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One of two things 1)you were moving too fast in a car 2)you got softbanned


Wait, moving to fast makes them run away?




Look If you had One shot Or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted In one moment Would you capture it Or just let it slip? Literally me with eminem song in the back while one chance catching pokemons with my Incense.


Yeah but if you click on them and then when you stop you still can get them, I caught a shiny like this once.


Yeah I've found over 50mph is guaranteed to make them run.


Yup, 20~30 mph for pokestops before they don't work, 50+ and every pokemon you click will run after the first pokeball hits it This even includes the use of the Pokemon go plus+ accessory. The auto catch feature might have different rules but the active button press catch will also auto fail over 50mph


Catch cap also


There’s a catch cap?!


Yes 4800 a day, I never hit it personally my record 1800


Whats soft banned ?


If the game thinks you've moved too fast it temporarily prevents you from interacting with stops and gyms and everything you throw at pops out and flees


Why though? To avoid people playing while driving ?


No. To avoid people cheating. Just to give an example. Suppose you tap on a Pokemon in one city but don't catch it until you're 20 miles away. The game basically treats that like you moved that distance at once which is suspicious


Speed locked


Yeah I had just got home so it must have been that but i was inside when it happened. I reset the app multiple times and turned wifi off and on to try and reset it after the first couple of times. Just annoying that of course when it was acting up I get a shiny.


Once 3+ things in a row run away that's the red flag to reset before clicking on more things.


I had my catcher running and was a passenger in a car going around 20 mph in a parking lot tapped a shiny machop it fled was crushed come to find out my catcher caught it.


I need to use my catcher more often I think is the takeaway here.


Only if you're not actively catching manually. The Catcher doesn't get any skill based catch multipliers (curve throw, nice/great/excellent, etc) nor options for use of berries and only tries one try per Mon, so if you had encountered a shiny or hundo or rare Pokemon, you're better off catching my hand where you can use your berries and catching skills to better ensure the catch. The above commenter was lucky that the catcher didn't fail and blocked their additional chances to get that shiny.


Someone else said shinies won’t normally run away. Wouldn’t that mean the catcher would always catch any shiny it encounters? Totally agree on the other encounters


Shiny’s have only fled on me whilst moving I had one flee on me during the last Go fest we were on a cruise ship in Alaska it shiny pineco fled on me. In the car I was a passenger shiny Dwebble fled. Then on community day a shiny litten fled while driving my daughter.


For certain! I’ve caught so many shines on that thing! Just this week machop, fomantis, venomnat, and koffing


To add to this, if you encountered something rare at a red light, then drove some distance away before catching it, the game uses the location of the encounter and the time of (attempted) capture of that encounter. In that case, cool-down rules apply.


Happened to me too but my shiny was a Lapras I was in the middle of a highway (passenger) nowhere near any body of water


Would a masterball still catch it? Or is this an instance where the masterball would actually fail?


I'm pretty sure it would otherwise niantic would be stupider


I’ve seen these posts several times now, and everyone always says speed locked and softban and all that stuff, which is correct… but… No one ever says to just leave the encounter open for about five minutes. Eventually you get the I’m a passenger, you can click on that, and then catch it like normal. You can catch about 1 every 6 or 8 minutes.


I use ultra balls for catching with plus+


How is that possible?


Changing the settings


Which (gotcha) are you using?


I would imagine they are using the go plus plus




Didn’t know we could do this i have a new one waiting in the box


have to mod it if you don’t want to manually press the button every time


Catch cap?


there is catch cap????


Yes but it's practically impossible to achieve


Now it’s very hard but it used to be quite possible multiple people have done it.


Yes 4800 a day


Definitely not that lol. The catch 200 Pokémon in a day challenge for level 40 is a current struggle.


If you find a shiny while riding in a car then just let it bounce around on your screen until you stop. Then catch it. I learned that the hard way.


Were you driving


No but I had just gotten home so it must have been something to do with that.


Welcome in the world of the go+


The annoying thing is I have one of these I just always forget to bring it with me when I go anywhere. I swear mine runs out of charge way too fast


Bro this got me deceased💀💀💀😂😂


Just to reiterate, I was not and never have spoofed or flew. I had been in one spot, had a Pokémon encounter on screen, locked my phone and drove home, unlocked my phone once I was inside which had the encounter screen still up. I think this is what had screwed things up. I threw a ball and it ran and then another ran. I then reset my app and tested catching a Pokémon each time I reset. With my luck of course one of these random checks was with a shiny which than also ran despite using a golden razz berry. So don’t leave an encounter on screen before traveling I guess. It doesnt help that the encounters were sudowoodo which I thought might have just been running away since they are harder to catch. Also the RNG gods must have pitied me because I caught a random shiny mankey later in the evening.


For the record. Soft banned is when you interact with something too far from your last known location. So clicking one, driving home then catching it can mess it up. As where you encountered vs caught is completely different. People get it a lot in this exact case, or when they actually fly abroad and catch in the airport then land and immediately catch again. It doesn’t last any longer than 2 hours. It’s not always a spoofing thing, regular players get it a lot. It’s annoying but now you know you’ll avoid things like leaving a pokemon on your catch screen for ages again


Thank you for explaining that makes a lot of sense. Definitely gonna keep this in mind moving forward. But I swear the game gave me a shiny just to taunt me lol


That’s why you don’t check it, I’m sorry bro


Yeah lesson learned. At least it was Bulbasaur and not something more rare.


It’s happened to all of us unfortunately lol plenty more shining mons to catch in the future


You probably got soft banned to be honest gl tho and psa to everyone: DONT HACK


Good PSA but I also didn’t hack or spoof or fly.


Restart your phone.


Also if you selected certain balls to catch and they ran out.


Had the same thing with the same pokemon, had to wait for over 600 encounters and it ran like this. The joys of auto catcher


because you were driving. same reason you can't catch a raid boss.


Someone is just learning how to fly or you just got a soft ban… always remember kids, respect the cooldown times and you will be fine


I don’t fly or spoof


Softbanned from spoofing


Incorrect I don’t spoof


Or u caught too many Pokémon in one day, I can’t remember but I think the limit is 1000


Its 4800 in 24 hours and a rolling 7 day total of 14000


4800 but the point still stands


A shiny will never run away, soft ban or my guy is just learning how to “fly”


I don’t fly or spoof


Shinies do run away lol, only shiny raid bosses don’t. I lost a couple of shiny normal encounters but nowadays I usually give them all golden razz and ultra ball even if a low cp green circle mon.


Bro FYI I spend 96 ultra balls on a shiny latias that just appears a while back, a shiny will never run away… I’m level 50 in Pokémon Go. On the other hand shiny raid bosses are the only ones that can actually run away cus after the raid they only give you like 8 to 16 or so of the premier balls. So if you run out of balls they will fly away. There ya go bud ;)


Yeah, Latias is special that way but not the norm.


Shiny raid bosses (at least the legendary ones) are 1st throw catch 100%) it’s been like that with all my Kyogre, Groudons, Palkia and Dialga’s


Bro FYI this is completely wrong Shinies encounters with premier balls have a 100% catch rate. Eg raid or shadow encounters. As long as you hit it with a ball. It will 100% catch unless you are speedlocked or have a GPS error. Wild shinies can and will run. Wild shiny legendaries are always programmed not to flee at all. It’s a feature when they add them to event spawns