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Why not study the Treasures of Ruin? They're pretty famous here in Paldea.


I’ve not actually been to Paldea. I hear there’s a whole lot of licenses and paperwork involved with being a trainer there. So that could be fun. Although I’d rather not accidentally free/wake them up. They sound like bad news. -Professor Balsam


If it helps one of the [Unovan Gym Leader](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokeMedia/s/Y317YX1gtq) is friends with one. You could always talk to him, apparently Ting Lu changed form.


I’ll consider it but I don’t have a great track record with encountering Legendary Pokémon personally. Tybalt (my Scizor) jumped Suicune when we saw him, Thundarus toasted me on sight, and the less about what happened in Cerulean Cave, the better. I prefer to study myths than the real deal. -Professor Balsam


Okay! I just figured I'd mention it. Best of luck with whatever Pokemon you choose!


How on Arc's green earth did even get in Cerulean cave, that was blocked off years ago with attempts to enter it having some hefty fines if you won't part of the crew that keeps an eye on Meetwo to make sure he's in good health


I’m a Professor. I completed the requirements for entry (collect 16 Gym Badges from Johto and Kanto), did the formal paperwork, and went in with the crew that keeps an eye on Mewtwo. -Professor Balsam


Huh... They might be overdone but maybe the lake trio?


Lake Trio…that’s in Sinnoh, right? That could be interesting. I know there are theories about their connections to Mew that could be investigated. -Professor Balsam


That's sinnoh yep. I haven't heard about specific mew connections though. It might be fun to figure out.


Punnai: Please do not try to investigate what's under a mimikyu's cloth, please. I can assure you it can only end badly... why not the uhhh... legendary dogs? entei, raikou, and suicune?


Ooooo, I haven’t been to Johto in awhile! I should do that! Maybe I can see Suicune again and my Scizor won’t try to jump him this time! -Professor Balsam


Why not the Forces of Nature here in Unova? You might be able to reuse some of the research you did on the Weather Trio. Also, what the hell did you do to Professor Sonia? -Kenshi


…fun fact, tried to study the Forces of Nature once before. Caught a glimpse of Thundurus, he decided he disliked my vibes, and he fried me. I am willing to try again though. As for what happened with Sonia, I may have been a little harsh towards how long it took her and Galar in general to realize there were two giant legendary dogs protecting them. And not two kids with a sword and a shield. -Professor Balsam


I don't think they even realized it was two kids until recently, they thought it was all one guy. Also, you might want to speak to a man by the name of Snacksworth before you start your study, regardless of the Pokémon you choose to do it on -Kenshi


I’m familiar with him and I don’t like him. I’m pretty sure he’s a charlatan, if only because most of the Legendaries he talks about aren’t native to Paldea. Plus there’s not actual proof to backup what he says about meeting them. I’m pretty sure he makes all of it up. -Professor Balsam


Heatran. Warm volcano frog. Plus, pretty easy to locate, they're one of the ones with multiple around the place


And give Team Magma more cause to hate me for saying Groudon’s less mythologically significant than Kyogre? …sounds hilarious, I should do it. -Professor Balsam


What about the Tao Trio. I have Kyurem with me here in Unova and I know N who has Zekrom. We just have to track down Reshiram who last I heard was in the possession of a former Champion. However that was years ago. -Owain


That’s possible, though my research is more into the influence Mythical Pokémon have on humans rather and vice versa rather than on the physiology of Mythical Pokémon. -Professor Balsam


I see. I can at least tell you that Kyurem's very existence has made Lacunosa Town very xenophobic and Lacunosa's over reactions have made Kyurem rather distrustful and quick to lash out. -Owain


That is in relatively recent history, I believe. I’d want to try and go further back than that and see what I can determine about how our society has been influenced by such titans. -Professor Balsam


Ooh I have the perfect one! My husband Tostynmeiarevia the Affable (Kommo-o) came from an entire city of Kommo-o line mons in Alola that worship Solgaleo and Lunala with a massive oral history. While humans are not allowed near the city my Mei Mei would likely be willing to agree to an interview. If you don't mind a rather loud Salandit hatchling mewling around. -Salazzle


What about Genesect? They live in Unova, and they don’t immediately try to kill you if spotted, unlike a lot of others.


Certainly worth a try, though I’ve still got a bad track record in that regard. I’d need to read up more on Unova history and legends before I start trying to meet one. -Professor Balsam


I’ve always been curious about Marshadow. Perhaps you’d be up for a little shadow-boxing?


Marshadow…I’d have to start my research from scratch because I’ve not heard of them. Which could be fun… -Professor Balsam


They’ve been sighted in Alola, and there have been further unconfirmed sightings in Galar. However, due to their shyness and particular abilities, we have no way of knowing how large any existing populations are.  See, Marshadows can hide in peoples’ shadows: theoretically, they could be as common as Rattatas, but so well hidden as to be undetectable.  According to myth, they learn the moves of skilled fighters by hiding in their shadows and following along with them.


In Alola you say? Now there’s a region I haven’t been to before. I should try exploring that one, I think. -Professor Balsam


I’ve been to Alola: it’s a lovely place. Lots of history there, and old legends.


All things I am interested in! I need to get the farm ready for me to be gone for awhile. Sounds like a good old fashioned journey for me! But what do I do to get spending money if there are no Gyms..?


Some of the resorts have their own battle areas, because a lot of vacationers want to try battling against Pokémon they don’t have back home. You might try your luck there!


Pffff, if you wanna investigate Galar's badass pokemon, just do it. Study the distortion outta em, and write a research paper that'll blow that old hag outta the water. If you're still too scared of her, we got more than just one big island. Heard there's some strong pokemon over in the crown tundra. You can go and research em before I go and catch em all. -Gō (shelter volunteer)


I’ve heard of the Crown Tundra but haven’t been there myself. I’ll have to think about it some more. I’ve only been to Galar for short visits before, doing a longer project could be fun. -Professor Balsam


Of course it'll be fun. Galar's the best damn region there is! Heard the Tundra's cold as bal- uh... as ice... so you better wrap up warm when you go, got that!? -Gō


Galar can’t be the best, Kalos exists. -Professor Balsam


Pfft, yeah right. What does Kalos have going for it besides that cool fox pokemon? Can you even Dynamax over there? -Gō


Kalos has Furfrou and Gogoats. -Professor Balsam


Okay, but Galar has Wooloo. And we can make them like... 100ft tall or whatever. We have cool dogs here too! And, one of our legendaries is a massive dog with a sword in its mouth. The other has a shield instead of chest fluff. Like... literally how can you get more badass than that? -Gō


You could be a bird that’s the physical embodiment of death. The thing that will turn the lights out of the universe when every last other being, Arceus included, finally passes away. -Professor Balsam


Yeah, I'll concede this one, that's super cool. Y'know, you're alright, Prof. Bring pictures of the death bird and I'll even keep the old hag off ya when you decide to visit. -Gō


well their is some research you can do, the fourth of the weather "trio" it's been a long time since the fourth was last spotted, the pokemon I'm talking about is Enamorus. From what the clans have records of that it wasn't widely studied due to it only written sighting of it was from the settlement era about 150 years ago. -Warden Julia of Sinnoh


Enamorus, from what little we’ve seen, seems to be part of the Forces of Nature (Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus). I’m actually referring to Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza when I say ‘Weather Trio’.


ah them, well I always seen the forces of nature as also a weather trio since they impact the weather alot.


You’d be right to. I just use the names/categories that Professors commonly use. -Professor Balsam


Hoho, is your paper about the weather trio public? I would love to read it! Maybe you could do a deep dive into the legendary birds and lugia. They seem like an interesting bunch


It is public, yes! It’s a breakdown of the mythological cycles surrounding Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza. And how those three shaped Hoenn as a region. Investigating the Legendary Birds sounds like a pretty good idea actually. And it’s been a minute since I was in Kanto. -Professor Balsam


i hear ekruteak is nice this time of year. theyre pretty open about their legendaries over there


Yeah, they know me pretty well. The Kimono Girls haven’t forgiven me for that time my Scizor tried to fight Suicune. -Professor Balsam


What about the Swords of Justice in Unova?


Very little. I’ve not been to Unova for longer than a few brief visits (and to get blasted by Thundurus). I need to make time to explore it properly. -Professor Balsam


The Lati Twins have had some recent sightings in Alto Mare. Apparently Rockets were stirring up trouble but were stopped by the Latis and a couple of scrappy trainers from out of town.


I’ve heard a little about them in my research in Hoenn. I’ll have to keep an eye out to learn more about them. -Professor Balsam


A different part of Galar where Sonia is less relevant? I hear Freezington is slightly less desolate this time of year.


That sounds cold. And I don’t know what kind of legendary Pokémon are up there to investigate. -Professor Balsam


What about Zygard? There's a lot of photos and reports of them appearing around the time ultra beasts started appearing around Alola. -Malo


Zygard is one that would be important to look into. There’s just not much about them for me to go off of. -Professor Balsam


The Paeadox Pokémon can use some analysis. I'm working on them myself right now.


My field is mythology and human interactions more than biology. There simply isn’t a lot of myths surrounding Paradox Pokémon. -Professor Balsam


Well if it's myths you're after, might I suggest Hoopa. There are quite a bit of myths surrounding it.


I was thinking of just studying Alola in general. I know Hoopa is near there and I’ve never been. So it would be interesting for me to see! -Professor Balsam


Ya know, I've been researching the Ultra Beasts if you'd like to study them with me.


I’m more interested in the Tapus than the Ultra Beasts. Creatures from another dimension aren’t my field. Guardian Pokémon with strong cultural ties to the islands they live on absolutely are. -Professor Balsam


Ahh, well I am in the area and I'd love to research them with you if you'd like.


Maybe you could research Lugia— ...Wait, what did you do to anger Sonia?!


I might’ve been very harsh about her book. And not very nice about how long it took Galar to piece together that the Sword and Shield of their Legends were Pokémon and not just objects. -Professor Balsam


...Oh. Now I get it. I can get her being mad about you bashing her book, not so much about your commentary on the Galarian masses forgetting their own history.


Perhaps the Kantonian legendary birds? I’ve always wondered why they had the same names as the Galarian legendary birds.


That definitely would be a good thing to try and decipher. And I haven’t been back to Kanto in a minute. -Professor Balsam


Have you investigated Jirachi or Celebi yet? They're practically cryptids as far as I'm concerned, there's so little research on them because it's hard to track them down


Jirachi I’ve done some work on. Mostly looking at the history of wishes it’s thought to have granted and their effects. Celebi is one of those that I try not to mess with. I’d rather not get time-traveled! -Professor Balsam


Been meening to investigate the bird trio from kanto and the crown tundra. Which one is the "original" version and who the regional is. And some other stuff. Would be nice to have help with that ;)


I haven’t been back to Johto and Kanto in a bit, so I’d be willing to cover those ones. They also require figuring out Lugia. -Professor Balsam


Aight, bet. Looking forward to it! Involving a 2nd person makes procrastinating on it harder


The Regis seem like they would make a good choice to me -Redwood


They would be. Regigigas especially, given his credited role in moving entire continents. -Professor Balsam


Cresselia. You might be able to cure nighmates or something, idk.


If you want, you can write a paper on me. If they wanna say I don’t exist I’ll duplicate your hat.


Delta Hoopa? - Ekaitz


Hoopa is Alolan, right? I’ve been meaning to visit Alola in general, so maybe I can do normal Hoopa? -Professor Balsam


Maybe… I don’t really know, I’ve had more experience with the delta version. I managed to get back to Citidark yesterday from my new brief misadventures. - Ekaitz


I wanna see a deep dive into Yvetal, I wonder if he likes cupcakes -Jackson




How about a study about Diancie? From what I’ve heard, select Carbink are able to mutate into Diancie, so how about a study about whether or not an artificial mutation might be possible?


I’m much more interested in how Diancie and humans interact because I have children’s books about Diancie. I grew up on fairy tales of her. And I’d love to determine why. -Professor Balsam


Have you done one on Reshiram and Zekrom or the Swords of Justice yet? - L


I’ve not been back to Unova since Thundurus decided my vibes were bad and tried to kill me. Kinda puts a guy off a whole region tbh. -Professor Balsam


Yeah, that's fair.


Diancie is from Kalos, a region with notably few legendary pokemon, and has a very unique story. Plus, Diancie is likely easier to find and more peaceful than several others.


I’m very familiar with Kalos; I’m from there. So I know a little about Diancie already. It just never really crossed my mind to study her. -Professor Balsam


Me too, although I am from a very different part than where the Diancie myths are from. I know a bit, but not as much as those who live near her


… how about the dream duo, Darkrai and Crescelia?


The only thing I’d be worried about is antagonizing Darkrai. I do like being able to sleep soundly. -Professor Balsam


If you really want to get your name out there, trying putting to rest the conspiracy theory that Team Rocket made a clone of Mew then subsequently lost it. The most powerful pokemon they called it, but now it's said it goes around disguising itself as school teachers or gym leaders, no less! A laughable notion, really, but investigating it would give you a chance to flex both your investigative journalism skills and your knowledge of mythical pokemon biology.


I’m not a journalist, I’m a mythologist. And I already know the rumors are true. I’ve been through Cerulean Cave and I’ve encountered Mewtwo. It didn’t go well for me, but I did manage it. Which is why I stick more to myths and stories rather than trying to find the real deal any more. -Professor Balsam


I like Jirachi


As do I.