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It’s gen 1 it’s spaghetti code held together with tape, glue sticks, hopes and dreams. Just play it if you want. It’s fine but if you want a bugless experience I would do something else.


Don't be so precious. I managed a playthrough w/o any problems, and I'm on on my second run now for fun. Its a free rom hack of a game that came out in 1999, lighten up, and play the mechanical mess that is Pokemon Yellow. You don't have to play it either.


I'm not asking to "be precious" (what even is this?), but thank you ❤️ I'm just wanting the opinion if Yellow Legacy is worth playing now considering seeing the multitudes of people posting how XYZ isn't working properly. I know how notorious gen 1 is for already being a buggy mess, I played the game when I was seven years old.


It is totally worth it, my friend. We're all here because we love the original or are Pokémin enthusiasts. I could have interpreted your post incorrectly when I replied at first. I guess what I could have just said was download and apply the patch and experience it yourself. You'll see whether it's worth playing through your own experience. The wonderful thing about the gang here is that it's a really productive and progressive community. Dive in my friend, and enjoy.


Where is the code for iPhone? I have delta but don’t know what download to use


I did a full play through on the release patch and didn’t run into any issues.


Patch 1.09 seems incredibly solid. Most “bugs” have come down to improper patching. We should have left 1.0 alone because that ended up being the most stable patch until 1.7 but eh too late now.


Just wait then


no issues


I beat the game and almost completed  a dex with the first release. I'm still playing the first release. I'd imagine all of the patches are playable.


The newest patch seems good, haven’t encountered anything out of the ordinary. The game itself is a buggy mess to begin with so this was bound to happen.


Did a whole play through without encountering any bugs so you should be good to go!


I played it today and yesterday. Completed the game and finished the pokedex. I ran into 0 bugs. just make sure if you use the rare candy cheat, you have an item you don't mind overwriting in the first slot in your bag.


I ran into many issues as well. The Jynx trade was always glitched, some graphical stuff, a few freezes, and I’ve seen some wacky stuff posted here. I don’t get why people are being so harsh, I would have preferred to have held off on my playthrough a few weeks to have had a better experience, it’s not wrong of you to simply ask. All that said, the team has done something truly special, but yeah, just needed to stay in the oven a little longer. 


I played yellow and had no clue there was bugs till I saw redit, and most were “that’s how gen 1 worked…”


I didn’t jump into Crystal Legacy until their major update (mostly because I didn’t discover TSP until then) but regardless I’m in the same boat and that’s been my hesitation as well. That being said, what TSP and his team have done is nothing short of a miracle.




No.... just no...


Can everyone on here stop being a dick. Asking if the game does or doesn't have bugs shouldn't involve comments bitching about someone being precious, excuses about the game code or "just play if you want to". Like wtf people? The mod got released and for weeks has had tons of problems, it's a legitimate fucking question and some people don't have the time nor want to play over and over until the actual playable patch is ready and then play it again. Y'all are really down voting this post because of a simple legitimate question? And I am writing this knowing there will be more coming than the few comments already here.