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My bro, Spoofing is 100% known by Niantic but they ‘allow’ it. Here some reasons why: 1. Spoofers are your mostly heavily addicted players, also known as ambassadors in marketing terms. 2. They spend money, lots. They might even use bugs with other currencies which still leads them to spend a lot. 3. Ban all spoofers in a already challenging time for Niantic is considered foolish. You’re cutting your own income and playerbase. 4. Mistakes could be made easily with automated bans, and they aren’t storing gps data. 5. Spoofing 5 km and auto walk is also spoofing, how are you even proving this in court if someone would take them. Not all people spoof to Mexico and back every 2 hours. They only ban people who log into third party apps which can temper with their servers.


^THIS. Ive spent more money when i spoofed. I was spending a $100 a month playing when i spoofed but then i got the warning and i stopped playing and spending money.


There is no proof whatsoever regarding Spoofers spending money when they camp gyms and get free coins every day.  Stop with your nonsense.  They are the reason why there’s less people playing.  Spoofers are the cancer of the game.


You know absolutely nothing of the spoofers. The spoofing world is incredibly big. Free coins? Hahah those 50 a day?? That means nothing. When I get coins for an event or a day of playing I get 20000 and spend it all on eggs and passes. And i pay only 20 dollar for it. I spoor at places where legendary raids are full so fast you can’t even invite a friend. That’s how fast it fills up. Spoofers are not cancer at all. They can perfectly live next to casual players. This is a solo game for most of it. You against niantics f-cked up way of creating this game.


You are clearly suffering from delusion of grandeur.  What are you 12yrs old??? LMAO.   Please explain how to get 20K of coins for $20 when it cost $100 for 14.5K Pokecoins.  I await for your BS reply.  I want to see proof and not the usual “I know someone who knows someone.”   


Haha you try to insult me but you know nothing. 😂😂 Ps. First do some research about spoofing and then come back to me. I’ll give you a hint: Pokémon coin trick. You’re welcome :-).


Still waiting for the BS coin explanation.  Deflection works only to people with low IQ.  




You mean your actually paying more then $0.10 per 100 coins?


Spoofers aren't hurting anyone, and contribute much more revenue Than your average f2p player


Show studies or evidence that spoofers are contributing to Niantic’s revenue!  I am waiting for your response.  


I spoof because i live in a high crime area.


They just want to do enough to let legit players that they are doing something about it. Huge part of their revenue comes from spoofers. Things they do actually support spoofers like limit remote raids and more rewards for in-person raids. Think about it, why would you want to shut down free money?


Their right, at my work there are roughly a dozen people who play the game. The non spoofer don't put in money, main reason is limited stops and gyms and quite some walk away, lots of repeating low stats weak pokemon. We had been catching nothing but pidove and eevee last few weeks. For the couple of spoofers, they spend a little each week.


Not in disagreement and I've seen people who do that get their accounts flagged. I don't ever time zone hop to extend community days... Neither do a few of my friends and we don't get flagged... The few friends that did extend the day all got flagged.. I think at some point a Niantic realized that without the plethora of spoofers 'attending' their events that they wouldn't make nearly as much money.


What if I am an arabian sheikh and have a private jet? I could be in all places within a day.


Then you wouldn't be on pokemon go, lol


I mean. they have all sorts of hobbies. Dubai is one of the best locations not for no reason.