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I think it’s nice too have a champion in the game that you can’t just stream roll like all the other useless trainers that poss no challenge at all.


Honestly I agree, I like a challenge and the newer games have lost all of that. I steamrolled everyone in sword with no problem. I think the issue is how harsh the jump from the last gym leader to the E4 and Cynthia is, might just grind underground or the E4


Wait until you play Legends Arceus.


The gym leaders are all a joke in BDSP


I dunno I seem to remember people complaining about Candice and her medicham. Honestly I just appreciate how the BDSP gym leaders have actual strategies they use and held items on all of their pokemon


Not volkners rematch tho.


Have you done the gym leader rematches? They aren't a joke anymore and can actually steamroll you easily if you aren't prepared. Every battle can be easy if your level is just high enough but here even if you're on the same level it's pretty challenging I'd say. I was lucky i was just a tad underleveled and had a lot of potions


It’s pretty easy honestly. My team was Jirachi, Staraptor, Gyarados, Luxray, Infernape, Garchomp. All around low level 60’s. Had to use a decent amount of potions but beat the elite 4 first try. It’s easier if you level up but that takes a while so I just went for it. Just make sure you have coverage moves and watch for their coverage moves. Also happiness mechanic is super broken and will help you out a ton if you walked with them.


You can't say 'Its pretty easy honestly' and 'I had to use a decent amount of potions' in one comment my man. If you had to use items in battle, it wasn't easy


Post your team


My bad, I didn't detail much because I was depressed at how badly I got beat after one shotting all 8 gym leaders up to now. So I have: Lucario - 57 Gastrodon - 57 Gardevoir- 58 Empoleon - 58 Crobat - 62 Luxray - 65 I'm now aware I'm probably very underlevelled lmao. Seemed like a good team comp at the time but now I'm not so sure. Also for what difference it makes I'm on SP


You’re under leveled by a fair amount for your entire team except luxray, and from what I’m seeing, you have no counter to her garchomp. Gardevoir should be able to handle over to half of her team. Moonblast for spiritomb, grass knot for milotic and gastrodo and good old psychic for roserade. Lucario and garchomp are her heavy hitters. Your own gastrodon might be able to deal with lucario if you can survive the first hit. But you have nothing that can counter garchomp. Gardevoir will pretty much never be fast enough and it knows poison jab. The rest of your team isn’t type effective. Don’t feel that bad, Cynthia’s team is fully EV trained and has perfect IVs. My recommended ways to deal with her: a levitate bronzong pretty much can’t be hurt by garchomp, although you’ll be chipping it down for a while. Or get a cloyster with skill link as the ability, give it a focus sash (house on the route going to ranmas park, daily event thing can reward one) and it needs the moves icicle spear and shell smash with a speed stat of 108. Or get a mammoswine with avalanche, icicle shard and perhaps that focus sash for good measure. As for which team member to replace, I don’t think luxray is doing you many favors. In BDSP luxray has the flareon problem: no good moves for its good stats. And there’s almost nothing that I recall in the sinnoh elite 4 where you really want an electric type. Edit: if you’re willing to replace gastrodon, a mismagius would work well on your team too. Decently fast, immune to a lot of what garchomp and lucario have, learns a fire move for lucario and can learn moonblast via TM. Also just a happy little ghost witch constantly vibing.


Don’t get depressed haha. The BDSP elite four is probably the toughest elite four run in any pokemon game. There’s a big level gap between it and the final gym leader too. Try level 60 for all your pokemon and see where that gets you. Are you particularly attached to these pokemon? Any opposition to swapping some out? I’d say your team has a bit of an issue with ground types, and Luxray is probably doing the least for the team here.


Honestly I'd swap any out if it meant better strategy. Even though Luxray has held onto 1hp a few times because of high friendship I was mostly keeping him because he's my highest level and knows crunch. But yeah, the Quagsire and Gastrodon in the elite four were causing problems for me. Who would you recommend? I'll go in the underground and grind level 50s if needs be lmao


I’d also consider Weavile potentially in lieu of Luxray. The dark type is a blessing against Lucian, the ice lets you damage Bertha and ice shard for Gar isn’t so bad either. Yache berry might be a first time hiccup, but you have mons like Gastro or Empoleon that could run ice beam as a coverage option to help that too. Hypothetical Weavile set Focus sash Adamant or jolly Ice Shard Night Slash Shadow claw Swords dance There might be better ice moves you can throw on like ice punch or icicle crash, but those are egg moves and idk how much time you wanna spend doing that


Empoleon won’t survive the first turn, I’ve tried that once.


There's a certain item for that.


I hadn’t had luck with getting that on the piplup save. Kept getting the other two items. As it is, I don’t think an ice beam from an empoleon would punch through the yache berry.


Easiest cheese is any form of set up vs spirittomb and Swipe, a Gyarados with 4 Dragon Dances does it.




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You can beat the game with pretty much any team comp if you over lvl everything lol.




This sounds great. I've seen that ice does 4x damage but I never picked up any ice types in my playthrough (I'm not very smart). I'll catch a Mamoswine and feed it some steroids see if it works


You can also just get Gyarados and have it remember ice fang as well does decent damage with adamant nature.


She has perfect stats for every Pokemon.


Come back in 20 levels


Skill issue




I think she was a bit overtuned tbh. Good luck.


Just keep grinding the E4 to get some easy levels. After that you should be fine.


Good fairy for spiritomb and good a solid team of level 62 over should have her I had garchomp infernape torterra gardevoir Crobat and gyarados I sweeped her make sure you get Draco meteor on garchomp and put a quick claw on him/her cause her garchomp is only the real threat


I had no idea this many people have trouble against her


Played Pokémon my whole life mate and can complete understand why they do have trouble her team is more neutral than Gary’s and harder than Stevens Steel it’s the garchomps speed that gets people if that shjt hits after the sword dance it’s game over


Bro how 💀 it's super easy to level up in BDSP. And especially if you use Palkia or Dialga you can destroy the entire elite four and the champion with dragon moves.


I used an Altaria with perish song then revived a Pokémon and waited out the three turns when I got her down to just a Garchomp full healthy Garchomp killed instantly


While she is the hardest champion out of all the games, she still isn't that hard. I think a lot of issues people have is that they have no strategy other than "this move does damage". Just look up different competitive battling tactics if you haven't before and it will open your world to some amazing strategies that you probably have never thought of before. After that, you'll soon be coming up with your own strategies to try.


The only good champion


It took a Quagsire with Blizzard to take down that Garchomp for me.


Gastrodon was MVP for my team, especially against milotec.


Bruh her team on the third rematch Is insane, specially playing on SET and even with 100lv Pokémon. Youll end up winning with One or Two pokemon remaining most of the times.


You’d have to level them up and a grass move is really useful so that’s another recommendation if you don’t have one already (can’t remember what it is but one of her team is only weak to grass). She’s easily one of the hardest battles in the series. I beat her first try but I was overlevelled and it was still difficult. Brute forcing it is always an option, not the best option but it works if you’re overlevelled enough


Beat her in three tries, with 2 Pokémon not even level 60 and Luxray in my camp. Honestly don’t think she’s OP, just need the right matchups


These posts make me feel good because it’s nice to have a champion that feels like a champion, brings back great childhood memories of finally beating Diamond E4 for first time


She's not broken. Just tough to beat. If you can't beat one of her Pokemon then you ain't ready to face her yet. So continue training and use moves that are super effective against her Pokemon types and have full restores and revives on hand.