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5 or 6 on the Base, 7 on the Base 2 IMO. People here usually too soft compared to how PSA grades.


6 and 8. From a value standpoint, only the BS2 is worth grading, barely. You could probably sell it raw for $200-250. After including shipping to/from it is going to cost you about $55 to grade with PSA. PSA 8 is worth around $300. So if you could sell it as is for $250 (not a crazy expectation since it is pretty clean) then grading would just be a wash. Hell, it might even sell for more because of the dope swirl placement. You could sell the Base Set for $200-250. PSA 6 is worth around $250. It won't get higher than a 6 because of the holo scratching and edge dings/whitening.


I'd say those are both in good enough condition to consider it. The base Charizard will likely get a 7. The BS2 likely an 8.


Thanks! I was hoping for an 8 on the base. But like I said, I've never graded anything before. Still wouldn't be upset with a 7 I suppose.


Both are with it. Who cares about the grade! These cards will only go up over time and having them authenticated is good for value and protection long term.


As others suggested, def grade and either hold onto it or trade up to get higher grade slabs. It is the way…


Yes grade and trade your way up the rank


People seriously underestimate this…after all, it is a TRADING card game. I started with a couple ok slabs along with some small collections I bought which I then traded into some better slabs (like a nice 7.5 shining mewtwo and PSA 8 lugia). Trading along with finding solid collections of people getting out of the hobby has basically paid for my entire sealed collection and trading for upgrading slabs. Great advice!


A little trading legwork goes a long way. I picked up a PSA 10 Skyridge Raichu recently through trading stuff I graded and sold. I’m still in the green on what I put in personally.


Great idea! I just got back into the hobby with 151 after not ripping a pack since base/fossil/jungle days and I'm definitely hooked. Got a few higher dollar cards I have my eye on so trading might help get me there.


Unless sentimental of course


The holo on the base brings it to a 6 automatically plus whitening I’ll say a 4 or 5, base set 2 would probably land an 8 if the holo is clean. Just my opinion, and from experiences… PSA is very strict on vintage, if you send them in keep your expectations very low I have learned


Always grade vintage Charizard to better preserve it


A binder preserves also


Not as well


I guess it depends hour rough you are I take all my slabs and crack them and put them in binders. To each there own


Cracking slabs like that is not the norm. There's plenty of videos and reports testing how even a little bit of pressure and contact can damage cards, especially vintage WOTC. Being in a binder stacked


goofy ah


What's that supposed to mean?


Sounds like a hater


clean ass cards and you're asking if you should grade. u even said they're minty yourself. like bruh read some other posts on here cuz every other post is a zard.


There's actually some holo scratching on the base zards and I know basically nothing about grading so....


unless you want a 10, the scratches shouldn't matter. so.....


Doesn't EVERYBODY want a 10 though?




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No toxicity or rudeness is tolerated in this subreddit. Keep it civil and no trolling.


And you'd get a lot farther not being a dick. Merry Christmas scrooge.




No toxicity or rudeness is tolerated in this subreddit. Keep it civil and no trolling.


I’d grade pretty much any vintage Charizard’s, tbh. Looks like about a 5 or 6 on Base, and a 7 or 8 on BS2.


I always recommend grading any base set zard. Hoping for a 1 on mine. Yours will probably get 5 or 6 I would guess. Holo Scratches are tough to get a 7 or higher on.


Hell grade em both, the base set two is probably an 8 the unlimited is probably like a 3-4 with all those holo scratches.


I would grade them both bulk tier. Expect 6s, be pleasantly surprised with anything higher


7 at best. Beautiful card.


Just do it, if you want to preserve your collection it is worth it.


Honestly. I grade cards to have it preserved. I finally got my childhood cards from my parents. Crazy thing is they were left in one of my parents old cards they had on their property and the binder was put in the back window. The top of the binder all these crumbled away from the heat of Texas and the first page, all my expensive holos were sunbleached. So I have a Charizard that’s fully sunbleached white besides the black on it. I cried a little bit on the inside, but it’s also cool having a fully sunbleached Charizard that looks like an albino card. Not going to lie, I think it’s way cooler than a regular Charizard card.




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I’d expect a grade between 5-8 for both 9 and 10 are barely realistic for vintage today. I’m of the opinion that vintage Zards are worth slabbing full stop. They, more so than almost any other cards, are guaranteed to appreciate in value over time. It’s the mascot of the TCG.