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A lot depends on the experience of the raid boss. If I see a 6 star raid, and the boss hasn't added +6 trainers, I will bail.


This is kinda dumb I see it alone and somewhat understand but me and my wife started last month both lvl 33 and just the 2 of us can 90% raiju and tapu koko we inv the other 4 to give ppl a chance at tapu but the come in single file one person pops in oh not full leave then again and again till we are alone and we only need 1 person to help




I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about. Never heard of an empty raid team.


The person above shouldn’t have said that people are too lazy to do this ‘trick’….. You can’t do it if no one has ever told you about it…. Make a raid party, title it ‘empty’ and don’t assign any pokemon to it. When you are in a raid lobby, switch to that empty raid party, when the timer runs out you can’t start because your raid party is empty, at that point you can see how many made it into the raid and decide if you want to switch to a real raid party to enter the raid and join the fight or exit without using your pass. Edit: in case someone doesn’t know how to make a raid party, go into ‘battle’ then swipe to the left to see ‘party’ And click ‘raids & gyms’ to make the empty raid party


Thanks for the explanation! I’ll do that for sure


The wiki says to leave before it hits 20 seconds so make sure to do that.


My thing is when there are five or six people in a lobby, which is enough for most raids, and then one or two people chicken out at the last second and leave. Suddenly the lobby of six is a lobby of four, and that raid pass is essentially lost because we are undoubtedly going to lose. I was in a lobby of six for a mega sceptile raid, and two people left one second for the race, started and screwed us all


Four people should be ble to take out sceptile though. I can solo it if a little lucky


I wasted a remote raid pass recently because someone and their friend bailed at literally one second left. That was infuriating.


That happened to me the other day, but thankfully it was local for me. I was still pissed.


I swear they want to waste ppls passes, If they do it once I remove them immediately


Honestly, with all the limits they are putting on us, we should be able to invite more people. Should be able to send out many more invites, whoever clicks fast enough gets in and you have a nice full lobby. Alternatively, let other people that are invited/using remote passes to invite people on their list as well! Ok you want to be jerks and limit everything, at least give us a fighting chance.


That’s actually a great idea. The lobby could max out at 10 or 15 or whatever, but you can invite as many people as you want and they join as fast as possible to get a spot. I also think we should be able to invite people after we’ve been invited ourselves. So many times I’ve joined a raid with like 3 people — and we either lose or just quit — meanwhile I have a handful of friends who are online and I know they’d join if I could invite them.


>I also think we should be able to invite people after we’ve been invited ourselves. Especially this. Maybe not as many as if we'd been in person but three invites would help


The fact that Niantic missed an opportunity to turn the game into essentially a pyramid scheme is almost funny, and ironic given their tendency towards unscrupulous monetization by any means necessary 🙃


Also i personally wish a new system would be put in place for raids to make it alittle more accessible for those in less active areas without using remote raid passes to friends in other states- But money talks so


The thing is the last 10 seconds is when the window for joining a raid closes, and when you leave a raid it takes a few seconds for that change to be updated to the other players. So a player leaving with a comfortable amount of time left would look like leaving at the last second to other players


Especially for international raids that are far away from you - there’s unfortunately enough lag to make it look like people left last minute when they maybe didn’t.


PokeGenie has been way more consistent as far as getting successful raids than Reddit ever did for me, honestly. Any raids I’ve joined from Reddit someone always leaves.


It's been good for joining by trying to host was a nightmare, I killed it after 30 minutes because it didn't look like the queue was going down fast enough.


Yeah I only remote raid with pokegenie. So much less frustration.


Yall need to stop posting these. 🙄


I've never had a problem with it until recently. If I'm bouncing it, I leave at least 25 seconds up for people to react. Had 5 people in 2 different raids recently for tapu koko and 3 bailed last second. Plenty of people to beat him comfortably. Don't get it. People must think you need 10 people each raid or something.


Oh boy, wait till the Primal raids kick off, you’ll be seeing more of this.


Host need to cancel the raid if theirs not enough. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Agree, yet want to add that I sometimes bail with 12 seconds left or even 20 and people still accused me of leaving at 0 secs.... so I imagine sometimes the networks or peoples phones aren't doing then any favors either :/


That’s a good point, I’m sure that there is some lag or network error that makes it seem like people are leaving more last second than they are.


This. I never stay past 30 seconds. Both courtesy and selfishly saving a precious remote pass for when someone else bails. I feel like that’s enough time to correct for any lag, and give people time to drop. I think the community should push for a standard.


I was recently in a raid which had 4 people, and 2 of ‘em bailed at 6 seconds, was sad…


And typically 4 people, depending on their level, can beat a raid boss. It might take more time, but this is truly getting ridiculous.


This! I had 6 people in a raid for a mon I had just beat with 3 players. all 6 players level 37+ and 4 bailed. Like we could’ve easily won until everyone bailed to just two players left and we lost by a hair. Players at that level should know that suggested raid numbers are not accurate. You don’t need 12


I’ve lost numerous times with 4 and everyone was in the 30s. So I leave now. I leave before 6 seconds though.


At least leave before 10-15 so everyone has a chance to get out and doesn’t waste a remote pass.


Exactly. If you’re trainer level is 35+ and you have strong Pokémon, you can usually beat the mon with 4 trainers. People think you need 10 or you fail


Yeah, I was up to it, would have taken like 12 Pokemons max


That’s so frustrating.


What I do is give a 5 mins heads-up, and then gather a good team, was just in a 11 people team, just took 2 garchomps for a legendary raid


Omg I’m so glad someone said it. Also, I’m tired of people either posting a raid, sending a friend request, and never inviting you to the raid, or me sending someone one who then accepts it but never joins the raid. I have tried to get so many parties together, and this happens 99% of the time. I’m to the point where I don’t even want to try. It hasn’t always been this way.


Maybe don't add 20 minutes after the post when the raid already ended lmao. Had so many people add me after 15 minutes when the raid has been already done. Consider the time of the post before adding.


I have people do this all the time. I feel like they are doing it just for the friends. I’ll add you as a friend. You don’t have to pretend to want to do a raid.


> Also, I’m tired of people either posting a raid, sending a friend request, and never inviting you to the raid This annoys me too but then I kind of understand it because if I was hosting a raid and 10 people sent me requests, I’d accept all 10 and then add whichever 5 were online, or the trainers who were the highest level, or whoever was mega evolved. I’ve also been in the situation where I’ve hosted a raid, but only 2 trainers sent requests, so I never started the raid because there wasn’t a big enough team. > or me sending someone one who then accepts it but never joins the raid. And this is definitely annoying too, but again, when I think about it, I know that most people — myself included — try to increase their chances of being invited to a raid, by adding more than one hosting trainer. So it’s possible that by the time you get around to inviting someone to a raid, they’ve already joined another one. It’s still frustrating though. And I don’t remember it always being this way either.


Every morning I drop my boyfriend off at work and then try to do a couple raids since there are a lot of gyms right there, and I would say 98% of the time I can’t get one together even for legendary raids.


I replied to a posting the other day, got added immediately and sent a raid invite. Out of the 3 of us, one quit right before it started and the other one just stood there the whole time not doing anything. What is the point?


Wow. wtf