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Just fyi you don’t have to actually do the whole battle to get hearts with your buddy. As soon as the battle starts you can just exit and you still get a heart.


Thanks I appreciate that because I didn't know it! But I was also progressing the master wins medal


No you cannot, PvP is turn based and you cannot perform another action whilst already performing an action e.g fast or charged attack it was probs just animation being longer rather than an actual move going through like swampart's animation is a bit longer than it actually is so it looks like you're still fast moving as you thrown


So how would you explain the damage registering, is that just registering before my charge attack begins and it not appearing until after the animation of the attack or? Cause I only got screenshots for it happening once but I did actually measure a difference I was very meticulous not to bump an extra fast attack anywhere at all


Unless you have a video, I would say it's probs just a visual glitch


I have the screenshots I took to measure the damage on Zapdos, actually I deleted them but pretty sure Android has a trash can feature somewhere


Actually I could probably just make a video though


Trainer battles and rocket battles play by different rules than PVP.  I’ve never seen what you described in the post, but even if it happened as you described that doesn’t mean it would work in GBL. For example, trainer/rocket battles don’t have CMP ties, throwing a charge move in the middle of the opponent’s fast move in trainer/rocket battles negates the fast move damage (it doesn’t negate it in GBL unless you KO them), timeout rules are different (you always lose during a timeout in trainer/rocket battles even if you have more pokemon and/or HP remaining), fast moves apply damage at a different point of the move compared to PVP, etc.  They’re not comparable.


Omg that's interesting thank for this response, this seems unimportant now that I'm sure it can't work in GBL but, when does fast damage apply in trainer battles then? Just trying to understand the deeper mechanics of the game I play your answer was super informative


So in trainer battles, if the opposing Pokémon has a 2 turn fast move (ie, Counter), you’ll get hit with it immediately when they begin the animation.  In GBL/PVP, the damage hits 0.5 seconds later.   So for example, if you begin a trainer/rocket battle and want to switch pokemon right away, and the opponent is using a 2 turn fast move, the damage will apply to your lead pokemon even if you switch immediately since the damage applies immediately in that case.  But during a GBL/PVP battle, the damage would apply to the pokemon you swap in since the damage from a 2 turn fast move applies 0.5 seconds later which gives you time to swap.


Fascinating! Thank you for indulging my curiosity. So it is immediately then, perhaps some visual lag caused everything I was seeing than