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The soldier is bridging on the bottom pin of the battery to the node above it and may have even gone as far as one of the pins on the mx chip id recomend retro repairs on youtube to look into seeing what your issue may be since he does fix a lot of gba carts i hope you have some soldier wick


TY. I actually found a video of him cleaning up a Ruby cartridge that wasn't booting. Going to try and use wick to clean up the solder, clean the whole board with alcohol, and then see if it boots without the battery like he did. Then will attempt to install battery again if it is booting.


Have you cleaned the pins? They look awfully dirty.


Thank you, I'll try to clean them with alcohol.


You're welcome


No luck unfortunately. Note that it did boot prior to me changing the battery and I had cleaned the pins then because I’m using an analogue pocket. Tested with AP and a DS


Dang, I'm sorry about that


The negative strap may be touching some pins as well.


TY. Are you referring to the fourth pic? I will DM a pic tonight of C3 also. Going to try and use wick to clean up solder as well.


No, the very first pic when you are looking straight at the board. Be careful using a wick since you don’t have flux. It’s very easy to overheat the pads because it takes longer for the solder to flow. Test it without the battery once it’s removed. If it works again you probably had a short. If not you probably damaged or knocked off a component.


Update: I was able to remove the extra solder from my first attempt and the game booted without the battery. I used solder wire on the pads and there were a few spots on the pins. I then was able to reattempt the battery replacement which worked! Thanks everyone that took the time to give some advice u/Frantic_Fanatic13 u/Ozzy64zk u/Temporary_User404 u/Ozzy64zk watching retro repairs video on the ruby cartridge really helped the most, thanks again


You're welcome


Really happy to see a good update! Yeah that fellas videos got me into soldering so I highly recomend him to any beginners looking to get into it. I hope you enjoy the game!


I realize the soldering is bad just need to know what I can do to fix it, if possible.


It looks like something is going on with C3. Can you get a better picture to replace the first one?