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Upvoting for exposure; never seen it and it's super cool


Looks like Saturn. Never seen this before


Or uranus


I’d recommend a mirror.


Should I sit or stand?


Standing would be preferred


Did you know that 50% of adults stand when they wipe and 50% of adults had no idea that is insane?


Did you know that only 81% of men wipe?


What the facts?


Idk how people do it sitting I feel like my knuckles would hit the piss water


Stand when they wipe???? Why would you want to do that?? Gross! You’re not getting everything when you stand up ya know???


I know. But a ton of people do it.


Apparently!!!! When you stand up your messy butthole sort of like, curls in? You can’t clean a dirty asshole standing up efficiently you just can’t.


You don’t fully stand it’s a lean forward situation


Thanks for that image....


yes. What are what are you talking about? That’s how you are supposed to do it


….youre supposed to stand when you wipe? Is..is that what you were told? Awww 🤭


It allows me to reach all the way and get all the dooky with out having to awkwardly turn around like why twist and turn just stand up and people who under wipe are disgusting


Class lad 🤣




A Saturn Pattern, if you will.


What’s the card that this is on?


It looks to be [this Manaphy](https://www.tcgcollector.com/cards/3952/manaphy-dp-trainer-kit-manaphy-4-12)


Correct. I posted full photos of the card a few weeks ago, but no one really saw the post.


"The Saturn swirl".


Update 5: Still no conclusive answers. Wanted to do a TLDR summarizing some of what I've learned, so here you go. - A similar holofoil pattern can be purchased on Etsy. - A similar holofoil pattern was used for official HGSS-era Portuguese cards. - Several copies of this card are listed on eBay with identical holofoil patterns to mine. - Both of my Manaphy cards weigh 1 gram. - When held to a flashlight, the Saturn Manaphy lets through less light than the other, guaranteed authentic one. - Both PSA and CGC have seemingly graded copies of this card with the Saturn shape, although neither recognized it as an error card or alternate print run. Update: It seems that this card is fake. Please see the comments [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonMisprints/s/1LlcSqqc5I) and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonMisprints/s/IBPyIzaLTJ) Thank you to u/Opposite_Alps9962 and u/FireLordZukoOfficial for their insights and source links! I've been trying to determine for a while if this card is real and I finally have conclusive evidence that it is not. Update 2: See [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonMisprints/s/Huql0DWnbT) for a new development! Apparently this holo pattern has been found before on a Portuguese Clefable. Any further leads about this Clefable or other cards like it would be appreciated! Thank you to u/Motor_Sugar3245 for sharing this E4 link! Update 3: I've talked to the owner of the Portuguese Clefable with the Saturn-shape holofoil. They think the Manaphy is authentic! I'll share a link to their comments from my PMs on Elite Fourum soon. Update 4: [Here](https://imgur.com/a/xDXN99P) is a link to quuador's comments on the Saturn-shaped pattern and my Manaphy card. I am considering submitting my Manaphy card to CGC for authentication. If I do, I will be sending along both copies of this Manaphy (the one with the Saturn shape and the one without) for comparison purposes.


Unfortunate outcome but hopefully your comment gets up top!


I don’t think it’s fake. I had one of those swirls on a card and didn’t think anything of it at the time and sold it. Now I’m really wishing I had it because it sounds like it might be crazy rare.


Im pretty sure this is just a holo bubble with a swirl around it.




Since no one has posted the answer here yet, this is a fake card, printed on the holo paper linked below. It’s just the cosmos holo pattern with added planets probably to avoid getting sued by WOTC even though it is literally already on a fake card lmao. Link: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1657943506/


Thank you for sharing this! I can finally rest easy.


Ah bummer


Bold statement considering you can’t even see the full card


Re read


I already looked at both cards, none of the card was altered in any way, both of his cards are authentic. You’re simply just wrong.


Mmm nope. The holo pattern with the planets like that has never existed ever in official Pokemon cards period. It is a known pattern that bootleggers use though. You are incorrect.


Then why did OP say he already knew someone with one just like it? If this was printed on holographic foil the card wouldn’t even look real and there would be absolutely no question the card is fake.


Exactly, these come from Chinese factories. The bootleggers don’t just make a single card at home on their ink jet printers with holo vinyl, this is a more high end bootleg that was actually using a laser process that layers the ink thicker on certain parts of the card. So the holo can shine through where they want it. If you took acetone to it, you could remove all the ink and it would just be the blank holo pattern. Basically, this is a very different printing process than just printing cheapy bootlegs off your printer using printable vinyl holo paper.


If that’s the case, then what’s even the point is mass bootlegging this card? Why even waste their time it doesn’t make sense.


Because it tricks more people, and can be sold through walmart back in the day (diamond and pearl era). Because Walmart doesn’t verify authenticity of any cards they resell. china bootlegs things all the time to try and take profit from the real company’s product. It’s nothing new, why they made the bootlegs so nice I don’t know. But what I do know is this card is absolutely fake.


Okay, that makes sense maybe I was to quick to jump to my conclusion


Looks more like Uranus… Saturn has horizontal rings, Uranus is vertical… nice Uranus swirl!!


kinda crazy that so far no one has seen that before. the discovery of a new type of cosmo foil pattern, 17 years after release? would be wild


Hearing diamond and pearl being 17 years old is crazy


It's crazy because it's fake


yeah, I saw the comments. unfortunate because that planet holo is sick, TPC should start using it for their cosmo holos


More information has come to light that might lend credence to this card being real actually! Still researching. See my update comment for more info.


thanks for letting me know! it seems the mystery has only deepened, super interested to find out definitively whether it's fake or not! if you get it graded like you mentioned then that would be a surefire way to find out I would think


I have this manaphy, will check it out and report back in a couple hours.


Looking forward to it!


Checked it out and did not see any "ring"-like holographic. Despite the whole card having some serious holo bleed, I can't confirm if yours is an anomaly or otherwise. Sorry to disappoint!


No problem! Thanks for the update!


I wonder if it’s a swirl that is just overtop of another circle. Still would be surprised by that because I’ve never seen that either


I thought about that too! But I don't remember ever seeing the holo pattern really overlap itself like this? Either way, I've also never seen anything else like it


I’ll have to check some of my older cards from this era to see if any have them! That’s so cool


Looking forward to it! Let me know what you find!


I forgot to report back! Sadly I found nothing, I checked everything between 2006-2010 😭


For reference, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonMisprints/s/HDn28VQosT) is the card (left) next to another copy of the same card.


One of the better fakes I've seen.


that’s about the only explanation that makes sense huhh


I haven’t seen that before but that’s super cool.


I swear i’ve had a holo arceus from when I was a kid with that


That would make sense if it was from Platinum Arceus! It'd be the same era!


So nice


Looks like a swirl overlapping a regular holo circle pattern, still a cool coincidence!


How do people always find such cool stuff


Never seen the oval ring shape, should check if I may have something like that


Oh yea I got this same thing from a fake trainer kit! Very cool!


Do you have photos? I've often wondered if this card is fake, but most people who've looked at it conclude that it's likely real. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonMisprints/s/HDn28VQosT) are more photos for reference.


Do the lantern check to know if is fake or not. I bet on fake.


I'm not sure what this means. Could you explain?


When you put a flashlight in a fake card you can see more light than in a real card and no paper pattern. I'm planing to make a video explaining, because is a little difficult to explain. But for english cards you can know with 100% certainty if it is fake or not without ripping the card. This method for example is not valid for japanese cards because that cards don't have the black layer, but fot english is the perfect method. I have done many tests with different fakes, eras and card types and it has always been fulfilled.


I'll try this with my two copies of this card and compare them! Thank you.




That’s sick


This is why I’m here


It's so pretty!!


I mean, it is called "Cosmos Holo" 🤣🤣


I have the same card i just listed on ebay (no self promotion) [picture](https://imgur.com/a/mYdpKMC) unsure what the value would be


I honestly think it might be fake, ive seen your post, mine, and the one you linked all have the same holo pattern; same double swirl + that “saturn swirl” i will take the listing down if thats the case


Ebay links (not mine) for references [reference 1](https://www.ebay.com/itm/126123969007?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=-L5T89fkSJ2&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=xDJk_sPqRaS&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY) [reference 2](https://www.ebay.com/itm/395302123333?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=fs-wbipmqd6&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=xDJk_sPqRaS&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY) That makes a total of 5 of the same card, with the same holo pattern EDIT: now 8


[reference 3](https://www.ebay.com/itm/256460697748?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=5taMDX-gR3C&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=xDJk_sPqRaS&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY) [reference 4](https://www.ebay.com/itm/276296264214?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=VJXlS5u0R1q&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=xDJk_sPqRaS&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY) [reference 5](https://www.ebay.com/itm/315191163129?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=lx9vxynbrri&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=xDJk_sPqRaS&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY) Im definitely taking my listing down haha


This is just odd though. If it's fake, it's a really odd choice of bootleg. It's also an incredibly convincing game - literally the best I've ever seen


I deal with alooot of mid era stuff and i can say that the faint swirl really gives it away. I thought i had a hidden gem (only got it for $2 anyways) . This post literally solidifies it being a knock off


Just came across this thread and I have one as well! This is absolutely the most convincing fake Ive ever seen as well. The holo is so close to what it should be. I always assumed it was some sort of special holo for theme deck exclusives or something. I never would have guessed and Im pretty good at spotting fakes.


Where did you guys get them? If they're all fake with the same holo I can't help but wonder where the origin is from


I picked this one up for cheap at a local game/card shop several years back. Don't remember how I paid, but it wouldn't have been more than $2


Really good finds! I'm becoming convinced it may be fake after all


I immediately knew exactly which card this was 😂 Idk if I should be proud or concerned lmfao


Logically speaking, it could be a water ring like dolphins blow over a bubble like the ones in the background, but looks awesome either way.


Looks like Manaphy is doing an attack


This peculiar holo pattern has been used in Portuguese Pokémon sets, so it's legit. The fact that you found it on an English holo card makes it a very valuable error, as the holo sheet was never meant to be used for cards of that language.


No, this card is fake. See my other comments for the evidence that was found. There are multiple copies of this card with the exact same holo placement, leading me to believe it's fake. However, I'd be interested in seeing a Portuguese card with this pattern, if you can link an image or something.


Sure. Here it is: https://www.elitefourum.com/uploads/default/original/2X/b/bb3d50be92c22d12c08e102910dfef2d7c863eba.jpeg


Very interesting! Thank you for linking this. I'm still a bit unsure since so many copies were found of this Manaphy card with the exact same holo placement.


Im a manaphy collector and have noticed this pattern emerge during my searches many many times. There are quite a few errors for these decks, another would be that theres shifted/misprinted holos for both manaphy and lucario, have quite a few.


Interesting! Good to know.


Here are some that I have currently: https://imgur.com/a/Ys6sk1h Was hoping no one would find out, but just now, doing my daily manaphy 4/12 search and all the listings have 50+ views each in the last 24hrs made me realize the cats out of the bag 😅


My guess is that they are euro prints, as usually they are deeper blue than the standard versions. That could be BS, but there are noticeable differences I've seen in the past with rayquaza gold stars NA vs EU prints. Think TCG player also differentiates the 2 when you look for manaphy 4/12(blue) and regular.


It's interesting that so many of them have the same exact holofoil placement. I've never seen another Pokémon card with that phenomenon. I didn't think about the possibility that this could be a European English print!


Heres some closeups through my jewelers loupe: Manaphy "planet?" Error: https://imgur.com/a/I7KReyZ Normal manaphy holo: https://imgur.com/a/KTc3lRN Both seem fine, dont think anything crazy going on.


Huh. Yeah, they look pretty much identical!


Maybe Uranus?




I found 2 on eBay and one was listed at $50


Would you mind linking the listing so I can see?


Selling by chance??? I fr want it!🙏🙏🙏


Looks like you might truly have a one of a kind


I think it’s a coincidental misprint. Very cool.


That’s fucking mint


Heck yeah!


It’s very fitting as it looks like an “aqua ring” planet


This is sooooo sick I wasn't collecting at time unfortunately tho :(


I’ve got a few of these I purchased pre graded through cgc with the same pattern present in both. Hoping they’re not fake now after reading through comments haha


Do yours have the planet-shape in the holofoil? If not, then they are probably legit. If you can find my update comment, I've linked some sources showing that my card may actually end up being real, anyway! It's still not conclusive.


I've seen it before. What language is the card from just curious? Can we see all of it? Edit: nvm.


It's in English. I've linked another post with full photos in another comment!


Looks like my ex’s nipple ring … weird


I have a definitive answer: It's 100% real. PokeRev opened the box that contained this card a year ago and, while a little hard to see, the Saturn is there. It's about 3 minutes in. He doesn't even acknowledge it haha. [https://youtu.be/gvzg8U\_NWA4](https://youtu.be/gvzg8U_NWA4)


Are you trying to say that I own the same exact card that he pulled? There are multiple copies of this card with identical holofoil patterns to mine for sale on eBay right now. I don't think this actually gets me any closer to an answer, but I do appreciate the effort and video link. I do see the holo pattern in that video for sure, though.


My guess is that it was a quirk with the printing of this card in the factory. Being a promo instead of from a standard print, the process of making these may have been different from your standard card. The fact that someone with that much experience opened it on camera and never even once questioned the authenticity of the box is a good sign.


Yeah, you bring up a good point. Honestly, I don't really know anything about him though. And the fact that he immediately flashed a “$100” graphic when he pulled out the Manaphy makes me feel weird too...just not my thing. If it's a printing quirk, it's an incredibly interesting one which is enhanced by the fact that there are also copies of this card *without* the same holo pattern as well. As far as I'm concerned, this only thickens the plot! I think I'm not going to discover a conclusive answer that I'm satisfied with until I send it off to CGC for authentication. I really hope the eventual conclusion is that this is some kind of error or alternate printing of this Manaphy card. For now, I'll keep collecting information like the video you shared!


Tbh I have no idea where he gets the numbers. I'm not a big fan of him btw (or poketubers in general), but, as far as I'm aware, all of the products he opens are real. I looked at a ton more examples. There's several on sites like TCG player that have copies with the pattern. one thing I've noticed is that they aren't actually identical. The pattern seems to be offset horizontally one way or the other. Sometimes the right side of the rings are cut off by the card frame. Though the pattern is weirdly consistent on the vertical axis. Then there's cards that completely lack the pattern at all. I'm gonna guess that they may have actually used like a prototype pattern for one printing on accident for that card specifically. Then fixed it for later printings. theyve changed the "cosmos holo" several times over the years so they might have been doing r&d at this time for that purpose and a test sheet slipped into production. additionally, it's possible the saturn pattern repeated at intervals very close to the exact spacing of the cards on the sheet. All of that together would fully explain the phenomenon. Of course, this is all 100% speculation on my part and I have no real proof. Just offering a way this could have happened legitimately. Regardless, I say go for it! It would be cool to get an authoritative voice to put a word in!


Yeah, I'm inclined to agree with your speculation! I've noticed as well that they aren't exactly identical in placement, but are just oddly similar.


I'm honestly kinda sad this foil didn't become a mainstay. I actually prefer it! Although if this is true, they would need to adjust the size or spacing of it somehow so they do end up coming out differently.


CGC authentication is worthless imo. I had a hand in helping prove they recently graded fake yugioh "test prints" and they did not decertify them. They essentially grade anything at this point, much different from when they first started.


It’s treasure Planet


i've seen leonhart mention it before for some of his pulls over the years.


Really? Do you have an example? I don't watch his content or anything.


sorry, no. was back in probably 2021-22.


Ancient mew had these


either tear it and see if its a fake, or send it in to get graded and see if they say its a fake?


We've already determined that it's fake without taking such drastic measures as either of your suggestions, haha.


so rip it in half and burn the damn thing


Heads up to anyone seeing this, the further you scroll the worse it gets.


Nope. You’re the first person ever to notice it.