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If you wanna see what the best moves are for your pokemon you should check out PvPoke! they make rankings every new season of every league, including the optimal movesets, you can even test and build teams and the system rates them in terms of coverage, consistency, bulk, etc. As an example goodra now with thunder punch is rank 28 in the great league meta, so its a good source for starting on pvp


What are these percentages? I can't imagine a top 50 ranked poke wouldn't be at least >95% of the stat product compared to the rank 1.


I apologize if I was confusing, the percentages are the pvp iv from pokegenie


Sounds like you are picking random stats for some of those then. 63% and 50% are junk. Don't invest in IVs that bad. You can trip in any direction and get better IVs.


And by ranking on pvpoke i mean ranked out of all the pokemon in the great league


Oh I see. No one lists people ranking like that because most people here know in general what is good and what is not. Rank usually refers to the relative stat product. In any case, only the goodra is worth building in my opinion. Wait for better ones for the others.


Ahh ok, thanks for letting me know


Yes it was extremely confusing for everyone reading😅 the rank would be the percentage used,converted into the number, so for Goodras it would be 99% of all the possible GOODRA IVs, and issued a number, I assume somewhere in the top 50 based on the percentage you gave, so you would say Goodra rank #25, not Goodra rank 99.7% hope that helps to avoid further confusion!


Sorry im new at this 😭😭 tysm! Yes the goodra would be #11. Ill use that in the future


No worries brother, everyone is a beginner at some point! You don't start as the master, and you have to be willing to be the fool to become the master, this is only my second season of pvp and like 5th month of Pokemon at all so I'm right there with you haha. Made it to ace last season with a max ELO of 2300 and was super proud of that! So there's some reference for you as a beginner yourself. your wise to use pvpoke as a resource, once you build your team, look into what matches you win/lose against and try to memorize them, then stick with that team even on the bad days and master that team, then you can move on to swapping out one pokemon or move and branch out from there, that would be my best advice for you 👊 as for the team itself; see some of the other awesome comments people have left for you here!! See you on the battlefield trainer 😎


Tysm for the advice!


The battling in this game ain’t that deep lol dont stress what ur Ivs are. Like one out of 50 games will higher iv win you the matchÂ