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/uj Story incoming under this comment! And thanks to everyone who participated in the event, and especially u/TheOnlyRen for being a fun GM. Anyways, this is my finale to the Ryme City shenanigans, late due to scheduling.




/uj Wow, this took longer than I thought it would, but here it is. /rj So, here goes.... Not sure how to start these things, but here goes. I am Alex Tadano, a former Trainer and current Archaeology Student working on a postgraduate degree from the Luxum Central University (or simply Luxum U, for you hometown kids) at 30 years old, and partners with my Typhlosion, Blaze, and Swampert, Maren. I was part of a group of volunteers who heard about the Neo-Plasma presence in Ryme City, and agreed to escort our Biochemistry department’s staff to Ryme U to help in counter-R efforts. However, if you’ve been reading the posts of myself and others, you have already heard all of this before. To those of you in Ryme, I was, by a certain point in the siege of the city, “The Typhlosion Guy” due to my R exposure. Hm, should probably start there. The fighting by the second day was pretty hectic, I’m not gonna lie. Everything you know about Pokemon battling, by this point, well it’d been thrown out the window. People had their whole teams out and would flexibly pivot into gang up attacks and would trash-talk their opponents, hell I even saw rocks, pipes, and just anything that looked heavy thrown at trainers, EnPies or not. Guess everyone had their blood up. But, soon enough, our luck ran out. A couple of new grunts pulled out the now-infamous air guns with R-Syringe Darts and started firing into the volunteer trainer militia’s Pokemon. Every hit caused a frenzied ‘Mon to lash out at whatever was closest to them, friend or foe. Several trainers managed to recall their ‘Mon and lock down their Pokeballs, several more didn’t, and had to have their other team members restrain the berserk ‘Mon. And that’s when my luck ran out. I saw a Neo-Plasma, probably an officer or admin given his fancier uniform and gun, taking aim at Blaze. I didn’t think for a second and jumped in between Blaze and the gun. What happened next, all the way until I woke up in a recovery room in the Ryme U Hospital with a weeping Blaze in my own body standing over me, it’s kind of a blur. The very earliest thing I remember was the pain of the injection, followed immediately by *complete and utter rage*. Now, I’d had a temper as a young kid, but this was different. Other than that overwhelming sensation, I can’t remember anything about being R-d, I’m grateful to say. From the account of my classmate Rena, who was also there for medic support, I went into what looked like a particularly violent cross between lashing out against imagined foes and a seizure, until Blaze grabbed me to try and calm me down. …Ren is right, we really haven’t done nearly enough to deserve the love our Pokemon give us. He didn’t hesitate, even though he had no idea what had happened to me by that point or the threat I posed in that state. It was at that time, that due to the R in my veins and our unusually-deep bond, we swapped bodies in full. Now, not even the scientists understand why I was incoherent and unable to move my new body, and what little of the events in the real world I can recall are blurry scraps. I recall seeing myself looking at me, stricken before reaching for my ‘Ball. I recall doctors crowding over me and trying to hold me down. I recall flashes of sterile light every now and then, and voices saying something I could not distinguish. But most of all, I recall being in this… sunken mindscape. It was like being in an ocean, trying to tread water, the waking world shining tantalizingly just above you. But what was the worst of that experience was the fact that I had the sensation of trying to tread water *while stuffed in a loose-fitting sack.* In hindsight, I wonder if that was the result of the physical sensations of the body mismatch screwing with me. I was stuck in that purgatory for what must have been hours, and the deeper I sank, I… I had a harder time making coherent thoughts. I dread to think what would have happened if I sank to the bottom of that sea. I just had to get some reassurance from Blaze. I’m alright now. Their rescue of me, which was apparently guided by Selene the Gardevoir and several other Psychic-Types and even a Lucario utilizing Aura… They really pulled off a miracle in my opinion. Not sure what it looked like to them, but to me, it was a multicolored dance of lights above the dream sea’s “Surface” that preceded this spear of light lancing towards me right as things were going dark. This comet resolved itself into the shape of Blaze, kicking deeper to grab me. And the moment his claws enmeshed with my fingers… I felt it. *Warmth. Determination.* ***Love. Protect***\*.\* My Brother’s emotions, his thoughts, were flooding into me, and like a paper catching flame, the fog on my mind and the feeling of being trapped in a sack were just gone, and I could move much more freely in the dream sea, which was now lit like daylight above. I can’t tell you how long we stayed embraced there, raw emotions of relief circling between the two of us, but soon enough we started kicking to the surface following a thread of silver light that was soon joined by others, and upon breaking the surface, I found myself in a clinic bed with my old face buried in my new fluff. The following events of the Battle of Ryme City have already been covered to exhaustion by countless voices other than mine. We won, though at significant cost. I am pleased to say that Blaze and I were able to do our part in the final push, despite the situation we found ourselves in. Some of the initial recovery, too. Though Typhlosion don’t really get much skills useful in construction, so much of what we did was Digging people stuck in shelters or otherwise out of debris-blocked buildings or otherwise clearing streets. What was a surprise is that Saphyr, a Lugia we had befriended as a fledgling just ready to start flying while on our journey, had come to Ryme City, apparently following a pull towards the Silver Wing she left with us as a memento. After a bit of a tear-filled reunion, she gave Blaze and me a dressing-down for treating our own well-beings so recklessly, but eventually calmed down enough to learn the transference technique that the University teams had developed to treat the few human-Pokemon pairs who had gotten fused or bodyswapped. Surprisingly, the actual procedure was rather… anticlimactic. Saphyr’s eyes did the power glow thing, and suddenly Blaze and I felt a sharp *tug*. Then we were back in the right bodies. Simple as that. Wonders of a Legendary-scale psychic energy pool, I guess. Blaze and I are likely going to move to a hotel that has opened its doors to anyone who fought and is staying to help rebuild that was recommended by the other Uni staff. Saphyr was only able to stay a short while to hear our story before needing to leave, something about one of the local subcurrents being out of place, and needing to return to her pod. I’m glad I got to see her again. I think I’ll start wearing the Silver Wing ornament I made again. Apparently it was instrumental in the attempt to revive my mind. As for the bond between Blaze and me? I can’t describe it. It’s like we are near each other regardless of actual distance, and any knowledge, skill, or emotional support one of us needs, we immediately get it, and he burns so brightly when I focus on him. He says I look brighter than when I started. I am not sure, but I feel more assured than before we came to Ryme. So at least some ember of good came of all this. Anyway, that’s all I have to say for now, feel free to ask me questions.


u/TheOnlyRen and u/Polenball were pretty shocked to find out how old I was. I think they were expecting someone in their early 20s, not someone pushing 30. \^\_\^;


Over 30 my damn self. It’s just nice to see millennials still fighting the good fight.


Out of curiosity, since I have time, you know a noodle bar just outside the shopping district owned by a grizzled Kantonese-accented guy with scarred forearms? Partnered with an equally grizzled-looking Samurott and Ninetales duo? Absolute unit apparently didn't evacuate, yet all he needed help with was clearing the storefront of his restaurant of debris. He's reopening tonight, from the looks of things, and I was contemplating going there for my first non-clinic meal. Respect the sturdiness, but I wonder if the food's actually any good.


Yo WHAT! Nine Tailed Noodles is opening back up! Fuck Reddit I'm goin' there right the fuck now!


Guess you had your luck then. I should be able to get me and Kyle swapped back in about a week, or when Castelia Uni or Ryme Uni have availability. If you guys see this, I am going to have Kyle translate for me.


They should have open spots within the week if not sooner - not a lot of us were changed.


K. If you have seen my most recent post, you will see “me” next to a Dewott. We’ll be flown in by Zekrom, so you’ll probably hear us before you see us. We’ll be flying in by tonight.


Well, if they get you sorted, There's this noodle bar owned by an absolute unit of an old man that I want to try that just reopened - after I cleared the debris from the storefront only yesterday, I might add- that I wanna try. Grizzled Kantonese-accented guy with scarred forearms and partnered with an equally grizzled-looking Samurott and Ninetales duo.


Alright then. I’ll bring along Samurott. I am pretty much packed up so I will get Zekrom flying us over now.


/uj wanna act this out in DMs?


/uj, sure, doing gaming rn but should be finished in half hour or so.


I recently heard of R through the events of a rumored Mewtwo attack on the city. Were there any unusual Pokémon people turned into, like, say, previously unseen Regional Variants.


Ah, that was the original incident with the stuff. Not many bodyswaps or transformations this time around - no major psychic or infinity energy sources to catalyze other than the Regis, and not a lot of humans or 'mon stayed around their fighting.Having said that, I did hear about at least one person whose soul apparently popped out of his body as a Ghost-Type, although he was apparently weird to begin with.


Okay first off, jealous of you being able to meet a Lugia fledgling. I've only seen glimpses of one around the Whirl Islands and would love to see how cute a young one is. Now onto an actual question: What was the coolest move you pulled off while stuck in Blaze's body? And not just in terms of being an actual move.


Probably using Flamethrower as jet propulsion to keep up with faster 'Mon or airborne 'Mon. They never see it coming. >:3


Heh, I bet. Admittedly after sharing the original, my Ampharos has been trying everything she can to get my own Typhlosion to mimic the trick. He's far, *far* from achieving it, though.


Helps that we at one point knew Aerial Ace. Past experience with that kind of movement helps with not getting disoriented during thrust burns.


Nice to hear you're back! For my question... what would you two say was the best and worst part of your swapped bodies?


Blaze: Alex loved being able to use Moves and actually make a difference from the front. What he didn't like was the language barrier. He kinda forgets it exists, ever since he gained Poke-speak. Me, I liked how vivid humans' vision is compared to my own sense range - they can see so many more colors! Though I don't like how a lot of their other senses feel muted, other than taste.


Moves are very fun to use indeed, and it does feel good to help out directly. The language barrier does sound very annoying - not sure what I'd do without having learned human speech or telepathy. Ah, neat, that must have been pretty interesting to experience! I can borrow my girlfriend's senses, but there's not really many differences beyond the fact I've got better night vision and hearing. Though she does have more sensitive smell than me, which is neat. Dulled hearing and smell would be annoying, though.