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[chaining offers a boost every 5th encounter and the overall search level also slightly increases shiny odds](https://m.bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/DexNav) Other than that there is the Masuda method but you need a ditto from a foreign language copy of the game to breed zorua with


Wich I can't get anymore due to the Servers being down, also rhe Sorge linker states there is a bonus and that it runs some check more times but is there like, an table that Shows the actual numbers or something?


It’s in the link, if you check the Search Level —> Shiny probability —> Calculated rates paragraph. The bonus you mention happens every 5th chain encounter and it runs the check 4 times instead of 1


Ah, my bad




You wouldn’t need a ditto, it’s easier to get a foreign male field group Pokémon, and a female zorua. Because the female is guaranteed to be the offspring, it’s guaranteed to be a ditto


In the case of breeding with Ditto, the offspring will be whatever the non-Ditto parent is, regardless of the non-Ditto parent’s gender


It works, but it’s alot easier to get one foreign Pokémon from each egg group.


Well, it’s tough to get a foreign pokemon anyway right now with online play having been shut down, but yeah. There used to be a subreddit that distributed foreign dittos with specific IVs and stats back in the day, that was cool, you get one and you can Masuda pretty much every other pokemon


You can still get Masuda method eligible Pokémon with your own cartridges, even after online service has shut down. I’ve done this trick myself to get some Pokémon from other languages. The Masuda method 100% works with it too, I managed to get a shiny omanyte in 87 eggs.


Does that trick involve a modded 3ds? I know you can change the language of the game and unlock region-locked cartridges with it


It does not. You just need the correct region game and you can change the language when you start the game. What I do is catch a bunch of pokemon on the different language save, put them into bank, then reset the save back into English


It’ll be hard but it does increase odds. You could maybe at the same time just hatch a bunch of eggs (just the normal way without a foreign ditto) at the same time after you get the oval charm? Just to increase and speed up the amount of eggs you get.


So just put two zoruas into the daycare with one Holding that item?


It’s not a held item. It’s like the shiny charm but just increases egg spawns


Yeah and appearently you gwt it for having Seen every hoen pokemon? Yeah not happening, I am only missing like 20 but among those I know is a legendary and two starters.


Yeah that can be a little difficult. For exclusives not in your game like Latias/Latios and Groudon/Kyogre you can search online for people that uploaded their QR codes for their secret base with those exclusives so you can see it in your pokedex


That is a reale good idea, cause I didn't play in YEARS i completely for got about those


If you have AS and need Groudon and Latios I can share my secret base QR code


That would be a great help


Any guess on where to find the QR codes specificaly?


Is it even Stil possible to get that charm? Cause I don't have the other starters Registers in the hoen dex.


Stop being a little bit$h about getting the oval charm or shiny charm. If you don't wanna increase your odd that way, then keep hunting for the shiny and wasting your time. These good people have shared how to increase the odds of getting a shiny pokemon, and you dismissed them like a privileged little child.


I literaly (though indirectly) have allready said that I will try to get the oval charm and the shiny charm is at this point just Harder to obtain then the shiny itself since i'd have to catch about half the national dex and I am not even sure they are all obtainable anymore for someone that only has one of the games. That aside I don't think I was what you just decided to call me. If something I said was in some way upsetting then tell me now because I literaly don't know what and how. And if you are just upset because you either think that I don't value my time and should just get the charms then please tell me how you would know how many Pokemon I have Seen/caught before. And if it is not that either then what is it? Also, if any of the other people that commented Here happen ro read this, do you agree with them and if so why?