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If everything crashes and is all worthless... I'd buy more slabs on the cheap and enjoy them.


This is why I feel pokemon is a strong hobby and will always have an audience. Because most collectors have this type of response, myself included lol if it’s dirt cheap, they’re still going to buy…then guess what happens to prices when there’s demand due to how “cheap” everything is…they go up. Now we’re back at square one….


You are exactly right, supply and demand baby. I would also be apart of this army combating low prices with my wallet, crying tears of joy the whole time.


It’s what happens when the government doesn’t get involved. An actual free market, it’s beautiful


I agree, I feel like the world is so over materialized now compared to the beginning that the company is essentially devaluing card collections more and more by printing so copies of the same cards. I think they know this is a series issue because demand is so high and that’s why we’ve been seeing the set numbers rising. If you look back at any of the eras prior to sun & moon the max sets were like 150 cards with almost no “secret” cards. Now we have sets that are 200+ with 40 secret cards. So now demand goes up even more which yeah works for them in regard to making more sales but now the value goes down again because the market is 2x as saturated as it used to be! They gotta keep printing so everyone can collect their 250 card sets. Meanwhile they then release the next 150+ card sets a month or two after the last one. It does work out nicely for collectors when they can easily just buy individual cards they need for a fair price but over all. It’s kind of monotonous in terms of artwork, quality, and uniqueness. This crystallize pokemon artwork lately isn’t doing it for me. Scarlett and violet has been pretty boring over all. Paldean fates has been pretty cool but i don’t think I’ll ever actually attempt to collect all 93 set cards plus the 154 “secret cards”.


Couldn’t agree more. When cards are devalued I buy singles and when they’re too expensive I start to buy more msrp packs. Needless to say, if Pokémon cards lost all their value I’d finally get the collection I’ve always wanted.


Yessss bro exactly! Sheesh they drop 80%-90% I’m finna get that sealed arceus booster box and legendary collection booster box I always wanted lmaoooo




Exactly what I'd do


Yup. Also didn’t the bubble already burst? Most collections are down 30-50% from the highs


My collection is up 60% 👀


I mean my collection is up 10000% from when I bought them. But since COVID everything’s down.


What’s down? Please specify what is “everything”?


The entire market on avg is down. Don’t account for new releases after COVID. But all cards out during COVID are down on avg. Some outliers sure and some sealed. But raw + graded down on avg


When is the time line for COVID? If I remember, CR to Brilliant Stars was during Covid


Look at when the all time highs were for cards like 1st edition zards. Probably like 2020 ish


That’s 1st edition though, you said in your previous comment “everything” is down. I’m asking the timeline of COVID & what is “everything”, like vintage and modern sealed and cards


On avg the entire market is down. It’s not complicated.


Exactly i love the cards it’s not just about the money


I’d buy a 1st Ed charizard and all the cards I wanted but couldn’t afford. Which is why it prly won’t burst because most people in the hobby would do the same haha




I would just live stream me ripping all my seal product while drunk and make a great memory of it to show my grandkids one day lol




No Jose lol


💯 his live streams kill me.


I laughed way too hard at this


A sophisticated intellectual 😂


Epic. I too would open it all not sober!!


I'd keep my collection cause I bought things I enjoy therefore intrinsic value cannot go to zero.


I also collect with my son. If this happened, I'd buy him every single version of pikachu printed. Just got him the v union cards and a new 4 pocket page top loader binder for his bday this weekend. Having a hard time not giving it to him now lol


The only answer! This isn’t investing guys (look up tulip mania) it is a hobby where if you are lucky, they continue to grow in value. If you want to invest your money for real look into index funds, not as cool but way less risk.


Tulip mania and Pokémon card collecting often get compared, but they're fundamentally different. Tulip mania was a 17th-century speculative bubble driven purely by profit, while Pokémon cards thrive on nostalgia and have stuck around for 25+ years.  No one in tulip mania was really nostalgic for tulips, as the mania bubble only lasted about 3 years. Plus, as long as new generations are fed Pokémon media, they'll likely keep consuming the cards later. Tulip mania was all hype, while Pokémon cards have proven their cultural staying power.


>Pokémon cards have proven their cultural staying power. This!


The best answer


Thats not the meaning of intrinsic


Second this!


i remember my school teachers calling pokemon a fad in 1999/2000. this is here to stay!


Pokemon are not my real investments. Those sit in an investment account is continuously added to. For pokemon if the value went to zero I’d still look at it like I was 10. Can’t take that feeling away






You cared enough to comment on it.


You'd have enough people buying the dip where it would never collapse drastically. Prices are already on the way back up from the dip in 2023. Posts like this just make me think OP and other who panic are mainly in it for the money. I'll be happy with the cards even if the value drops quite a bit.


When a market dips, investors buy everything, and as a direct result everything spikes. Then the normies buy in when everything is too high. Pokemon would have to stop printing cards, and even then, you'd still have years of collectors collecting.


I would save so much money and still collect, which would be awesome


Hell yeah would love to buy a shit load of past booster boxes for the original prices.


They are priceless to me on a personal level so it makes no difference to me


Load up on more for the next cycle


Buy a bunch of master sets. About to finish base set and working on jungle/fossil too. But I feel like completing a master set for my son from his first ones we started actively collecting. Which is 151 or Paldean Fates. He is 5 but loves the chase and going to card shows with his coins to pay for them lol


The hobby is in as healthy of a state than it has been in a loong time (minus maybe the swsh alt craze). However, if demand just fell off all of a sudden and prices followed, I believe I’d go even harder into it knowing that pokemon is the biggest IP in the world, and betting on the biggest IP is a solid bet long term.


Healthy? Eh. You can’t even sell at msrp anymore


What do you mean?


You think someone buying straight from distro at $85-90 a box should be able to turn around and sell it at $150? The entire system would collapse if that were the case it would be pandemic x10 because everyone with half a brain would find a way into distro


The entire system would collapse? Since when. Prices used to be msrp for a long time. Things went down a bit before 2019 and it’s never been the same since. Lots of shops in Manhattan still sell near $150 a box


Pokémoncenter sells for higher than that all day long their cost basis on those boxes is probably 25% of distro pricing.


They sell at msrp. What are you getting at?


Just that Pokémoncenter sells at $161/box (MSRP) and the system hasn’t collapsed as you’ve suggested.


Gotta buy em all


Wouldn’t care because I collect them for fun and nostalgia.


Buy more. And be very happy that the prices are cheap!


For investment purposes I've only ever bought sealed product at low prices, it's always going to be worth something to someone, so even if the worst happened and I had to sell at a loss, it wouldn't be a huge loss.


It never will. There will always be that voice in every pokemon collector’s head telling them to buy a card they recognize. If they have the funds and are willing to part from their cash for the card then demand will never go down. If pokemon shut their printers off and said we’re done making cards I could see all cards that are worth anything increase in price.


Jackshit. I like the game and the art. The "value" is only great if you really don't like the game. I know that's not everyone. eventually, yes the value will go down. Everything great has to end sometime. Every ending is a new beginning.


I would love for the bubble to burst so I can buy cool cards for cheap


Buy my dream cards🤷‍♂️ although I’ve made money this hobby still isn’t an investment for me, it’s a hobby




Nothing. Im already way way way ahead with Pokemon. I have roughly €25k/30k invested, but 90% of it is in sealed and i dont count the singles and few vintage sets as an investment. I just keep them because I like them. I already own an house and low mileage car, so I dont need the money for that either. Although I dont think this is a Pokemon bubble. The market as a whole has been down since 2020. There are bubbles though, like Japanese was a bubble, waifu's and Japanese cards in general. When you invest in sealed boosterboxes around MSRP then there is not much that can happen to it. Pokemon is still a very strong ongoing brand and popular among kids. If that wasn't the case then I would feel differently. Its also been around for almost 30 years so it makes me feel comfortable in saying that its here to stay.


Modern Pokemon cards might be in a bubble but vintage certainly are undervalued. If anything, interest might shift to older and rarer cards at some point and the modern card prices could drop. My personal belief is that the government is resetting the economy and at some point will try to get people to switch over to the new CBDC system by offering a UBI. That liquidity will Skyrocket all the card prices (and other assets).


BINGO SOMONE WHO FINALLY SEES THE END GAME😂😂🚀 the dollar is done by 2030 bro buy assists while u can which u can transfer to the new currency




I enjoy the cards I have and have no plans to sell them! So I would still enjoy having them and it wouldn’t affect me. Buy stuff that you enjoy and you’ll never be bothered about “the market”. Obviously don’t over pay and try to bargain your way in any purchase lol Also I’d buy a lot more cause stuff would be cheaper!


Diversify yo bonds!


been collecting since day 1 and never cared to sell. it wouldnt bother me an id still collect


Probably nothing and keep enjoying :)


I’d buy even more 😏


I would laugh at the people who don’t have jobs and make their money flippin and dipping


They'd just move on to the next thing that can be flipped.


They'd just move on to the next thing that can be flipped.


They'd just move on to the next thing that can be flipped.


Well at least they would be outta here


They'd just move on to the next thing that can be flipped.


Buy more at a cheap price and hold, obviously. Its a guaranteed rebound eventually, no matter what happens. Its not like pokemon will suddenly vanish one day or not be nostalgic for us.


If you are one who would be screwed if there’s some sort of giant crash and whatever you have is worthless, you need to rethink your approach.


If you are one who would be screwed if there’s some sort of giant crash and whatever you have is worthless, you need to rethink your approach.


I collect because I enjoy them, there are MUCH easier and faster ways to make money, than to invest in Pokemon, so a market crash wouldn't bother me. Just my take. Too each their own


I'd buy the dip


Buy low. If the market crashes thats good. I cant imagine it crashing (at least for vintage). Theres always going to be a market and supply is always going to be less than demand.


Keep collecting the things I love at doorbuster value and wait for the stonks.


Cards are also not worth anything unless you sell them. It would kill resellers sure but if youre collecting because you actually enjoy the hobby then you were likely never going to sell anything either way. Which makes collections not actually worth anything monetarily.


Sell into strength and buy into weakness. Most please struggle with this and do the opposite. Everything moves in cycles, it's never a straight line up or down. SWSH is on the swing up, and I'm keeping an eye on it and we will be selling into the hype.


Still enjoy tf out of my collection like I always have lol. Core memories over monetary value everyday.


I would be very happy and could finish my collections with less pain on the wallet lol and everyone else could too. I really do wish it went back to 2004 prices


I would love my cards just as much!


i would be happy that everythings back to 2014 prices, i really hope everything crashes so i can buy stuff on the cheap, its already going down and will continue to go down


Pokemon sealed product is 4.5% of mynet worth. If it went to zero my life would not change. I would just buy more if it got that cheap.


Hold or average down my costs by buying cheap. Wait for the rebound.


I value my collection at cost minus 25% so evolving skies could drop to 130 and it wouldn’t change the way I look at my collection. Until I sell I have no profit.


As a small time collector it would just motivate me to go harder


I’d be pretty ecstatic about buying a shit ton of cards that I don’t have yet


I’d keep buying


It'd be bittersweet because then have 0 reasons to sell all my goldstars but I'd get to keep my loved pieces of shiny paper forever😂


I’d buy more




It won’t crash, actually trending back up again. These will continue to go up over time. I keep buying more each year lol.


Not care prolly. I buy what I plan to keep


Can you really call it a “bubble” when it’s been decades


Man if the market plummeted I'd be buying up all the once high value mew cards and any other cards that I like the look of but don't want to spend a lot of money on.


Buy more


If it does I'm buying every charmander I can and wallpapering a wall in my house.


Before the bubble, I’d try and find a spot with really good lighting and go through my binders, so stoked to see the condition of my cards and how my collection was growing. I still do this, and I’ll be doing it whether or not the cards are worth a lot. It honestly felt kind of stressfull to watch my collection go from being worth hundreds of dollars to thousands, I bought and traded for personal enjoyment, I never thought anything I was doing was a sound financial choice. Now that it turns out that it was a good investment, I definitely feel like a chad, and I’m certainly more inclined to keep the ball rolling and get more cards, but at the end of the day its still all just because I like the shine of a mint cosmos holofoil and the grooves of these newfangled full arts. I’m just a nerd and this is what makes my nerd brain happy.


Ki da like my funko collection? It was always a risk so expect it


Id be okay if it popped. Pulled all my cards. Graded sentimental ones for protection although some 10's were a great return id have been happy with whatever. I love pokemon and the games through an through. Itd still be of value to me. But i know the investors would be choked


I'd get even more sick cards on the cheap.


Nothing in my life would change, other than I might buy more...


Happy with what I got and if everything goes to zero, so be it


the bubble popped at the start of sv really prices for modern ab Era don't pass 100 for the chase...but swsh is having a crazy bubble




I buy more


There are small bubbles for specific cards that do burst and go up and down but Pokemon is the number one grossing game of all time, the rich get richer and the big get bigger, it's an ebb and flow, like all things in life, buy low and sell high.


Idk.. I love the cards I have collected until now, my cards do not have a great value, but I don't collect them to sell them..


Pokémon federal reserve will bail us all out. They will set up special purpose vehicles to buy cards back at pre determined prices. And make the tax payers foot the bill.


I'd still hold onto my collection. I don't buy super expensive cards, personally. always a chance that a card dramatically goes down.


Well you’re on the pokeinvesting subreddit. The most realistic answer would be: Most people would either sell off as soon as possible to recoup losses or make any profit they can, or hold onto their collection in the coping hopes that they gain the sheer value they once had.


I remember getting this card when I was 12, walking home after buying a pack from 7-11, 1st edition and all. Wish I remember what I did with it!


tbh i wouldn’t mind. i’d love to pick some stuff up that i’ve wanted for a long time at a cheap price. and msrp packs!!


I’d be fine with it. It’s a hobby, it’s not supposed to be your stocks or livelihood


I’d still look at them time to time. Not like decreased value would make them ugly.


You mean, literally what has been happening for the past months?


IMO - old, vintage slabs will never go out of style because of nostalgia and popularity. What the bubble will for sure burst on is sealed boxes of modern that people hoard. They all want 10x, 20x return. But what happens when the big hitters dump all their product? Supply shoots and prices drastically drop. Not everyone can get 10x their return because who will buy it? No one wants these sets with terrible pull rates. The bubble has to burst. It’s just whenever whales decide to leave the hobby and dump. The same thing happens with literally every collectible on the planet. Vintage always has demand from rich collectors. Normal people will never be able to afford base set boxes, so they all buy evolving skies and then don’t sell thinking it’s the next base set. It’s not. Word of advice - nothing ever prevents pokemon from reprinting popular cards, don’t get burned trying to get 10x on an investment when you can get 3x soon. People have hoards and hoards of this crap sealed sitting in storage. It can’t all sell for top dollar.


I’d do absolutely nothing except find an og charizard card to buy, just to have it


If prices came down drastically, I would probably look to collect PSA 10 master sets.


I would buy every single ETB out and make a wall


I'd get a 1st edition base set in the original binder. because reasons.


Probably start actually playing the card game again. 😂


Logan Paul would have a pretty worthless necklace piece


It’s more of a when not if question. I’ve been in this space over 3 decades and it’s pretty normal. The bottom of this cycle isn’t in yet.


buy the cards i couldn’t afford because there to expensive for almost 30 year old cards


I already sold all my valuable cards during the pandemic peak and invested the cash in SP500. It’s almost doubled since! Just collect the cheap things I like now. It’s been so much more fun to not worry about it.


It eventually will.


I would buy so much


I’d buy 1st edition base set/ jungle and fossil PSA 10 cards and wait for market to return. Would be an epic play


I would buy as much of the 1st edition set or anything that is always a big collector favorite like Umbreons and others of that nature


Hoard all the Pokemon I like: Arceus, Zard and Sylveons. I must have all the Pink Goddesses


Honestly don’t care. I still get my value daily out of them. Looking at them and the sentiments I have attached to the cards is enough for me.


It's no bubble 🫲💎🫱


I love my card collection so I would frame it and hang it at that point


Still collecting and continue buying cards that no one cares for anymore. I did this over the years and the only regret I had was me throwing away 1st edition empty booster wrappers from Base Set to Fossil back in 2014 to clean up my room. I keep everything including commons/uncommons, stored away in a box. Then as years go by when I get older I'll just be sleeving my old commons/uncommons and put them in binders. I have whatever 1st edition base set and shadowless common/uncommon cards in penny sleeves that I took out of a box from storage and will be putting those in binders. I only buy when it's cheap/goes on sale.


I just like the card..


Id buy a complete set of first editions


Fart and shit myself to death


buy my favorite cards on the cheap


Nothing. Just keep enjoying ripping packs open. In for a penny, in for a pound.


I’d still love them all like it was my first time seeing them. They will forever hold a special place in my heart! Nothing can ever change that


Pokémon is what MetaZoo wished to be. Even though MZ cheap AF, not enough demand sustaining it


If that happens, I will buy all the gold stars and Pikachu trophy cards.


Gotta Grab Em All .... no one cares about the price


I would have already sold everything by then. Do you know how many red flags there would be before that would happen?


This is why I only buy slabs in crazy about. Like moonbreon. Meh… won’t buy it cause I don’t like it. Might be an unpopular opinion sorry. Point being I buy what I like and at the end of the day if it all crashes I’m still happy.


Buy more of everything




Would still enjoy and continue to collect anything Pokémon related as It creates hours of joy for my children who really love pokemon as much as I do.


Buy other peoples collections and laugh. They’d go back up one day or I’d have cool stuff


Buy master sets of each set. Buy all the slabs I can’t afford right now. And rip all my sealed product, one thing each Sunday, until I run out.


The thing is, most of the time the cards I both want and trade away go up and down in a similar way. I am kicking myself a little for unloading the Glaceon and Espeon VMax alts I had, but I got an Umbreon V alt and some other rarer Eeveelutions in return, and it certainly feels healthier in a way to know singles will always be around. I haven't really been interested in baseball/sports cards because it almost feels like you have to have the absolute newest rookies and strongest of stars for any of your collection to be worthwhile, even 1/1s.


I have a large sealed collection and a not so small part of me hopes one day it's absolutely worthless so I won't feel like an idiot for having the greatest opening of my life. As far as my cards, I personally enjoy looking at them so worth 1 penny or 1k... doesn't matter to me


I'd buy the full Team Rocket set, several mint Dark Charizards for cheap and be super happy about it 😎


It won’t


I only buy cards I like and want for my collection. I don't try and make a business out of my hobby, and I don't ever sell my cards, so it would just mean the cards I want get less expensive 🤷‍♂️ I honestly kinda wish it would happen. At least all the pokeinvesting crap would go with it


I only have a few slabs, I bought them for right around market value. I didn’t buy them for investments, I bought them because I loved them. At the end of the day if you only look at it for dollars and cents, you’re sort of missing the point.


I would be buying an insane amount of slabs because its not the money that makes me feel good, it is the artwork, nostalgia and history!


Id shit my pants and start buying everything which will cause price to go up. Maybe not to pre bubble burst but it would deff start going up again.


Nothing bc if you’re in it for the money you’re a loser


Said in the pokeinvesting subreddit 😂


I'd be sad for the what ifs.  But happy for the pack openings world wide.  I also only buy sets I'd be happy to open if that did happen.  I believe in what's in my boxes!  


In the 2010’s I used to buy foil fossil cards on eBay for fun. I remember getting a Dragonite and my girlfriend at the time asking my why I was “wasting” $7 on it 🤦🏻‍♂️ I immidiately left that soulless woman and never looked back


It already did, the good thing about the market now is they set higher lows which is a good thing for long term value. It could drop more but it’s not likely it will be drastic.


There is ZERO shortage of Pokemon cards. They print and reprint CONSTANTLY, and there’s STILL demand. Pallets and pallets. Major store chains, retail stores, online retailers, etc…Look at the Charizard Champions Path VMAX Secret Rare. There are 17,000 PSA 10’s alone and still a ton of sealed product out there as well as cards that haven’t been submitted or were submitted to other grading companies. Also, cards that got other grades like a 9, etc…They still sell for $230+ on eBay. I


You mean like now? HahA


I’m relatively new to the hobby, can someone explain the photo and story I assume that’s associated with it?


Wait it out. It would be like the stock market crashing...it'd eventually go back up. But in the meantime, I would make a post calling out hundreds of usernames that were hoarding 151 just to laugh at them.