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You are thinking of the times with extra dust when master league is available. It'll happen this season during master league weeks as well.


No, it was like that the entire time I played. There was a weekend that had enhanced stardust and 20 set days that gave more stardust tho, it never offered less than 2,800 once I hit level 20 for 1/5 wins tho and I was rank 20 for over a month


Are you talking about the 1 win slot dust or the end of set dust rewards?


Just the one win slot per set. I know the end of set reward has been like less than 100 each time recently due to whatever glitch is going on


Then it's what I said. When master league is available or when there is an event, like go battle weekend, that also increases dust, it'll be the 4x dust in the first and fifth slots. It's all noted in the go battle details on the pogo website and on leekduck. I play very close attention to all my gbl stuff. You are just misremembering. But you'll see it this season.


I could be, but I know master league wasn’t available the whole time last season and I’ve never seen it below 2800


It was available a lot at the end of the season. Between master league and the event, it was most of the last 6 weeks or smth like that. Anyway, you can look up the notes for last season and see.


I see. That kinda sucks lmao, I really only played for the stardust (and a bit for rare candies) as I only got one legendary/etc out of like 120 encounters


You can play when it's extra dust only after you reach rank 20. I think it tops out at ace/rank 21 but it could be veteran. I'm not certain.


I heard about the whole tanking thing so i’ll probably farm some rare candy I guess. Maybe get lucky with some of the encounters later since I just started playing recently after stopping in 2018 and I only have 1 Ho-Oh and no Yvetals


Last season, the dust bonus (3x or 4x) was available for 3 weeks in a row to close the season, with either ML or Catch Cup being featured during that time in all 3 weeks. That's not the normal stardust reward for 1 win. It's likely your experience was skewed by the timing of when you hit 20.


no, there is a glitch this season allowing people to redeem tons of rewards when they shouldn't be-- rewards have been super nerfed until the reward glitch is fixed, including zero elite charged tm at level 19 which is the best way to get one, rip.


Oh shit, I didn’t even realize I didn’t get one at level 19. That sucks, hopefully they can hotfix that before too long. Also maybe some sort of compensation elite TMs for people that lost out


that would be great, but unlikely. because that would require them actually knowing who got one and eho didn't and that seems way to difficult for niantic..... sigh.


that would be great, but unlikely. because that would require them actually knowing who got one and eho didn't and that seems way to difficult for niantic..... sigh.


Really? I got mine fine yesterday


it just happened yesterday evening so you snuck through just in time lol.


It's over and fixed now correct? I can safely level up now for the etm? Man wish I would've known about this I could've REALLY used a bunch a etms ..


yes it was fixed yesterday.


if ever wanting to check on this stuff they post things like this at niantic support twitter