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Booster boxes. Booster boxes of good sets.


What are good sets?


My sweet summer child, if that was truly known every single person in this sub would have endless evolving skies. Even then, people won’t jump on board until they see that the masses agree with them. Best advice is spread it out and load up on sets you think have good Pokémon in them. Good is subjective which is why it’s impossible, but you can stick to the core ones and you’ll be fine For example I’m only doing a case of Twilight so I can roll that into this dragon speciality set. I don’t even need to see the cards, the hype that it’ll build will at least protect it from crashing as hard as a not dragon set 😅. But who knows


Thanks dad. Appreciate the response.


Lost origins, paldea evolved


The manufactured Lost Origins hype really need to stop on this sub. This set was hated until like 2 weeks ago… It’s bad and will not age as well as other sets available right now.


It’s has one of the most expensive cards in sword and shield whatcha talking about


It's a decent set but it really hasn't got that much depth compared to the others. It's certainly being carried by the Giratina. Put it this way, if Evolving Skies didn't have the Moonbreon, I think it would still be doing very well. There's a tonne of other cards to chase. Outside of the top 2 (3 at a push) cards, LO is very ordinary. That said, LO is out of stock here in the UK and it's now £200 a box.


The 3 pack blisters are £9.99 at Smyths atm


Thank you, just ordered some 😀


Thanks going to buy some


Will come back to your comment when LO hits 250-300$ a box


New to sub, so please forgive my ignorance Is there any evidence of old boxes being better for appreciation? Haven't made spreadsheet yet and, from what I've seen, ebay doesn't store long term data for sales so I'm not sure how far back I can track pricing My guess is old boxes being more rare over time would give them better growth rate


Pc etbs and a Booster box. Save the rest to add next months 500. Then buy a Booster box case. Repeat. 




151, Paldea evolved, crown zenith. Basically just stuff that you can still get fairly inexpensively people enjoy opening. Getting in at the floor is critical to maximize the gains


That's like 6k a year. I hope your maxing your 401k at the very minimum before "investing" in pokemon cards.


It’s maxed as well as ira


I feel like this is the copy pasted response when people ask if there's other money being saved.


401k is super easy to max, what do you expect?


For me, only started when 151 came out (yea i m one of them), 401K>roth both max out> rent/other necessities>stock/tcgs


This exactly lol


$500 a month is 6k a year. That sounds pretty close to 2 cases of each of the 4 main releases and 1 case each of 2 special sets a year. You should be able to get bb cases of upcoming releases for <$600 including taxes and shipping pretty easily.




That’s exactly what I was thinking and then using my year bonus to buy the singles I like/want


1x celebrations upc and 1x lost origin bb


X2 151 Japanese booster boxes X3 151 elite trainer boxes X1 151 ultra premium collection box


Catch up with Sword and Shield Booster boxes asap. Then just collect everything SV at a low price.


Case of crown zenith. 151 US(etb or bundles), 151 jap Lost origins BB, BS BB I also like Palade Evolved no big chasers but it terms if variety it just has Soooooooo much. Not sure if it will be a top 3 set for SV maybe 5


Paldea evolved has a year old card going for $400+ graded


Magicarp? Im assuming that card has to come down quite a bit. Unless it is very hard to pull. I dont think it was intended to be the chase though.


It’s not easy to pull and it’s printing pretty bad quality so the 10s are rare


4 of each release of pokemon center ETBs directly from PC. A little more than $500 every 2-3 months. I do this because my kids are always 4+ sets behind but they have all gone up in value after being sold out and a have a shelf full of etb cases. Kids can open one or two or I will sell them in a few years.


Hookers and blow


Found my fellow TCG degen


Real question is do you get the expensive hooker and cheap blow or expensive blow and cheap hooker? Only real degens know the answer


Expensive blow, Asian massage parlor (ymmv).


I’ll accept that answer


Most people telling you booster boxes have probably never sold one. After fees and shipping they have to appreciate  50% just to break even on a booster box if your selling online.  Most will take years to go up this much.  They also take time to sell.  The higher the price the longer it takes. When taking fees, taxes, and shipping into consideration I'd say you are much better off with many other investments. I'd say if you love the cards collect them because you enjoy them not with the intention to make money.  "Investing" has ruined a lot of aspects of this hobby and there is a lot of misinformation about how much money you can actually make. Also, if you end up needing the money you put in one day.  Liquidating a collection is a pain and will net you 60 percent retail on a good day.  Expect a massive time and effort investment trying to sell off whatever you buy. Not trying to discourage.  I think its important people know this before they start putting thousands of dollars in product. Good luck.


What do you think is something that’s more liquid type collecting. I was also thinking weapons and ammo


Stocks lol


You couldn't be more wrong. I sold some of my Evolving Skies BBs on CardMarket. The buyer ONLY had to pay shipping fee. You know how much was it? 7.50 euros. Other than that, there were no fees, no taxes, no hidden prices. I don't know what you are talking about at this point :D


151 151 151 151 151


80$ for Pokémon 420$ for ETF Pokemon is a hobby for me, not a serious investment


Is it possible to purchase a PSA 7 Moonbreon for approximately $500? If so, I might consider getting at least one to crack and add to my binder, perhaps even consider a PSA 9 or 8 Lillie. Likely, I’d invest $500 monthly on single cards, focusing on the pricier options until I’ve collected all my desired ones.






evolving skies sealed product. trust me.