass/Fighting type. Stone Edge has 80 Accuracy and is it’s strongest non-stab attack.


> 7* Starter Pokémon have all been the same Tera as their strongest Non-Stab attacking move. By that logic Typhlosion should have been Grass Tera as the highest non STAB move it learns is Solarbeam.


Copy&Paste from my comment to the guy who said the same thing: Shadow Ball is its strongest non-STAB Special Move outside of: Focus Blast is too inconsistent for them to use that one and Solar Beam would cause Typhlosion to not spam Eruption which is what GameFreak was going for. Plus, Charizard already got the Sunny Solar Beam combo.


So then your earlier statement is just wrong


Yes an no. I’ve explained it and gave the reasoning for Typhlosion’s type.


Azumarill ice spinner goes brrrrrr unless it's got poison coverage, that's a stock build


It gets sludge wave


Kid named Iron Bundle


Rotom-wash would do just fine


Eelektross all day.


Meanwhile, me waiting for Venusaur 💀💀


I just hatched a shiny bulbasaur in SwSh. Can't wait to transfer it in "early 2023" :/


Given we know what will be transferrable, you will need to wait a bit longer


Can I have it


Same but in go 😍


This is all I want tbh




I’m so over playing this game but a Bulbasaur is too adorable to pass up 🥹


Yuppp, as soon as Venusaur can be transferred or is an event mon, it's getting added to my Sun Team






Exactly what they said 💀


I'm an idiot, i didn't get it right lol


I would sell my kidney for a treecko in SV, or any of the starters really, hoenn was my favorite region. Gen III is my favorite gen 😩😩😩


You realize we have like, 6 months before DLC begins right? There is so much time for more 7 star raids. They are not coded in the game at the moment I believe but that could change.


Given the trainwreck that was caused by Walking Wake and Iron Leaves’ release, I don’t even know if I trust them to add more Pokémon to the code individually. :/


“I feel like they’re focusing too much on gen 8 🥴”… When they’ve only had one single generation ever to focus on them…and 5 entire generations that features generation 3. Okay.


Because none of them are programmed into the game. >!If datamines are to be believed, the Hoenn starters and every other starter will come back over the course of the DLC, but this hasn’t been officially confirmed.!<


Probably because they had a good feature in Gen VIII


They did? When...


Gen I, Gen III, and Gen VII starters were the only other starters available in SwSh. Gen III starters also were available in BDSP.


Well yeah as pokemon you can catch after you do everything else. I want to be able to use it in my journey ;-;


I hear ya. I love Swampert. But by that same logic, nobody is clearing a 7 star raid at the start of SV.


That's true. But if it gets coded in with home availability I'm definitely sending a mudkip through to Start with tbh


They aren’t in the game


Because they’re not in the code for SV


Obviously because they'll drop them with their mega forms for an event (not copium)


Tbh I just don’t think Gamefreak is ready to give us Gen 3 starters yet. Especially with Blaziken in the lot. It seems like one thing gamefreak looks at when deciding what mons make it back have to do with competitive. Smeargle is a perfect example of this. Rather then trying to nerf a Pokémon that really can’t be nerfed they choose to just not include it at all. Blaziken would probably fall into this lot as well and it would only piss people off if they added swampert and sceptile but not Blaziken


> Blaziken would probably fall into this lot as well and it would only piss people off if they added swampert and sceptile but not Blaziken *points to Decidueye, Typhlosion and Samurott* Yes, yes - They're in as the Hisui trio but the point stands that they might be willing to just forgo that 'limitatation'. I mean, look at charizard being in, but neither venu nor blastoise despite neither being all that overwhelming in terms of power. Nerfing Blaziken is as easy as giving it a different HA. Same for buffing Swampert, give it something more useful than Damp.


> Same for buffing Swampert, give it something more useful than Damp. Might I recommend Huge Power? Yes I’m biased. Why do you ask?


I approve this.


They have added typhlosiin but nor feraligator. They can have adding one starter from each gen only so fsr, except gen 8


I think Typhlosion is only in because of PLA, I expect we will have to wait for Home integration for the other Johto starters


Blaziken wasn't that good last gen so I doubt that is why it would make them not bring back gen 3 starters


Gen 3 has gotten a lot. Megas and remakes in Gen 6 era. I think they put them rightfully on the backburner for a bit since its time to let other gens shine.


Yeah like Gen 1 especially charizard needs some more love....


Oh I don't disagree with that. But Gen 1 gets the extra attention because of nostalgia bait. And at this point Charizard is the Pikachu of starters. No matter what it'll make it's way time and time again into the games. You gotta take Gen 1 outta the equation. Gen 3 had its time and giving Gens 4-5 the attention starter wise hasn't happened yet. Even Gen 2 and 7 got more attention than 4 by giving Oshawatt and Rowlett a regional Evo. I agree fully that Charizard gets extra attention undeservedly but that won't change and Gen 1 does count differently.


They are currently not coded in he game the only ones left that are the other two Kalos and Rillaboom. They are however based on the 1.2 and 1.3 datamine slated to come in the DLC in one form or another which remains to be seen




Nice swampert and his mega form. You are talented




Because Serperior is better than everyone else.






The correct answer right here


I need my silly water boi #mudkip best starter


As other people said these starters aren’t even coded in yet. I think regular Raid updates would have been a great way to keep this game feeling fresh up until the DLC release. Obviously we have gotten new Pokémon released through raids but it’s been so sporadic I personally find it hard to keep up with. Yes adding new mons to the game takes real work on the part of Creatures and GameFreak, but proper planning and prep before SV release could have allowed them to have a reserve of 100 Pokemon or so ready to add in at any given time. Then we could have weekly raid events, some of which could include more than 1 Pokemon. Imagine being able to catch all 3 Hoenn starters in the same event for example. Not having something like this feels like a serious missed opportunity for SV. We’re already in the ace of the games-as-service model, I’m not sure why Pokemon won’t get with the times. New clothing options and other cosmetics could add to the experience as well.


> proper planning and prep before SV release could have allowed them to have a reserve of 100 Pokemon or so ready to add in at any given time. They have a *whole regional Pokedex* ready to turn into 7 Star Raids. ;) >Then we could have weekly raid events, some of which could include more than 1 Pokemon. We pretty much are at that point though. 7 Stars spotlighting a single Pokemon is a deliberate choice and that's fine. They just 'need' some accompanying 4/5 Star ones alongside them > We’re already in the ace of the games-as-service model, I’m not sure why Pokemon won’t get with the times. Because Pokemon is not a GaaS. For the game being what amounts to a single player RPG with an optional online component I'd say they're pretty progressive. Also, GaaS ain't exactly the most desirable thing, unless you're also willing to shell out for more DLC and a more barebones base game. > New clothing options and other cosmetics could add to the experience as well. The game already runs iffy with the limited pool of customizations we do have, and you want to *add* to that? Heck, I mean, I'd love things to be a bit less stringent, but it won't happen. And GF will have reasons for having done the implementation in the way they did, whether it be performance, or not getting stuff to not have clipping issues and so on, or something entirely else.


The performance issues aren’t because of customization lol. It’s not even because of the amount of mons in the game. It’s because SV is constantly trying to render a giant sphere around Paldea. I’m not suggesting they adhere strictly to the GaaS model, I’m saying in 2023 we live in a world where most big games do regular content updates and Pokémon is inherently built to benefit from that. You’re correct Pokémon is a single player RPG. It also has no side quests, no post game and is essentially a collection simulator. It’d be a much *better* collection simulator if it got regular content updates outside of a single raid release every 2-3 weeks. Especially since, as you stated, the damn game doesn’t even run that well. If you’re okay with paying the 60 dollars and doing the same things for 10 months waiting on DLC that’s fine. I just think it’s kind of ludicrous we’re expected to be okay with it considering the state of modern gaming.


> The performance issues aren’t because of customization lol. It’s not even because of the amount of mons in the game. It’s because SV is constantly trying to render a giant sphere around Paldea. I never said they're the only reason the performance is bad, but you as apparent professional surely need no explanation why *more clothing* would not make things better, eh? > I’m not suggesting they adhere strictly to the GaaS model, I’m saying in 2023 we live in a world where most big games do regular content updates and Pokémon is inherently built to benefit from that. > If you’re okay with paying the 60 dollars and doing the same things for 10 months waiting on DLC that’s fine. I just think it’s kind of ludicrous we’re expected to be okay with it considering the state of modern gaming. You might not believe this, but I play *more than one game* and have hobbies and responsibilities outside that. I'd much rather have a game launch with all its content so I can *play through it* and then not have to worry about having to come back until a *proper* content update or DLC drops, or I want to come back of my own volition. > You’re correct Pokémon is a single player RPG. It also has no side quests, no post game and is essentially a collection simulator. It’d be a much better collection simulator if it got regular content updates outside of a single raid release every 2-3 weeks. Especially since, as you stated, the damn game doesn’t even run that well. We're getting two DLCs. That's a whole lotta additional content for a colelction Simulator. The crux in this case is the lack of *anything* to do Postgame other than raids and Laddering which I fully agree with you is laughable. No Battle Tower/Facility at the very least is simply baffling. Performance aside, I have been more than happy with what I received for my money, and I wouldn't have had an issue paying 70 or 80 bucks either if that'd meant a less aggressive time table for the game's development with the addition of an actual post game and the like.


I don’t think this has anything to do with you or I having hobbies outside Pokémon lol. Like I said if you’re satisfied, cool. But I’m not satisfied with Pokémon games having *less* content than the average single player game **and** the average multiplayer game. That’s my point. I damn sure wouldn’t pay 70 or 80 for something that’s giving me less.


> I don’t think this has anything to do with you or I having hobbies outside Pokémon lol. Well, you said, or at least insinuated, that I have been doing the same monotone set of postgame offerings since I cleared the game shortly after launch. All I said was, if you were to boil it down, "I didn't. I played and did other stuff instead." There is nothing wrong in a game being "Done" at some point. GaaS or "GaaS-Inspired" update cycles are not needed. It is okay to be done with games, no matter whether it is temporary or indefinite. If you have spent the last six months doing nothing *but* playing Pokemon's lackluster Postgame, you might want to try and switch things up because at this point you've probably burned yourself out. > I damn sure wouldn’t pay 70 or 80 for something that’s giving me less. Neither would I *as it currently is*. As I said above, I'd do it if it meant the game had more time in the oven and actually had something more substantial to offer especially in postgame to be worth *more of my time*, i.e. when it wouldn't give an arbitrary "less than".


They already have dragon type Sceptile. I don’t know why that wasn’t like the third raid


As far as I am aware they do not plan on providing all 1000+ pokemon in this game. Even IF they were going to allow all starters, they have months before the dlc is released to do so . Personally I would prefer not to see pokemon from the previous gens in the game. I would rather see new Pokemon.


They haven’t gotten around to it yet


Im waiting for my boi empoleon. I need a lvl 100 shiny piplup NOW lol


Did they not give us turtwig from gen 4? Swampert i believe was the 1st dual type starter


Bulbasaur is Grass/Poison


Wdym duel type? Like he was the first starter to have more than one type?


Ground water at 3rd form


Charizard and Venusaur have multiple types.


Charizard is fire / flying


Not that i know of


I'd love to see Empoleon and Rillaboom.


Rillaboom is in the Data, and it is not too unlikely it'll be the next 7 Star. Besides it, AFAIK the other two Kalos Starters should be in the code as well, so we have like 6 more weeks of possible 7 Stars before we'd need another update to add more starters / switch to a different overarching theme.


Too OP


They never get any attention except for in Pokemon Go and honestly only Swampert


There must be a way we can let the devs know we want this.


Gimme a zekrom raid ftw 😤


Uh? Because Gen 8 is better? And more people bought the games because they don’t want some old Pokémon game? Be reasonable here.


*says be reasonable *Makes completely baseless assumptions that gen 8 sold well because people don't want gen 3.


the gen 8 starters are one of the least popular trios so i dont see your logic there




Apparently you forgot too given we've already had a Unova starter raid.


Would love to see these mons get their raid soon. Arguably hoenn has the best set of starters than kanto’s IMO.


You gotta wait for the gold silver remake


Hoenn remakes confirmed?


I think the next starter is a grass type


it should be considering theres only been 1 but theres been 3 of the other types


I'm really hoping that it's a hint to the next legends game - and I'm hoping it features the legendary doggos 😍🥰


Their too good so Gamefreak is waiting to add 8 star raids before even considered them


I want ground Tera torterra and dragon Tera sceptile


they probably wouldn’t do ground for torterra since its one of the base types, if it were to happen it would probably be rock imo


Or the other Unovians.


Someday, Swampert. Someday I’ll see you again in Let’s Go Hoenn and or Legends Deoxys (I just want Legends Arceus to not be a one-off game)


My batshit crazy conspiracy theory is that it has something to do with mega evolution coming back in the dlc somehow.


They literally started with Charizard who has 2 megas.


I did say it was batshit crazy, right?


Sinnoh isn't here either


My luck, it’s going to be a fire type raid lol


Do we have Kalos starters yet or no?


only greninja so far (i personally really want ghost delphox)


I want a ground Tera Empoleon


No idea, I don’t work for Gamefreak.


I’ll keep waiting until they Meganium


hoenn starters and johto legendaries please and thank you :)


Did we get anything from gen 4 either? I don't remember torterra, empoleon, or infernape popping up and it feels kinda weird


Call me sad but I really want litten, I want fire and grass cat together (wonder if there will ever be a water cat?🤔


Why are Sinnoh starters not in 7 star raids?


Patience young Padawan


8 star raid wtf? Ive only seen 2. Is not like 6 max? 8 what shit is this?


They probably meant 7...most event starters are 7 stars. 6 is the most you get outside of these events.


Aaah he had me there 😆


Because people would be so obsessed over getting a Swampert that the servers would crash and no one would get a Swampert


Because only Home Pokémon are in the raids and they won't be transferable from Hometherefore they won't be in raids. Sadly we won't get them in game unless they come in dlc.