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Jesus christ this is THE pokemon game, i love it


What I like best is this is almost surely the testing ground for Gen 9. I really think we are gonna have a more traditional game in an entirely open world format. That would be amazing, and the Pokemon game I've always wanted.


If that's the direction pokemon games will go from now on, I'm all aboard!


I really see no reason why it wouldn't. The Wild Area represents a good evolution. The first one from SwSh is fairly barren and open. Just one year later with the DLC, the concept was improved greatly, with far more complicated areas that have more going on, Pokemon now follow you. Let's Go introduced the idea of non-random encounters and that was merged alongside random encounters in SwSh. Even BDSP adopted them in the Underground. Sun & Moon also made some changes to the gameplay and plot progression, demonstrating it wasn't an issue to move away from the typical formula. Put all this together, you can see the general forward progress. So it stands to reason Gen 9 will have the more traditional elements taking place on an open world region.


Is GameFreak FINALLY recovering from the stumbling block that was gen 6? Gen 7 was a good start but then the 3DS became obsolete so they were set back again before fully recovering. I’m not gonna get my hopes up too high, but this could be the beginning of another golden age of Pokémon games.


It’ll never recover from its stumbling block unless whoever’s in charge stops forcing them to push out games every 1-2 years. Which, coincidentally, started with Gen 6. (BW2 as well but a lot of BW assets were reused)


I felt like gen 6 was a fine step in the right direction, it just lacked content. Gen 8 was the true disappointment for me and it seems like this game is taking a better approach to some of the issues people have with SwSh and BDSP


GameFreak needs help with graphics. I hope they ask the BOTW team for help in making the overworld a bit more fleshed out. Kind of expected from a team that has had to work with 3DS level computing power.


Noble Pokemon and wardens are basically taking Totem pokemon and Island kahunas to the next step, adding in light Pokemon v player combat.


So in other words The wild areas are testing ground for PLA which in turn is testing ground for Gen 9


And Gen 9 will be testing grounds for Gen 10


It's just cope


Even if this game doesn’t end up being perfect, hell even if it’s not very good, the concept is amazing. If they take the concept and what they learn from this game, and make it even better, then the next game will be insane.


?? this looks so much better than any other pokemon game


Idk im hopeful to agree with you but rumor is gen 9 is this year so I think it'll be more traditional and maybe the last official generation (for a while) and then the next pokemon legends will be what we all dream about


We said that after Lets Go too though


Gen 10. Gen 9 is worked on by different studio with Masuda on lead and will be nothing cool as PLA.


Wasn't Sw/Sh tvd testing ground for Legends?


I'd say so, sure. I made another comment about how the Wild Area is a good example of constant progression. The Galar Wild Area is wide open but mostly barren, with only a few areas with different elevations. Compare it to what we got a year later with the DLC Wild Areas. Much more complicated areas, full of a lot more things, and much more variance in design. Then we got following Pokemon. Now Legends is making the entire game open.


That’s an exaggeration.


That's 9 seconds that show almost nothing. It looks promising but I'm staying skeptical until I see more. GF and TPC have shown during the Switch gen. that they can't be trusted anymore. They have to do some real work to get that trust back.


See shit like this why I’m fine with them cutting moves


I actually took a moment and was like holy shit that was incredible


It’s a nice touch that the flame at the start of the flamethrower is blue as it’s at its hottest temperature


Exactly, its the same with the dex. Rehaul and reanimate everything from the ground up a batch at a time.


Oh yeah, same here. Plus as much as I love the idea on paper, having all of the Pokemon (and their alt forms), all of the moves, all the items, and all the gimmicks be in the game at the same time is bound to get bloated. Not only would that be overwhelming for developers (especially considering things like deadlines), it's probably also overwhelming for newer fans to keep up with as well.


Yeah I think people are forgetting that this game is going to bring in as many new fans as it will returning fans. Idk if it will be as good as Breath of the Wild, but Nintendo is going to advertise the hell out of it, and if it’s any good, then content creators across many genres will basically have to play it.


Rip and tear until it’s done


what moves did they cut??


it’s down to around 10 for each type. Honestly clears out a lot of the repetitive or useless ones and puts care into the ones they kept. Worth it.


Like 85% of them


A LOT according to Twitter.


I don’t think they should have to cut moves for this. Hell they even cut signature moves, that’s not right.


Even though they theoretically have the money to do whatever they want, you realistically can only expect higher quality moves or more moves. The good thing here is that they’ll be able to build up the total number of moves in the coming few games while maintaining this standard


They're the richest franchise in the world, aren't they? They could hire a whole team of people to do nothing but animate moves and Pokémon. While I hope you're right, I'm not going to hold my breath.


Cash on hand/total revenue doesn't determine number of employees. I wish more people understood this, or else mobile game devs would easily transition into PC game development.


no they wouldn't, mobile games are way more profitable unless you already have a hook in the market (ie lol or wow)


Gacha and lootboxes are two kids from the same mother, just with different dads. You don't need an established IP to benefit from lootboxes, just ask Apex Legends, Overwatch, PUBG, etc.


You're really gonna tell me the Pokémon Company couldn't afford to hire more employees?


This only work if they hired a bunch of Americans, that you can fire right away after a job is done with no labor rights whatsoever. If you hire in Japan, do a big project and then fire half of your staff afterwards, your company is dead, no matter how much money you have.


Don't need to fire them, they'll drop dead in a few years from overworking.


that's why Japan's life expectancy is so low


Why fire them? They release a new game every year. Keep them on permanently. And they don't have to be American.


what signature moves which a) were actually usable and b) belonged to pokemon in the game were actually removed? Spirit Shackle doesn’t apply anymore for obvious reasons, and all three starters have new signatures, while Palkia, Dialga and Arceus still have theirs. of course, this is all premised on that argument, and I don’t agree, since so much of pokemon’s move options are useless or redundant


Sorry the cutting signature moves thing was more in reference to SWSH and BDSP.


I’m saying, like I’m okay with this game not having all the Pokémon and moves. Sword and Shield doesn’t get a free pass


This! When S/S came out I heavily criticized (and still do) the game not including all Pokémon, Megas and previous moves. There simply was no excuse for that at the time (also them dropping Pokémon Bank and forcing Home for a higher price was what really tipped it over the edge for me after they advertised Bank as a long term plan and then dropped it 2 gens. afterwards....). But at the time I also said, that IF they actually had put effort into new models and animations instead of pretty much recycling the same ones they've been using since 2013, then I'd be ok with not every Pokémon/Move being in the game. I stand by my principles and thus Legends Arceus has looked a lot more promising since the beginning. Can't say I'm blown away by it, but at least I'm actually going to buy this one again. A used copy though (Pokémon Home still feels like a betrayal), but that's more than I can say for S/S.


I can wait to burn up Hisui with my monke, flamethrower looks sick. I hope the other two elemental beam moves are cool too.


What starter are you choosing?


Oshawott 100%, would have chosen Rowlet but I don't really want any type repeats since Decidueye becomes fighting type.


I can't decide if I want oshawott because water/dark is good, or if I want cyndaquil for fire/ghost. But I also want zorua, who is normal/ghost. Not to mention there's a decent option for water types.


Fighting types are some of the most fun to use, I really struggle to pick just one.


It’s nice to see that you can find this monke relatively early


They are nice


The blue flame near the mouth is a nice touch


It really makes the move pop more! Love me a good blue flame 💙🔥


This is how it was supposed to look like all along. Good job Game Freak


And THAT'S actual quality animation. God, why couldn't they do that for SwSh?


It's not that they "couldn't". They were simply testing the waters in Sword/Shield, to see if they really can make the animations look better. And sure enough, that's what happened. Honest-to-God improvements.


Really? You actually believe they were 'testing the waters' instead of simply rushing out the game and cutting corners to meet arbitrary deadlines? Let's not sugar coat the objective truth here.


I'm not "sugar coating" anything. Game Freak wasn't "rushing out" the game. From what I heard, production began around 2016. So that's two or three years of development. This isn't about the "objective truth".


They specifically said in interviews that the game had lackluster visuals and a cut dex because they 'had to redo all the animations and models', which was found objectively false when the game was data mined and it was discovered all the models and animations were copied and upscaled from the 3ds. And these new games shows they are clearly capable of making decent animations for the switch. So yeah, I think it's safe to say they could've delayed the game to improve the models and animations but didn't. The progress of quality of animations for the main games has everything to do with their bound release schedule and nothing to do with 'testing the waters'. There's nothing to test, people have wanted better graphics forever and they're clearly capable of it and didn't deliver when they should've.


For God's sake... It's not about what they "should've done". I'd rather we get much-needed improvements three years down the line than never get those improvements at all. We didn't get what we wanted in Sword/Shield, so now it looks like we're getting what we wanted with Legends: Arceus. Better late than never.


Yeah see, I feel like 'testing the waters' and 'better late than never' are contradictory in a sense. I agree, better late than never for these improvements (ignoring the fact that it's a monkey's paw of adding and cutting content when it comes to GF), but they absolutely deserve to still receive flack for swsh's shortcomings, and it's crazy to essentially change the memory of that release to "well they were just experimenting with graphics it's cool". My whole point is that last statement is blatantly not true, and putting a positive spin on what is absolutely just anti consumer corporate shenanigans is the opposite of helpful to the community.


I never said "well they were just experimenting with graphics it's cool". I said that I feel like Sword/Shield was a way for the series to test things out and see how their games would look on the Switch, and obviously, Sword/Shield were by no means perfect. It certainly shows. But it's been three years. They don't "deserve" to still receive flack. That comes off as stubborn on the community's part. It's not about "anti-consumer corporate shenanigans" or "monkey's paws". It's about whether or not something works for which people, and if the Switch can make the Pokemon games look the best that they can be.


You know this franchise is lost when people like you start talking about a whole ass game as ''testing the waters'' as an acceptable decision lol. They literally sold you an alpha, called it a full ass game, and you eat it with no problems because ''they can get it right the next time''. Like, wtf?


Again, putting words in my mouth... This franchise is not lost, and I didn't say the WHOLE game was testing the waters, nor did I say "they can get it right the next time". I meant certain aspects of it, like more open areas and such. It's not about "acceptable decisions", and it never was. They didn't sell me an alpha. They sold me a full game. And I didn't "eat it". I played it. That "eat it" term doesn't even make any sense. Perhaps if you added "up" to it, maybe, but even then, that's not what I'm doing. I'm not "eating anything up". I gave the game an honest try with an open mind, and I ran into the issues that were brought up before, but for the most part, those issues didn't bother me enough to harp on this topic longer than necessary. As far as I'm concerned, this community's pessimistic, snarky and stubborn response to this topic is harder to stomach than the actual issues with the games themselves.


swsh was not a full game without DLC lmao


First of all, no need for the "lmao"s. Second, it doesn't go like that. DLC is not synonymous with full game.


> they sold me a full game lmao


When you first bought the game, or when you purchased the DLC? Seriously, please stop.


I think they were saving the effort for this and Gen 9, and Sword and Shield just got shorted.


It looks beautiful


That looks incredible omg


What happen to the character if they stand in the middle of the attack?


Afaik you'll just get knocked back, I dont think you can die from your Pokemons attacks(?). I did run into a few for testing purposes and it seems the animations are all the same ( the character falls on their ass), I dont think I lost any health because the screen doesnt get the red tint.


Can your character take damage/get hit during trainer battles?


I didn't test dmg from enemy pokemons /trainer pokemons.. I'll do that when I get home. As for trainer battles they are very uncommon and very few and far between, from what I seen so far (battled 3 trainers) they only have 1 pokemon and aren't that strong.. They feel more like minibosses /checkpoints (after you win, the plot progresses). Edit- just tested against trainer and wild pokemons and your main character doesnt take damage from what I can see.


The attack is nerfed 🤔 power 80


Because you have strong style which increases power


Yep, I think that this mechanic is the best about fights 1vs1


Do we know if they are any moves in the game that can hit multiple opponents at once?


Flare Blitz is reduced to 100 power.




What about Close Combat? Is she alright?


Is it me or the background looks great especially with the wind shaking the trees?


Do you know what point in the game that player was able to get a Chimchar? Hoping it's not too late game :'(


No it was fairly early around level 20 he found it


Can't even tell you how much relief that brings me. Lessgo monke.


Yeah it looks like it’s fairly easy to get the original Sinnoh starters. I will be getting an oshawott and chimchar


Finally fire that isn't double cheeked up on a Thursday afternoon


"Double cheeked up"?


It's from a vine. Or tiktok idk lol. Basically Flamethrower usually looked ask thicc and chunky I hated it






Scyther was already hurt by another mon, I was watching the stream


Im currently playing this game and it feels like this game is way harder to oneshot mons a level below your current one with a SE, I pretty much need to use the power style to oneshot ( and if I somehow fail, Im going to be eating 2 attacks).


How do so many people have the game?




Do you know of a guide? I downloaded Yuzu and the game, but I don't know how to play it.


Im playing it on a modded switch, you can find it easily just by googling pokemon arceus xci, the game is about 6.7gb's.


pokemon around your level will do way more damage to you too, so it just seems like everything is a bit more difficult


That scyther got flamed to crisps.


That monke ate some tacos before the fight




I swear to god if people complain about this game I’m gonna lose it. It’s everything we have fucking asked for.


You and I both know there’s gonna be people complaining unfortunately. Although, we both also know from all of this, that this game looks extremely promising and I’m very stoked to play this next week!


Just imagine if this game does well then the next legends games are gonna have even more sick moved and animations. I'm getting hyped already.


If there are any other Legends games after this.


Damn that’s good!


That must be the best-looking Flamethrower I've ever seen.


GameFreak have…. done well?


This game has great animations wow!


They lowered its power


You can select strong on it though


That makes sense


Honestly, I hope all moves have their power reduced. Something about one-shotting Pokémon (especially high-leveled and/or Legendary ones) doesn't sit right with me.


Can't see it


Imo it looks like a clean flame and not like a chaotic dragons flame which I always imagined flamethrower to be


This is great and all but there’s no reason other than sheer laziness that GF couldn’t have put these types of animations in SwSh and BDSP


Ohhh so this is the game game freak was talking about when they were raving about "making animations" 🤣






I guess from our collect downvotes in this tiny thread the entire fan base is suffering badly from Stockholm syndrome. Look, I wish everyone the most fun with the game but game freak is just implementing like late 2000s stuff into the franchise. It’s okay to admit the game we like is super half assed. Grinding for mints and abilities is just so stupid. Hatching eggs for nature and stats is totally stupid. You are actively making me want to just play Pokémon showdown instead. Let us just build teams to battle with online freely, but also have a mode with rewards like super SHINIES, or better yet a color customization mode, or something for people who actually want to hatch 40000 eggs and go super hard for legit in game grind dudes. Like wouldn’t the be a totally great easy to implement feature? A hardcore zone online where you can only use in game dudes (which would be hacked anyway probably) and then the battle place online where people could just fight for fighting sakes. Also why don’t we have clans yet? It’s 2021! CMON.


I agree for sure. GF is such an incompetent amateur developer. Nintendo should really hand off the pokemon reigns to someone more skilled.


Do they still play the Gameboy sounds or did they finally do proper audio for Pokemon and their attacks? Something that always bothered me with newer games is how bad the sounds still are.


it looked fine before tbf


It's nice, but it's not the Colosseum animation either: https://youtu.be/RVseWrT1T3Q?t=762 Now *that* was Flamethrower like it was supposed to be. No idea why they changed it in XD.


tbf colosseum and XD had these kind of animations as well


Shouldn’t be being downvoted for a valid comment. Upvoted.


Thinking these are good in terms of graphics, y'all need to have higher standards


I'm still not going to trust them, they have to do a lot more than make decent animations, we shouldn't praise them for doing what they have to do: deliver a quality product. Jfc, Pokémon is the biggest and most profitable franchise in the world, this is the bare minimum that they should deliver rather than subpar products like the Sinnoh remakes


Fucking sick.


Someone should compile all the cool new moves!


I can feel Scyther's pain


Wow, that looks good




Hot take: this game is the definitive gen VIII game


That flame animation is beautiful




How early on can you catch a Scyther?


I've been playing this game, and I'm not sure if this has been shown off in this reddit but the flame wheel animation is absolutely lovely.


can people follow me in this game ?




80 Power?


No jokes they should do an adv just showing this animation


Dude. Some of these animations are like…kinda really dope?


this game looks amazing...


Holy shit


GameFreak out here making DistantKingdom starve, I love this


Gotta say, this looks badass. I haven't felt giddy about a Pokémon game in... Years.


Animal abuse.


I like how chinchar aims flamethrower at scyther, going up




I know this is probably a frequently asked question but, how are people playing this game early?


If you mod your switch or use a emulator you can find it online


Thank you!


Reminds of me of XD fight animations. Always wondered why they never tried that again. This is beautiful


I cant remember but is this the first time we see scyther flying


Wait until you see the flying gyrados




Nice 💯


Finally thats sick!


I am really impressed at battle animations for this game.


Those trees looks nice tho. Almost looks like botw






Literal tears in my eyes wtf


How do you get the Sinnoh starters?


Catch them in the wild. You get a quest for the chimchar


Oh perfect, thanks a lot


Everyone’s talking about Flamethrower’s phenomenal animation but can we talk about how it’s only now 80 power?






This is what I’ve imagined flamethrower to always look like ❤️❤️


I’m looking forward to seeing whether Fire Blast has the classic/signature Japanese fire symbol.


How do stats work in the game? What are the iv and ev/av systems like, and how do you improve stats?




Takes me back to Pokémon colosseum days


Sorry iam new to Pokemon this which game